My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4095: Everyone has their own agenda, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

Gu Yue had a cold temperament, as if she didn't care much about anything. This is also where the ancestor of the undead was attracted to her. There are thousands of beautiful female monks in this world, but those like Gu Yue are rare!

Of course, although Gu Yue is cold, she is not a fool. When getting along with the ancestor of the undead, for the survival of himself and his disciples, he still chose to flatter him appropriately. At this time, she smiled slightly and said: "I heard my master say that on our home earth, there will always be a beautiful bright moon hanging in the sky. This moon will always have only one round...Master missed his hometown, so he gave me Named Lone Moon. And the moon only appears at Lone Moon will always be accompanied by a long night!"

The ancestor of the undead was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes flashed with infinite joy, and he said: "Okay, what a name! From now on, I will be called Li Changye!" Finally, he said with infinite joy: "I finally have a name, I finally have a name. Name."

At this moment, the ancestor was as happy as a child!

After chatting about romance, Li Changye became serious and said, "Yuan Yunzhong still needs my undead star stones to set up formations. This is what worries me as well. He has a lot of tricks on him!"

Gu Yue was shocked after hearing this and said: "As far as I know, the star stone is a very important thing for you. This is a divine weapon. Divine weapons cannot be given to others!"

Li Changye said: "Yes, but to create a formation that can completely block the devil's energy, only the Undead Star Stone can do it. Unfortunately, I am not very proficient in formations..."

Gu Yue said: "I know a little bit about the battle method, but compared with Yuan Yunzhong, it is far behind. I don't dare to go and show my shame!"

Li Changye's eyes lit up and he said, "But when the time comes, you can help me see if there is any fraud in it."

Gu Yue said: "If Yuan Yunzhong wants to use his methods, I'm afraid I won't be able to tell."

Li Changye said: "He thought that no one on my side was proficient in formations and might not be so meticulous. I actually made complete preparations. He could only use the undead star stone to set up the formation for a short period of time. After that, I I also need to check the Undead Star Stone. At the same time, he also agreed to let me plant a seed in his brain. It seems that he is quite sincere."

Gu Yue muttered: "With such sincerity, it seems that he wants to use your hands to get rid of several saints."

Li Changye said: "Yes, this is indeed his plan!"

Gu Yue said: "Then what do you think?"

Li Changye said: "After getting rid of the Supreme Leader and the others, I can sit back and relax."

Gu Yue fell silent.

Li Changye said: "You don't like it?"

Gu Yue said simply: "I don't like it!"

Li Changye said: "You are also a human race, and you really don't like me to do such a thing. Well, I won't do it!"

Gu Yue said: "Palace Master, I am a human race, and I really don't like you to harm the human race. Now this fairy world is about to turn into a magic ball. This is not caused by you, so I don't hate you. Taishang Daozu and the others are providing the final hope for the human race. Asylum, I would rather they be safe. Also, a big reason why I don’t want you to do this is for yourself.”

Li Changye said: "Oh?"

Gu Yue said: "Yuan Yunzhong has a deep hatred against the human race, so he has to kill him at all costs. So what if he had all the advantages? In the end, he turned himself into a broken body. Now he is at the end of his rope... You are not going to die soon... It is absolutely unkind to come here to take you into the water at this time. The luck of the human race is very strong. What you have to do is not to destroy the human race, but to coexist with the human race. If you don't become enemies with them, we will not be at peace with each other. Is everything okay?"

Li Changye said: "Gu Yue, what you said makes sense!" After a pause, he said: "But, are your Majesty and the others willing to live in peace with me? They have nothing to do now. If one day, they get a chance, Can you still tolerate me? This is what I am worried about. After all, these saints seem to be benevolent and moral, but they are not good men and women when they start."

Gu Yue said: "I'm not familiar with those saints, so I can't guarantee you anything on this point. But do you really like a world full of demons? It's true that demons are the source of your strength, but everyone Is it really what you want to become puppets?"

Li Changye was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Being a human is very interesting. For example, I can talk to you like this here. If they were all puppets, this place would be ashes."

Gu Yue said: "Then do you want to stay in this place forever from now on?"

Li Changye was startled and said, "What do you mean?"

Gu Yue said: "If the fairy world can return to normal in the future, then your strength will still be comparable to that of a saint. Living aloof in the human world, isn't it more attractive than being a puppet leader?"

Li Changye said: "I am willing to live as you said, but those saints..."

Gu Yue said: "I think we can talk about it, but if we really can't, we can leave the fairy world by then!"

