My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4110: Ancestor appears, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

Taishang Taoist Ancestor said: "This..." Ye Qingming said: "Don't worry, I know what to do. Chen Yang and I are good friends. If he is really Chen Yang, how can I harm him?"

Taishang Taoist Ancestor said: "That's true, okay then!" After saying that, he left the Taoist boy behind and said goodbye to Ye Qingming.

After Ye Qingming waited for Taishang Daozu to leave, he used the dark death seal method to seal the entire Qingming Palace. When the Taoist boy wanted to say something, Ye Qingming also blocked the Taoist boy.

After this, the entire Qingming Palace was shrouded in a layer of darkness.

Then, she pulled Chen Yang out.

At this time, Chen Yang looked pale and looked quite uncomfortable. He languished on the ground, half-squinted his eyes, and said, "Miss Ye, why are you doing this to me?"

Ye Qingming said: "There are no outsiders here, you don't have to act with me."

"Acting?" Chen Yang said, "What did I do?"

A chill flashed in Ye Qingming's eyes, and he said: "I told you, stop acting. Tell me, what happened to the real Chen Yang? The burning of the calamity fire was Chen Yang's intention. You told me honestly, I I won’t blame you. But if you persist, I don’t mind killing you right here.”

Chen Yang said: "I don't understand what you are talking about."

"You are not Chen Yang!" Ye Qingming's eyes suddenly turned red, and he said with murderous intent: "I will tell you one last time, stop acting. My patience is about to be exhausted by you."

A trace of fear flashed in Chen Yang's eyes. Suddenly, he said: "What about you? You said my reaction was abnormal. Now I also think your reaction is abnormal. Are you Ye Qingming? Why did you appear after I appeared? You did it because of me? You show up only after you show up, right?”

Ye Qingming said coldly: "I won't answer your question."

Chen Yang thought of something and said: "You are not Ye Qingming, who are you? You just want to kill me. This is your conspiracy. You kill me first, and then you kill everyone else one by one, right?" "

Ye Qingming said coldly: "It seems that you really won't shed tears until you see the coffin!" After saying that, he suddenly stretched out his big handprint and pinched Chen Yang's throat.

Her cold divine power instantly penetrated Chen Yang's limbs and bones...

Chen Yang suddenly gasped in pain, sweating profusely, and wailed in pain.

But no matter how Ye Qingming tortured him, he always insisted that he was Chen Yang.

In the end, he said: "Kill me, kill me!"

Ye Qingming finally had no choice but to say: "I'm tired today, I'll take care of you again tomorrow!"

After that, Chen Yang was captured into the magic bag again.

Ten days later, Taishang Taozu and Emperor Fuxi came to visit Chen Yang. Originally, Taishang Daozu planned to visit frequently, but later Ye Qingming bluntly stated that he wanted to interrogate Chen Yang. Taishang Daozu was also afraid that if Chen Yang was fake, it would delay the real Chen Yang's chance of survival, so he asked Ye Qingming to do it.

On this day, when Taishang Daozu and Emperor Fuxi saw Chen Yang in Qingming Palace, Chen Yang was already dying.

In these days, Ye Qingming gave Chen Yang a lot of trouble.

"This..." Emperor Fuxi couldn't help but feel distressed when he saw Chen Yang like this, and quickly went up and fed him some pills.

After Chen Yang took the elixir, his complexion immediately improved.

Emperor Fuxi expressed dissatisfaction to Ye Qingming and said: "We said that we must wait for Su Su to come back first. Ye Sheng, isn't it still not absolutely certain that he is a fake? What if he is real..."

Ye Qingming said coldly: "If he is really Chen Yang, he should be grateful to have a friend like me who is willing to bear the infamy for his sake."

Emperor Fuxi was suddenly speechless.

Chen Yang tried his best to sit up and said: "Taozu, Great Emperor, I have something to say, and I can't let her hear it."

This woman naturally refers to Ye Qingming.

Ye Qingming snorted coldly, turned around and left Qingming Palace.

At this time, only Taishang Taozu, Emperor Fuxi and Chen Yang were left in the palace.

Taishang Daozu looked at Chen Yang, smiled slightly, and said: "What do you have to say, little friend?" Chen Yang said: "Believe what I say now, it is difficult for the two seniors to believe what I say. I just want to say, no matter what Is it the real Chen Yang or the fake Chen Yang? The relationship between them and Ye Qingming is not very good. Why can Ye Qingming be so sure that I am fake? And she appeared very strangely, as if she only saw me appearing. Appeared. In short, I think she is not normal. Maybe there is another hidden story about her origin. I hope the two seniors will find out!"

Taishang Daozu and Emperor Fuxi looked at each other, and then Taishang Daozu said: "We have written down what you said, and we will check it carefully."

Chen Yang said: "I can't stay with her anymore. I am willing to wait for Susu to come back. But if I continue to stay with her like this, I'm afraid I will be tortured to death by her."

Emperor Fuxi said: "Little friend Chen Yang is indeed not suitable to stay here with Ye Sheng. Otherwise, let me take care of you!"

Chen Yang was immediately overjoyed and said, "That's great."

Taishang Taozu said: "Pindao needs to discuss with Ye Sheng."

