My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4104: Divine soldiers descend from heaven, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

The human monks in the fairy world are really suffering from disasters... and they are endless. Many monks thought that after experiencing the Holy City War and surviving by chance, everything should be over. But they didn't expect that the darkest era of demons would soon usher in... They were recuperating in this secret place again, thinking they could take a breather, but they didn't expect that an even more ferocious killing disaster would come again.

This time, the human race has fallen into a dead end!

It seems unlikely that any more miracles will happen.

Yuan Sheng continued to attack Taishang Daozu. Although Taishang Daozu could still hold on, it would be a matter of time before he could not hold on.

Yuan Sheng's mind scanned the battlefield at the same time, and everything that happened on the battlefield was presented in his mind.

The balance of victory tilts towards him...

All this was expected by Yuan Sheng, and he knew that it was almost impossible to fail this time.

He has an immortal body and endless energy to help him!

Coupled with the tens of millions of undead troops behind them... the human race has absolutely no chance of turning around.

But as this time came, Yuan Sheng became more and more tense all over.

Just because he has touched the door of victory several times, but in the end he failed.

Yuan Sheng thought to himself: "This time, there won't be any more of your so-called miracles, right?"

Taishang Daozu was fighting hard while observing the surrounding battlefield with his spiritual mind. He clearly sees the plight of the human race...

Defeat has been revealed!

Taishang Daozu couldn't help but feel bitter in his heart. He went through countless hardships and trembled to maintain the situation. Will he still face the end of destruction in the end?

He was completely at his wits end.

Just when the human race is facing a catastrophe of life and death, at the critical moment...

It was also the time when Yuan Sheng was most afraid of an accident, when suddenly...

A figure in the void broke through the obstacles of the demon particles and landed directly in front of Yuan Sheng.

The visitor was dressed in white, delicate and delicate, with firmness in his face, and his face looked so familiar.

After Taishang Daozu saw who was coming, he couldn't help but be ecstatic: "Little friend Chen Yang?"

After Yuan Sheng saw the man clearly, he was shocked: "Chen Yang? Are you still alive?"

The other saints also saw clearly who was coming.

The person who came was none other than... Chen Yang.

Yuan Sheng quickly recovered from the shock and thought to himself: "So what if you, Chen Yang, are still alive?"

Chen Yang looked at Yuan Sheng and said coldly: "Yuan Yunzhong, you are really good at many things! I won't be here for a while, and you will make trouble again!"

Yuan Sheng's several clones all returned to one. He stared at Chen Yang and said, "I didn't expect you to still be alive? But even if you come here, you can't change anything today?"

Chen Yang sneered and said, "Really? I tell you, as long as I am here, you will never be able to destroy the human race."

Taishang Daozu burst into tears and said, "Little friend Chen Yang, it's great, great that you can come back!"

Chen Yang then said to Taishang Daozu: "Daozu, we will talk about old times later. Now we work together to capture this old thief and solve the human race's predicament!"

Taishang Daozu nodded and said: "Okay!"

The arrival of Chen Yang alone did not seem to have much impact on the battle situation.

The human race is still struggling to hold on, and is already in danger of collapsing at any time.

When Yuan Sheng saw Chen Yang coming, he was still a little worried. Although I feel that in terms of strength, Chen Yang is not even a half-saint, so what is the use of joining him? However, Yuan Sheng had suffered too many losses at the hands of Chen Yang, so he still had to be careful at this time.

He immediately summoned a large number of immortal masters.

A total of thirty immortal masters surrounded and attacked...

These immortal masters were at the seventh or eighth level of the Creation Realm during their lifetimes.

Nowadays, he is not afraid of death and is very difficult to deal with.

Yuan Sheng's figure flashed and divided into ten again.

Taishang Daozu also transformed into three Daozus and joined the battlefield.

Chen Yang was quickly surrounded by three Yuan Sages, and then trapped by those immortal masters. In an instant, countless palm prints and killing moves came towards him.

In the void, all the demon particles in the entire fairy world seemed to be gathered in this world.

Chen Yang's eyes quickly turned red, and he roared suddenly, then he opened his mouth and blew out a puff of purple gas. This puff of purple gas surged rapidly and actually formed a vortex. This vortex enveloped Chen Yang's entire body, as if his entire body had become a vortex of purple energy.

There are countless purple particles exploding and rotating in the purple gas...

A lot of power rushed into the purple vortex and was swallowed up.

Chen Yang then closed the purple air vortex and suddenly released the purple air hand seal. This purple air big handprint quickly caught those immortal masters. At the same time, he also captured three clones of Yuan Sheng. The three clones shook violently and broke away from the shackles of the Purple Qi Mahamudra.

After Chen Yangshe captured the immortal masters, his large handprints quickly turned into a vortex of purple gas particles. The purple energy particles blasted wildly, smashing those immortal masters into demon particles in the blink of an eye.

Not counting that, he sent all the demon particles into his mouth and swallowed them all into his belly.

