My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4099: The great calamity is now, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

Yuan Sheng continued: "But unfortunately, this undead ancestor holds a treasure in his hand, but he wants to be a human being. First, he fused the fragments of a master from the human race and barely formed it. Later, he went through untold hardships and broke all the constraints, and finally He became a real person. As a result, it will be even more difficult for him to fuse the Undead Star Stone. Fate gave him a good hand, but it was all ruined by his cleverness!"

Long Xiaofeng said: "This shows that cause and effect reincarnate, the human race has done many evil things, and they will eventually be punished!"

Yuan Sheng laughed loudly and said: "Yes, yes! I want to see how the human race can come back against the wind this time. I don't believe it, they can be so lucky every time!"

The black corpse felt the excitement and expansion of his master at this time, and he couldn't help but feel a little worried. At the same time, he reminded: "Master, the ancestor of the undead is not dead yet, and he may be connected with the human race. We also have to guard against this!"

Yuan Sheng glanced at the black corpse and said: "I am not afraid of the ancestor of the undead at all now, but your words reminded me that the first thing we have to do now is to take over the subordinates of the ancestor of the undead. He will create the real person, Donghuang Taiyi Capital It has been refined, and it is a great helper. There are also a large number of masters in his Tiansheng Palace. This time, we will organize an army of puppets to kill the Supreme Being!"

Long Xiaofeng said: "My subordinates suddenly thought of another thing that we can make a fuss about."

Yuan Sheng glanced at Long Xiaofeng and said, "Oh?"

Long Xiaofeng said: "Isn't Mr. Black Corpse worried about the connection between the ancestor of the undead and the human race? But Mo Yu was killed by the ancestor of the undead himself. If Chen Yang was still here, I'm afraid he would be cut into pieces. But even if Chen Yang Yang is gone, but Nuwa is still there, and Nuwa’s daughter Bai Suzhen is still there, which is enough to make them sick."

Hei Yi Suzhen's affairs were kept highly confidential in the early stage, but were later made public. Therefore, Yuan Sheng and his party also knew these things.

Yuan Sheng was a little disapproving of Long Xiaofeng's words and said: "These are not things that I need to worry about."

After that, Yuan Sheng opened the door to the void, and with the black corpse, Long Xiaofeng instantly arrived at the location of the Holy Palace that day.

Yuan Sheng quickly summoned Master Creation and Donghuang Taiyi to come.

Master Creation and Donghuang Taiyi came to Yuan Sheng and were respectful, but their eyes were lifeless.

After Yuan Sheng controlled the power of the Undead Star Stone, it was now easy to control Master Creation and Donghuang Taiyi.

Following that, Yuan Sheng also went to check out the army of puppets raised by the ancestor of the undead. There were many masters among them, and there were also many semi-saint masters among them.

These masters are all fierce and not afraid of death, and they are very difficult to kill!

This is his undead army!

After mastering the undead army, Yuan Sheng then wanted to attack the human race.

Black Corpse reminded Yuan Sheng again: "Master, I think we should slow down for a while."

Yuan Sheng said: "Huh?"

Black Corpse said: "You are too excited now, and everything is going too smoothly. We should calm down first and then plan the next move. After all, everything is possible!"

Yuan Sheng was startled, and then fell silent.

After a while, he said: "Hei Zhi, you are right to remind me! I... have indeed been suppressed for too long. That's why I am so impetuous..."

Yuan Sheng followed Black Corpse's suggestion and let the undead army settle down first. He entered seclusion again. While in seclusion, he was also searching for the whereabouts of the ancestor of the undead.

He knew where the secret place of the human race was early on, but this time he searched for the ancestor of the undead in the devil's energy, but there was no information. He couldn't help but secretly said in his heart: "It seems that the ancestor of the undead has really taken refuge in the human race. Only the prosperous place of the human race can cover up my search for him! The ancestor of the undead knows enough about the undead star stone. In other words, he I know the old man well enough now. But even if his techniques, formations, etc. are combined with several saints from the human race, they still can’t withstand my undead army! After thinking about it, they have no chance of making a comeback!”

Despite this, Yuan Sheng was not in a hurry to attack.

After thinking hard for half a month, he made sure everything was OK before he took action.

Li Changye, Gu Yue and a group of disciples did go to the human race.

Before going to the human race, Li Changye had too many considerations.

He actually doesn't want to go to the human race. He was not very friendly to the human race in the past, and he also refined Donghuang Taiyi and Zhenhao Zhenren. This time he killed Mo Yu again...

His grievances with the human race are indeed too deep!

Li Changye had thought about taking Gu Yue out of the fairy world, but he tried, and with his ability, he couldn't get out at all. If you have the Undead Star Stone with you, it would be easy to leave the fairy world. Everything is very different now...

Saints also have the ability to leave the fairy world, because saints have powerful holy power.