Li Changye said: "I don't dare to talk to them. Last time, I talked with them very safely, but when I turned around, they betrayed their trust."

Gu Yue was suddenly speechless.

Li Changye said: "But leaving as you said is not a bad idea. When it comes to that point in the future, then leave."

Lone Yue's eyes flashed with joy and she said, "That's great."

Li Changye said: "It's just Gu Yue you..."

Gu Yue's face turned red, and she said a little shyly: "How can Gu Yue leave Changye!"

Li Changye was immediately overjoyed and said: "Haha, I'm relieved then." Then he added: "But no matter what, this Bai Qing must be removed. He hates me very much. As long as he is around, I will It’s not going to be a good life.”

Gu Yue didn't say anything... Compared with the survival of the entire human race, the life and death of a person named Bai Qing was not her concern!

Li Changye then left Gu Yue's palace and returned to his own.

He did like Gu Yue, but that didn't mean that he was carried away by love.

Gu Yue's words were meant to protect the human race, and he knew this. But he thinks this is normal. What if there are living beings who don't protect their own race? Gu Yue's words still reminded him.

"Gu Yue said that Yuan Yunzhong is at the end of his life, so he thought of pulling me to destroy the human race. This human race has strong luck, and it seems that it can be defeated every time, but then something unexpected happens. This is what I have done. Moisture, why do you need to wade into such muddy waters with him? Even if the situation changes in the future and I don't kill enough enemies, the problem of self-protection will not be big. There is no need to take such risks..."

Li Changye made up his mind, but no matter what, he wanted to get rid of Bai Qing.

If Bai Qing lives for one day, he will have trouble sleeping and eating!

On the second day, Li Changye asked Yuan Sheng to drink an undead seed. This undead seed is rooted in Yuan Sheng's brain... The undead seed contains essence and poison, and once released, it can grow indefinitely.

This poison is the essence of Li Changye, and even Yuan Sheng is not immune to it!

Moreover, Li Changye will be fully aware of any changes in this kind of thing.

After planting this seed, Li Changye felt more at ease with Yuan Sheng.

Then, he also handed over the Undead Star Stone to Yuan Sheng.

Yuan Sheng said to Li Changye: "I know that the ancestor is not at ease after all. Let's do this. When I use the undead star stones to set up the formation, you, the ancestor, will be watching from the side."

Li Changye said: "Okay!"

At that moment, Yuan Sheng began to transfer mana to the Undead Star Stone. After that, the undead star stone cooperated with Yuan Sheng's magic power and began to emit the original undead mother's energy. These maternal auras of the undead are like the source of the demonic aura, instantly attracting the demonic aura floating in the air.

Li Changye watched from the sidelines as Yuan Sheng set up the formation and drew his skills. He couldn't help but secretly admire him and felt that this guy was really capable.

After the formation was completed, Yuan Sheng said: "The core structure of this formation is already in the star stone. When the time comes, I will activate my mana and cooperate with the death energy of the black corpse. The ancestor, you will then put the core structure of the undead star stone into it." Release it. The formation can be completed in an instant..."

Li Changye nodded.

Yuan Sheng said: "Bai Qing will most likely enter your brain, the ancestor, to release the inner demon. By then, if you are too late to release the core structure..."

Li Changye said: "What if he enters your brain, or the brain of the black corpse? Wouldn't it be possible to complete it instantly?"

Yuan Sheng said: "As long as the core structure can be released, Black Corpse and I are not the most important."

Li Changye also knew that what Yuan Sheng said made sense, so he said: "At that time, I will put the undead star stone in the magic bag. If you see that the opportunity is wrong, you can get the undead star stone yourself."

Yuan Sheng said: "Okay!"

After everything was arranged, Li Changye was ready to choose an opportunity to deal with Bai Qing.

He knows that there is only one chance, and once he misses it, it will be difficult next time.

In the evening, Li Changye drank and chatted with Gu Yue again.

He said that he was about to set off to deal with Bai Qing.

He told Gu Yue that after Bai Qing is completely killed, he can basically sit back and relax.

Gu Yue said: "When the time comes, Yuan Yunzhong will deal with the human race?"

Li Changye said: "When the time comes, I will issue an order to expel the guests. I have nothing to be polite to them."

Gu Yue said: "They are not good men and women, I am afraid they will be dissatisfied."

Li Changye smiled and said: "They can't afford to make trouble here. I'm sure they won't dare to fight me."

Gu Yue breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's good!" Then she warned, "Palace Master, you must pay attention to safety during this trip. By the way, do you want to bring some of your subordinates with you?"

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