My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4305: inner door, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

Chen Yang was originally a little worried that Hu Jie and his gang would come to the attic to cause trouble for him, but to his surprise, the night turned out to be quite peaceful.

Throughout the night, Chen Yang was running the Sun and Moon Meditation Technique. He hasn't used this simple luck mentality for many years, and now he has no choice but to go back to his old business.

This time when he came here, he knew his purpose very well. So he will no longer show off casually. It must be obscenely developed...

Don't be too sharp!

After a night, Chen Yang's body was sticky and covered with black sweat. This is the impurities in the body being slowly driven out...

Chen Yang ran outside before dawn, wiped his body with snow, and took a simple bath. As long as he starts practicing, even if his body is not washed, it will not stink, but will gradually bloom with fragrance.

When a master of the internal martial arts has practiced internal martial arts to a certain level, his body will emit a baby-like fragrance.

When Chen Yang started washing his body with snow, it was still quite cold, but after a while, his body began to heat up.

When he returned to the house, he put on his clothes. He took the dirty clothes and ran to the sink to wash them... The water faucet was frozen again... Chen Yang was too lazy to care. Damn it, it seemed like this all winter.

He scrubbed it with the snow on the ground.

The hands I washed turned red from the cold...

Then he grabbed his clothes and went to the area where the German Shepherd went to the toilet, turned down the water pressure of the high-pressure water gun, and then took the water to clean it.

After cleaning, let it dry.

In this **** weather, I don’t know how long it will take to dry out!

Chen Yang is no stranger to this kind of laundry work. When he was traveling in Africa, he washed his own clothes. As for eating, when conditions are not good, it is really like drinking blood. Scorpions, snakes, insects, all eaten raw.

He now feels like he is recalling the turbulent years...

But if you think about it carefully, it’s actually quite beautiful that you still have a chance to start over in life.

In this life, if you practice hard all the way, it will definitely not be as hard as that life.

All he needs is time, and then the pill.

This feeling is like a top super doctor who has stood at the pinnacle of human knowledge and suddenly returns to the feeling of kindergarten...

Although there is a gap in my heart, I have to keep a low profile now.

Because now a little gangster can kill himself with a knife in his hand.

After finishing everything, Chen Yang practiced Bagua Youshen Palm in the snow. Bagua Youshen Palm was combined with Tai Chi footwork... He had long been the number one master in internal boxing. All martial arts are at his fingertips...

So he can combine any martial arts.

After practicing for a while, my body felt warm again.

But soon, the feeling of fatigue came back...

After everything was done, Chen Yang ran to the warehouse to go to work. Wang Xueqin actually brought some down jackets to Chen Yang.

The down jacket was extremely big, and Chen Yang looked out of place when he put it on because of his thin figure. But it’s a lot warmer…

Chen Yang was overjoyed and thanked him repeatedly.

Wang Xueqin just smiled.

After that, Chen Yang was busy busy again and again, serving Wang Xueqin attentively.

He was very good at helping Wang Xueqin memorize the goods list, which made Wang Xueqin worry a lot.

Hu Jie and his gang have always wanted to deal with Chen Yang, but they didn't have the right opportunity. Chen Yang felt more at ease. After practicing for a few more days, dealing with these little things wouldn't be a problem.

In the afternoon, Chen Yang also started to help Liang Song memorize the inventory list. He clearly remembered the items in the entire warehouse.

This made Liang Song also look at Chen Yang with admiration, and felt that with the help of this boy, he would be able to worry a lot less.

There are three warehouse managers, and they usually work in shifts. Sometimes they need to take turns.

The third administrator is an older man in his fifties, who is also the head of the warehouse, named Huo Yuan.

Huo Yuan finally came on the third day, and Chen Yang's performance quickly won Huo Yuan's appreciation. The most annoying thing for warehouse managers is counting the goods... But Chen Yang can remember many goods clearly, which makes them worry-free. After Chen Yang took inventory, they randomly checked a few items and found that there was no problem, so they were relieved.

At this point, Chen Yang has finally established a foothold in the warehouse!

For ten consecutive days, Chen Yang's life was getting better and better.

He also continued to practice luck, and when he woke up every day, he was covered in black, sticky dirt. The physical condition is obviously improving...

In addition, he put on clean clothes again, and his body began to smell fresh. This made Wang Xueqin find him even more pleasing to the eye...

Chen Yang works here without wages.

There is no preparation...

The main reason is that his adoptive father has little status in the Sun Temple.

After his adoptive father died, no one cared about him.

No money... is a big problem!

And there is no identity, no vacation...

Chen Yang couldn't even figure out how this guy Chen Yi could be so miserable in this place!

