My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4181: cosmic energy, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

Chen Yang stared at Bai Suzhen and saw her eyes full of expectation and enthusiasm. Suddenly, Chen Yang felt a creepy feeling, because he was keenly aware that Bai Suzhen was on the verge of a mental breakdown. As long as she says she can't and shatters her hopes, she may go crazy! Like a gambler who bets on the lives of her whole family, she can no longer retreat.

Chen Yang thought to himself, maybe this is Zipao's revenge on her! Even on his deathbed, Zipao said that he never wanted to see her or get to know her in the next life. It can also be seen that Bai Suzhen really hurt Zipao too deeply.

He was so hurt that he just wanted to die!

Chen Yang can also understand Zipao's mood. If he had reached the stage of Zipao, he would probably be like Zipao and just want to die!

Death is the only way out.

"Answer me, can you also cast the Great Destiny Technique?" Bai Suzhen asked Chen Yang pleadingly.

"He can't cast the Great Destiny Technique!" At this time, Jueqing spoke up and said: "No one can cast the Great Destiny Technique anymore. Back then, they were able to cast the Great Destiny Technique, which was the result of the right time, place and people. The same thing is missing, this You can't get out of it with any magic technique. You were also involved in the Great Destiny Spell back then, so you should understand in your heart."

Bai Suzhen's whole body suddenly felt like being struck by lightning!

Then, she let go of Chen Yang, took a few steps back, turned around, and left in despair.

Chen Yang was worried about her safety...but he also knew in his heart that no one could save her.

No one can relieve her pain.

Probably from the moment Bai Xiaoning committed suicide, this tragedy was doomed.

There are too many things in the world that cannot be changed with great magic power. Human suffering will not be reduced because of your magical power!

Luo Feng's pain and Bai Suzhen's pain are deep in the bone marrow and will always be with them.

They passed on this pain to Zipao, and finally killed Zipao, but their pain did not decrease, but became worse than before!

Chen Yang was secretly glad that he had not killed Xiao Ning in the first place. My Susu life has been hard enough. If Xiao Ning really passed away, how could she accept it?

She couldn't help but secretly make up her mind to protect Su Su.

In the earth, in the world of Shennong, in the garden of Siguo Palace, Chen Tianya stood in solemn black clothes, his back straight, as if he was a benchmark.

At this time, an indescribable pain surged into his heart.

He stretched out his fist and slowly opened it.

In the palm of his hand, there was a golden spiritual mark.

The golden mark began to disperse, slowly... and finally turned into golden ash. When the wind blew, the ash went away with the wind.

Chen Tianya knelt down and closed his eyes in pain. A tear slipped from the corner of his eye...

He knew that his only son... was dead...

Bai Suzhen was walking in the void of the universe. Thunder and lightning flashed around her body, and her whole person was in a state of dissociation!

Not long after he walked out, a figure flashed in front of him, but Luo Feng, dressed in black, stood in front of him.

"What's wrong with you?" Luo Feng asked in surprise when he saw that she looked wrong.

Bai Suzhen looked at Luo Feng and suddenly smiled... This smile was particularly weird and creepy.

"He's dead!" Bai Suzhen said.

"Dead?" Luo Feng looked shocked, as if he had been struck by lightning.

"Are you sure?" Luo Feng said after a while. Bai Suzhen said: "I killed him with my own hands. He... didn't want to live at all. He deliberately asked me to kill him as a way to punish me."

Luo Feng didn't know what to say.

After a long time, Luo Feng said again: "We are not completely despairing. Isn't there Chen Yang from another universe here? He should also be able to use the Great Destiny Technique."

Bai Suzhen shook her head and said: "Let's not deceive ourselves anymore. It is impossible to cast the Great Destiny Technique, and the dead cannot come back."

"You want to give up?" Luo Feng said solemnly.

"If you don't give up, what can you do?" Bai Suzhen said.

"We have reached this point, how can we give up?" Luo Feng said, "We can't turn back."

Bai Suzhen ignored Luo Feng and said to herself: "He thinks that this way he can torture me forever and take revenge on me. I won't be fooled... He can die, can't I?"

Luo Feng said: "..."

Bai Suzhen ignored Luo Feng and continued to move forward.

She walked aimlessly in the universe, and she had no answer in her mind as to when she would reach it. It's like she wants to die, but doesn't know **** herself.

She didn't dare to stop and could only go on step by step. She didn't dare to think deeply... For her, living like a walking zombie was the most comfortable state.

No one can save her, unless those who died can come back to life... But this is absolutely impossible!

Luo Feng stood still, not knowing what to do.

After a long time, he followed Bai Suzhen and kept following her. He didn't know why he wanted to follow, let alone how long he would follow. He seems to have become a walking dead...

In another place in the void of the universe, Chen Yang and his group gathered together.

Mo Yu decided to leave.

Chen Yang and others could only respect her decision.

Ye Qingming sent Mo Yu away. The two of them flew far away in the void...

