My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4059: in the world, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

Chen Yang ignored the abuse of the gangsters, but picked up the wine glass, took a leisurely sip, and then picked up the skewers, ready to take a bite.

"What the hell..." A gangster in red couldn't bear it when he saw this, and said, "Is this **** pretending to be a hero? He doesn't take us seriously!" As he spoke, he slapped Chen Yang on the cheek. .

Chen Yang didn't need to dodge. The red-clothed gangster's slap stopped midway through. He only felt that there was a flow of air, which made it impossible for his slap to break through.

The other gangsters were a little confused when they saw this, and a trace of panic began to appear in their eyes.

The fat boss and the little girl also hurriedly gathered around, but they were afraid that Chen Yang would suffer. Some diners around him also stood up quickly and stepped aside for fear of being affected. Some enthusiastic diners also quietly called the police...

Chen Yang looked at the gangster in red, smiled faintly, and said, "God gave you the opportunity to be a human being, but you don't behave well. In this case, then don't be a human being." After saying that, he spat out at the gangster in red. tone.

The red-clothed gangster was stunned for a moment, and was immediately enveloped in this fairy aura. In an instant, the body of the gangster in red began to change. His body shrank rapidly and hair grew. The head becomes pointed and covered in gray hair. After a while, the gangster in red turned into a gray mouse!

The appearance of this scene left everyone present stunned.

The gangsters were even more horrified, and some shouted loudly that there was a ghost, ghost!

The diners at the barbecue stall were all shocked.

This barbecue stall is in a busy city, but at this time, Chen Yang has already performed an illusion.

All the diners on the street automatically blocked this barbecue stall.

Chen Yang then blew out another breath of fairy air, and all the diners around him turned and left. There is only one thought in their minds, that is, they are so sleepy!

They would go back to their homes and fall asleep when they got home. When I wake up the next day, I won't remember what happened here.

"Sit down!" Chen Yang glanced at the gangsters and said calmly.

"You..." The gangsters were frightened. They were not stupid. Of course, they noticed something unusual at this time.

"Are you a human or a ghost?" the yellow-haired gangster asked.

Chen Yang smiled and said: "Ghosts are empty spiritual bodies with very weak power. Therefore, I am not a ghost. To put it in layman's terms, you can regard me as... a god!"

"Fairy?" The gangsters really couldn't laugh or cry.

One gangster was clever and immediately knelt down and begged for mercy: "God, God, we are ignorant and have offended you. God, please spare our lives!"

When the other gangsters saw this, they immediately followed suit and knelt down.

Chen Yang stretched out his hand and caught the mouse that the red-haired gangster had turned into. The gray mouse almost knelt down before Chen Yang, with a pitiful look in his eyes.

Chen Yang ignored the other gangsters and only said to the gray mouse: "Goodness has good causes, and evil has bad consequences. You have no good intentions. If you are not punished, you will only hurt more people. Go ahead. Go ahead, as a mouse, how long you can live depends on your luck. If you are still alive in ten years, the spell will be automatically lifted, and you can start a new life."

After saying that, he put down the mouse. Driven by his magic power, the mouse quickly left.

Then, Chen Yang said to those gangsters: "Compared with that mouse, you guys are not much better. If I only punish him and not you, wouldn't it seem that I am doing something unfair? You, don't be human anymore. . My punishment may be too cruel, but you deserve it! Same, ten years!" After saying that, he blew a breath of fairy air towards the gangsters who were desperately begging for mercy.

After the immortal energy passed, several gangsters quickly transformed their bodies, and finally became mice.

Chen Yang waved his hand and drove them all away.

The fat boss and the little girl couldn't help but tremble when they saw this scene. The fat boss pulled the little girl to kneel down and said: "Shuang'er, you are really a god, kneel down quickly..."

Chen Yang waved his hand, and the invisible air flow supported their knees.

"No need to kneel!" Chen Yang smiled slightly and said, "I don't like this."

"Thank you!" The little girl bowed deeply to Chen Yang.

The fat boss also followed suit.

Chen Yang smiled and said to the fat boss: "Go grill some more skewers and have a drink with me!"

The fat boss was startled, then hurriedly agreed, turned around and ran to grill the skewers.

Chen Yang asked the little girl to sit down again.

The little girl mustered up the courage to sit down and asked, "Are you really a god?"

Chen Yang did not answer, but asked: "Are you in college?"

The little girl said: "I am studying in college, and I came here specifically to help my father in the evening."

Chen Yang smiled and said, "What a sensible boy. What major do you major in?"

The little girl said: "Archaeology!"