Chen Yang was immediately frustrated and said, "She won't agree."

Taishang Daozu said: "That's not necessarily the case."

Later, Taishang Daozu left Qingming Palace and met Ye Qingming.

Ye Qingming said: "Presumably he should have said that I have a problem, right?"

Taishang Daozu said: "That's right!"

Ye Qingming said: "Then do you believe him or me?"

Taishang Daozu thought for a while and said: "It is difficult to tell the truth from falsehood in this kind of thing. But my intuition tells Pindao, Ye Sheng, you will not harm us. If you are really pretending to be someone else, you will kill Chen Yang. So much In the sky, everything you want to do has been completed. Moreover, Yuan Yunzhong is in our hands, and Li Changye is outside. No one else has the ability to pretend to be you, Ye Sheng."

Ye Qingming said: "So I don't want to defend anything!"

Taishang Taoist Ancestor said: "But before Su Su comes back, Pindao hopes to put Chen Yang in the hands of fellow Taoist Fuxi."

Ye Qingming was silent for a moment, then said: "Okay!"

She just agreed, which surprised Taishang Daozu.

Afterwards, Chen Yang left with Emperor Fuxi.

The situation in the fairy world temporarily calmed down. After Yuan Sheng's body was defeated, it turned into ten parts of the demon particles.

Li Changye took care of one portion, Yuanshi Tianzun one portion, Emperor Fuxi, Zhunti Saint, Jingyin Saint, and Taishang Taoist Patriarch each had two portions.

This distribution does not have much profound meaning, because it cannot be equal to one share per person. Besides, it's not a good thing, so I won't say that the points are less, and I still have opinions. Suppressing the Heavenly Demon Particles of Yuan Sheng is an extremely difficult task, and energy must be expended at all times to prevent them from breaking out. Although Ye Qingming is also a saint, she did not participate in suppressing the demon particles. She was not willing, and the saints did not dare to force it. All the saints feel guilty towards her...

Even if Yuansheng's demon particles are divided into ten parts, they are still very powerful, so simply sealing them with mana will not work at all!

And such constant suppression and sealing is by no means a long-term solution.

All things seem to be calm, but in fact everything is a mess.

Li Changye also had trouble sleeping and eating, and he had to worry about Chen Yang and Ye Qingming seeking revenge, and Yuan Sheng breaking through the seal. Moreover, if Yuan Sheng was completely eliminated, he would also feel a little headache, fearing that the human race would deal with him.

His four ice men have been eliminated by the real person Creation, and they can no longer be gathered together.

Taishang Taozu was thinking hard day and night about **** Yuan Sheng. He believed that the source of many troubles still lay with Yuan Sheng. After solving Yuan Sheng, other things will not be so difficult.

But how to refine Yuan Sheng is a huge problem!

That night, Taishang Taozu gradually fell asleep while meditating.

In his dream, he came to an island.

The scenery on the island is very beautiful, and a hazy mist appears in front. That is the mist transformed by the Hongmeng Qi, not the Hongmeng Purple Qi.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty..."

Suddenly, a voice came from the mist of Hongmeng, and that voice was the voice of the long-lost master, Patriarch Hongjun.

"Master?" Taishang Daozu was ecstatic and rushed into the mist of Hongmeng.

"Master, my disciples bow down before me!" Taishang Daozu knelt down.

There is no shadow of Ancestor Hongjun in the mist of Hongmeng.

But Taishang Daozu felt that Patriarch Hongjun was here, at least, his consciousness was here.

Taishang Daozu's heart was excited and his soul was trembling. He knew that he was in a dream, but he also knew that this must be the master communicating with him.

Taishang Daozu said in a trembling voice: "Master, you finally appeared. Where have you been in these years?"

The voice of Patriarch Hongjun came again, saying: "It is difficult for you to explain where I am now. The last time the Tongtian Death Tribulation came, I warned you, but he insisted on going... alas..."

"It turns out that Master, you have reminded Junior Brother Tongtian. If I had known that Junior Brother's life was in danger when he went there, how could he have..."

"This is his life!" Ancestor Hongjun said, "You don't have to blame yourself!"

Taishang Daozu said: "You are not in the immortal world, are you?"

Ancestor Hongjun said: "My master's location is in the multiverse. It's difficult for me to explain it to you!"

Taishang Taoist Ancestor said: "Now the immortal world is in a mess, and the disciple is really unable to do what he wants. Please give me some guidance from the master!"

Ancestor Hongjun sighed and said: "Everything yesterday, such as the morning dew! Today's situation, being a teacher, and you are all inseparable. Forget it, I won't say more, talking about these will not help. It is extremely difficult for my teacher to contact you. You don’t have to worry too much about many things in the future. Don’t be afraid of terrible things happening. Only when one era is destroyed will another era be born. If it is not broken, it is not established! And , the way to eliminate Yuan Yunzhong, you must think from the perspective of life and death. There must be an antidote near the most powerful poison!"

Taishang Daozu's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Thank you, Master, for your guidance!" Taishang Daozu said quickly.

Patriarch Hongjun said: "I'm going to retreat as a teacher."

Taishang Daozu asked quickly: "Master, can we meet again?"

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