My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4341: four emperors, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

After Luo Tianyao and Qin Yunshuang escaped from death, they were filled with emotion. At the same time, their eyes were opened this time.

Luo Tianyao said to Qin Yunshuang: "I thought we had touched the true meaning of the great road. Although there is still a certain distance from the highest realm, it is not too far away. Now..." At this point, he couldn't help but smile bitterly and said : "Now it seems that we are the real frogs in the well."

Qin Yunshuang also felt frustrated.

Luo Tianyao said: "Everything in the Sun Temple is meaningless to me now. Quenting is not a threat. I partly want to stay here and find the way, or let Mr. Nangong introduce us to it. Tianshimen."

Qin Yunshuang said: "But the level of the Tianshi Sect seems to more than that!" After a pause, he said: "The old man who saved us this time has really terrifying magic power. It's a pity that he refused to accept us as his disciples!"

Luo Tianyao said: "It's very strange for this old man to appear. He came just in time. I wonder if it was Mr. Nangong's arrangement..."

Qin Yunshuang smiled and said, "Can't you just ask?"

Luo Tianyao said: "That's true!"

At this time, their car had already arrived on another highway.

The morning sun shines on the front windshield, and the sunlight prints on their beautiful faces, like a layer of holy brilliance!

Luo Tianyao immediately called Mr. Nangong and told him about Chen Yihan's horror, the defeat of the Tianshi Sect, and the final rescue of the mysterious old man.

"Mysterious old man?" Mr. Nangong was shocked when he first heard about Chen Yihan's power. Later, he was confused when he heard that a mysterious old man had taken action. Doubtful and surprised...

Luo Tianyao is also a smart person. After hearing this, he knew that the mysterious old man was not arranged by Mr. Nangong.

Then, Luo Tianyao asked on the phone: "Grandpa Nangong, that mysterious old man said that Chen Yihan is the son of the Demon Emperor. Who is this Demon Emperor?"

Mr. Nangong was shocked and said: "He is actually the son of the Demon Emperor, no wonder he is so capable!"

Then, he said: "Today in the East, there are four absolute masters, which are insurmountable. They are called the Four Emperors, namely the Demon Emperor, the Shura Emperor, the God Emperor, and the Chinese Emperor. Among them, the Shura Emperor's methods The most vicious, the Demon Emperor is the most evil... The God Emperor is impartial and wholeheartedly pursues a higher realm, and his cultivation level is also the highest. He is the head of the Four Emperors... It can be said that the other three emperors can be counted as his disciples. Four Among the emperors, the Chinese Emperor is the most kind-hearted and righteous. The Chinese Emperor Chen Ling has a very good relationship with us, but it is a pity that he has been traveling in outer space and is rarely on the earth. "

"It's all out of the earth..." Luo Tianyao was stunned and murmured: "How come this is the same as what is written in those novels about cultivating immortals?"

Mr. Nangong continued: "I can't guess the origin of this mysterious old man. But I think he is definitely not the opponent of the Demon Emperor. Fortunately, the Demon Emperor is still suppressed in Mount Tai. Otherwise, the follow-up Trouble is still inevitable. Including you... I can only hope that the Emperor of China can come back soon and let him intervene to keep you safe. "

Luo Tianyao was startled, and fear arose in her heart. She thought that this incident was over and everything had cleared up. But now when it came to the Demon Emperor, she felt a crisis again.

Mr. Nangong felt Luo Tianyao's fear through the phone, and immediately comforted him: "Don't worry too much, the Demon Emperor was too evil in nature and committed too many evil things, so he was joined by the God Emperor and the Chinese Emperor. Suppressed him on Mount Tai. People like them have long lifespans, and they may be suppressed for another three to five hundred years."

Luo Tianyao immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

She also wants to be strong in her life. She feels that it is best to be able to solve everything by herself and be strong. At that moment, he couldn't help but said: "Grandpa Nangong, it would be great if I could also enter the Taoist sect and practice their ability to reach the sky and escape from the earth. By then, I can also be like the great emperor of China, guarding our East. civilization."

Mr. Nangong sighed and said: "Actually, we have our own Taoist system, and we have been working hard to cultivate talents in this area, but it is too difficult."

"I know, this must be difficult!" Luo Tianyao said.

Mr. Nangong said: "The most difficult thing is not whether your talents are enough, but the elixirs needed for practice. Those elixirs do not mean that we can just find some precious medicinal materials. The art of alchemy is difficult and requires strong people. Only with the mana and alchemy furnace can you refine pure elixirs, and the amount of elixirs produced during cultivation is immeasurable. I have also told the Emperor of China about this issue."

Luo Tianyao was very interested and said, "What did the emperor say?"