Can't that guy from Supreme Time find someone better to possess him?

When I think about it, it’s true that even those who are a little better off may leave traces in history. Only people like Chen Yi would die in this place within a few years, so they left no traces.

The days in the warehouse were very busy, and Chen Yang felt that things were being delayed.

He began to make calculations in his mind: "I just practice by myself. If one day I suddenly become very powerful, it will definitely cause a lot of unnecessary trouble. Everything must be rational! If I suddenly become very powerful, maybe it will cause trouble in the Sun Temple." People think I am a spy sent by someone. This Sun Temple cares a lot about its masters... I have to find an opportunity to practice martial arts openly, and it is best to become a master, so that I can legitimately become powerful. More importantly What’s more, if I want to recover my strength quickly, I need a lot of medicinal materials and supplements. With my status as Chen Yi, I don’t have a dime, where can I get good medicinal materials and medicinal wine?”

In the blink of an eye, a month passed.

Chen Yang has been very busy this month, and has also worked hard to establish a good relationship with the three warehouse managers, and even coaxed Wang Xueqin to be fascinated.

He learned a lot about the Sun Temple from Wang Xueqin.

The Sun Temple has many industries under its name, and there are more than a dozen companies listed on the Liguo Exchange alone. Some of these companies specialize in overseas purchasing... but they purchase goods from Xia Guo and then sell them to Li Guo. Some companies are engaged in Chinese medicinal materials, some are engaged in electricity, some are engaged in communications, etc. Covers a wide range of topics…

Of course, there are actually many things that Xia people cannot do. For example, electricity, communications, etc., Li country has very strict restrictions. But the relationship between the Sun Temple and the Holy See is very good. The Holy See gave some of the pie to the Temple of the Sun...

Zhengdao's business is booming, with an annual turnover of hundreds of billions of dollars.

As for the gray business, it is even more serious.

The Sun Temple has a team of killers, a team of mercenaries, and various smuggling items, including arms.

But they also have a bottom line, that is, they will never touch drugs!

The private name of the Sun Temple is Sun Temple, and its public name is Sun Group!

The Sun Group has several buildings in the city center of St. Lun City, where serious business gathers.

The place where Chen Yang is located is the headquarters of the Sun Temple, and the castle is inaccessible to Chen Yang and his subordinates. You can't even enter the manor, so you can only move around on the periphery.

Every time a meal is prepared in the kitchen, a special RV will be used to transport the dishes.

The castle is a sacred place, and only inner disciples of the Sun Temple can enter.

The lowest level of cultivation for an inner disciple... is to transform energy!

Before becoming an inner disciple, you must first become an outer disciple.

Outer disciples are also treated well and can live in the Sun Community to the north of the castle.

Each outer disciple will be assigned a room, a living room, a kitchen and a bathroom.

You can order meals every day and someone will deliver them to you.

After Chen Yang understood this, he wanted to become an outer disciple first.

But it is not easy to become an outer disciple. Because the Sun Temple recruits outer disciples, it sends special personnel to the country of Daxia to specifically look for those with good foundation and talent, and then recruits them after inspection.

In this day and age, there are not many people practicing martial arts.

It is not easy to find good seedlings. Many times, the Sun Temple simply starts looking for children, and as long as they have talent in this area, they will recruit them.

If their parents don't agree, they will use both soft and hard tactics. Sometimes we would also let those little kids practice first in China and give them money every month. After reaching a certain level, there will be bonuses and more! Wait until he is eighteen years old, then sign a contract, give the other party's parents a large amount of money, etc.!

The Sun Temple recruits outer disciples very seriously. They only trust the Xia people...

Chen Yang has been doing some research, but unfortunately, the people in the warehouse also know very little. So it doesn't help at all on how to become an outer disciple.

Chen Yang had no way to contact those who recruited outer disciples.

After running out of ideas, Chen Yang came up with another plan.

He decided to take the initiative to provoke Hu Jie and his gang.

The next morning, Hu Jie and the others were moving goods in the warehouse. Chen Yang pretended to go to help. Hu Jie and others were surprised to see him coming to help. But Chen Yang deliberately dropped the goods in his hands and hit Hu Jie on his feet, causing Hu Jie to cry for his father and mother. Chen Yang quickly said sorry...

Hu Jie was furious. He never thought that Chen Yang was careless. He felt that Chen Yang did it on purpose...

"You little bastard, I didn't come to trouble you, but you dare to take revenge on me." Hu Jie and his companions were furious.

Chen Yang quickly ran back to the warehouse.

Hu Jie and his gang rushed over. But at this time, Wang Xueqin also came forward. She looked at Hu Jie and the others coldly and said, "What are you doing?"

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