My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4102: bloody battle in the world, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

After hearing this, Yuan Sheng laughed loudly and said: "What a last resort, what a difficult decision! Your Majesty, when will you admit that you are a shameless person? Do you really deserve the title of Taoist ancestor?"

Yuanshi Tianzun immediately cursed: "What makes my senior brother unworthy of the word Tao Ancestor? No matter how high the title is, my senior brother can still deserve it and deserve it! He is the Tao Ancestor of our human race, not an old dog like you." Dao Ancestor. Nothing my senior brother did was disrespectful to the human race."

Yuan Sheng looked at Yuanshi Tianzun and said coldly: "I am talking to the Supreme Being, and it is not your turn to interrupt. In my eyes, who do you think you are?"

Yuanshi Tianzun said: "Of course Pindao is not a thing, but in Pindao's eyes, you are just an old dog!" He has always had a fiery temper. Although he rarely quarrels with others, once he does, he is also very polite. An unforgiving mouth. It's just that there is really no need to interact with those juniors!

Yuan Sheng couldn't help but be speechless.

At this time, Long Xiaofeng spoke and said: "I think back then, our Spirit Master clan lived in peace and contentment on the earth. The Emperor of the Universe came arrogantly and wanted to destroy the earth. Your ancestor of the human race was a cruel person. thing…"

Taishang Daozu said: "Actually speaking, no one has the right to accuse anyone. Just say that fellow Daoist Yuan and your Kepler tribe, before we came to Kepler, you once attacked Thirteen for some resources. A planet has carried out genocide. The number of creatures that died at the hands of your Kepler tribe is in the billions! Other creatures can’t do anything to you, and we are just your retribution! As for fellow Taoist Dragon, your souls The era of the Zun clan is indeed too long ago. How many evil things have been done in the past is beyond the reach of Pindao. But don’t you know how many planets and creatures your imperial sky boat has devoured in the universe? Everyone’s Your hands are not clean, but it just so happens that your enemy is our human race. So now, we also need to bicker and discuss right and wrong."

Long Xiaofeng said: "..." After thinking for a while, he didn't know what to say to refute, so he finally closed his mouth!

Yuan Sheng nodded and said: "Your Majesty, what you said makes sense. Today, it seems redundant to say anything. I can't stop the army, and you can't just kill me! However, after so many years, I I have never really competed with you. Before, I had the Heavenly Way of Life, and it was somewhat unfair to compete with you using the Heavenly Way of Life. Now, neither I nor you have the power of Heavenly Way, although I am now immortal. But in terms of strength, there is not much advantage. So, let’s compete fairly. Draw a circle on the ground, and whoever gets out of the circle will lose. If I lose today, I will stop fighting for ten years.

! If you lose..."

Taishang Daozu said: "Pindao can compete with you, but if Pindao loses, he can't do anything for you. Because you can represent the undead army, but Pindao cannot bet with you on the survival of the human race."

"That's fine, let's have a competition!" Yuan Sheng said.

Taishang Daozu said: "Okay!"

Yuanshi Tianzun was a little worried and whispered: "Brother, this guy is full of tricks. He tricked Junior Brother Tongtian back then!" Taishang Daozu said: "Don't worry, as of today, he no longer needs to use those little tricks."

After that, Taishang Daozu and Yuan Sheng drew a circle on the ground.

The circle is about ten square meters.

The two of them stand in the circle, and whoever is knocked out of the circle loses!

The two stood opposite each other in the circle!

These destined enemies have finally reached this point.

Then, without any extra words, the two of them each said the word "please" and then took action.

Yuan Sheng made the move first. He knew Taishang Daozu was following the trend and it was natural. But he was not afraid of anything. He moved his body and swayed left and right as fast as a ghost!

At this moment, Yuan Sheng is not like a great saint who can reach heaven and earth, but like a mortal master in the world.

It's just that the speed and strength are thousands of times stronger than those of ordinary masters!

It moved in an instant, came suddenly, there was no sound, time and space had lost their effect.

Yuan Sheng's hands turned into eagle's beaks, and he suddenly came to the Supreme Taoist Ancestor and pricked his ears.

Taishang Daozu's figure moved at this moment, his movements were elegant, like a flying swallow skimming the water, treading the waves without leaving a trace. But Yuan Sheng's speed was still too fast, and he caught Taishang Daozu in one fell swoop, and successfully pecked Taishang Daozu's ears with both claws.

This time, the force penetrated through, even the Taishang Daozu's level of cultivation was dead!

So, Taishang Daozu was defeated like this?

Obviously impossible!

If Taishang Daozu is so easily defeated, then he is not worthy of being Yuan Sheng's old enemy!

Under Yuan Sheng's peck, two more Supreme Taoist ancestors suddenly appeared on the scene.

The Taishang Daozu who was pecked by him suddenly exploded, forming a fierce fist seal and blasting towards Yuan Sheng's face.