Mr. Nangong said: "Cultivating immortals is going against heaven. Life, old age, illness and death are the normal order of the world. Cultivating immortals is of course difficult. If it is not difficult, there will be big problems. People like them are loopholes in the way of heaven. "

Luo Tianyao said: "So..."

Mr. Nangong said: "So, there is no solution! There is no way to systematically train more masters. Moreover, it is a good thing that we cannot train systematically. Otherwise, the number of real masters will increase and the world will be in chaos."

Luo Tianyao took a closer look and said, "That's true!"

Finally, she said: "But no matter what, Grandpa Nangong, if I want to take this path, what do you think I should do?"

Mr. Nangong said: "Then you need to wait until I have the opportunity to contact the Chinese Emperor. If he is willing to accept you as his disciple, you have a good chance!"

Luo Tianyao couldn't help but be overjoyed and said, "Thank you very much."

Mr. Nangong smiled and said, "Why are you so polite to me?"

Luo Tianyao thought about the Holy Holy See Quenting again, and said to Mr. Nangong: "Grandpa Nangong, I also have some troubles in the Sun Temple. If I can invite some strange people and things from the east to go back with me, it will be really great. No more worries.”

Although she no longer wants to care about the affairs of the Sun Temple, her father is still in seclusion.

Many things in the Sun Temple were still complicated, and she couldn't really give them up. Even if she wanted to leave, she had to deal with the issues before leaving.

After pondering for a long time, Mr. Nangong said: "There are still many strange people and strangers in the East, but you also know that all strange people and strangers have weird personalities and are unrestrained. If you want them to help you, unless you have enough The temptation. But this temptation is not money, they need elixir. You don’t have this elixir either!"

Luo Tianyao said: "I want to try my luck. Maybe if I treat you with sincerity, I can get a strange person?"

Mr. Nangong said: "This idea is a bit naive. Even strange people are afraid of being robbed in the world." After a pause, he added: "But since you have spoken, I can also give you some direction."

Luo Tianyao was immediately overjoyed.

Mr. Nangong said: "There is an island deep in the North Sea, called Hidden Dragon Island! I can send the coordinates of Hidden Dragon Island to your email. But whether you can find it depends on luck. On that Hidden Dragon Island, there is a Master Hidden Dragon... has a somewhat eccentric temperament, but his style is quite decent. You can give it a try, but don't have high hopes."

Luo Tianyao said hurriedly: "Thank you!"

After ending the call with Mr. Nangong, Luo Tianyao decided to go to Hidden Dragon Island to find the real Hidden Dragon.

After that, Mr. Nangong also sent the coordinates to Luo Tianyao's mailbox.

Qin Yunshuang was a little worried that there would be danger here.

Luo Tianyao disagreed with this and said: "First of all, there must be danger. It is impossible for us to have a huge treasure in front of us and we can get it without any effort. If this is the case, it will not be our turn! Secondly, since Mr. Nangong dares to introduce it, it means that this person is not a bad person. He will not introduce a bad person to us!"

Qin Yunshuang thought so and immediately stopped objecting. After that, she thought of Chen Yang again and said: "Chen Yang... we don't care about him? Just because he left? But it doesn't mean that he is cold and heartless. What can he do in that situation? Really? Risk your life?"

She has been thinking about Chen Yang.

After Chen Yang left, she felt uncomfortable.

But later on, she put herself in Chen Yang's shoes again and again. It feels like I am in a different place and I should be able to leave too! Do you really want to risk your life like that?

When Luo Tianyao heard what Qin Yunshuang said, she also fell silent.

She also thought about Chen Yang's problem.

I remembered that Chen Yang was determined to face it together before, but later he was defeated and had no choice but to leave.

The only uncomfortable thing is that Chen Yang left so cleanly...

After being silent for a while, she smiled at Qin Yunshuang and said, "Get him back and let him know that we are fine. Otherwise, he will always have baggage in his heart, and maybe this will be the end of his life."

Qin Yunshuang suddenly became happy when she heard what Luo Tianyao said.

After that, Qin Yunshuang called Chen Yang.

After Chen Yang returned here, he also bought a new mobile phone.

When he received Qin Yunshuang's call, Chen Yang was shopping leisurely, enjoying the tranquility of being alone in the metropolis. He enjoyed it because he had nothing to worry about. Because he knew that he had saved Qin Yunshuang and Luo Tianyao.

At this time, Qin Yunshuang actually called, which surprised him.

Looking at the caller number on my phone...

Chen Yang fell into deep thought.

Are you calling me here to scold yourself?

Or should we just break off the relationship?

He felt that Qin Yunshuang must have nothing nice to say. After all, I behaved so unfaithfully...

Hey, it’s not that I don’t want to appear loyal. The main reason is that he knows Chen Yihan's virtue. If he continues to perform and loses his temper, Chen Yihan will directly kill himself. Then wouldn’t he be exposed?

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