My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4144: where are you, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

Chapter 4144 Where are you?

After Chen Yang entered the Xuanhuang Gate, the disciples who were guarding the formation immediately flew forward to stop him.

But after they saw Chen Yang clearly, they immediately saluted respectfully.

Chen Yang didn't need them to inform him, so he went to see Fu Qingzhu on Shouzhu Peak.

On Shouzhu Peak, Fu Qingzhu was teaching Taoism and solving doubts to a group of direct disciples under an old locust tree. After Chen Yang arrived, he did not disturb him and just listened from the side.

Fu Qingzhu's cultivation level was also a result of Gongshen's creation. As soon as Chen Yang entered the barrier, he felt it.

At this time, Chen Yang arrived. He dismissed the direct disciples with a few words. After the direct disciples left, he quickly walked towards Chen Yang and gave Chen Yang a big hug with a big smile!

After hugging, Fu Qingzhu said: "I'm finally back. I'm back this time. Do you want to go to the fairy world again?"

Chen Yang said: "I still have to go, but there's no need to be in such a hurry."

Fu Qingzhu took Chen Yang's hand and sat down in front of the coffee table under the old locust tree, and then asked, "How is the situation in the fairy world?"

Chen Yang briefly talked about some conditions in the fairy world, but he was anxious to see his wife and children, so he was in the mood to keep reminiscing with Fu Qingzhu! It's a pity that Fu Qingzhu has always been so ignorant! Every time I come back, I have to talk to him for a long time.

After Chen Yang and Fu Qingzhu chatted for a while, they stood up and said, "Okay, I won't talk to you anymore. I have to go to the Black Sea Turtle Palace."

Fu Qingzhu said dissatisfied: "Your wife and children won't run away, why are you anxious?

Let me arrange the banquet and let's have a good time! "

Chen Yang said: "Okay, okay, you go and arrange the banquet first. We won't come back until we get drunk tonight!"

Fu Qingzhu said: "No problem!"

After a pause, he looked Chen Yang up and down again.

Chen Yang touched his nose and said, "What?"

Fu Qingzhu said: "Your boy's cultivation seems to be even more unfathomable now.

What state has it reached? "

Chen Yang laughed loudly and said: "Just give it a try and reach the semi-saint realm!"

Fu Qingzhu said speechlessly: "You pervert!"

Chen Yang then went to the Blue Sea Black Turtle Palace. The Blue Sea Black Turtle Palace was floating on the sea at this time. The garden outside the palace had also removed its barrier. It was full of birds singing and the fragrance of flowers!

After entering the Black Sea Turtle Hall, I fired my spiritual thoughts and found that Shen Mo Nong was the only one inside.

He felt slightly strange and said to himself: "Where are Qiao Ning, Ling'er, and the other children?"

But thinking about it, there wouldn't be any danger. If something really happened, Fu Qingzhu should have told him long ago.

Shen Monong was sitting cross-legged and meditating in the palace. She was wearing a long black silk dress and looked elegant! Although her cultivation is much lower than others, she was once a queen-level goddess.

In the vast world, he would be a god-like existence, but here, the ranks of the others are too high!

After Chen Yang entered the Black Sea Turtle Hall, he sealed the entire hall with a barrier.

Then he traveled through the void and came to Shen Mo Nong.

Shen Mo Nong opened his eyes and saw Chen Yang. He was immediately happy and excited, quickly stood up and put into Chen Yang's arms.

Chen Yang had nothing to say, so he sealed her lips roughly, picked her up by the waist, and threw her on the bed.

What happens next is a matter of course!

The phoenix is ​​topsy-turvy, the wind and clouds are turbulent, the sun, moon, mountains and rivers, the sky and the earth are eclipsed!

After the violent storm subsided, everything returned to a calm state!

Shen Mo Nong nestled in Chen Yang's arms contentedly and comfortably, and Chen Yang felt extremely satisfied.

For a long time, neither of them wanted to say a word.

After an unknown amount of time, Shen Mo Nong finally spoke lazily and said, "Why are you back so suddenly?"

Chen Yang said: "I miss you!"


Shen Mo Nong said angrily: "There are so many people you want to think about."

Chen Yang laughed, and then said: "There is indeed something to do when I come back this time, but it is more complicated and difficult to explain clearly in a few words.

I’ll go into detail when I have time. By the way, where are Qiao Ning, Ling’er, and the children? "

Shen Mo Nong said: "Sister Ning and Ruoyao have been staying at Danube Star, sister Ling'er"

Chen Yang was slightly startled and said, "What's wrong with Ling'er?"

Shen Mo Nong said: "She is in Shennong World."

Chen Yang said: "It's not unusual in the world of Shennong, but why do you hesitate to speak?"

Shen Mo Nong said: "She"

Chen Yang suddenly became anxious and said: "Don't stop talking, are you trying to kill me?

What happened to Linger? "

Shen Mo Nong sighed and said, "You know! She has always been angry with you."

Chen Yang suddenly felt baffled and thought to himself: "Why are you angry with me?

