My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4142: Defeat the enemy with one finger, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

The man in white was just like the Heavenly Lord back then, coming with a huge sense of oppression and never farting.

But unfortunately, the Chen Yang of today is not the Chen Yang of then.

The man in white suddenly takes action...

Chen Yang thought in his heart that Ye Qingming was a saint, so she would go first. After all, he was injured... but what was more embarrassing was that Ye Qingming had no intention of taking action immediately. But the man in white was coming to kill him... Chen Yang had no choice but to bite the bullet.

The man in white struck out extremely sharply, turning his big hand and striking Chen Yang in the chest with a lightning-like strike. Chen Yang is also a man with an arrogant temper. He will let him use all his magic power immediately. The magic power in his body instantly surged like the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers...

The energy and blood are boiling to the extreme!

At this time, the disadvantages of damaged meridians also appeared, and there was a faint feeling of pain.

It seems that if the force is stronger, the meridians may be broken.

Chen Yang couldn't care about anything else and could only strike out with all his strength.

All kinds of magic, all integrated into one!

A golden chaotic vortex appeared behind him, and the chaotic vortex quickly absorbed the divine power of chaos.

At the same time, the chaotic vortex also absorbs other material forces.


Holding both palms together...

At that moment, Chen Yang felt that the other party's divine power was so powerful that it seemed endless.

This is a powerful divine power that he has never seen before...

Although the power of the saint is also powerful and majestic, the strongest thing lies in the rules of divine power. Although this man's power has not yet reached the level of a saint, he is incredibly powerful.


Chen Yang's power was directly destroyed by the opponent, and the opponent's power came towards him with overwhelming force.

Chen Yang was startled and retreated with lightning. At the same time, he used the Great Devouring Technique to form a vortex, swallowing up all the opponent's divine power and converting it into pure energy.

"Pfft!" Chen Yang's throat suddenly felt sweet and he spat out a mouthful of blood. "Damn injury!" He cursed secretly. If the meridians were not damaged, converting this energy would be nothing more than a common thing.

The man in white's palm was deflected by Chen Yang, but he didn't stop and quickly struck again with a killing palm.

Ye Qingming stood aside, never planning to take action.

This Ye Qingming is also very weird.

Chen Yang felt as if he had fallen into a terrible nightmare, and it was no longer clear what was real and what was illusion.

Ye Qingming is obviously a saint, and he was very concerned about himself just now. Why is he just sitting on the sidelines now?

But the man in white was merciless and came at him with another strike.

Chen Yang was very angry. If his body was in peak condition, he would not be immune to this birdiness.

Now he can only cope with it!

With a flash of his body, he quickly pointed out the Cang Sheng Jie Finger!

The finger power is like lightning, instantly hitting the opponent's palm.

But the opponent just waved his palm and absorbed it like a sea swallowing a mud cow. Then, the palm force came to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang quickly used the Great Swallowing Technique, and a golden vortex appeared fiercely in front of him!

The opponent's palm force plunged into the golden whirlpool!

Chen Yang roared loudly, and the divine power of heaven and the sacred tree of grain and grain in his body were fully exerted.

The power of chaos behind him also appeared, helping Chen Yang digest the opponent's palm power!


After the violent earthquake, Chen Yang finally transformed all the opponent's power into energy.

But he couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood.

His current situation is that the meridians are damaged, and the meridians are like the iron wires that keep a big bucket strong. When something goes wrong with the wire bar, the more water there is in the bucket, the greater the risk of the bucket breaking.

But the man in white kept bringing him water!

This made Chen Yang's situation even more uncomfortable.

So at this time, what Chen Yang has to do is to let go. So he roared and quickly sent out a palm to kill the man in white.

The man in white was not afraid, but he quickly struck three palms in a row!

His power seemed to be endless, but each of the three palms he struck was stronger than the last!

Chen Yang's palm power successfully neutralized the opponent's first palm, but when it hit the opponent's second palm, his own palm power was directly defeated. At this time, the remaining power of the man in white's second palm and the divine power of his third palm came to kill the general.

Chen Yang couldn't help but scream in pain, he couldn't take it anymore at this moment!

He felt that the palm power of the man in white contained the vast laws of the universe, and there seemed to be a faint sense of the Great Origin Technique.

The opponent's physical capacity is stronger than mine!

In other words, every time Chen Yang meets a master of the same level, he is much better than the master of the same level. Even though the man in white is at the same level as Chen Yang, his capacity seems to be far higher than Chen Yang.

This is how there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world!

Just when Chen Yang was at his wits end...

Then Ye Qingming suddenly took action.

Ye Qingming stood in front of Chen Yang in a flash.

The opponent's palm force quickly struck Ye Qingming in the chest...

Ye Qingming didn't dodge or dodge, but pointed his finger!

