My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4097: long night, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

When Li Changye saw Yuan Sheng's evil smile, he felt something bad in his heart and immediately activated the undead seed in Yuan Sheng's mind. But the undead seeds did not explode, but were directly enveloped by a strange and strange holy power.

"Huh?" Li Changye was stunned. Based on his knowledge, the other party's holy power could not wrap his life seeds. Because it is inside the opponent's mind... with his speed and the power of the undead seeds, it can be detonated instantly.

"What on earth is going on?" Li Changye quickly held the Undead Star Stone in his hand. Suddenly, there was a stinging pain in his palm.

A force of death was transmitted from the star stone to the depths of his body.

"No!" Li Changye also knew at this time that he was being plotted, and in desperation, he could only throw the undead star stone out.

Yuan Sheng grabbed the undead star stone with one big move. Then, he used the Palm of Life to kill Li Changye.

Long Xiaofeng and Black Corpse also took action immediately. They quickly deployed the holy realm and completely enveloped Li Changye.


Three terrifying big palm prints shot towards Li Changye. Li Changye's eyes were blood red, he roared, and he quickly separated and transformed into three Li Changye. This method of incarnation is not the Taishang Daozu's method of transforming the three pure beings into one qi, but he practiced it based on the qi of the demon. Because he originally had endless demonic energy to replenish, he was still extremely powerful after transforming into three bodies.

But at this time, Li Changye felt that the death aura invading his body was like a shadow, completely covering his heart. It's like having your hands and feet restrained, and it's a bit difficult to summon the devil's energy unscrupulously. It's like I can't use my strength...

Boom boom boom…

The three Yuan Shengs used their palms in succession, and their holy power surged!

The three Li Changye were quickly defeated by the power of his palm.

Li Changye's body turned into countless blue particles, which surged wildly and tried to escape.

But how could Yuan Sheng give him a chance?

Yuan Sheng and Black Corpse quickly used sealing methods to suppress the blue particles.

At this moment, a dazzling blue light burst out from the blue particles...

"The origin of the undead?" Yuan Sheng was slightly surprised.


The blue particles broke through the seals of Yuan Sheng and Black Corpse. These particles were densely packed, covering the sky and the sun, and quickly fled in all directions.

Obviously, this was Li Changye's method of escape. Many blue particles are a deception, and a few blue particles are the real body...

Yuan Sheng, Black Corpse, and Long Xiaofeng all took their time and quickly used their magic eyes to identify their true bodies.

There is still a difference between the real body and the false body.

Soon, they discovered that a group of blue particles in the southeast was Li Changye's true form, and they chased after him at the speed of thunder and lightning.

At this moment, in front of the blue particles, the Void Gate appeared, and the blue particles quickly entered the Void Gate.

When Yuan Sheng and the other two men caught up, the Void Gate had disappeared.

In the scene, the remaining blue particles also dissipated.

"Damn it, he actually escaped!" Long Xiaofeng said angrily.

Black Corpse said in a deep voice: "This gate to the void appears quite strangely. Did he open it himself?"

Yuan Sheng said: "Apart from him who can open the door to the void at will, who else has this ability? However, whether he can escape or not is no longer important."

"Master, with this Undead Star Stone, can you break the shackles of lifespan?" Black Corpse asked.

Yuan Sheng smiled slightly, nodded, and said: "That's right! After I completely refine this undead star stone, this devil's energy will be used by me. By then, this ancestor of the undead will be just a clown-like figure in front of me. .Hahaha…"

At the end of the sentence, the old fox couldn't help laughing loudly.

Because this time, he was really planning to win over the ancestor of the undead to kill the clan. Unexpectedly, he met Mo Yu in the end, and then the ancestor of the undead cooperated with him like this, finally allowing him to find a better opportunity.

After Black Corpse and Long Xiaofeng looked at each other, they bowed and clasped their fists together and said, "Congratulations, Master, for returning to the top!" "Congratulations, Holy Master, for returning to the top!"

Holding the Undead Star Stone in his hand, Yuan Sheng turned around and came to the clear lake. He murmured: "God, you give me opportunities again and again because you also know that the human race has done many evil things and should be destroyed, right?"

Black Corpse and Long Xiaofeng followed closely behind.

Yuan Sheng turned around and said to the two of them: "Now I want to find a secluded place to start retreat. You guys will check it for me!"

"Yes, Master!"

"Yes, Holy Lord!"

In the forbidden area of ​​Tiansheng Palace, Li Changye returned directly to Gu Yue's palace.

At this time, Gu Yue was sitting cross-legged in meditation.

After Li Changye arrived, he first spat out a mouthful of blood and then fell to the ground exhausted.

