My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4107: Difficult to tell true from false, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

This is a world of intrigue, and no one can be absolutely trusted! Li Changye had been tricked once before by Taishang Daozu and others. A few years ago, he was severely tricked by Yuan Sheng, so how could he completely trust others?

It is because of the word love that he still maintains absolute trust in Gu Yue. If Gu Yue betrays him in the end, his belief in life will collapse.

Gu Yue also understood Li Changye's concerns, so she didn't say anything more.

Let's talk about Yuanshi Tianzun and Zhunti Saint chasing Lingzun Elder Long Xiaofeng all the way.

Long Xiaofeng was not familiar with the Qi of the Demon, let alone good at it.

Now that the black corpse was seriously injured, it was impossible for him to come to rescue Long Xiaofeng. Yuan Sheng was captured by the human race no one can come to save Long Xiaofeng now. Long Xiaofeng knew that he could only rely on himself for everything.

Long Xiaofeng fled quickly and quickly arrived in the sky.

The sky is now filled with demonic black clouds...

He could feel that there were still many dangers behind him, so he knew that the other party was still chasing him! So I could only rush forward desperately.


Suddenly, he felt himself entering a space.

The surrounding demonic particles were extremely turbulent, forming a tornado storm.

"Is it the devil's space barrier?" Long Xiaofeng was slightly surprised.

His spiritual thoughts quickly shot in all directions, and he found that he had entered a vast world of demons.

In this small world, there are many spaces. In some places, the particles are gentle and gentle, but in other places, the demon particles are fierce and brutal!

It would be difficult for ordinary masters to break out of such a maze. If they are not careful, they will be swallowed by the demon particles and eventually become mutated puppets!

Long Xiaofeng was secretly happy, feeling that hiding in such a place would greatly increase security.

What he didn't expect was that very soon, Yuanshi Tianzun and Zhunti Saint also broke into the bewilderment of the demon space.

Long Xiaofeng still wants to hide...

Yuanshi Tianzun and Saint Zhunti worked together to destroy the demon space barrier... These two bosses were saints in this world, how could they be trapped by this mere demon space barrier. During their bombardment, the confusion quickly dissipated and the space shattered.

Seeing that there was nothing left to hide, Long Xiaofeng fled quickly!

Only at this time, Yuanshi Tianzun and Zhunti Saint were faster.

The two men shook their bodies, and at the same time they laid down a holy realm to cover Long Xiaofeng.

The holy realm of Yuanshi Tianzun is the ancient heavenly dragon holy realm. As soon as this holy realm comes out, the dragon's energy is surging, and the entire holy realm is dazzling with golden light, which makes people feel warm.

Saint Zhunti also displayed the Holy Realm of the Wonderful Tree. This Holy Realm of the Wonderful Tree is consistent with the Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree. In the Holy Realm, the Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree blooms and grows into a divine tree with seven kinds of Seven Treasures. Among the divine trees Contains the holy power of the world.

Today, the power of the world is gone, but the saints have their own methods, which is to store powerful energy in the holy realm and then combine it with magic weapons. Although it is still not as good as the power of the world, it is already very powerful.

The seven kinds of strange treasures of the Qibao Miaoshu and the ancient heavenly dragon holy realm of Yuanshi Tianzun complement each other and cooperate with each other.

In the Holy Realm of the Ancient Heavenly Dragon, Yuanshi Tianzun urged the Ancient Heavenly Dragon to appear.

The seven treasures were fused with the ancient dragon and they quickly attacked Long Xiaofeng.


Seeing that he could not escape now, Long Xiaofeng could only fight with all his strength.

But how could he be the joint enemy of Yuanshi Tianzun and Zhunti Saint?

Even Long Xiaofeng was no match for Yuanshi Tianzun in a single fight.

In the field, a strong wind blew up. Yuanshi Tianzun controlled the fusion of the ancient Tianlong and the Seven Treasures Tree, and finally formed the Dragon God Fist Seal!


Long Xiaofeng quickly integrated his own holy realm, and also released a punch that shook the heavens and the earth!


Then, Long Xiaofeng took a few steps back, and finally spat out a mouthful of blood.

Yuanshi Tianzun and Zhunti Saint joined forces again and punched again!

Wherever the fist strikes, it is extremely ferocious!

Long Xiaofeng received two more punches. After the two punches, his entire mana began to dissipate and he could not gather it, so he collapsed to the ground.

Yuanshi Tianzun and Saint Zhunti came to Long Xiaofeng.

Yuanshi Tianzun said coldly: "When you forced the poor Junior Brother Tongtian to death, did you think that today would happen?"

Long Xiaofeng smiled miserably and said: "I have a clear conscience for everything I did to you humans! I only blame that I didn't do it absolutely and ruthlessly enough! I only hate that the sky always helps you but not me. . We, the Lingzun clan, are suffering!"

After he finished speaking, he used his last willpower to gather his soul and then self-destructed!

Yuanshi Tianzun and Saint Zhunti were well prepared and quickly wrapped up the explosion and fragments of Long Xiaofeng with their holy realm. Anyway, he would never give Long Xiaofeng a chance to escape... He was also afraid that the soul's self-destruction would be a new way to escape.

It is indeed difficult to completely kill a saint, and it also contains infinite possibilities!