Li Changye's power is immune to all rules and high-dimensional power, but his power does not have the ability to reduce dimensions and attack others. So he could compete with the saint. At the same time, Chen Yang could also compete with him because he was stronger. It's just that Chen Yang can't kill him! But in a duel between Chen Yang and the Saint, he would only be killed instantly.

Li Changye told Gu Yue that he had nowhere to go now. Only by hiding in the secret place of the human race can we avoid Yuan Sheng's pursuit. After Yuan Sheng fused the Undead Star Stone, he could reach thousands of miles away in an instant, which was very terrifying.

When he goes to the human race, he will find a way to resist Yuan Sheng with the human race. If by then, the human race and Yuan Sheng can both suffer losses, that would be the best outcome.

Gu Yue naturally had no objection to this. Of course she was not willing to lead her disciples to wait for death with Li Changye.

After all, there is a glimmer of hope in going to the secret place of the human race.

Li Changye led four ice men and Gu Yue's group through the void and arrived in front of the human race's secret place. He has been a big boss for so many years, and he already knows all about the secrets of the human race, but he has never been in the mood to invade, and he doesn't feel it is necessary. If you are living a good life, why do you have to be so dominant and uncomfortable?

His demands and those of Yuan Sheng are completely different. Yuan Sheng's lifelong wish is to destroy the human race.

The deep hatred will not disappear just because thousands of years have passed.

Let's say that Li Changye and his party came to Daluo Mountain. Daluo Mountain is the secret place of the human race, and the periphery of the secret place has been shrouded in the black energy of the demon.

There used to be dazzling beauty on Daluo Mountain, but now it is desolate and ruined!

The soil has turned into black rot... nothing can grow.

Li Changye shouted loudly from the outside: "Tai Shang Tao Ancestor, I have something important to report to you. Please come and see me!"

After he shouted three times in a row, he waited in silence.

In the Eight Views Palace, Taishang Daozu and Yuanshi Tianzun were chatting.

Li Changye's arrival immediately alarmed them.

Taishang Daozu could clearly see the situation outside the secret place, and couldn't help but pale slightly, saying: "Why is he here?"

Yuanshi Tianzun said: "Can this ancestor of the undead finally be unable to bear it any longer?"

Taishang Daozu said: "That's not quite right. If he came to attack, he wouldn't be so polite. With him and the undead army under his command, there is no need to play these tricks."

Yuanshi Tianzun also saw Gu Yue and those disciples at this time, and said: "There are also human women... strange, strange!"

Taishang Taoist Ancestor said: "What is supposed to come, there is no way to hide." After saying that, he opened a void door outside the secret place and said: "Fellow Taoist, please come in!"

Li Changye and Gu Yue's group entered the Void Gate and arrived at the Eight Views Palace in the blink of an eye.

In the secret place, the other saints also knew that the ancestor of the undead was coming, so they all rushed to the Eight Views Palace.

After all the saints gathered together, they all looked at Li Changye with great vigilance.

At the same time, Gu Yue asked all the disciples to retreat first.

Afterwards, Li Changye and Gu Yue greeted everyone one by one. Li Changye said: "I come here with absolutely no ill intentions!"

Taishang Daozu stared at Li Changye and said after a while: "The ancestor seems to be ill?"

The other saints also discovered that this ancestor of the undead was very different from before.

Li Changye immediately said: "Tao Ancestor, fellow Taoists, I had many disputes with you in the past. But I did it all to survive... So, in the final analysis, I am not a heinous person. Since I did this After becoming the Lord of the Immortal Realm, in these years, I have kept to myself and never thought of interfering with you."

Yuanshi Tianzun said: "It has only been a few years. You must know that when Yuan Yunzhong obtained the Heavenly Way of Life, he was still polite for a hundred years."

Li Changye said: "This is completely different. The time for Yuan Yunzhong's Heavenly Way of Life was not mature at that time and required a lot of calculations. If he could have taken action early, he would never have delayed it for a moment. And I, after taking control of this devil's energy, In this world, I am invincible! You cannot stop me."

Taishang Daozu said: "Ancestor, your words make sense. Pindao also fully believes that you have no great malice towards the human race. But, what happened to you?"

Li Changye suddenly felt bitter and said, "I came here today to tell you that your good days are coming to an end."

All the saints were immediately shocked.

The saint said in a cold voice: "What do you mean by this?"

Li Changye said: "It's not that I want to do anything to you, but Yuan Yunzhong has probably fused my Undead Star Stone now. Once he fuses the Undead Star Stone, he will be the leader of this world of demons. Lord. He can also command my undead army, and no one will be able to stop it then!"

Taishang Daozu's heart beat fiercely and he asked: "Why did your star stone fall into his hands?"

Li Changye said: "You may not believe my words. This girl Gu Yue has a noble character. When she was by my side, she once warned me not to be your enemy! So, let her tell you what happened. Bar!"

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