My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4114: First love, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

Taishang Daozu said: "On the way to the Holy City, one day little friend Chen Yang was in a trance and dissociated, as if he had changed. By the way, he also specifically told Pindao not to mention or ask questions again. And everything he said that day! Pindao was puzzled at the time, but he always felt like he was planning something, so he just followed his words and pretended it never happened!"

"Then why did you say it just now, Taoist Patriarch?" Emperor Fuxi asked.

Taishang Daozu said: "So this is the strangest thing. If Chen Yang just now is really Chen Yang, then how can he not remember what he once said?" Emperor Fuxi said: "No matter if he is true or false , he has all Chen Yang’s memories. But he doesn’t know this’s so weird. What secret is hidden in it? "

Taishang Daozu said: "Pin Dao always felt that little friend Chen Yang said this just so that Pindao could come and talk about it today. His state that day seemed to be a different person." Emperor Fuxi ate it Startled, he asked: "Could it be that the person that day was Tiandao Bi Duo She?"

Taishang Daozu said: "No! You should know that little friend Chen Yang can make up memories and so on. He relied on this ability to hide from the Tiandao Bi. Pindao felt that he had already calculated that one day he would be taken over by the Tiandao Bi. , but there are some things that I don’t want Tiandao Bi to know. But once you inherit memory, it’s hard to hide it!”

Emperor Fuxi said: "I already feel a splitting headache. I really don't know what is hidden in this gourd now."

Taishang Daozu said: "If it is true that little friend Chen Yang is planning it, then let's just follow the trend now."

Emperor Fuxi said: "That's all it can do."

Heiyi Suzhen wants to travel with Chen Yang to find the spirit of the Nine Ghosts.

They told the Nuwa Empress about this.

Empress Nuwa was naturally supportive, but she wanted to go along. Heiyi Suzhen declined... saying she didn't need it. Empress Nuwa has always respected Hei Yi Suzhen's wishes and knew her daughter's abilities, so she wasn't too worried and didn't persist!

This trip was quite secret. I didn’t tell anyone else, let alone Ye Qingming!

The next day, Taishang Daozu and Emperor Fuxi gave them some talismans, magic weapons, and elixirs, and they set off on their way.

He quickly flew out of the secret place of the human race, and then rushed into the demonic cloud in the sky.

After Chen Yang and Hei Yi Suzhen left, Taishang Daozu specially invited Ye Qingming to the Bajing Palace to have a talk.

In the side hall, the fragrance of tea overflows.

Taishang Daozu and Ye Qingming sat down opposite each other in front of the fallen coffee table.

"Miss Ye, this tea was planted by me on Daluo Mountain back then. It is nourished with the Qi of the Three Purities every day. Try it!" Taishang Daozu said with a smile.

Ye Qingming was dressed in a long black dress and looked elegant, but there was always a coldness between her brows.

She still wanted to show respect to the Supreme Taoist Ancestor. She smiled faintly, held the tea in both hands, then took a sip of the tea, and then said: "Although I don't know much about tea, drinking this tea is very nourishing. For us ascetics, , this is the best stuff!”

Taishang Daozu smiled and said: "Since Miss Ye likes it, take two bags with you when you leave later."

Ye Qingming also smiled and said: "Then I won't be polite to you, Dao Ancestor."

After the two exchanged polite greetings, Ye Qingming got down to business and said, "Dao Ancestor will not come to me for no reason. If you have any questions, just tell me!"

Taishang Daozu immediately told Heiyi Suzhen and Chen Yang to leave and go to find Jiuyou Qi.

He originally thought that Ye Qingming would be anxious and angry after hearing this, but he didn't expect that she would just say "oh" lightly to show that she understood.

"Huh?" Taishang Daozu felt strange.

Ye Qingming smiled faintly and said: "Miss Susu is Chen Yang's wife. She doesn't have to worry about things, and it's really not suitable for me to worry about them anymore. Otherwise, everyone will think that there is something unclear between me and Chen Yang. .”

Taishang Taozu said: "In fact, since Miss Ye said that he has a problem, Pindao also thinks that he has a problem! But if Pindao thinks about it carefully, there is no reason why Su Su can't feel something that we can all feel. Since she is like this If you do it, there must be a reason."

Ye Qingming said in a deep voice: "This fake guy is very capable, and he is also extremely cunning and clever. If Su Su goes out like this, her safety..."

Taishang Daozu said: "It was Susu who insisted not to let others follow."

Ye Qingming said: "We can't do anything else now, we can only hope that they are safe."

Taishang Daozu said: "Yes!"

Outside the secret place of the human race, Li Changye, Gu Yue and their disciples were staying in the palace.