Finally, they stopped.

Mo Yu said to Ye Qingming: "After seeing you for thousands of miles, we must say goodbye eventually. Miss Ye, thank you for your deep friendship, but it's time for us to say goodbye."

Ye Qingming nodded and said, "You must take good care of yourself!"

Mo Yu said: "I will!"

Ye Qing meditated for a moment and then said, "Let me ask a question, what are your plans in the future?"

Mo Yu said: "There is no plan. Wherever you go, that's where you go. If one day you feel comfortable somewhere, just stay a little longer. If you feel uncomfortable, just keep walking."

Ye Qingming sighed slightly and said: "It seems that this is the only way."

Mo Yu looked into the distance, sighed leisurely, and said: "After life is born, it is a practice! Love, hate, greed, anger and ignorance are the five poisons. I began to understand the pursuit of Hongmeng Taoist Master. Only by transcending these entanglements of love and hate can we Really look at this universe. Human nature is too complex and too scary. Maybe I am not suitable to live among the crowd."

Ye Qingming said: "Xiaoyu, human nature is complicated and selfish. Don't be discouraged by this. Avoiding will not solve anything, it will only make you more miserable!"

Mo Yu said: "I understand everything you said! But I don't want to force myself to adapt to things that make me unhappy."

After Ye Qingming was silent for a while, he said: "Go find your mother, she is still the person you are closest to. When she asked your godfather to take you away, she wanted you to experience a normal life and be happy. . If in the end, you live in silence more than in death, she will be heartbroken."

Mo Yu's body trembled, and the ice in her beautiful eyes gradually dissipated.

At this time, she finally thought of her mother. It was her home and a place where she could vent her pain!

Mo Yu nodded and said to Ye Qingming: "I'm going to find my mother now!"

Ye Qingming smiled slightly and finally felt a little calmer.

Mo Yu formally waved goodbye to Ye Qingming. Before leaving, she suddenly said: "Miss Ye..."

Ye Qingming looked at her in slight shock.

Mo Yu said: "I know who you are, and I understand your heart. If one day, you have no way to go, don't forget what you told me today, okay?"

Ye Qingming's body shook violently!

After Mo Yu left, Su Yanran also said goodbye to Chen Yang and others.

Zipao is no longer here, so there is no need for her to follow Chen Yang and his group. She decided to return to Earth... Now Earth is her hometown and a safe place for her. With Zipao gone, there was no need for Luo Feng to embarrass her.

Chen Yang and others respected Su Yanran's choice.

After Su Yanran left, Chen Yang was anxious to get back to his own universe, so he drove the black hole spar and took him and Ye Qingming to find the explosion point in the universe.

At the same time, Jueqing kept telling Chen Yang about the sequence of the universe and so on.

Jueqing didn't know much, but the little he said sounded boundless to Chen Yang.

Because of this, Chen Yang has a deeper understanding of many laws of the universe.

Every universe has its own time and space.

These times and spaces seem complicated, but they are all regular.

Destiny controls all living things, time, space, etc.!

Destiny is the general hub of the universe, determining the life and death of the universe!

The fate of every universe is different.

Chen Yang finally understood that when he was on Earth, the Great Destiny Technique he performed was just the Great Destiny Technique of the Earth!

That was the earth cooperating with itself and then carrying out a general cleanup.

"Destiny, universe, time, space, multiverse... there are three thousand timelines, and under each timeline, there are various different fates. It is intricate... just like one life brings two, two gives birth to three, three gives birth to all things, and all things give birth to all things again. Millions of billions... Just like after the Big Bang, the universe continues to expand, expand, and expand again. If it continues to expand like this, we don’t know how big it will be in the end. Therefore, the end point is difficult to pursue. We can only pursue the existence of one. Understand One, maybe we can understand the truth of the universe. Taoist Hongmeng found this one. Everyone is one. Everyone has his own small universe. Even the inner world of ordinary people is intricate and includes fate, time, Space, etc. If you reach a major level of cultivation, it will be even more terrifying. For a being like the Emperor of the Universe, once the body explodes, energy fragments will scatter in the space. If this space is ownerless, maybe these energy fragments will eventually Able to become a planet, capable of breeding humans, etc.”

Chen Yang pondered carefully and felt that he seemed to understand a lot of things, but he seemed to understand nothing! After he said what he was thinking, Jueqing said: "These are superficial things you said. Master Hongmeng has thought through all of what you are thinking. But he feels that one is not the starting point. How was one created? In other words, what kind of energy body was the universe before the Big Bang? How was this energy body created? This is a question he is thinking about and wants to understand!"

Chen Yang smiled bitterly and said: "We people seem to be powerful and control the divine power of Tongxuan. But compared with the entire universe, we are still too small. With our human wisdom, it is actually impossible to understand the universe. possible."

Jueqing said: "Is it impossible? For ordinary people, it is impossible to fly into the sky and escape from the earth. Do they dare to think that people can fly out of the Milky Way with their own divine power?"

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