My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4120: On the Road, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

This idea of ​​Taishang Daozu is hidden deep in his heart. Although it is very immature, it is a beautiful vision!

The arrival of Xuan Zhenghao was completely different from the arrival of Li Changye. Taishang Daozu was wary of Li Changye, but he trusted Xuan Zhenghao for no reason. After all, this Emperor Xuan once made a huge sacrifice in the battle to defend the earth, and in the end he almost sacrificed his life for charity. Therefore, they have no doubt about Xuanhuang's character.

Xuan Zhenghao lives in one of the palaces in Biyou Palace, which itself is used for entertaining guests.

The dormitory of Lord Tongtian has always been empty.

After Xuan Zhenghao moved in, he began to take out the diagram of the secret of creation and study the black fly ash transformed by Tian Wudi. He is a person who likes to do research. He used to be obsessed with studying grimoires, and later he was obsessed with studying the One Yuan Ark. Now it is my own destiny map...

The night is already dark…

The Map of the Secret of Creation is now like a pure white screen, with black fly ash on it like many free microorganisms.

Xuan Zhenghao used the holy power to form an array on the heavenly secret map of creation, allowing various small formations to unite, so that the free black fly ash began to undergo various chemical changes.

This process takes a long time and cannot be studied in a short time.

The computing power required is even more unimaginable. Ordinary ascetics will be mentally exhausted if they count for just a few moments...

Xuan Zhenghao is a master of calculation, and even Chen Yang is not as good at this.

It was almost midnight, and suddenly, the demon particles that had been transformed into Yuansheng began to stir in the seal.

Xuan Zhenghao was startled for a moment, and then he hid the black fly ash on the Heavenly Secret Map of Creation into the depths of the Heavenly Secret Map. Then, he sealed the demonic particles into the heavenly secret diagram of creation.

In this way, the map of creation is like a fish pond!

The demon particles are like densely packed small fish eggs...

These small fish eggs develop rapidly, and many fish eggs merge together and gradually become larger. After a while, the fish eggs all fused together and finally returned to the original form of Yuan Sheng.

Xuan Zhenghao looked at Yuan Sheng, smiled slightly, and said: "Yuan Yunzhong, although this is the first time that you and I have met, we have already fought against each other."

"Are you...?" Yuan Sheng looked confused.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "It's easy to say, my surname is Xuan!"

"Xuan? Xuan Zhenghao?" Yuan Sheng paled slightly.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "That's right!"

Yuan Sheng looked around and couldn't help but ask: "Where is this place? Aren't you on Earth? How did you come to the Immortal World? Did the God Emperor send you here? He has such ability? How did you suddenly come to the Immortal World? ? What is the purpose? Chen Yang? For Chen Yang? The Chen Yang last time was completely fake, he is really not dead yet? "

He is indeed a very smart person. He can infer so many things just by seeing Xuan Zhenghao, and they are all correct.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "You are right, the God Emperor sent me here. I came here just to save Chen Yang."

"Chen Yang is really not dead? He has already been wiped out, how can he not die?" Yuan Sheng said.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "You are a pitiful person who is stuck here. I shouldn't tell you these things, but you Yuan Yunzhong is a hero no matter what, and I will give you the respect you deserve."

"I am a hero in your eyes, but in the eyes of our people, I am a well-deserved hero! The human race is our exterminating enemy, and I have fought against the human race all my life." Yuan Sheng said.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Yes, that's true! Even when the Spirit Lord came to seek revenge on us, there was nothing wrong with it. But we have to resist!"

Yuan Sheng said: "Not to mention anything else, I have heard of your name for a long time. You died once during the battle between Lingzun. But then you lived again... Chen Yang must have used it with you this time. It’s the same method as back then.”

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Not bad!"

Yuan Sheng said: "I would like to hear the details!" Xuan Zhenghao then told Yuan Sheng all the secrets of his mind.

Yuan Sheng couldn't help being surprised after hearing this, and then fell into silence again.

After a long time, Yuan Sheng said: "Your wisdom is truly astonishing. You have created such miraculous and unimaginable techniques."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "The magic weapon I trapped you in is called the Heavenly Secret Map of Creation, and it was made by me myself. You are also a very smart person, so you should have a good feel for my magic weapon."

"Aren't you afraid that I will find out your secret?" Yuan Sheng said, "Are you really so confident?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "I have lost many times, but every time I lost, it was due to some luck and unstoppable factors. But when it comes to resourcefulness, I have never been afraid. The more you understand, the more you will discover. I can use this to repair and improve some of the flaws in this magic weapon! When the time comes, I will actually thank you!"