Her finger force was all black, like a black sword energy, quickly breaking through the space barrier and entering the opponent's palm.

The finger force quickly breaks through the opponent's palm force, and then kills towards the center of his eyebrows.

The man in white suddenly changed his expression and backed away.

And the power of his two palm fingers dissipated directly into the void.

After the man in white retreated more than 300 meters, he turned around and walked away as if he had seen a ghost.

Chen Yang looked on in confusion. He didn't understand what kind of magic Ye Qingming had cast... He obviously didn't feel how powerful that finger was? Why did he scare this tough man in white away just by pointing it out?

Ye Qingming quickly came to Chen Yang and asked with concern: "Are you okay?"

Chen Yang really wanted to lose his temper and ask why you didn't take action earlier? You know clearly that I am injured!

But after thinking about it, I didn't know Ye Qingming that well, so I still had to be a little cautious when speaking, and said: "It's not a big problem, I just need to spend a little more time to heal."

Ye Qingming breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's good!"

Chen Yang couldn't help but said: "Why didn't you take action earlier? If it were later, my life would be over!"

Ye Qingming smiled slightly and did not answer directly, but asked: "How powerful is my finger?"

Chen Yang said: "What is the meaning of that finger of yours?"

Ye Qingming said: "The finger of death! The reason why I didn't take action earlier is because I want you to fight him and see how he can go! At the same time, he is also brewing this finger, which will make him see death. His true meaning. At that moment, he felt like he was truly dead, so he ran away immediately!"

Chen Yang touched his nose and said, "It won't be a problem for us to join forces to kill him. Why are we doing these stupid things?"

Ye Qingming said: "You don't understand, I still have some things that I am still trying to understand. And...hey, I didn't want to tell you at first."

Chen Yang was startled and said, "What do you mean?"

Ye Qingming said: "I was indeed not injured in the previous tunnel explosion, but I was originally cooperating with the tunnel. When the tunnel was damaged, I also suffered internal injuries. This kind of internal injury is no lighter than yours, so I am not as strong as you think!" "

Chen Yang suddenly realized it and said, "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Ye Qingming said: "I don't want you to worry!"

Chen Yang said: "Are you okay? I'll check your pulse!"

Ye Qingming's face turned slightly red and said: "No, it's okay! I can just recuperate for a while. This kind of injury is not serious, but it just needs some time to repair. It belongs to the category of... hurting the mind!"

Chen Yang knows very well about hurting the mind. He knows that once a monk hurts the mind, it will be a headache.

But there is no good way to treat the pain.

"Are you really okay?" Chen Yang was still worried about Ye Qingming.

Ye Qingming said: "It's okay, it doesn't look like anything is wrong with me!" After a pause, he said: "Then Li Changye's body has been scattered all over the universe, I'm afraid it will be difficult for him to survive. I'm here In the emergency, I grabbed some particles from his body." After saying that, he sacrificed some particles from the demon.

Those demonic particles were seriously damaged, but they could no longer condense at this moment!

Chen Yang would not feel sorry for Li Changye at all, and said: "If he really dies like this, it will be his blessing!"

Ye Qingming smiled bitterly and said, "In this case, it will be difficult for us to go back."

Chen Yang said: "Fortunately, I brought Su Su with me. As long as Su Su can survive smoothly, I won't be so anxious when to return to the fairy world!"

Ye Qingming said: "That's right! In fact, there is nothing in the fairy world that makes people miss it."

Chen Yang said: "But I have to go back. Emperor Xuan went there just for me. I can't leave him there. Also, the situation in the immortal world is not good now. I'm afraid it will spread to all parts of the universe and even the earth!"

Ye Qingming said: "Let's think of a way later. As long as you want to go back, there will be a way!"

Chen Yang's eyes suddenly lit up and he said: "I almost forgot about Senior God Emperor. He successfully sent Emperor Xuandu there. It's easy to send us back again!"

Ye Qingming said happily: "That's good!"

Later, Chen Yang thought of the man in white and said, "This man in white is so mysterious that he came to destroy the passage and attack me again? What is his origin? Although I have many enemies, I don't remember this person. .”

Ye Qingming said: "It seems that the man in white really wants to take action against you. He knows that there is no chance to take action in the immortal world, so he takes action here! But he has deliberate intentions, why must he kill you? Yuan Yunzhong's side There should be no master like this anymore.”

Chen Yang said: "I'm wondering if he came from the Chaos Gate?"

Ye Qingming also knew about the Chaos Gate and couldn't help but said: "When the passage exploded before, the Chaos Gate appeared again. We have passed through the Chaos Gate. I don't know if there will be any problems."

Chen Yang said: "Now it seems that there is no problem!"

Ye Qingming returned to the topic again and said: "If the man in white is really a master who came from the gate of chaos...why does he have to come to kill you?"

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