My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4089: Human luck, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

After Yuan Sheng and the other three people saw the person coming clearly, they were all surprised. The person who came was none other than...Zhenzao Zhenren!

Yuan Sheng will not forget that he had already killed Zhenzao Zhenren. However, it was not unusual for Master Creation to appear at this moment. He knew that the ancestor of the undead had snatched the body of Master Creation just for this fate.

The real person created in front of him was completely different from before. He was no longer surrounded by holy power, but instead was filled with demonic energy.

Master Creation's eyes were dull and lifeless, he was wearing an old gray Taoist robe, and his skinny face was covered with a green air. After he saw Yuan Sheng and the others, he didn't react at all. He just said coldly: "My master invites you!"

Then he made a gesture of invitation.

Yuan Sheng sighed slightly, said nothing, and then took the lead to fly towards Tiansheng Palace.

After entering the front garden of Tiansheng Palace, several more ice men were waiting, leading them towards the Tiansheng Palace.

Luxury is everywhere in the Tiansheng Palace today.

After entering Tiansheng Palace, Yuan Sheng and others also saw many beautiful palace maids. These maids are all human monks, and their cultivation is not bad.

Soon, they arrived at the main palace of Tiansheng Palace and saw the long-lost ancestor of the undead!

The ancestor of the undead was sitting on the throne at the top, accompanied by two beautiful women. The two women's cultivation level was around the fifth level of the Creation Realm...and they were not disturbed by any evil energy.

As for the ancestor of the undead, he has changed drastically now.

He became younger and looked like a young man in his twenties. He was dressed in white clothes, which were really as white as snow.

Vaguely, you can see his past appearance in his appearance. But now he is a handsome young man...

Yuan Sheng and the other three came to the middle and stood still. Yuan Sheng clasped his fists and said, "Congratulations to the ancestor, you have got what you wanted, and the beautiful woman is in your arms!"

The ancestor of the undead hugged the two beauties on the left and right, and smiled at Yuan Sheng and said: "I know that you, Yuan Yunzhong, are not a fuel-efficient lamp. When it comes to having a sharp tongue, Chen Yang is the first. You at least Secondly. You must have come here today to persuade me to do something for you, right?"

Yuan Sheng smiled and said: "Not bad!"

The ancestor of the undead said: "You are honest, okay, you go ahead, I want to hear what you have to say."

Yuan Sheng said: "I don't have much time left, so I want to do something while I am still useful."

The ancestor of the undead said: "Do you want me to help you deal with those people of the Supreme Being?"

Yuan Sheng said: "Not bad!"

The ancestor of the undead said: "Why?"

Yuan Sheng said: "I think that you, the ancestor, can't sit back and relax now."

The ancestor of the undead said: "Really?"

Yuan Sheng said: "This planet has been moving in the direction of demonization, and those saints will not sit still and wait for death! If we join forces at this time, the chance of winning is almost 100%."

The ancestor of the undead said: "Without you, my chance of winning is also 100%!"

Yuan Sheng said: "That's not necessarily true. Thinking back on the many times I made my plans, I had a 99% chance of winning, but what about the end?"

The ancestor of the undead said: "You are you, and I am myself. We cannot confuse them with each other!"

Yuan Sheng said: "But our enemies are the same."

The ancestor of the undead said: "Chen Yang is dead!"

Yuan Sheng said: "The fate of the human race has lasted for so many years, and it cannot be destroyed all at once. I can't do it on my own, but you, the ancestor, have great luck, so I want to rely on you to destroy the human race."

"Why do I have to destroy the human race?" the ancestor of the undead said: "Strictly speaking, I am now considered a human race, and it feels like a good human being. I advise you not to talk nonsense anymore. If today I Kill you, and then go talk to the Supreme Being and those people, and then there will be eternal peace!"

Yuan Sheng was silent for a while and said: "If that's the case, then why didn't the ancestor take action?"

The ancestor of the undead said: "This world is now the world of demons. In this world, I am the strongest. But I am not like you. I want to destroy the fairy world and the earth all day long. Although I am the strongest , but I don’t want to kill anyone! I don’t want to deal with the Supreme Being, and I don’t want to deal with you. But if you want to bring trouble on yourselves, and must seek death, then I can only help you!”

Yuan Sheng smiled slightly and said: "Everyone and everyone's circumstances are different. Ancestor, you have never experienced what I have experienced, so naturally you don't want to kill anyone! My parents, wife and children all died at the hands of the human race. My people , I almost died back then!”

The ancestor of the undead said: "This is a strange thing. From my point of view, those people in the Supreme Being are not cruel and bloodthirsty people. How could they kill you like this?"