"Good bearing, I admire you!" Yuan Sheng praised sincerely.

Xuan Zhenghao smiled slightly and said, "What are your plans now?"

Yuan Sheng glanced at Xuan Zhenghao and said: "Before you came, I was still thinking about breaking out of the ground again. If there is a chance, I should try again. Now that I see you, I feel that the real trend is over. You You won’t give me a chance!”

Xuan Zhenghao said: "This is not necessarily the case. First of all, I only have your share of the demon particles. Furthermore, it is difficult to determine luck. If you are destined to be destined to die, no matter how many preparations and means I have, there will be nothing you can do about it. !”

Yuan Sheng said: "Then why do you reveal so many secrets to me?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "With your intelligence, you can understand everything I revealed, so it doesn't matter. I have heard about your name for a long time, and I finally met today. How could I not have a chat with you." "

Yuan Sheng said: "The destiny of the human race is truly prosperous, and talents emerge in endlessly. People like you, Chen Yang, Taishang Daozu, and the God Emperor are all the reasons why it is difficult for people to defeat them!"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "We are actually still at low latitudes. Ancestor Hongjun, the Emperor of the Universe, Queen Fengchu, and the Ice Phoenix Goddess are the real terrifying figures. We are still being manipulated by fate, but they are teasing us. fate. The Ice Phoenix Goddess also has a disciple Fang Xue. If she is in this fairy world, I'm afraid you won't be able to make waves. So, you want to exterminate mankind, but you don't have the ability. You and our group of people are The battle is so difficult, if you come into contact with them, I'm afraid you will really despair!"

Yuan Sheng couldn't help but be stunned!

After that, he said: "When I controlled the Heavenly Way of Life, I was really ambitious. I felt that even if I faced the Emperor of the Universe, I would never be half weaker. But later, the Heavenly Way of Life collapsed... I no longer thought about it too much. I just want to kill the culprits like the Supreme Being."

Xuan Zhenghao did not continue his topic, but changed the subject and said: "The fairy world is in a mess now. My main goal now is to break the demon barrier and then evacuate with all the humans here. In less than a hundred years , the human race will still prosper. But you will decay!"

Yuan Sheng said: "Destiny and destiny belong to the human race, I have nothing to say!"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "If I told you this earlier, would you stop?"

"No!" Yuan Sheng said: "At that time, I had great luck and was not afraid of anything!"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "If you regret it, are we willing to let you and your people live? We will work together to break the barrier of the devil, and then all our people will move away. You and your people will also find a home to settle down. .”

Yuan Sheng was stunned for a moment, and then hope burned in his eyes, and he said: "If this can really happen, I will definitely be willing!" After a pause, his eyes dimmed again, and he sighed, "But this is impossible, you won't really You trust me, your Majesty will never trust me!"

Xuan Zhenghao smiled faintly and said: "You do see clearly, and I really can't trust you. I believe you are sincere at the moment, but this is because you are in a desperate situation. If someday, you find an opportunity to occupy Absolute advantage, at that time, you will still come to us for trouble. We can't let you go again and again, and then let ourselves fall into death again and again. If you play with fire too much, you will eventually get burned!"

"If I die, can my clansmen be spared?" Yuan Sheng asked after being silent for a while.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "It is indeed much more convenient to kill them all. But this is not the real way to salvation. The Lingzun clan has not actually withered now. In the chalk world of the earth, the Lingzuns today are living very well. This is our redemption for them and our own redemption! Regardless of whether you die or not, I do not agree with killing all your people."

Yuan Sheng said: "Then I can rest assured."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Enemies will always exist, and strengthening yourself is the only way to salvation. Killing someone and silencing them is still a sign of guilty conscience after all!"

Yuan Sheng said: "Okay, okay, okay!" He said three good words in a row.

Xuan Zhenghao stopped talking to Yuan Sheng in detail after that. Instead, he scattered his body and sealed it again.

The fairy world has become the world of demons. In the world, demon particles are floating everywhere, and the sky is covered with demon clouds.

In the northern land, there is a black sea.

Deep in the Black Sea, there is a hidden palace.

Inside the palace, a young man in white was sitting cross-legged.

The young man in white is... invincible!

At this time, Tian Wudi was surrounded by endless energy of chaos.

The energy of chaos shrouded this palace in clouds and fog!

Tian Wudi kept absorbing the energy of chaos.

In Tian Wudi's body, the surging magic power exploded vigorously, as if it was about to break through the world.

I don’t know how long it took, but Tian Wudi suddenly opened his eyes wide, and his eyes suddenly burst into endless light...

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