My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4346: The sky is high and the birds can fly, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

After bidding farewell to Master Hidden Dragon, Chen Yang quickly summoned the great white shark and re-entered the ocean. When they arrived at the yacht, they picked up the water column and carried themselves to the deck. After doing this, he withdrew the Star Condensation Technique and returned to his room.

This night, it was extremely peaceful, as if nothing had happened.

The next morning, the sun rose in the east, and the morning rays shone on the sea, which was particularly beautiful.

Amid the sparkling waves, an island suddenly appeared in front of him.

After the captain saw the island, he was extremely excited and immediately ran to tell Luo Tianyao and Qin Yunshuang. Luo Tianyao immediately went to the deck to observe, and then he also discovered the island. Immediately excited...

The yacht quickly approaches the island!

However, there is no suitable docking point for yachts on the island, so the yachts can only float on the sea. Several of them took a speedboat to the shore.

When he was about to take the speedboat, Chen Yang said, "I won't go."

Luo Tianyao looked at Chen Yang doubtfully, and Chen Yang smiled and said: "I'm afraid of danger, and my ability is weak. After I go, I will save you. I don't have the ability. If you don't save me, my conscience will suffer again."

Luo Tianyao smiled slightly and said, "What you said makes sense, okay!"

Qin Yunshuang was even more disappointed with Chen Yang.

Chen Yang didn't care much in his heart and didn't want to have any emotional entanglements with Qin Yunshuang. When he first teased her, it was because it was fun and because she had no feelings for him. The situation is a little different now, so he doesn't want to continue dragging his feet. What I was thinking about was to let Master Hidden Dragon protect them. I can be considered as repaying all the kindness and affection, and then I will find a chance to leave.

Luo Tianyao is a broad-minded person and doesn't care about Chen Yang, so he plans to take Qin Yunshuang to the island. Who knows that Qin Yunshuang said to Chen Yang at this time: "Are you considered a man?"

Chen Yang smiled faintly and said: "As the old saying goes, a gentleman does not stand behind a dangerous wall. When you met Chen Yihan before, the danger was unavoidable, so there was nothing to say. But now, you take the initiative to come here and do it again Involved in danger. Then I have absolutely no obligation or necessity to accompany you."

Qin Yunshuang was suddenly speechless.

Luo Tianyao was also stunned, then nodded and said: "You see the problem very thoroughly, and what you say makes sense!"

When Qin Yunshuang was still waiting to say anything, Luo Tianyao directly pulled Qin Yunshuang off to the speedboat.

After that, Luo Tianyao personally drove the speedboat towards the coast.

Chen Yang naturally didn't have to worry about them, and knew that they would succeed.

They went there for about three hours, and three hours later, Master Hidden Dragon came with them on a speedboat.

After they got on the deck, Chen Yang saw that Luo Tianyao and Qin Yunshuang could not hide their excitement in their eyes, and at the same time they were respectful to Zanglong Zhenren.

When Chen Yang and Master Canglong looked at each other, Master Canglong nodded slightly to show respect when Luo Tianyao and Qin Yunshuang were not paying attention.

Luo Tianyao immediately called Chen Yang to come and see the real Canglong.

Chen Yang felt helpless, but he could only step forward.

Master Canglong dared to accept Chen Yang's salute, so he immediately put on a straight face and said: "Hey, you kid, please don't salute to this poor man. This poor man doesn't like these worldly and vain things!"

Chen Yang shrugged, saying that it wasn't that he didn't want to salute.

Luo Tianyao no longer forced himself, and had no intention of caring about Chen Yang anymore, so he took Zanglong Zhenren into the yacht.

At noon that day, Luo Tianyao asked the kitchen to prepare a sumptuous lunch.

Naturally, Chen Yang was also present.

In the restaurant, the sunlight is refracted in, the music is melodious, and the atmosphere is very good.

Luo Tianyao and Qin Yunshuang toasted to Master Canglong one after another, and Master Canglong also responded with a smile one by one, very kind and polite.

At the same time, Master Canglong also showed unusual enthusiasm for Chen Yang. He repeatedly said that Chen Yang, this little brother, has excellent bones. In time, he will definitely become a dragon or a phoenix among men. He also said that as long as Chen Yang is willing to learn Taoism, he will definitely teach it with all his money. Luo Tianyao asked Chen Yang to quickly become a disciple...

Chen Yang pretended to get up...

At this time, Master Zanglong quickly stood up and said, "This is absolutely impossible!"

Luo Tianyao and Qin Yunshuang were immediately confused. Zhenlong Zhenren said: "Whatever the little brother wants to learn, Pindao is very willing to teach it. But with Pindao's meager magic, who is qualified to be the master of the little brother!"

Chen Yang was amused, thinking that this real Hidden Dragon was pretty good at being a good person. It is inconvenient for me to show my strength in front of Qin Yunshuang and Luo Tianyao. In this case, it is easy for them to take him seriously. Now that Master Zanglong pays so much attention to it, his right to speak will increase. After that, it will be much easier to go out on your own and be away for a while.

