My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4336: The dust has settled, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

Lin He's whole body of mana was poured into the fire pattern sword, and the runes on the fire pattern sword began to flow on the sword like flowing water. In an instant, blue flames rose from the fire pattern sword. Then, like a bolt of lightning, the Fire Pattern Sword slashed towards Zhang Muchen's right arm.

Lin He was still afraid that he would kill Zhang Muchen with one sword.

Because Chen Yihan had already told him not to kill Zhang Muchen.

Chen Yihan was very measured in his heart, and he could make fools of himself, but if he really killed the people from the Tianshi Sect, there would be a lot of trouble. He felt there was no need to get into such big trouble.

Zhang Muchen is not a vegetarian either. His thunder sword was also refined by his master and has thunder symbols engraved on it. In an instant, mana was poured into the Thunder Sword, and lightning suddenly bloomed on the Thunder Sword, with lightning flashing.

The Thunder Sword also shot out quickly.

Then he cut with the fire pattern sword.


The two sword lights kill the general together, sparking brilliant sparks!

There weren't that many bells and whistles, but this collision really made Luo Tianyao and Qin Yunshuang's jaws drop. This is also the first time they have seen someone who can wield a sword with energy!

This kind of flying sword killing should originally only exist in fantasy novels and film and television dramas. But at this moment, they really saw it.

Although they knew this existed, seeing it with their own eyes was still shocking enough.

After the two small swords collided, they each flew back to their respective masters.

A cold light flashed in Lin He's eyes, and he lit up the fire pattern sword again.

The fire-patterned sword struck out again.

Zhang Muchen felt the energy and blood inside his body rolling, and his magic power surged wildly. The flames in the fire pattern sword were so powerful that he felt a burning sensation in his body. This is just the result of the collision of mana between the two...

If he really allowed that flame to enter his body, he would be burned to ashes immediately.

Zhang Muchen could only bite the bullet and activate the Thunder Sword again.


The two small swords collided again, sparking brilliant fireworks.

They collided five times in a row. On the fifth time, thunder flashed in the Thunder Sword... Then, the fire pattern sword cut the Thunder Sword into two pieces.


The sword light shot out in all directions, and the two blades of the fire-patterned sword bounced away a hundred meters away.

Zhang Muchen's throat suddenly felt sweet and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

The next second, the fire pattern sword had already hit Zhang Muchen's eyebrows.

If he had gone an inch further, Zhang Muchen would have been a dead body. But Lin He controlled the fire pattern sword, making the fire pattern sword stand in the void...

"You lost!" Lin He looked at Zhang Muchen with cold eyes.

Zhang Muchen's face turned pale, he nodded and said, "Yes, I lost!"

Lin He then waved his hand, and the fire pattern sword flew back to his ring.

Lin He won this battle.

Later, Lin He returned to Chen Yihan.

Chen Yihan said to Lin He: "There is nothing to be proud of. The other party is just a weakling. Don't be complacent about it. Do you understand?"

Lin He said: "I understand!"

Chen Yihan looked up at Luo Tianyao and said, "This is the last game, you can send as many people as you want!"

At this time, Zhang Muchen's second junior brother Zhang Muchen stood up and said, "I will fight this battle!"

Chen Yihan then said to Chang Sheng, another man beside him: "Go and fight him. If you lose, you know what the consequences will be."

Chang Sheng immediately shuddered, but still said respectfully: "I understand!"

Then, Chang Sheng stood up and faced Zhang Mufeng!

The two didn't talk too much and then started a life and death struggle.

Their cultivation levels are quite similar, and they are all at the peak of the God Transformation Realm.

Fighting with fists and sharp edges, feet like blades, and powerful moves.

The two men were fighting evenly for a while, evenly matched.

A move that always wins, with a hint of Xuanmen authenticity in its sinister nature.

Zhang Mufeng, on the other hand, is extremely calm, plays steadily and never gives a chance to win.

I saw two people punching and palming, pointing and kicking, causing people to die.

Five minutes passed quickly...

For ordinary people, these five minutes are a snap of the fingers. But for such a fighting master, it is long enough.

Physical combat and deadly moves rely on mental strength, courage, and wisdom.

It is absolutely impossible to fight for three days and three nights like in martial arts dramas, with no distinction between top and bottom.

After three days and three nights, he had already died of heart failure.

At this time, the fight between Chang Sheng and Zhang Mufeng had reached a fever pitch.

Chang Sheng's psychological burden is heavier. He knows that if he loses, his little master will definitely kill him.

Therefore, he knew that he must not lose.

And what about Zhang Mufeng?

Zhang Mufeng knew that he lost, and that would only make Luo Tianyao and Qin Yunshuang pay the price. After all, it still can't hurt him...

He also knew that Chen Yihan and his party did not want to kill anyone.

Therefore, Zhang Mufeng's mentality is very stable.