After Yuanshi Tianzun and Zhunti Saint waited for Long Xiaofeng to explode, they collected the fragments of Long Xiaofeng's soul and refined them again. It wasn't until it was completely refined into ashes that he breathed a sigh of relief.

Saint Zhunti said: "Amitabha, the spirit of the leader in heaven should be able to rest in peace."

Yuanshi Tianzun didn't speak. When the great revenge was avenged, there was no joy in his heart, but more emptiness. Although the enemy is dead, his junior brother will never come back.

After killing Long Xiaofeng, Yuanshi Tianzun and Saint Zhunti returned to the secret place of the human race.

As for the Lingzun clan, with the death of Long Xiaofeng, the most saint, they were completely withered. Although the Lingzun clan is still protected by Yuan Sheng, even if Yuan Sheng can regain power, the Lingzun clan without the saint will not be valued by Yuan Sheng!

After Chen Yang and Ye Qingming returned, Chen Yang returned to Lingxiu Palace. The original Lingxiu Palace and so on were moved together, or they are still in the Holy Land of Heaven. The Wa Palace is still there!

Ye Qingming's Qingming Palace is still there. Although Ye Qingming was no longer here, the saints still took Qingming Palace and its disciples away.

You can't do things like letting people take advantage of the situation.

So Ye Qingming also returned to live in Qingming Palace.

The first thing to solve next is how to completely deal with Yuan Sheng.

This is also the trickiest thing.

Taishang Daozu discussed with other saints for a long time, but there was no good way to refine Yuan Sheng.

Some are even afraid of refining, fearing that something might happen during the refining process and the other party could escape.

Taishang Daozu also asked Li Changye, and Li Changye only said: "I was refined by Yuan Yunzhong using the Heavenly Way of Life and Hongmeng Divine Fire. After that, not only did I not die, but I became stronger. Of course, if he continues to practice, , I may die. But now, which one of us has the power of the Hongmeng Divine Fire? What’s more terrible is that Yuan Yunzhong is much stronger than me at the beginning. So even if he has the Hongmeng Divine Fire, he may not be able to refine it to death. he."

After some discussion, we came to the conclusion that there was nothing we could do!

Today's Yuan Sheng seems to have no natural enemies and no way to restrain him!

Thousands of things were piled up, and the saints were still worried. They asked Chen Yang, who also said he had nothing to do.

Ye Qingming met Chen Yang alone on this day.

She originally wanted to wait for Chen Yang to come to her, but Chen Yang stayed in Lingxiu Palace and did not show up.

In the end, Ye Qingming couldn't hold it any longer and took the initiative to go to Lingxiu Palace to meet Chen Yang.

When he arrived at Lingxiu Palace, Chen Yang was sitting cross-legged in the palace. After Ye Qingming waited in the hall for a while, Chen Yang came out quickly with a smile on his face and said, "Miss Ye, why do you have time to come to my place today?"

Ye Qingming smiled slightly and said, "I've actually been waiting for you."

A flash of panic suddenly flashed in Chen Yang's eyes, but it was quickly covered up, and he forced a smile and said: "Miss Ye, are you joking, what are you waiting for me to do?" Ye Qingming said: "Xiaoyu is gone, don't you want to do something for me?" Does she do something?”

Chen Yang immediately said with great sadness: "Xiaoyu..." Jing choked up.

Ye Qingming said: "I thought you had some plan."

"Plan?" Chen Yang said, "I do have a plan."

Ye Qingming said: "You are Xiaoyu's godfather, and I am Xiaoyu's master. Now that we are alive, we must do something for her. Can you tell me what your plan is? I can cooperate. you."

Chen Yang was silent for a moment and then said: "I'm really sorry, I can't tell you at the moment, the secret must not be leaked."

"Can't you tell me?" Ye Qingming was immediately dissatisfied.

Chen Yang said: "Sorry!"

Ye Qingming smiled slightly and said, "I used to be very familiar with you, and I know your feelings for Xiaoyu very well."

Chen Yang frowned and said, "What do you want to say?"

Ye Qingming said: "Xiaoyu is dead... When the news broke, I noticed your expression. Your sadness is fake... The real Chen Yang can't be like this. So, I suddenly thought of something thing."

A chill flashed in Chen Yang's eyes and he said, "What do you want to say?"

Ye Qingming said: "You are that Taoist pen, right? The real Chen Yang is dead."

Chen Yang was stunned for a moment, then became furious and said, "You are just talking nonsense."

Ye Qingming said: "Let's go, let's gather all the saints together, and then verify and verify whether you are really Chen Yang?"

Chen Yang stood up suddenly and said: "Miss Ye, I have always respected you, but what you said and did today is simply unreasonable. You are going to verify it in front of the saints, what to verify? How can you prove that I am true, and what? How can you prove that I am fake? After I blew up the fateful calamity fire, the inside of my body was restructured."

"You can fool everyone in the world, but you can't fool me." Ye Qingming said every word.

Chen Yang said: "I respect you as Xiaoyu's master, but that doesn't mean you can be presumptuous again and again!"

Ye Qingming laughed and said: "Okay, now your skills have greatly improved and you can be arrogant in front of me. Come on, let's try a few moves to see how powerful you are as a fake?"

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