My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4112: Secret, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

All the saints had retreated, and only Suzhen Heiyi and Chen Yang were left in the Bajing Palace.

Suzhen Heiyi drove the dark elements to wrap up the palace. In this way, even a saint could not spy on the situation inside without using his skills to crack it.

"Susu, it's really me, I'm back." Chen Yang said affectionately, and after saying that, he kissed Heiyi Suzhen's lips. Heiyi Suzhen subconsciously avoided it and said, "Why don't we practice spiritual practice first?"

Chen Yang was stunned for a moment, with a troubled expression on his face.

Heiyi Suzhen asked strangely: "What's wrong?" Chen Yang said: "You don't know something. After the last disaster, although my body was successfully reshaped, the process was too painful. I don't want to leave such a memory behind. Pass it on to you!"

Hei Yi Suzhen's eyes suddenly softened and she said, "It doesn't matter, I'm willing to bear any pain with you!"

Chen Yang said: "Then you have to be mentally prepared!"

Heiyi Suzhen nodded.

After that, Hei Yi Suzhen entered Chen Yang's mind.

But this time the spiritual practice could not be successful.

After a long time, they could only give up.

Chen Yang was extremely frustrated and said: "It seems that even you can't believe me now."

Heiyi Suzhen shook her head, held his hand, her eyes were gentle, and said: "How could I not believe you? We have failed many times before. When I entered your mind just now, there was something very familiar. Feeling. In fact, there is no need to say anything more, I know, it is you! You are my husband! No one can fake you."

Chen Yang was overjoyed, hugged Heiyi Suzhen tightly and said, "Susu, thank you!"

Heiyi Suzhen cried with joy and said: "It's great that you can live again. I knew that you are an invincible Xiaoqiang and will never abandon me."

"No matter how difficult it is, I will never leave you!" Chen Yang said, "As long as there is a chance, I will work hard to survive." After saying that, he was about to take action.

Suzhen Heiyi blushed and said, "The saints are still watching from outside."

Chen Yang then stopped his hand, smiled, and said, "I won't let you go tonight!"

Heiyi Suzhen said shyly: "It's not certain who won't be let go."

After the two of them warmed up for a while, Heiyi Suzhen collected the dark elements and invited the saints in.

She solemnly said to the saints: "No need to doubt anything, he is Chen Yang and he is my husband!"

All the saints were stunned.

Ye Qingming's expression suddenly became excited.

Chen Yang saluted Ye Qingming and said: "Miss Ye, how you tortured me before, I don't have any resentment towards you in my heart, but I am very grateful for your responsibility to me. This matter has passed. I hope we can still be good friends in the future!”

Ye Qingming looked at Chen Yang, but said nothing.

Taishang Daozu said: "Miss Susu, are you really sure? This is not a trivial matter. Maybe he is good at disguising? He may already know all the memories of Chen Yang's little friend. So..."

Heiyi Suzhen said: "Daozu, there is no need to doubt, I am sure that he is my husband, not because of what he said or did, but because of... intuition and feeling! This is absolutely unmistakable."

When everyone saw Heiyi Suzhen saying this, it was hard to say anything more at the moment.

After Ye Qingming came to his senses, he clasped his fists at Chen Yang and said, "I have offended many people before. I hope you don't blame me."

Chen Yang smiled slightly and said, "Of course I'm not surprised!"

Taishang Daozu and others also expressed their apologies to Chen Yang. Chen Yang solemnly expressed his gratitude to all the saints for their love and responsibility for him.

This seems to be the end of the matter.

Taishang Daozu and others actually still had doubts in their hearts, but Chen Yang's wife said there was no problem, so it would be a bit unreasonable for them to insist that Chen Yang had a problem.

Afterwards, Chen Yang and Heiyi Suzhen returned to Lingxiu Palace.

Empress Nuwa returned to the Wa Palace, and Emperor Fuxi also ran to the Wa Palace to reminisce with Empress Nuwa.

That evening, all the saints held a dinner together.

Chen Yang and Hei Yi Suzhen also participated.

At the banquet, all the saints talked and laughed, enjoying themselves.

In the secret place of the human race, it has been a long time since I felt so relaxed. It seems that all crises have been resolved, as if the world is at peace!

But in fact, Taishang Daozu and the others have their own ideas, and Ye Qingming also has his own plans and so on!

This group is no longer a real group.

Although everyone kept smiling on the surface, deep down they all had worries and fears.

After the dinner, they dispersed.

Heiyi Suzhen and Chen Yang also returned to Lingxiu Palace.

Before they could sit down, Ye Qingming came to pay homage to the palace.

At this time, Ye Qingming had not come in yet and just asked the palace maid to pass the news.

Hei Yi Suzhen and Chen Yang were in the palace. Hei Yi Suzhen was a little irritated and said: "She tortured you like that before. I had already held back my anger and stopped arguing with her. Now she comes to do it again." What? Is it the end of the world? Don’t I know my husband, but she knows better than me? Missing!"