Wasn't it nice when you left? "

Thinking like this, he asked: "Why are you angry with me?

Was everything fine when I left last time? "

Shen Mo Nong said: "Last time, I saw you almost died at the hands of the black corpse, so I was a little looser with you.

But it’s still hard for her to forgive you for what you did! "

Chen Yang touched his head and said: "What I did, what I did, why am I getting more and more confused the more I listen to it?"

Shen Mo Nong also looked at Chen Yang in surprise and said, "Why do you know so well in your heart?"

Chen Yang suddenly felt that everything was a little weird.

But he couldn't quite figure out what was weird about it.

Shen Mo Nong also felt that the Chen Yang in front of her was strange. Suddenly, horror flashed in her eyes. She quickly put on her clothes, jumped out of bed, and said sternly to Chen Yang: "Are you Chen Yang?"

Chen Yang said: "Of course I am! Don't you even recognize me?"

Shen Mo Nong suddenly became confused again and said, "But why don't you even know that Ling'er is angry?"

Chen Yang felt that something must have gone wrong, so he suddenly had an idea and said, "I thought the feud between her and I had been resolved."

Shen Mo Nong then relaxed his guard and said, "That's so easy!"

In fact, she still believed in Chen Yang in front of her, because she was very familiar with her husband, including her husband in bed.

As far as what happened just now is concerned, it should be correct.

Chen Yang thought for a while and said to Shen Mo Nong: "I have to go to Shennong World first."

Shen Mo Nong said: "That's okay, you really should go find Sister Ling'er! Coax her well, you know?"

Chen Yang said: "Of course!"

Then, he got up and got dressed.

After the round of release just now, he was already feeling refreshed.

But now there are more and more doubts hanging over my mind.

From the appearance of the man in white to the weirdness of Su Yanran and Shen Monong, he felt that there must be a key issue that he didn't understand.

After leaving the Black Sea Turtle Hall, Chen Yang greeted Fu Qingzhu and said he wanted to go to Shennong World first.

After hearing this, Fu Qingzhu said: "Coax Ling'er well! She has you in her heart."

Chen Yang nodded, but he didn't dare to ask Fu Qingzhu too much for fear of revealing something.

After leaving Xuanhuang Gate, Chen Yang did not go directly to Shennong World.

He felt that going to Shennong World like this would cause problems.

“When the passage exploded, a gate of chaos vaguely opened.

Ye Qingming and I both came out of the gate of chaos. Did I really enter the multiverse?

Is this a parallel universe? "

Chen Yang secretly said.

He couldn't think of a reason for thinking this way, so he planned to go to Tianzhou first.

Soon, Chen Yang came to Tianzhou again.

It was already afternoon and the sun was setting.

Chen Yang walked in the white clouds in the sky, thinking, and sensing all directions with his spiritual thoughts.

He feels that there seems to be no problem in the world here

There is no problem in the world, and there is no problem when meeting Fu Qingzhu!

Why do Su Yanran and Shen Monong react so strangely?

Could it be that there was an error in my memory after I was snatched away by the Tiandao Bi?

But he thought hard, but he was sure that his memory was not wrong at all.

After Chen Yang took a deep breath, he decided to go find Su Yanran and ask for details.

But he couldn't ask with his true identity, so he immediately found a leather molecular mask in Xiaoyao Hall.

Now that he no longer has the Eight-nine Mysterious Skills, he naturally cannot transform at will.

After putting on the mask, he then used magic to cover the mask.

In this way, Su Yanran would never know his true identity.

After doing this, change your outfit and voice!

After everything was completed, Chen Yang quickly landed in the Dakang Imperial City.

The barrier in Dakang Imperial City is already extremely weak, which is a huge difference from when Xuan Zhenghao was there!

Chen Yang came to the gate of Tianchi Pavilion and paid his respects according to the rules.

There were still many elixirs in his Xiaoyao Palace, so he entered Tianchi Pavilion smoothly.

There was a special receptionist in Tianchi Pavilion to receive Chen Yang. Chen Yang called by name and said he was looking for Su Yanran.

The receptionist looked embarrassed and said, "Our girls don't meet guests easily, so I'm very sorry!"

Chen Yang was too lazy to talk nonsense and simply used his spiritual power to shoot and quickly found Su Yanran's location.

Su Yanran is in a palace in Tianchi Pavilion

Chen Yang passed on his spiritual thoughts and said in a hoarse voice: "Miss Su, I have something to ask you. Please come and see me as soon as possible!"

Su Yanran was meditating, and she was startled when the voice came to her ears. She was also the head of the family, and she was well-informed. She knew in her heart that this person's cultivation was extremely terrifying, and she could not neglect him easily.

Su Yanran immediately opened her eyes and replied: "Your Excellency, wait a moment!"

Chen Yang stayed in the reception hall for about five minutes. Five minutes later, Su Yanran came in dressed up.

Before the people arrive, the fragrant breeze comes first.

After entering the reception hall, she first waved to her subordinates and maids, then looked Chen Yang up and down and said, "I don't know who you are, what advice can you give me when you come to my Tianchi Pavilion today?"

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