My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4356: critical moment, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

Chen Yang once heard the Chinese Emperor Ling say that after you reach a certain level of cultivation, countless disasters will come. Among them are major tribulations, minor tribulations, demonic tribulations, and heavenly tribulations!

He didn't quite understand it at the time. Because he has basically never experienced any demonic or celestial tribulations since he started practicing.

But when he comes back to this life, he will no longer have the identity of the Destined King and no luck. Those disasters are finally starting to happen.

Chen Yang feels that he can no longer practice. The friction between the magnetic field in his body and the external magnetic field may detonate the magnetic field thunder at any time, causing his body to explode.

At that point, it's really a dead end.

In this vast world, he was a bit like a normal person in a very turbid tunnel, with extremely stagnant air and the presence of miasma, which made him very uncomfortable.

At this time, you can understand why so many true gods have run into the void.

It’s completely a state of being deprived of oxygen all the time!

Chen Yang quickly left the tomb of King Solomon. After leaving, he faced a vast desert.

At this time, dawn had just arrived, and the white fish belly appeared on the horizon.

Chen Yang didn't dare to exercise his power too vigorously. Once he exercised his power, he might cause thunder from the void to come down.

He looked around and felt a little desperate.

If you want to survive the thunder tribulation at this time, it is best to go to the sea or the lake! Use water to offset some of the thunder first, so it can be absorbed smoothly!

But it is too difficult to find a lake in this desert.

Now he could create the Void Spirit to fly, but he was afraid of making too big a move, so he directly attracted the thunder.

"There is no other way. Since there is no lake, let's go to the sea of ​​sand!" Chen Yang was heartbroken and simply used his magic power on the spot to drill into the desert.

His magic power is now considered to be majestic and powerful, and he penetrated ten meters into the ground in one go.

There is no way to continue drilling, because if you drill any further, the magnetic field in your body will begin to return to normal.

After returning to normal, there is no way to attract Thunder.

Obviously, if you avoid it too well, you won't be able to survive the thunder tribulation!

Between the heavens and the way, all kinds of balances have already been properly arranged.

It is impossible to easily survive the thunder tribulation.

"It's better to go through the thunder tribulation here underground than in the lake!" Chen Yang knew very well that the layer of sand and land above could not block too many thunders. If it's in the water, it's much easier. Because water can better share thunder...

In this sand, after the thunder splits the soil and sand above, it goes directly to his body.

But now there is no other way.

After Chen Yang took a deep breath, he began to use the magic power in his body.

Mana flows…

When he dug into the ground just now, his movements were already big enough. The magnetic field in the body becomes stronger and stronger...

So in the area above this area, thunderclouds began to gather.

In the thunder clouds, thunder flashes!

Suddenly, a thick thunder struck down, directly hitting where Chen Yang was.

Chen Yang immediately used all his magic power to resist.


In just one click, the thunder split open the soil and sand above, and then the thunder struck the protective shield that Chen Yang had offered.


The protective cover shattered directly.

The surrounding area was scorched.

Chen Yang himself was not injured.

This thunder was finally blocked.

But soon, another thunder struck again.

"Holy shit, it's endless!" Chen Yang was so frightened that he quickly burrowed into the ground in the crisis. At the same time, a protective shield was put out.


This time, the protective cover was split open again.

The dust above was also split into countless pieces of scorched earth.

Then, the thunder clouds continued to condense and strike down.

Chen Yang had no choice but to dive into the ground again.

Finally, deep underground, he saw underground water.

So a fierce man drilled into the groundwater.

Thunder continues to kill.

Chen Yang did not sacrifice the protective shield again this time... He finally understood that if he kept resisting, he would not accept the baptism of thunder. Then the magnetic field in the body will never be calmed.


The next second, the thunder finally hit the groundwater, and then hit Chen Yang accurately.

At this moment, Chen Yang felt a violent electric current running through his whole body, all his limbs!

His mana has been flowing vigorously in his body, and he has also quickly absorbed the power of thunder.

Even so, the power of this thunder was still too strong. After all, he couldn't help it and spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Then, the whole person becomes drowsy and about to fall asleep.

"This is not possible. If you fall asleep in here, you will drown directly!" Chen Yang used the remaining magic power to form a void soul. The Void Soul quickly supported his body and then flew upwards.

