My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4062: Don’t ask about the future, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

Meng Qingchen indeed knew Chen Yang well enough.

Chen Yang glanced at the scene. Those here today include his wife, children, grandchildren, granddaughters, etc.! On such an occasion, with such an identity, and with such a level of cultivation, he is definitely qualified to rely on his elders and sell them.

But how could he be such a person?

After that, he stood up, smiled at everyone, and said: "I am very happy to see you today. All of you here are my close relatives. Many, many years ago, I was just a young man with no cultivation and no idea of ​​the heights of the sky. People. Now, with my efforts, we have such a prosperous family. I feel very happy and honored. But at the same time, I also feel trembling. On this Danube planet, we can be said to be the absolute overlord. All races and creatures on Danube are like ants in front of us. We don't like them, so if we want to destroy them... is it easy? It's very easy, with a lift of hands! So, at this time, I am particularly worried Worry."

His expression gradually became serious: "Are there many powerful masters and families in this world? Are there many powerful forces? Many, many! But what will be their fate? People are born, old, sick and die, and a family will also go through ups and downs. To the process of decline. Our family will inevitably decline in the future, but at least, we hope not to be so fast. We hope that the rise and fall of our family can last longer. So how can we make it longer? Mu Feng, you tell me."

Chen Mufeng was stunned, but he didn't expect that his grandfather would throw the question to him. At the moment, he bowed his head, pondered for a moment, and then said: "Returning to Grandpa, we need to have greater strength. At the same time, we must also practice morality and not bully the weak. The best way is to hide from the world..."

Chen Yang smiled and said: "What you said makes sense! To be honest, I can't guarantee that my Chen Yang's children and grandchildren will be both virtuous and moral. When a person has been in power for a long time, he will inevitably develop arrogance. This arrogant heart is a sign of the demise of the clan. I actually don’t have much to say today. I just want to tell you that in this world, there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the sky. Don’t think too highly of yourself... Today, I, He can be considered a master. But there are many who are better than me. Our old Chen family doesn’t have many rules, but there are three iron rules. If anyone breaks it, don’t blame me as a grandfather for being unkind. "

At this time, Chen Tinglan stood up and said with a smile: "You brats, please listen carefully. Your grandfather's words are not meant for us aunts and your fathers. They are meant for you guys. Little brat, listen...and your grandpa is a man of his word. I, your aunt, suffered enough back then."

Then Chen Jieying immediately smiled and said: "I heard from my father that you, aunt, were not very economical when you were a child. That's why grandpa taught you a lesson. It seemed that he expelled you from the Zi Mansion. Even Qingchen's mother couldn't stop you. Woolen cloth."

Meng Qingchen immediately said: "Don't say I can't stop it, that's because no one can stop it. You know well that your uncle Xiao Ning's mother, Bai Suzhen, has a bad temper and is the best among us in ability. Back then, you Grandpa was no match for her! But what happened next? He also destroyed Xiao Ning's cultivation and beat her to pieces with a whip. So, you little darlings, you have to behave yourself. When the time comes , if something really happens, your father will definitely not be able to stop it."

Chen Nianci stood up and said, "If they really do something that violates the principles, then dad doesn't need to take action, I have to whip them first. I haven't taught them enough, and then let dad take action."

A group of grandchildren and granddaughters immediately stood up obediently and said they would never dare to mess around!

Then, Chen Nianci became concerned about Chen Yang going to the fairy world.

Here, Chen Yang had no scruples and started talking about the fairy world.

He also wanted to tell these juniors that their cultivation might seem great here, but in the fairy world they are not top-notch.

Chen Yang told all about the many hardships of life and death in the immortal world, as well as the sophistication of Yuan Sheng, the terror of the black corpse, the weirdness of the ancestor of the undead, etc. He also talked about various matters related to his undercover work, including the subsequent decrees of heaven and the confusion of Hongmeng. As well as all the experiences he encountered after returning to Earth this time, he told them all.

In this simple journey to the fairy world, he no longer knew how many life and death hardships he had experienced. Being able to survive until now, all the younger generations felt so lucky when they heard it, and they also felt terrified in their hearts!

After listening to Chen Yang's story, Chen Nianci's eldest daughter Chen Shuiyin worriedly said: "Grandpa, if it is really said like this, wouldn't the entire universe be in danger? By then, we will not be immune? If this is true, as the universe, we I want to be a part of it and want to contribute.”

The rest of the people also expressed concern.