At the same time, on the left and right sides of Yuan Sheng, the two extra Taoist ancestors punched Yuan Sheng together.

Suddenly, everything was exciting and dangerous.

Yuan Sheng snorted coldly and shouted: "Little tricks!"

I saw his body swaying, but three Yuan Saints also appeared.

This Kung Fu is not like transforming three pure beings in one breath, but it is similar to Li Changye's previous Kung Fu.

The three Yuan Sages were all extremely powerful, but one of them was defeated by Taishang Daozu and was defeated into countless black particles.

But the other two Yuansheng quickly counterattacked.

The Yuan Sheng who had turned into black particles also took the opportunity to quickly condense and returned to its original shape.

Taishang Daozu became three Daozus again with the Qi of Sanqing, and he fought with the three Yuansheng.

In an instant, punches and kicks were coming, and the fighting was extremely fierce!

Then they all became one.

Because they found that fighting separately didn't make much sense.

Taishang Daozu simply stopped evading, there was no point in evading like this.

No moves, rules, or magic weapons can work on these two people. The only thing you can do is fight hard...

The two palms struck together, killing more than ten palms in a row.

After more than ten palms, Yuan Sheng's aura became slightly empty.

Taishang Daozu was extremely calm and pressed forward step by step.

After ten more palms, Yuan Sheng was already forced to the edge of the circle.

Taishang Daozu gave a light drink and went...

Another slap...

This palm was about to knock Yuan Sheng out of the circle.

The hearts of all the saints were in their throats. They really hoped that Daozu could succeed with one blow.

At the critical moment, Yuan Sheng's body suddenly turned into countless black mist particles.

These black mist particles are demon particles...

Taishang Daozu's expression did not change at all, and suddenly he took out the big hand seal and actually took all the demon particles in his hand. His big mudra is like a vast world at this moment.

Demonic particles are like countless stars in this vast world!

But the stars at this time were violent...these stars rotated with lightning, exploded, and powerfully absorbed the energy of the surrounding demons.

The devil's energy suddenly surged and became violent, and the devil's energy in the outside world took on the form of a thunderstorm.

But Taishang Daozu stretched out his other hand and pushed it out with a palm. With this palm, the demon storm in front of him was knocked out of a passage.

Then, he pushed the demon particles in his hand toward the outside of the circle...


Those demon particles left the circle, quickly gathered outside the circle, and finally turned into Yuan Sheng.

At this time, Taishang Daozu was still in the circle.

And Yuan Sheng was already standing outside the circle.

It's not like Taishang Daozu never thought of suppressing Yuan Sheng, but Yuan Sheng was too strong. If he delayed a little longer, Yuan Sheng would break out of his hand seal.

When the saints saw this, they were immediately overjoyed.

Yuanshi Tianzun shouted: "Yuan Yunzhong, you lose!"

After Yuan Sheng settled on the ground, he scanned the scene with his eyes, and suddenly shouted coldly: "Kill me...kill! No one will be spared!"

Apparently, he's not one to keep his word either.

At this time, I stopped talking nonsense and went straight to the killer.

"You despicable old man..." Yuanshi Tianzun immediately cursed.

The undead army moved instantly...

There was a roar between heaven and earth.

The undead army came to attack them. The feeling of being so densely packed that it covered the sky and blocked the sun, like a tsunami, made people feel numb.

Taishang Daozu immediately faced Yuan Sheng, and at the same time used the natural holy realm to cover the world.

"Don't even think about it!" Yuan Sheng shouted and quickly launched the Demonic Particle Storm.

In the sky, demonic clouds are surging crazily...

Countless demonic particles formed, like billions of sword lights slashing into the natural holy realm.

Yuanshi Tianzun swayed and was the first to face Long Xiaofeng.

"Let Pindao come and meet you!" Yuanshi Tianzun shouted. Long Xiaofeng said: "Am I afraid of you?" The two of them each used the Holy Realm, and then quickly went out to fight.

The Taoist leader stopped the black corpse.

The Donghuangtai had always predicted that the saint was coming to kill, and when Master Zaoxing was about to join the battle, Li Changye's four ice men rushed over and killed him with Master Zaoxian.

Li Changye scanned the battlefield and saw that under the influence of the demon particles, those holy realm rules could not trap the undead army at all. The undead legion rushed over, vigorous and terrifying.

At the same time, several quasi-sage-level immortal masters attacked Li Changye.

Li Changye got entangled with them, fighting each other, evenly matched.

Li Changye was waiting for the opportunity. He wanted to wait for Yuan Sheng to be defeated, and then be suppressed by Taishang Daozu and the others. At this time, he can rely on his own ability to control the undead army.

The current undead army is powerfully controlled by Yuan Sheng, and he has no ability to give orders!

At this moment, the undead army is heading towards the secret boundary of the human race...

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