Gu Yue was immediately startled, quickly stood up and came to Li Changye's side: "Palace Master, what's wrong with you?" As she spoke, she quickly picked up the elixir and fed it to Li Changye.

After Li Changye took a lot of elixirs, he sat cross-legged and began to perform exercises to heal his injuries.

After a while, Li Changye's breath stabilized slightly, and then he slowly opened his eyes.

"Gu Yue, it's not safe here anymore, we have to leave here!" Li Changye said this in his first sentence.

Gu Yue frowned and said immediately: "I will ask all the disciples to assemble immediately."

Li Changye said in a deep voice: "Okay! But be quick..."

Gu Yue immediately ordered his disciples to rush to the palace.

After that, Li Changye also summoned his four ice men, and then passed through the Void Gate and left the Tiansheng Palace.

Li Changye led everyone to an island. The island was also shrouded in the aura of the devil, with evil and blood everywhere, lifeless.

Gu Yue asked the disciples to settle down here temporarily.

Li Changye entered Gu Yue's magic weapon Gu Yue Palace to rest.

In Guyue Palace, Guyue asked Li Changye with concern what happened.

Li Changye was sad and angry, and said: "I was tricked by this old dog Yuan Yunzhong."

Gu Yue was puzzled and said: "Didn't you plant the undead seeds in his brain? Everything is under your control, how come you are still being plotted by him?"

Li Changye said bitterly: "This old dog is too shrewd and cunning. I still haven't figured out how he did it."

Gu Yue suddenly didn't know what to say... She also didn't expect that the good situation would suddenly reverse to this point.

"The Undead Star Stone...?" Gu Yue thought of something and asked.

Li Changye said: "The Undead Star Stone has fallen into his hands."

"This..." Gu Yue said, "The consequences will be serious, right, Palace Master?"

Li Changye said: "The Undead Star Stone is the origin stone of the Undead Qi. The evolution of the Devil's Qi also started from the Undead Mother Qi. The Undead Star Stone is the origin... He controls the Undead Star Stone, and he can control the Devil's Qi. .When the time comes, he will be the master."

Gu Yue said in disbelief: "How can a star stone have such a great effect? ​​Could it be said that no matter who gets the undead star stone, he can become such a powerful being?"

Li Changye said: "Of course not! The undead star stone is actually highly poisonous. Not many people in the world can withstand the poison of the star stone, but I believe that if others can't, this Yuan Yunzhong can definitely do it. I These four ice men were trained by me with my own energy. Even if he controls the undead star stone, he cannot control my four ice men. But it is different with masters like Zhenzao Zhenren. When the time comes, They will only follow Yuan Yunzhong’s command!”

Gu Yue said: "So this time you left, you only took four icemen with you!"

Li Changye said: "Not bad!"

Gu Yue said: "If we hide here, we will be discovered sooner or later, right?"

Li Changye said: "After he refines the Undead Star Stone, we will not be able to escape his eyes no matter where we hide. But it will not take him a moment to refine the Undead Star Stone. After I recover from my injuries, I want to take you and your disciples to their secret place."

Gu Yue was taken aback and said: "Tai Shang Dao Ancestor and the others regard you as an enemy bandit..."

Li Changye said: "One moment, another moment. If they don't cooperate with me, I'm afraid they will be dead."

Gu Yue fell silent.

Li Changye looked at Gu Yue and said, "I'm not capable enough now. If you want to leave, I won't stop you!"

Gu Yue was startled, and then said softly: "Palace Master, you are Chang Ye, and I am the moon. How can the moon leave Chang Ye?"

Tears flashed in Li Changye's eyes, and he stretched out his hand to hold her Rouyi, but when he reached halfway, he paused, a little afraid.

In the emotional field, he is actually a very pure newborn.

Seeing this, Gu Yue took the initiative to hold his hand.

At this moment, Li Changye felt like he had the whole world in his hands.

After that, Li Changye also told Gu Yue in detail about the various relationships between the Undead Star Stone and him, including his current strength and so on!

Li Changye said: "I don't know when the Undead Star Stone was born. Two thousand years ago, I began to have my own consciousness inside the Undead Star Stone and became aware of my existence. Then I began to absorb the Undead Star Stone. The essence inside... Hongmeng Purple Qi was born more than a hundred years ago, when the undead energy around the undead star stone also became richer."

Gu Yue said: "I thought the aura of the undead only began to exist after the birth of the Hongmeng Purple Qi."

Li Changye said: "No, it has always been there, but it has not been developed. Just like the devil's energy itself also exists, it is because after the tears of death melted the Hongmeng purple energy, it completely released the devil's energy, so it is now It has become a world of demons!”

Gu Yue said: "That's it!"

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