Chen Yang advised Hei Yi Suzhen, "Forget it, she is also responsible for me. If she really wanted to harm me, I would not be able to survive long ago."

Heiyi Suzhen said: "Your injuries haven't healed yet." Chen Yang smiled and said: "It just needs some time, it's okay. We still have to see her, otherwise, we don't know what else she will do. Take action.”

Heiyi Suzhen sighed and said, "Okay, I'll listen to you!"

The two came to the main palace and met Ye Qingming.

After seeing the two of them, Ye Qingming said directly: "Miss Susu, I want to talk to you alone!"

Hei Yi Suzhen refused directly and said: "Chen Yang and I have always been one, there is nothing that needs to be discussed alone."

But Chen Yang stood up and said, "Let's talk!"

Afterwards, he left Lingxiu Palace.

Only Suzhen Heiyi and Ye Qingming were left in the Lingxiu Palace. Ye Qingming used the power of death to shroud the Lingxiu Palace.

"I'm here today to advise Miss Susu to be careful!" Ye Qingming said in a deep voice: "He pretended to be Chen Yang, which is already very abominable. If something happens to you tonight... this will mean to the deceased. It's a huge insult. As Chen Yang's friend, I have to... I hope you can understand my painstaking efforts."

Heiyi Suzhen was slightly surprised and said: "Why are you so sure that he is fake? Even if I say that he is real, you still don't believe it?"

Ye Qingming said: "Today when you said he was real, I was puzzled. But I didn't argue with you. I felt that even if he could deceive everyone in the world, he would never be able to deceive you. But you said he was , then there must be a reason. I don’t know what the reason is...but I am still worried that you will be with him tonight..."

Heiyi Suzhen said: "Miss Ye, you still haven't told me, why are you so sure he is fake?"

Ye Qingming smiled bitterly and said: "In front of you, I seem qualified to say that I judge based on intuition. Because your intuition is definitely more accurate than mine!"

"But you don't believe me!" Heiyi Suzhen said.

Ye Qingming said: "I want to say one more thing, Xiaoyu is dead, you know it."

Heiyi Suzhen said: "I know that although he is often impulsive, he will not be confused at critical times!"

Ye Qingming was suddenly speechless.

She stood up and said: "Miss Susu, I have worked too hard. It is actually very tiring to persist alone! If you really insist on not believing in me, there is nothing I can do. I can't tie you up... That’s all I’ve said!”

Heiyi Suzhen also stood up and said sincerely: "Miss Ye, thank you for your efforts! I'm also sorry that I can't reveal more to you, but your intuition is very accurate! Okay, That’s all I can say, and one day you will understand.”

Ye Qingming is an absolutely smart man. Hearing this, he couldn't help but feel extremely happy and said: "Could it be..."

Heiyi Suzhen said: "I don't want to say it, just because I'm afraid your mood is wrong. You should put away your joy quickly."

Ye Qingming nodded repeatedly and said, "Okay, I understand, I understand."

Afterwards, Ye Qingming said goodbye and left.

Lingxiu Palace returned to a peaceful state again.

When Chen Yang came back, he saw that Heiyi Suzhen was in a bad mood and asked, "Did she say that I was still fake?"

Heiyi Suzhen said angrily: "This woman is simply incomprehensible. Not only did she say you were a lie, but now she was afraid that I would consummate the marriage with you at night. She also threatened me and forbade me from having anything happen to you. If I If she doesn't go to live in the Wa Palace, she will make a fuss to the end! Just make a fuss, who has threatened me, Bai Suzhen, in my life?"

Chen Yang quickly said softly: "Forget it, she is not bad-hearted. In that case, then you go to Wa Palace!"

"What are you afraid of!" Hei Yi Suzhen said dissatisfied: "If there is a fight, are we afraid of her? Among all the saints, who will stand on her side?"

Chen Yang smiled bitterly and said: "That's true, but now we still need to unite. Besides, in the end, we got into trouble and said that we have to consummate the marriage together. This won't sound good."

"This..." Heiyi Suzhen said: "That's true! Do we have to be separated forever? Isn't she too lenient?"

"It takes time to see people's hearts!" Chen Yang said: "One day, she will believe in me."

Suzhen Heiyi was coaxed by Chen Yang to live in the Wa Palace.

This night was spent peacefully.

In the Wa Palace, Empress Nuwa and Heiyi Suzhen sleep in the same bed.

The walls in the Wa Palace are so tight that it is difficult for outsiders to spy on the conversations inside.

When Empress Nuwa wanted to say something, Suzhen in black clothes said: "Mother, don't say anything, just go as planned! The stakes are very important, if you make one mistake, you will be doomed!"

Empress Nuwa said: "Okay!" After a pause, she said: "I didn't expect that Bai Qing is Xiaoyu..."

When Heiyi Suzhen thought that Mo Yu was no longer alive, her heart suddenly hurt like a knife. This was something she hadn't thought of. She didn't want to think about whether Mo Yu liked Chen Yang, and it wouldn't be surprising if he did. She just thought, how will he face it in the future?

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