My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4192: quasi-sage, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

Heiyi Suzhen and Ye Qingming were both interested and wanted to hear Chen Yang's different opinions. After Chen Yang glanced at the two women, he said: "The world of Leifa absorbs the thunder of the entire universe. This amount is very huge. And due to the characteristics of thunder, they can also fission with each other, which is a bit scary. You should also To be clear, the origin of the universe is from the Big Bang, so I think once the Leifa world explodes, the consequences will be great. And why there are three thousand universes appeared, I thought, this is a self-protection mechanism of the universe. If the Leifa world explodes, let the three thousand universes bear it together. I estimate that it seems that every universe has a Leifa world, but it is a state of dividing the Leifa world. Only in this way can the balance of the Leifa world be maintained. !”

Ye Qingming said: "You mean, not every universe has a huge world of lightning magic. In fact, the three thousand universes divide a huge world of lightning magic into equal parts?"

Chen Yang nodded and said, "Yes!"

Heiyi Suzhen was curious and said: "I haven't even understood this level, how can you be sure?"

Chen Yang smiled and said: "It is true that I don't understand the Leifa world as you do, but my understanding of the multiverse is much better than yours. There are reasons for the formation of the multiverse. I think Hongmeng Taoist is not The first person to feel the multiverse. The real first person to know the multiverse is probably..."

At this point, he gave up and said to Heiyi Suzhen and Ye Qingming: "Who do you think it is?"

Heiyi Suzhen was too lazy to guess, and said, "Stop being so pretentious, just tell me directly."

Ye Qingming smiled brightly and said: "I think it's the Emperor of the Universe!"

Chen Yang praised: "Smart!"

Ye Qingming said: "It was only after I came to the earth that I learned that there are three thousand worlds on the earth! There should be similarities between the three thousand worlds and the three thousand universes. Maybe the emperor of the universe established the three thousand worlds from the multiverse. Inspiration!"

Heiyi Suzhen thought deeply and felt that Ye Qingming's words made sense!

Chen Yang said: "I think there is a connection between the three thousand worlds and the three thousand universes, but I am not sure. Even if the Emperor of the Universe discovers the three thousand universes, he should not be able to travel through it. With hundreds of years of cultivation, Master Hongmeng, He can achieve this feat, which also shows that he is still above the Emperor of the Universe."

Heiyi Suzhen said: "Now it seems that the power of chaos has a world of chaos, the power of death has a world of death, the power of space, and the power of time should have their own worlds. The establishment of the Three Thousand Universes may be related to these worlds. There is a connection.”

Chen Yang said: "The mystery behind it is something that we cannot figure out for the time being. The magic of the universe cannot be penetrated by our current cultivation. The original Emperor of the Universe and the current Hongmeng Dao Master all want to penetrate The wonder of the universe!”

Ye Qingming said: "Have you not been to the Gate of Eternal Life? Can the Gate of Eternal Life penetrate the mysteries of the universe?"

Chen Yang said: "In the final analysis, the Gate of Eternal Life is something inside the universe, so it can know many things about the universe, but it cannot know things outside the universe. From the Gate of Eternal Life, there is no way to see into the mysteries of the universe!"

Ye Qingming said: "Hey, people really like to look for trouble!"

Chen Yang said: "There is nothing wrong in the world, it's up to people to disturb themselves. This is not true at all."

Heiyi Suzhen said: "Of course, after you feel that everything in front of you is boring, you will look for interesting things."

Chen Yang praised Hei Yi Suzhen and said, "I didn't expect you to understand this. It's not easy!" Hei Yi Suzhen rolled his eyes and said, "You really think I'm stupid!"

Chen Yang smiled and then said: "The higher a person's cultivation level, the more he will lose interest in ordinary low-level interests. For example, appetite, money, and even lust, etc., will all feel boring. When these things become boring, , naturally to pursue higher things. So every ascetic wants to pursue the true meaning of the great road. But the true meaning of the great road can never be understood! Emperor Fuxi once went crazy because of this... Hey, it is terrifying to think about it. !”

Discussions come and go, but in the end they can only add emotion!

Now Hei Yi Suzhen's cultivation has reached an incredible level!

The combat effectiveness has also been greatly improved.

Chen Yang still needs time to understand so that he can reach the quasi-sage level!

Next, the group began to return to Earth.

Ye Qingming drives the Kowloon Agarwood Chariot.

Chen Yang and Hei Yi Suzhen each realized their new powers.

time flies…

In the blink of an eye, one year has passed!

The Earth ahead is already in sight.

When he was close to the earth, Chen Yang's cultivation finally broke through to the quasi-sage level!

Since returning from resurrection, Chen Yang has not been able to hone his holy realm. Because his power had reached a certain level and he was in a hurry, the Holy Realm was put on hold. However, he had always had Holy Power in his power, so he didn't feel like he was missing anything.