In fact, with his current ability, he can leave if he wants to.

But he didn't like to leave without saying goodbye, and he was afraid of leaving some involvement.

With such a sudden departure, Qin Yunshuang and Luo Tianyao would inevitably have a lot of worries in their hearts. This was not what he wanted.

Moreover, Luo Tianyao and Qin Yunshuang were also surprised when they saw how much Master Hidden Dragon valued Chen Yang. They think Chen Yang is extremely talented, but that's just their vision. But now even Master Hidden Dragon feels this way, so this guy's future will definitely be limitless.

Chen Yang was not very polite to Zanglong Zhenren, and said with a smile: "The Taoist Master is an expert in this world. I am a little curious, on what conditions did our eldest daughter invite you to come out? This ordinary thing, there are Is it something you like?"

In his heart, he was curious as to how Master Hidden Dragon made an agreement with Luo Tianyao and the others to come out.

Master Zanglong also knew that the other party wanted to ask him how to deal with it.

Just as he was about to reply, Luo Tianyao scolded Chen Yang: "Chen Yang, how can you be so rude to a real person? Apologize quickly?"

"Presumptuous!" At this moment, Zanglong Zhenren scolded Luo Tianyao, and said with a serious face: "Miss Luo, this little brother Chen Yang is a person that the poor Taoist values ​​​​and he will definitely be an immortal in the future. The road is endless. I want to try my best to lead him on the road. There will be many places to rely on him in the future. If you are rude to him now, you are rude to me. If you treat him like this again, don't blame me for turning around. Just left."

"This..." Luo Tianyao was stunned for a moment.

Master Hidden Dragon said again: "Please apologize to my friend immediately!"

"I..." Luo Tianyao said.

Chen Yang immediately said seriously: "Taoist Master, let me tell you, the eldest lady is my benefactor. Do you understand my benefactor? If you make the eldest lady unhappy, then if I am really capable in the future, I will be the first to beat you up." you."

"You..." Luo Tianyao couldn't help but be speechless, wondering where this was going!

Master Zanglong would get off the donkey along the **** and said: "Okay, little brother, whatever you say will be whatever it is."

Then, he said: "Little brother, weren't you curious why Pindao came out of the mountain?"

Chen Yang nodded and said, "Not bad!"

Zhenlong Zhenren said: "It's very simple, because Pindao has been practicing on this Hidden Dragon Island for ten years, and within ten years, his cultivation has not improved at all. It can be said that Pindao is now in a state of meditation. It was also calculated that calamity and luck are appearing together. Pindao went out this time just to experience calamity. There are some disasters in Miss Luo, which are closely related to Pindao, so Pindao must go out this time."

Chen Yang said: "That's it." He thought to himself that this old boy is quite good at making mistakes.

That night, Chen Yang was sleeping in the room.

Qin Yunshuang suddenly came to knock on the door.

Chen Yang was frightened and thought to himself, "Could she want to sacrifice herself?" When he thought of this, his mouth suddenly became dry.

He hasn't had **** with men for a long time...

Can you control this?

But soon, he shook his head, feeling that he was completely out of his mind.

How could Qin Yunshuang be such a person?

He went to open the door.

In front of the door, Qin Yunshuang was wearing a red sports T-shirt and jeans, looking particularly heroic. In her heroic spirit, there is also a kind of maturity and style of a royal sister.

But at this moment, her face was cold.

When Chen Yang saw Qin Yunshuang, he immediately smiled and said, "Sister Shuang, is it so late?"

"Follow me!" Qin Yunshuang said coldly.

After saying that, he turned around and led the way.

Chen Yang had no choice but to follow.

Qin Yunshuang took Chen Yang to a deck at the back. It was very quiet here and the sea breeze was blowing, making it especially cool.

A bright moon is in the sky.

When the sea breeze blew over, Qin Yunshuang pulled out the hairpin, and her hair suddenly became messy. The amorous feelings in that moment made people unable to help but fall in love with her.

The two of them held on to the railing and looked forward.

Now the yacht is rushing back day and night.

"Sister Shuang, it's so late, you didn't call me to see the night view, right?" Chen Yang said.

Qin Yunshuang said in a deep voice: "Now that Master Hidden Dragon values ​​you so much, what do you think?"

Chen Yang shrugged and said, "I don't have any big ideas. Anyway, if he is willing to teach, I will learn."

"This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!" Qin Yunshuang said: "How can you treat it so negatively? You are not a young master from a rich family. You should know how rare the opportunity is. What has happened to you recently? I You look abnormal. What are you thinking about? Have you forgotten those days in that attic, do you still want to go back? "

Chen Yang said: "The main thing is that I achieved my goal."

"What purpose?" Qin Yunshuang couldn't help but be surprised.

Chen Yang said: "Since I was born, many things have been out of my control. Later, in that attic, I was helpless. Because I had no identity, what could I do? I have been dormant, waiting for opportunities. Then you finally found it. Me, I have also obtained a legal status. From now on, I can fly as high as the sky!"

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