Chen Yang smiled and said: "If I didn't tell you, you wouldn't know that the earth was almost destroyed before. There are also very likely some planets that are going to hit the earth in places that we can't see, maybe in places that we don't even know about. , the earth has experienced countless life and death. In the final analysis, the earth will not die so easily. Because the earth’s energy is not exhausted, the energy of the universe is even more difficult to reach the end. These are just a calculation, and the final direction will be very mysterious. Don’t worry, everyone, the universe cannot be destroyed. This is not what I said, but what Senior God Emperor said.”

Chen Mufeng said in a deep voice: "Grandpa, if this is really the case, wouldn't it mean that you don't have to go to the fairy world? The universe will not be destroyed anyway."

Chen Yang was stunned.

Chen Nianci smiled bitterly and said, "Mu Feng, Mu Feng, how could you ask such a stupid question?"

Chen Mufeng was not worried and said, "Please give me some advice, Father."

Chen Nianci said: "For example, a mortal can live to be seventy years old, but this does not mean that he can not avoid a huge pit. Many things are linked together. Only if you do it with all your heart, will you be able to Showing the final result. Your grandfather is obviously a key part of it... If he doesn't go, the universe may not be destroyed. But deliberately changing the original trajectory will have serious consequences. Moreover, who can be absolutely sure about the universe? Will it not be destroyed? If someone tells us that our family will be prosperous in the future, can we stop working hard?"

Chen Mufeng was thoughtful and then said: "The child has learned a lesson!"

Chen Yang looked at his eldest son with satisfaction and felt that he was really mature and grown up. Then, he said to everyone: "If I die, the universe may not be destroyed. But first I have to die before other important people can take over. I was the king of destiny on earth. If I were there If you die in luck, a new king of destiny will be born. Everyone is a part of the universe, but they are not the only one. Try to do something useful and make yourself important, so , then your luck will continue.”

Finally, Chen Yang made a concluding speech and said: "I have traveled around the world for so many years and experienced countless hardships of life and death. I also made an experience summary of my experience in the first half of my life, which can be summed up in eight words. These eight words These eight words can be used as the rules of our family. Everyone, please remember...these eight words are, do good deeds and don’t worry about the future!"

After the dinner, the children always had those eight words echoing in their minds: Do good deeds without worrying about the future!

After the dinner, Chen Nianci accompanied Chen Yang and Shen Mo Nong for a walk on the snow-capped mountains in the distance.

The stars are dotted, the bright moon is in the sky, and the cold wind is blowing. This scene and color are intoxicating.

Chen Yang said to Chen Nianci: "Over the years, I always feel that I owe a lot to your mother. Of course, I also owe other mothers... I am a little envious of you because you can always be with Bao'er, Xiao Ai, and the children. You Take care of your mother for me, okay?"

Shen Mo Nong immediately blushed and said: "Don't say you owe anything, it's a big thing for you to do it. I also understand now that it is precisely because of your hard work that such blessings continue to exist. For us and the children. Nianci and the others have always been successful. I think this is also a kind of feedback from Heaven to you!"

Chen Yang was stunned, he had never thought of it like this. Now that Shen Mo Nong said this, he still felt that it was very reasonable!

Suddenly I felt relieved from my life-and-death struggle outside!

Chen Nianci said: "I wanted to pick my mother up several times, but she always refused."

Chen Yang smiled and said, "Your mother wants to accompany Ling'er's mother and Qiao Ning's mother."

This is indeed Shen Mo Nong's thoughts. She felt that it was always a little bad for her to come alone to enjoy a house full of children and grandchildren.

Chen Nianci said: "The child also picked up Ling'er's mother and the others, but they didn't want to come over."

Chen Yang said: "Okay, silly son, dad doesn't mean to blame you. I never feel that I owe you and the children. Because now you have grown up and have your own life. Even if I want to accompany you You guys, probably you will also find me annoying."

Chen Nianci said sincerely: "My child will never find you annoying. I really want to be with you all the time. When you are here, my child feels much more relaxed and at ease."

Chen Yang said: "Haha, no matter what you say, I will not pick up your burden for you."

There is great joy between father and son.

Chen Tinglan went to accompany Meng Qingchen...

Ya Zhenyuan is with Ya Luo...

Shen Mo Nong then said: "I'm going to have a conversation with my son, you can avoid it." She intentionally asked Chen Yang to accompany Ya Zhenyuan and Meng Qingchen. She has always been so considerate...

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