In his anxiety, Chang Sheng finally revealed a flaw. Although Zhang Mufeng is stable, he never wants to lose. This time he represents Tianshi Sect in the battle. If Luo Tianyao and others are insulted by the opponent in the end, how will Tianshi Sect lose its face? So he immediately seized this rare opportunity, rushed in quickly, turned his hands into finger knives, and penetrated quickly.

In the rush to win, you can only retreat!

His retreat was the beginning of a complete defeat.

Zhang Mufeng's attack became even more fierce, showing no mercy. Seeing that if things continue like this, Chang Sheng will be defeated.

At this moment, Chen Yihan's eyes revealed a fierce light.

The fierce light seems to have turned into reality...

Zhang Mufeng felt a sword light coming in front of him, with fierce murderous intent!

He couldn't help but turn pale in horror, and quickly turned over to avoid this murderous intent.

"Bang!" At this moment, Chang Sheng seized the opportunity and kicked Zhang Mufeng in the abdomen with lightning.

Zhang Mufeng immediately flew out and fell to the ground. At that moment, he felt like a knife was twisting in his stomach, and large beads of sweat instantly appeared on his forehead.

"You are cheating!" Luo Tianyao immediately stood up and said angrily to Chen Yihan.

Chen Yihan laughed and said, "What did I deceive? Zhang Muchen beside you is also a man with magic power. Ask him, what did I deceive?"

Luo Tianyao clenched his fists and said nervously to Zhang Muchen: "He used Taoist magic, right?"

Zhang Muchen said bitterly: "He didn't use Taoist magic, he just released a murderous aura. That murderous aura is a matter of momentum and does not belong to the category of magical power!"

"This..." Luo Tianyao was stunned for a moment.

In fact, Chen Yihan did not use magic power.

The sword energy that Zhang Mufeng saw was nothing more than the murderous look in Chen Yihan's eyes, which was a kind of spiritual shock.

Zhang Mufeng was intimidated by Chen Yihan...

Although this can be regarded as cheating by Chen Yihan, in a regular game, if someone makes a face outside the court and you are disturbed, it is still your problem!

"You lost!" Chen Yihan was rude at this time and said to Zhang Muchen and others: "You guys can leave. I could have killed you today. But I don't want to be at odds with the Tianshi Sect..."

Zhang Muchen felt helpless. He was seriously injured internally and his body was burning like fire. Then he took a deep breath and said: "Today our brothers and sisters are indeed in trouble, but can you make it clear that we are in trouble? Who are you? What is your name?"

Chen Yihan smiled slightly and said: "This is not an honorable thing, so there is no need to leave your name. Let's go!"

Zhang Muchen sighed, turned to look at Luo Tianyao and others, with a look of shame on his face, and said: "Miss Luo, I am really incompetent and cannot protect your safety."

Luo Tianyao's heart trembled when she thought of the misfortune she was about to face. However, he still tried his best to remain calm on his face, took a deep breath, cupped his fists and said, "Brother Zhang and several brothers have tried their best today. I, Luo Tianyao, will always remember this kindness in my heart."

"Hey!" Zhang Muchen and others sighed again, and then left.

They really had no choice but to leave.

After all, they and Luo Tianyao met by chance. It is impossible to risk your life to protect Mr. Nangong just because of his favor. More importantly, even if you risk your life to protect each other, it will be in vain.

They could only think about waiting to leave here and contact Mr. Nangong as soon as possible to see if they could find more powerful people to help.

Zhang Muchen and others left quickly.

Only Luo Tianyao, Qin Yunshuang and Chen Yang were left in the field.

At this time, Qin Yunshuang stood up and said to Chen Yihan with tears in her eyes: "You let my sister and Chen Yang go. From now on, my life is yours. I will do whatever you want me to do, okay?" ?”

"No, Shuang'er!" Luo Tianyao suddenly felt distressed and shouted quickly.

Although she and Qin Yunshuang were master and servant in name since they were young, they were actually as close as sisters.

How could he bear to let Qin Yunshuang make such a sacrifice at this time.

Then, she looked up at Chen Yihan and said, "Let them go...I'll go with you."

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Chen Yihan dismissed it and said: "Our bet has been agreed. If you lose, you two will accompany me."

After a pause, Chen Yihan continued: "Let's go, don't wait any longer. And that kid...your name is Chen Yang, right? You can get out now."

Luo Tianyao and Qin Yunshuang looked at each other with deathly gray eyes, knowing that they could not escape this time.

At that moment, Qin Yunshuang said to Chen Yang with tears in her eyes: "Little guy, please leave quickly. If there is a chance in the future, we can meet again. If we can't survive, you don't have to avenge us. This is not revenge you can take..."

"Yes, let's go!" Luo Tianyao also said to Chen Yang.

For a moment, Chen Yang was deeply moved, feeling that these two women, even at this point, had been trying to protect him.

He took a deep breath, then patted Qin Yunshuang and Luo Tianyao's shoulders and said, "You will be fine, don't be afraid!"

After that, turn around and leave!

He also knew he shouldn't say this...but, he just couldn't help it. I really can't stand to see their tears...

Chen Yang disappeared into the night in a blink of an eye, and his departure was clean and tidy.

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