Yuan Sheng sneered and said: "When you see them, they have already achieved success. Before success, people can do whatever it takes. After success, they naturally have to cultivate virtue and reputation. At the beginning, our Kepler tribe was also very strong and resisted to the death. ! During the battle with us, they killed many of us. They knew in their hearts that if the roots of the grass are not removed, they will grow again with the spring breeze, so they naturally have to kill them. Only in this way can they create the fairyland they imagined! This place , it was not originally called Immortal Realm, this place was originally my home. Just because they came, just because they are immortals, so this place was later called Immortal Realm!"

The ancestor of the undead smiled and said: "I really can't see that the Supreme Being can be a cruel and ruthless person!"

Yuan Sheng said: "If you think about it with your brain, you should know that the person who can sit in his position is definitely not a good man or woman."

The ancestor of the undead said: "When you said that, I remembered it. They made an oath to cooperate in front of me for no reason, but then turned around and killed me!"

Yuan Sheng said: "Speaking of which, if I hadn't planted the seeds of life for you, I'm afraid you, the founder, would never be able to turn around!"

The ancestor of the undead said: "Oh, you don't have to say it nicely. Are you helping me? You are helping yourself."

Yuan Sheng said: "No matter what my original intention is, you are the biggest beneficiary from this!"

The ancestor of the undead said: "You are right, so I will not embarrass you today!"

Yuan Sheng said: "There are variables in everything. Today we have an absolute advantage, but you, Ancestor, don't take action. This is a pity! Now the Supreme Being will not trouble you, but once things turn around in the future, do you think Will they allow this planet to continue to be so demonized? If you now turn all of them into your undead helpers, can you sit back and relax?"

The ancestor of the undead said: "I have an immortal body, so I have no worries!"

Yuan Sheng said: "There is no real immortality, and nothing is eternal. I have lived for so many years and I have witnessed a truth!"

The ancestor of the undead said: "Really?"

Yuan Sheng said: "That is to say, never be happy too early. Back then, my Kepler clan was almost wiped out by the human race, leaving only a group of obedient people, and they had no cultivation. They thought they could sit back and relax... As a result, I almost wiped them out twice...Both times, I was just a little bit closer! So, Ancestor, the human race today is much stronger than I was back then, can you really sit back and relax? Do you think you want to be a human race, and they recognize it? You? If they ask you to give up this magical power, will you be willing?"

The ancestor of the undead frowned.

Yuan Sheng said: "Besides, there is one more thing you must pay attention to!"

The ancestor of the undead looked at Yuan Sheng and asked, "What's the matter?"

Yuan Sheng said: "Ten days ago, we came to this Demonic Sea of ​​Death, and by chance, we met someone!"

The ancestor of the undead said: "Who?"

Yuan Sheng said: "Bai Qing!"

The ancestor of the undead rolled his eyes and said, "Who is Bai Qing?"

He was not familiar with Bai Qing at all.

Yuan Sheng said: "He used to be Chen Yang's little follower, but he was extremely talented. He once pretended to be Chen Yang and hid it from me. When I met him this time, I wanted to kill him... but in the end, guess what? "

The ancestor of the undead said: "When you say this, I am a little impressed again. That Bai Qing cultivation seems to be a semi-saint..."

"Then do you remember what his holy realm is?" Yuan Sheng asked immediately.

The ancestor of the undead said: "I have no impression!"

Yuan Sheng said: "Before I came here, I felt that you, the ancestor, should no longer be called the ancestor of the undead, but should be the ancestor of the demon! But now, I don't think so."

The ancestor of the undead said: "I have no interest in whether you are the ancestor of the demon, but don't always be so pretentious in your words. If you have any farts, just say it in one breath."

Yuan Sheng was angry. How could anyone dare to be so rude to him before? Now it is really true that the tiger is in peace and being bullied by the dog...

He had no choice but to endure it and continued: "We originally wanted to kill Bai Qing, but the realm of demons that Bai Qing practiced was extremely terrifying. Mr. Long fought with him for only a moment before he was injured. I also fought with him and took him There is nothing we can do. Moreover, he is very prejudiced against us... The most important thing is that he is not here to cause trouble for us. He is here to come to you, the ancestor... Now he is just a semi-saint. One day, he will evolve into a saint. After that, I’m afraid your good days will end first.”

The ancestor of the undead had a cold look in his eyes and said, "Is this true?"

Yuan Sheng said: "He should be here soon!"

The ancestor of the undead said: "I really want to meet him!"

Yuan Sheng said: "Anyway, I have said everything I want to say."

The ancestor of the undead said: "The three of you will rest here for a few days. As for the follow-up, I have to think about it! At the same time, we also have to see if the boy you mentioned will come."

Yuan Sheng clasped his fists and said: "Everything must be obeyed by the ancestor!"

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