My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4176: Faxiang Shenquan, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

After Luo Feng was silent for a while, he said: "I didn't kill him because he didn't give me Situ Ling'er's blood and tears. I just wanted to force him to use the Great Destiny Technique! That's all!"

Chen Yang suddenly felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar, chilled to his bones. Feelings of despair arose spontaneously, and he couldn't help but say: "Have all the years of life-and-death brotherhood been nothing but smoke? Of course, your wife and children are important, but this is not what your brother did. For your illusory impossibility, You can kill all his family members? You have watched those children grow up!"

Luo Feng was slightly impatient and said: "We've already killed people, why are you talking about this? I've said before that I don't want to kill people. As long as his great destiny spell is used, everything can be overthrown and started over."

"You are hopeless!" Chen Yang's eyes were filled with murderous intent!

Luo Feng sneered and said, "Come on, let me see how much better you are than him."

"You will see it!" After Chen Yang said that, he took action!

Their cultivation level is no longer suitable for using too many tricks.

So Chen Yang's move was the Great Chaos Thunder Fist!

The vortex of chaos behind him appeared, and the divine power of chaos was quickly sucked into his body!

Inside the body, the divine power is as majestic as the mountains and rivers thousands of miles away!

In an instant, ten great chaotic thunder fists passed by!

Each punch is more fierce than the last, and each punch is more powerful than the last!

Luo Feng was not afraid of Chen Yang, and he was too lazy to do anything else and directly circulated the blood of the gods. The whole person quickly swelled into a mythical beast covered with golden scales.

Ten large chaotic thunder fists hit Luo Feng, and Luo Feng's body continued to grow, finally absorbing all the power of these fists.

In an instant, Luo Feng grew to a height of a hundred feet. After absorbing Chen Yang's ten great chaotic thunder fists, he raised his fist like a mountain and punched Chen Yang!

This is the real cliffhanger!

Chen Yang immediately used a finger of tribulation for the common people!


The ferocious finger force killed Luo Feng and defeated all the power of Luo Feng's divine fist.

Then, Chen Yang dodged and hit Luo Feng in the face.

Luo Feng realized Chen Yang's intention, but did not avoid it, so he opened his mouth.

In a flash, Chen Yang got into Luo Feng's mouth and then entered his body.

This time, when I entered, I didn't enter Luo Feng's stomach and intestines, but entered a world of blood rivers!

All around are blood-colored particles flowing, densely packed, like the boundless sea!

The sky is also full of **** particles!

All these **** particles are flowing rapidly, making people's scalp numb just by looking at them!

Then, those blood-colored particles launched an attack together, and each blood particle contained tyrannical divine power. Activating them together like this is really like the stars collapsing and the world being destroyed!

Chen Yang immediately used the method of miniaturization, shrunk himself, and used the devouring technique on the periphery!

The golden chaotic divine power is combined with the Great Devouring Technique, the Grain Sheji Sacred Tree, and the divine power of heaven are all displayed together!

Blood particles were not afraid of Chen Yang's absorption and continued to pour in.

Chen Yang quickly purified it into pure energy and then absorbed it.

Blood particles covered the sky and continued to blast in... Chen Yang just kept absorbing it.

Now Chen Yang's cultivation has greatly increased, and his own capacity has also increased a lot.

These blood particles alone won't be able to sustain him for a while. And Luo Feng continued to kill as if he was not afraid that Chen Yang would absorb all the blood particles.

The two sides lasted about ten minutes!

At this moment, Jueqing and others saw outside that the golden beast transformed by Luo Feng had been violently absorbing the surrounding power, magnetic field and solar energy. At the same time, his body continued to grow, reaching a height of over a thousand feet!

It seems like he can keep rising like this, endlessly!

Ye Qingming secretly sweated on his palms, but he was worried that something might happen to Chen Yang.

At this time, it's not easy for her to help!

Everyone looked nervously.

Within the blood sea world, Chen Yang has absorbed enough energy.

But just then...

An accident happened...

The entire blood sea world suddenly burst into flames!

The flames of hell, burning with terror!

Chen Yang felt as if he had entered the core of the sun... He really had the experience of entering the core of the sun. The difference is that at this moment, there seems to be a power in his own magic that is ready to move.

"Oops, it's those blood particles I purified. Although I have purified these blood particles into pure energy, this energy still has the essence of blood particles and is easy to burn!" Chen Yang immediately understood Luo Feng's plan. Luo Feng is taking the opportunity to burn himself to death!

"This move is really vicious! If anyone else enters his blood sea world, they will either be bombarded to death by blood particles or burned to death. If they are able to absorb his power, they will not be able to completely purify the blood particles. As a result, the inside and outside are burning together! With this intensity, even if Jueqing and Zipao come in, they will not be spared. Because their chaotic power is not authentic enough! The reason why I can suppress the energy in my body and not burn with it is all because of me The divine power of chaos is the most authentic power of chaos."