The days passed by were extremely peaceful.

Li Changye had been anxious and uneasy in his heart. Fortunately, there was Gu Yue beside him who would forgive him, which made him feel better.

On this day and night, Li Changye came to Gu Yue's palace.

He knocked on the door outside the palace.

Gu Yue came to open the door, smiled slightly, and asked, "So late?"

Li Changye was slightly uneasy and said, "I want to talk to you."

Gu Yue was slightly startled, but still nodded and said, "Come in and talk!"

Li Changye breathed a sigh of relief, then stepped in through the door.

After closing the door to the bedroom, Li Changye sat down at the table. Gu Yue poured fairy tea for Li Changye...

Li Changye said: "Miss Guyue, you also sit down!"

Gu Yue sat down next to him.

After Li Changye took a sip of tea, he wanted to speak, but when the words came to his lips, he didn't know what to say.

Gu Yue felt that he wanted to say something, but she began to feel uneasy in her heart. She thought for a while and then said, "How about we talk about it another day?"

Li Changye said: "No, if I hold it in any longer, I'm afraid I will go crazy."

Gu Yue had no choice but to say: "Okay!"

Li Changye took a deep breath and said: "When I was in the world of the dead in the Shura world, I didn't understand emotions. Later, after being refined by the Hongmeng divine fire, I began to understand some of the emotions in the world. After I passed through the fog of Hongmeng, After the transformation, I became a real person. After I had the seven emotions and six desires, the strength and power in my hands were too fierce, so I had no control at the time. I think if I hadn't met you, I would never have been truly tempted in my life. I also admit that I was actually wary of you along the way. But after arriving in this secret place of the human race, you still insisted on being with me, which moved me very much."

Gu Yue did not interrupt, but was thoughtful.

Li Changye continued: "In front of you is the secret land of the human race, and many saints are there, so you don't need to be afraid of me. And now I am also suffering from internal and external troubles. If you follow me, I am afraid that life will not be easy. So, in this situation In one situation, I want to ask you if you are willing to become a Taoist partner with me. If you are willing, I can promise you that from now on, you will never look at other women again. If you violate it, you will be struck by lightning that day and forever. You are not allowed to be reincarnated! If you don't want to, I won't force you. You can take your disciples to the secret place of the human race!" After saying that, he looked at Gu Yue with eyes full of expectation.

At this moment, Li Changye does not have the domineering spirit of the ancestor of the undead at all. He is just like a boy of seventeen or eighteen years old who has just begun to fall in love!

After Gu Yue was silent for a moment, she raised her head, looked at Li Changye seriously, and said with great sincerity: "I absolutely understand what you mean, and I absolutely believe it! But I can't answer you directly. If I say that I love you It is impossible to not have a good impression. If I say that I have fallen in love with you and am willing to become a Taoist partner with you, it is also against my inner wishes. After you become a human being, you should also understand that a person , cannot be defined by good and bad. You cannot say that Daozu is a good person, let alone a bad person. Similarly, in the eyes of the public, you are not a good person, but in fact, you are not a real bad person either. Everyone They are all acting for their own vital interests. I cannot sum up my love for you or not... Can you understand what I say? "

After hearing her words, Li Changye suddenly felt a little happy in his heart, but also felt an indescribable sense of loss. The emotions are extremely complicated...

After thinking for a while, he said: "I seem to understand, but I don't seem to understand!"

Gu Yue also knew that although Li Changye in front of her had advanced cultivation, his time as a human being was still too short, so he could not judge it with common sense. She smiled sweetly and said: "I haven't fallen in love with you yet, but that doesn't mean I won't in the future. . Well, you can continue to work hard, or of course you can give up. Even if you work hard, I may not accept you in the future, but if you don’t work hard, there will definitely be no future."

Li Changye immediately felt a lot better and became happy, saying: "Well, then look at my performance!"

After saying that, he stood up and said: "It's getting late, I won't disturb your rest."

Gu Yue stood up and said, "Well, you should also rest early!"

Li Changye turned around and left Gu Yue's palace. At this moment, his heart was filled with hope.

Gu Yue has always felt aloof from him... This is not because Gu Yue has superb means to keep him hanging all the time... but because everything comes from Gu Yue's heart. Gu Yue does have a crush on Li Changye, but it hasn't reached the point of love yet. Everything she said and did came from her heart. She would not leave Li Changye when he was in dire straits, nor would she cling to him when he dominated the world...

This is also the reason why Li Changye always treats her differently. Thinking about Li Changye's cultivation, although he has never been involved in human love, if the other party is really like those scumbags in the world, how can he not tell the difference?

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