This year, I have become calmer!

The holy realm is nothing more than using holy power to create a cave!

There are endless mysteries in the holy power!

In this way, you can combine the laws of time and space. When facing the enemy, you can directly use the holy realm to make the opponent fall into your own world.

However, the holy realm can only have miraculous effects on people with weak cultivation!

It won't be of much use if you meet someone who is evenly matched!

Chen Yang worked hard to create his own Chaos Holy Realm, and while doing so, he also gained a deeper understanding of cultivation. In this way, it is natural to break through the window and reach the realm of quasi-sage!

After reaching the quasi-sage realm, Chen Yang's magic power became even more powerful.

The lifespan has reached 10 million years in one fell swoop!

It is worth mentioning that Heiyi Suzhen's cultivation has become stronger and stronger, and is by no means weaker than Quasi-Sage. Its life span has also reached 10 million years.

When Chen Yang felt that his longevity was over, he also felt that life was still very long. As long as you work hard to get through these difficulties, you will be able to spend a lot of time with your family in the future.

However, he was not sure whether he could survive those difficulties!

In fact, it is also very difficult.

Because every master monk's lifespan starts at least a million years.

You can look around the world…

How many people live for millions of years?

What Chen Yang knows now is that the saints like Taishang Daozu have longer lifespans, but they can only last for more than 100,000 years at most.

As for the Unicron, his life and death are unknown.

Therefore, it is very difficult for master monks to really live until the end of their lives and go to bed!

Maybe no one can live to die.

Chen Yang felt that he could live for a hundred thousand years, which was quite enough.

After all, I haven't even lived for a thousand years now.

The earth ahead is still beautiful and blue!

Chen Yang's heart began to beat wildly, and the fear that had been suppressed rose up again.

His hands couldn't help but tremble!

What a fear, my family has been massacred!

Heiyi Suzhen also became nervous.

The atmosphere is extremely depressing!

"Ahem!" Ye Qingming coughed dryly and said, "We are not sure yet whether this is our main universe."

Her words reminded Chen Yang and Hei Yi Suzhen.

At that moment, Hei Yi Suzhen took the Kowloon Agarwood Chariot.

Following that, a group of three people rushed into the atmosphere and then reached the great world.

It's noon and the sun is shining brightly!

It’s August on Earth too…

Due to the arrival of Chen Yang and the others, the magnetic field of the world also fluctuated violently. The cultivation of these three people is too powerful for the world.

Chen Yang went to scan Mount Tai first, but found no trace of the God Emperor.

"This senior God Emperor is always homeless." Chen Yang sighed, and then he, Heiyi Suzhen and Ye Qingming went to the Daxingan Mountains first, and then took the teleportation array to Tianzhou first.

After Chen Yang arrived at Tianchi Pavilion in Tianzhou, he met Su Yanran first.

He felt that he could get a lot of information from Su Yanran.

Su Yanran happened to be in Tianchi Pavilion as well.

Chen Yang asked Hei Yi Suzhen and Ye Qingming to avoid first.

Heiyi Suzhen and Ye Qingming both entered Xiaoyao Hall.

Chen Yang then put Xiaoyao Palace into Jie Xumi. After he lost the black hole crystal, he still had many inconveniences. There has never been time to re-create the magic weapon.

Tianchi Pavilion is considered a very luxurious palace in Dakang Imperial City!

Because the emperors in power are all from Tianchi Pavilion.

Chen Yang was arranged to wait in the VIP room. Outside the VIP room was a small courtyard.

In the courtyard, there are small bridges, flowing water, pavilions and pavilions. The flowers next to it are competing for beauty!

Chen Yang had no intention of admiring the scenery here. Before Su Yanran arrived, his spiritual thoughts had already been shooting around, searching for some necessary information.

During the information feedback, it was discovered that nothing major happened in Tianzhou.

A lot of information is also consistent with Chen Yang's memory, including that the current emperor is still the ancestor Sanqian!

But none of this can mean that this is the main universe.

About five minutes later, Su Yanran in a green dress came quickly.

Obviously, she attaches great importance to Chen Yang's return.

She is still so beautiful and charming.

As soon as you enter the door, the fragrant breeze hits you first.

Chen Yang stood up, but in his heart he was afraid that she would pounce on him to show affection. Because as long as she has abnormalities, it means that this is not the main universe.

Fortunately, when Su Yanran saw Chen Yang, she did not act overly affectionate. Instead, she smiled sweetly and said, "Brother Chen Yang, it's been a long time."

Chen Yang breathed a sigh of relief and said, "How are you doing, Miss Su?"

While the two were talking, they came to the coffee table and took their seats.

The maids had already served good tea.

Su Yanran said: "I'm still the same. I guard Tianchi Pavilion every day and have nothing to do. Unlike you, Brother Chen Yang, every day is full of excitement and excitement."

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