After flying to the desert, Chen Yang saw that the thunderclouds above finally dissipated.

At the same time, the restless magnetic field in the body also calmed down.

This thunderstorm was finally passed smoothly.

After Lei Lei tempered the magnetic field in Chen Yang's body, he was finally able to get along well with the magnetic field from the outside world.

Then, Chen Yang could no longer hold on and fainted. br>In the past, when masters were going through tribulations, they had to find someone they trusted to protect them. This is the reason.

Once the tribulation is over, you will be very weak. If the enemy comes at this time, it will be finished!

Chen Yang fell asleep for ten hours. Ten hours later, he finally woke up and turned around.

When I woke up, it was already four o'clock in the afternoon.

He immediately sat up in shock, scanned his surroundings with his spiritual mind, and noticed the passage of time.

"Fortunately, it's still too late!" Then, Chen Yang breathed a sigh of relief.

But as soon as he moved, his body felt like a knife was cutting him, and his whole body was sore.

The whole person was extremely weak.

Even the Hidden Dragon Master couldn't beat him.

"What the fuck!" Chen Yang cursed secretly.

This experience made him feel that he was still a little careless after all, and wrongly underestimated the horror of the natural disaster. When you act again in the future, you must be extremely careful and be fully prepared!

Afterwards, Chen Yang held the original stone again and absorbed the massive spiritual energy in the original stone.

After the spiritual energy entered his body, he immediately greedily absorbed it.

After being irrigated by thunder, the cells in the body became much stronger, but at the same time, they were also in a state of extreme lack of nutrients.

The heart vessels also suffered considerable damage.

After absorbing this for about three more hours, dusk has fallen, and the setting sun is like residual blood.

Chen Yang felt much better, but his heart was damaged and it would take at least a month to fully recover. After the heart meridians are damaged, casting the spell too violently will aggravate the damage to the heart meridians.

Right now, Chen Yang can only use 50% of his power!

Once it exceeds 50%, it is very bad.

"I have to go back and solve the trouble first!" Chen Yang was irritated when he thought about what happened at the Sun Temple, but he had to go.

All the clothes on his body have been destroyed, and now he is almost naked.

Immediately, he found some clothes from Jiexumi and put them on, and then put on a black cloak to cover his figure. Then he found a mask to cover his face, and also found a hat to put on. This preparation is to wrap yourself up tightly and not reveal any trace.

After doing this, Chen Yang used his magic power to form the Void Soul.

The Void Soul wrapped around his body and quickly flew into the air.

Due to the injury, the flying speed was not too fast.

Chen Yang didn't dare to go too fast, because flying now was extremely draining of energy. If he just flew over like this, I'd be afraid that his strength would be exhausted by the time he got to the scene.

So while flying in the void, he had to absorb the spiritual energy of the original stone.

If it weren't for the fact that the original stone can provide infinite spiritual energy, Chen Yang would definitely not be able to play it this time, because without the original stone, he would need pills. The amount of this elixir is too large...

Four hours later, Chen Yang finally flew over Shenglun City.

His spiritual thoughts communicated with the spiritual thoughts of Zanglong Zhenren, and he knew that the Changbai Four Monsters had not taken action yet.

When Chen Yang saw this, he didn't rush to rescue him. He first found a secluded patch of grass, sat cross-legged, and absorbed the spiritual energy.

He must absorb more spiritual energy to restore his strength better.

In the ancient castle of the Sun Temple, the four Changbai monsters had been waiting for a whole day and night.

The time has come at this moment, but the expert has not yet appeared.

Xu Changfeng asked Li Fei to invite Zanglong Zhenren, Luo Tianyao and Qin Yunshuang out.

Luo Tianyao and Qin Yunshuang were in a state of confusion.

After Master Hidden Dragon came out, he said to Xu Changfeng: "The master behind this junior will be here soon. Please wait patiently for a while!"

"One day and one night have passed!" Xu Changfeng said coldly: "I have kept my promise. Now, I count from one to three and the word "three" falls. If he hasn't arrived yet, then I will go on a killing spree!"


Xu Changfeng's face was cold and his voice was cold!

Luo Tianyao and Qin Yunshuang turned pale, thinking how could the other party arrive in such a short time!