Chen Yang said: "After graduating from this major, it is not easy to find a job."

The little girl blushed and said, "I am indeed very willful, but I really like archeology."

Chen Yang said: "You are a college student with a high level of education. Do you think I am a god?"

The little girl was stunned for a moment and said: "I didn't believe in gods at first, but your method just now made me believe it."

Chen Yang said: "Is it possible that what I performed was magic? I was working together with those gangsters to deceive you?"

The little girl was immediately speechless.

She looked towards the street, which was full of traffic.

No one looked towards her father's barbecue stall...

This is not normal...

If the other party can deceive the gangsters and the diners, how can the people on the street explain it?

All spectators?

The key is, what is the other party trying so hard to do for themselves?

The little girl was not stupid, so she immediately said: "Impossible!"

Chen Yang said: "Why is it impossible?"

The little girl said: "My father and I just have a barbecue stall like this. There is nothing worthy of your deceiving us? If you want to deceive us, there is no need to waste such a lot of manpower and energy."

Chen Yang smiled and said: "Then how do you explain that I turned those people into mice? How do you explain it from a scientific perspective?"

The little girl thought for a while and said: "Science can explain many things, but there are also many things that science cannot explain. I can't explain how the scene just happened, but that doesn't mean that what I can't explain doesn't exist. .”

Chen Yang said: "She is a smart girl!"

"Then you can tell me, are you really a god? Is it your magic that turned those people into mice just now?" The little girl couldn't hold back her curiosity and asked.

Chen Yang smiled again and said: "There are no gods in this world. Gods are just an honorific title given by mortals to those who possess magic. Magic..." He then pointed a finger, which touched the little girl's forehead. superior. The little girl suddenly entered a powerful spiritual world. This spiritual world explains the structure of the brain, the birth of mana, the relationship between spiritual power and magnetic fields, etc.

After that, Chen Yang retracted his finger.

The little girl was immersed in it and couldn't come back to her senses for a long time!

"That's it, that's it!" The little girl couldn't hide her excitement after she came to her senses.

Chen Yang smiled slightly.

At this time, the fat boss also came over, bringing fragrant kebabs.

Chen Yang and the fat boss drank beer.

The little girl next to her had a look of reverence in her eyes.

The fat boss also asked about those things about turning into mice, and the little girl said, "Dad, these are very complicated. I will explain them to you later."

"Do you understand?" The fat boss felt incredible. The little girl said: "This big brother just explained it to me."

The fat boss raised his glass and said, "Brother, I respect you! Thank you very much for today."

Chen Yang drank it all with him.

The fat boss then said: "I really envy you, brother, for having such magical abilities. If I also had such abilities, I wouldn't have to let my Shuang'er suffer like this anymore. I wouldn't have to look at people's faces anymore... "

Chen Yang smiled bitterly and said: "You were just bullied by a few gangsters, but I was wandering on the edge of life and death all day long."

"How... is this possible?" the fat boss asked in surprise.

Chen Yang said: "Whatever you get, you have to bear." After a pause, he said: "You are probably difficult to understand."

After that, he said: "Okay, little brother..." He patted the fat boss on the shoulder and said: "You and I are considered acquaintances. If you have any wishes, just tell me. I can probably satisfy you." your."

The fat boss's eyes suddenly became excited, and with a hint of greed, he said: "I want... I want to be rich!"

Chen Yang smiled and said: "That's too simple, but what do you want to do when you have money?"

The fat boss was stunned and said: "I really never thought about buying a big house, playing cards, having fun, eating well, drinking well... If this is really possible, then I think this should be the life of a god. "

Chen Yang laughed.

The fat boss suddenly felt shy and said, "My wish is too vulgar!"

Chen Yang said: "It's not vulgar. Human beings, life is a process of satisfying one's own desires."

The fat boss quickly asked: "Can you really make me rich?"

Chen Yang said: "It's easy to make you rich, but there is a saying in this world that virtue is not matched. If you are given money, if you don't have the determination to grasp the money, big problems may occur. .I'm a little worried that my good intentions will eventually harm you!"

"How... is this possible?" the fat boss murmured.

The little girl said: "Brother, I understand what you mean."

Chen Yang said: "It's good to understand! But since I have made this wish to your father, naturally I can't break my promise. Well, give me your phone."

The fat boss handed over his cell phone. Chen Yang used the fat boss's mobile phone to log into his bank account, then found the fat boss's account and transferred a sum of money to him. He was already a very wealthy man, and he could satisfy the fat boss's wishes without using magic.

There is no limit to transfers from his account, and he immediately transferred 100 million to the fat boss’s account!

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