Thinking of this, Chen Yang couldn't help but feel lingering fear.

At this time, he was using his divine power to protect his body and resist the burning fire of hell, and at the same time, he was using his magic power to suppress the blood particle power in his body that was about to move.

After scanning the surroundings, Chen Yang roared: "Break!" He circulated the majestic magic power in his body, formed seals with his hands, and ten great chaos thunder swords appeared quickly in his hands.

Then, ten great chaotic thunder swords rushed out with lightning!


In the blood sea world, the hellfire was directly blasted open by Chen Yang!

Everyone then saw the flames burning in Na Luo Feng's belly, and a big hole appeared at the same time...

Following that, Chen Yang sprang out from the entrance of the cave.

The huge **** on Luo Feng's belly healed quickly, and he was back to normal soon.

Chen Yang stood in the air and saw that Luo Feng had grown into a giant beast that could reach the sky.

Ye Qingming breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Chen Yang coming out safely.

The battle between Chen Yang and Luo Feng is not over yet. Luo Feng's figure is shaking and shrinking rapidly.

Apparently, being too big is not a good thing either.

In an instant, Luo Feng returned to his original appearance, wearing a golden robe, standing opposite Chen Yang.

After Chen Yang left Luo Feng's body, the blood particle power in his body completely returned to a calm state. In the final analysis, it is just a kind of fierce pure energy!

Then, Chen Yang's eyes turned cold, he held the big chaos thunder sword and quickly killed him. Luo Feng didn't show any weakness and responded with the Demonic Sword!

The two of them were going back and forth, exchanging more than a hundred swords in an instant, as if they were competing in swordsmanship at close quarters. But the power contained in each sword is enough to destroy ten Death Stars!

In such a fight, it's hard to tell the winner!

After Chen Yang and Luo Feng looked at each other, they both abandoned their swords. Afterwards, Chen Yang offered the Great Golden Pill of the Dharma of Heaven and Earth!

He is getting serious.

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to capture Luo Feng.

Luo Feng also knew how powerful this golden elixir was, so he immediately concentrated on dealing with it, and his body unconsciously turned into a mythical beast with golden scales again.

The Great Golden Pill explodes violently, and as soon as it appears, it quickly absorbs the energy around it!

Luo Feng did not take the initiative to attack, but waited!

After Chen Yang had absorbed the powerful golden elixir, he shouted!

The big golden elixir spun rapidly, blasting towards Luo Feng at the speed of thunder hitting earth fire. Luo Feng also knew that the longer this golden elixir existed, the more powerful it would become. At that moment, just like making a purple robe, both hands came out and hugged the golden elixir suddenly!

No matter how rapidly the golden elixir spins, it doesn't let go!

His arms, palms, chest and abdomen were rubbed by the golden elixir and turned into energy particles.

Then, he opened his big mouth and bit into the golden elixir.

Chen Yang knew how powerful Luo Feng was, and he also knew that if he was not careful, he would end up like Zipao.

At this time, regardless of anything else, the divine power of chaos was violently activated.

The chaotic vortex behind him burst into dazzling golden light, madly absorbing the chaotic divine power of the chaotic world.

"Broken!" Chen Yang roared loudly and drove the golden elixir desperately.

The energy inside the Great Golden Pill rioted, and it shook violently, and rushed forward... with a bang, it actually broke free from the restraints of Luo Feng's arms and blasted Luo Feng's head into pieces.

Luo Feng's body quickly absorbed the broken head particles, and re-grew his head like lightning! The body also swelled...

Chen Yang waved his hand, recalled the great golden elixir, and drove the great golden elixir towards Luo Feng.

Luo Feng also showed his true fire, swinging his fists and blasting towards the Great Golden Pill.


Using both fists, it was like hitting a rubber ball, knocking the golden elixir away.

Chen Yang jumped in the air and let the golden elixir shuttle through the void and come to his feet.

Then, he knitted the seals with his hands again, and pointed at Luo Feng again!

The Great Golden Pill continued to violently absorb energy, and then charged towards Luo Feng.


The Great Golden Pill rubs the air until waves of fire roll!

Luo Feng's body continued to grow, and while growing, it was still absorbing the energy of the surrounding sun. Then, he used his fists to attack Dajindan.

Boom, boom!

This time, his fists hit the Great Golden Pill, but the Great Golden Pill did not retreat at all!

Chen Yang also used the real fire. Regardless of the huge consumption of mana, he used his big hand to capture the golden elixir directly in his hand.

His big hand seal formed a dazzling golden fist seal of Dharma and God!

"Broken!" Chen Yang roared loudly and used the Divine Fist to kill Luo Feng.

Luo Feng retreated quickly, then gathered enough strength to attack with both fists.


This time, Luo Feng took three steps back. Three steps was 30,000 meters.

Chen Yang followed closely.

Luo Feng felt that he had just stood still when a divine fist like a meteorite from the sky struck in front of him. In an instant, black clouds fell over the city, covering the sky and blocking out the sun...

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