Isn't this a dead end?

The shadow of death hangs over their heads.

Quentin said nothing and looked at him coldly. He has absolutely no thoughts about Luo Tianyao, and he doesn't dare to have any!

"Three..." Xu Changfeng's three words fell out, and murderous intent bloomed in his eyes.

He said to Li Fei: "Kill the hidden dragon first!"

Zanglong Zhenren could not help but secretly complain, feeling that his life was extremely miserable!

Li Fei smiled ferociously again and was about to take action.

At this moment, a voice came from the void.

"You guys are too impatient." This was a cold voice that sounded a little old.

In fact, this is Chen Yang's voice, but Chen Yang changed his voice.

Xu Changfeng and others were shocked.

Wei Chen scanned all directions with his spiritual mind, but couldn't find the source of the sound. He immediately shouted: "Where is the monster, pretending to be a ghost, why don't you show up soon!"

In the vast universe, the birth and death of a galaxy is just a moment of mottled light. Looking up at the stars, there is always a sense of sadness that the ending is doomed. Where will you and me be after thousands of years? The country, the fire of civilization, and the earth are all but a speck of dust in the deep sky. A moment in the starry sky and a thousand years in the world. The buzz of insects lasts for a lifetime, but you and I are still struggling to survive. What is at the end of deep space? Aiyue novel app

The train goes away, bringing with it a large number of withered yellow leaves and the desolation of autumn in the vibration of the railway track.

Wang Xuan watched until the train gradually disappeared, then he looked away and sent several classmates away.

Since then, we have been separated, and we don’t know how many years it will take before we can see each other again, and some people may even never meet again.

Around him, some people were still waving slowly, not letting go for a long time, while others were silent and quite sad.

After four years of college together, the accumulated friendship is always hard to let go.

The afterglow of the setting sun slants on the falling yellow leaves, and the light and shadow are mottled, interweaving a sense of the passage of time.

Waves of waves sounding like Sanskrit chants sounded around him, strong light began to rise rapidly, and a huge golden light and shadow reflected behind him. Tang San's eyes were like lightning for a moment, staring into the sky.

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Suddenly, a loud "boom" sound erupted from the Paradise Flower, and a huge golden light pillar rose into the sky, straight into the sky.

Not far away, the Demon Emperor Tianhu felt a shocking will burst out. The entire **** garden trembled violently, the flowers began to wither quickly, and all the luck seemed to be condensing towards the golden beam of light. .

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His face changed drastically but he did not dare to neglect. He shook his body and revealed his original shape, turning into a nine-tailed sky fox with a length of more than 100 meters. Each guard was more than 300 meters long. The tail is across the sky, covering the sky and the sun. Emitting a large amount of luck into the Hell Garden, stabilizing the plane.

The Hell Garden must not be broken, otherwise it will be a devastating disaster for the Sky Fox Clan.

Ancestral Court, Tianhu Holy Mountain.

The golden light that had already subsided suddenly became stronger again. Not only that, the body of Tianhu Holy Mountain also emitted white light, but the white light seemed to be collapsing inward, pouring into the interior.

A golden beam of light shot up into the sky without warning, and instantly rushed high into the sky.

The emperors who had just resisted another thunderstorm dispersed almost subconsciously. And the next moment, the golden light pillar had already rushed into the calamity cloud.

The dark clouds were instantly lit up and turned into dark golden clouds. All the purple color disappeared at this moment, replaced by huge golden thunder. It seemed that the entire plane was filled with anger.

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The train goes away, bringing with it a large number of withered yellow leaves and the desolation of autumn in the vibration of the railway track.

Wang Xuan watched until the train gradually disappeared, then he looked away and sent several classmates away. Aiyue novel app

Since then, we have been separated, and we don’t know how many years it will take before we can see each other again, and some people may even never meet again.

Around him, some people were still waving slowly, not letting go for a long time, while others were silent and quite sad.

After four years of college together, the accumulated friendship is always hard to let go.

The afterglow of the setting sun slants on the falling yellow leaves, and the light and shadow are mottled, interweaving a sense of the passage of time.

To provide you with the fastest update of the peerless master who laughs to the sky

Chapter 4356 The critical moment is free to read.

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