Seeing this situation, Yuan Sheng couldn't help but lose color again. He found that the Chen Yang today was very different from before. He seemed to have become more violent, and his methods were particularly tough, and his strength was so strong that he found it incredible. This is by no means the strength of a ninth-level master of creation realm...

Of course, Chen Yang could easily defeat the Half-Saint master in the past. But that was in conjunction with Hei Yi Suzhen...

Now, does Heiyi Suzhen also exist in his mind?

But even so, Chen Yangzhi's strength today seems to be far superior to that of back then.

What has happened to this guy?

Yuan Sheng's mind was spinning, and the movements of his hands did not stop, and he continued to attack Taishang Daozu.

At the same time, he also controlled the demon particles in Chen Yang's body.

He can control all demonic particles.

But soon, he discovered something was wrong again.

He found that the demon particles in Chen Yang's body had been completely refined by Chen Yang and turned into pure energy.

That kind of refining made him feel familiar.

"The Divine Tree of Grains and Grains?" Yuan Sheng understood immediately, and was not surprised. He knew that the Divine Tree of Grains and Grains later fell into Chen Yang's hands.

What makes him feel strange is that based on his understanding of the Five Grain Sheji Divine Tree, the Five Grain Sheji Divine Tree does not have the ability to refine these heavenly demon particles.

After Chen Yang digested those immortal masters, a fierce light flashed in his eyes, and he began to launch a fierce attack on Yuan Sheng.

The anger in Yuan Sheng's heart grew stronger, and he was extremely dissatisfied, so he used three clones to entangle Taishang Daozu.

Then combine all the other clones into one.

Once Yuan Sheng's clones are deployed, they can all automatically absorb the infinite demon energy in the void. Therefore, each of his clones is extremely powerful...

When these clones first appeared, their power was still weak. The longer it exists, the stronger it will be!

The power that Yuansheng's body can absorb is limited, so he needs a clone to absorb the power of the demon at this time. And maintaining the clone also requires effort and energy. Therefore, it is unlikely that he will transform into those clones when he is fine... At the same time, he cannot transform into clones infinitely. Ten clones is his limit!

And Li Changye's limit is only three!

So, can Yuansheng allow the clone to always exist? The answer is, no! To a certain extent, the clone has always existed, which will also weaken his essence. The clone can be infinitely powerful in a short period of time, but it will also consume Yuansheng's efforts, energy, vitality, etc.! If the avatar exists for too long, it may have independent thoughts and so on! That is something Yuan Sheng cannot allow...

Yuan Sheng's refining of the black corpse was a method of killing three corpses in the past. It was carefully cultivated for a long time and then became independent of each other.

But these clones are different. They all share the same demon resources. After the avatar appears, once it has independent thoughts, it will definitely want to be the master of the family, and will also want to escape the control of Yuan Sheng.

The three clones had appeared for long enough at this moment, so the battle with Taishang Daozu was also very fierce. Taishang Daozu continued to kill them. Although he successfully killed them several times, they quickly reunited and attacked again. This is the biggest headache...

At this time, Yuan Sheng focused his main energy on Chen Yang.

His figure swayed, suddenly crossed the spatial distance, appeared in front of Chen Yang, and then struck out with a palm.

The palm is powerful and contains the divine power of the Heavenly Demon Saint Realm...

This is a power beyond the holy realm of life, which he recreated after fusing the undead star stone.

One palm contained his terrifying divine power, and at the same time, the demonic energy in the void surged into it.

Not to be outdone, Chen Yang also struck out with a palm.


The two palms met instantly, and Chen Yang took three steps back.

Before Yuan Sheng could react, Chen Yang turned around and struck out with a palm towards him.

That moment was very mysterious. Yuan Sheng felt that he and Chen Yang had exchanged palms, and his palm power seemed to have entered a channel.

In Chen Yang's body, the furnace of heaven appeared, and the sacred tree of grains and crops also bloomed to its most dazzling state. Then, all the power was converted and unleashed with one palm of his hand, slashing towards Yuan Sheng.

Not to be outdone, Yuan Sheng struck out with another palm!


The palm power of the two faced each other, and Yuan Sheng felt that even if the other party absorbed his palm power, he would definitely not be able to restore the holy power.

He wants to use the holy power of the devil to reduce the dimension and attack the opponent.


The strength of the palms were relative, and Yuan Sheng felt that Chen Yang's power was unparalleled, as if it was a palm that opened up the heavens and the earth.

Not to mention, he also noticed that Chen Yang's palm power contained...the power of heaven!

This power of heaven is not any kind of heaven that can be said, it is like a kind of heaven that controls destiny in the dark.

Yuan Sheng's holy power has no advantage at all when compared with the power of heaven. The power of heaven suppresses the holy power and directly breaks Yuan Sheng's power.

Yuan Sheng had no choice but to take several steps back.

At this moment, I felt the energy and blood inside my body boiling fiercely, and blood beads oozed from my eyebrows...

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