My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4057: Destiny, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

The God Emperor continued: "Originally, I was still quite far away from the earth, but just in the past few hours, I sensed the crisis of the earth. The earth's heavenly magnetic field is also changing. This heavenly magnetic field is changing. It was linked to the power in my body, so I took this opportunity to travel back. When I come back, I see that your lives are hanging by a thread!"

Chen Yang couldn't help but feel lingering fear, and said: "Fortunately, we chose the battlefield in the vast world, otherwise we would really be dead this time."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "It seems accidental, but in fact it is inevitable!"

"Really?" Chen Yang said. Xuan Zhenghao said: "I now feel that including the fact that the God Emperor obtained the power of the Phoenix before and later ran to the Phoenix Realm, it is hard to say that all of this was to cope with today's disaster. The earth is always swaying in the wind and rain, but in the end it Safe and sound. No one dares to say that all this is luck. This luck is probably given by fate and heaven. And fate and heaven are both controlled by the Emperor of the Universe!"

Chen Yang and Hei Yi Suzhen took a cold breath when they heard Xuan Zhenghao's words. They thought about it carefully and felt that what he said made sense!

"It seems that no matter where we escape, we can't escape the control of the Emperor of the Universe!" Xuan Zhenghao continued: "Just like the saints in the fairy world, we can't completely escape the earth. Because our origins are on the earth. , these are our roots. Roots cannot be replaced!"

The God Emperor said calmly: "Why do you have to think about getting rid of it? The universe has its own rules, and there must be rules and order everywhere. Only by obeying the rules and order can you last long. You must want to transcend the rules and order and be a thorough person. Completely free people, how is that possible? Wherever you go, you must abide by the rules and order of that place. This is also the truth I have realized in recent years! It is true that you have paid a lot for the earth, but at the same time, you are The Earth has received more. Compared to all living beings, you should be happy! You should be grateful to Unicron, not hate and want to get rid of him."

Chen Yang was shocked, and then said: "Junior has learned a lesson!"

Heiyi Suzhen also felt that the God Emperor's words were reasonable, but she could not be as humble as Chen Yang.

As for Xuan Zhenghao, he was thoughtful!

Heiyi Suzhen thought of something and said: "Senior God Emperor, if we get your permission, can we move freely in the world?"

The God Emperor nodded and said: "Not bad!"

Chen Yang couldn't help but be overjoyed and said: "Then do you think you can give us this authority? You should be very relieved about us, right? We will never do anything that harms the earth."

The God Emperor said: "Exempting you is tantamount to breaking the rules. It is not that the rules cannot be broken, but if the rules are broken for a long time, loopholes will appear in the rules and they will become very weak. Do you want to do it because of your own Convenience, making the entire magnetic field of heaven weak?"

Chen Yang and others quickly waved their hands, indicating that they had no such intention!

After that, Chen Yang said, "Can I give you two or three days?"

The God Emperor said: "There is no problem for a month."

Chen Yang was overjoyed.

The God Emperor agreed to give Chen Yang and the others a month, during which they could stay freely in the world. But the God Emperor also told him not to show his magical powers in front of ordinary people easily. The more magical powers are displayed, there will be a certain degree of causal influence.

The God Emperor also talked about the beginning of his entry into Taoism. At that time, he saw a Taoist flying with a sword in the world, so he began to pursue the path of supernatural power. He later talked about this with Master Wuwei, a senior monk on Earth. Master Wuwei said that the God Emperor was dazzled... Fortunately, the God Emperor was extremely determined, and no matter who denied him, he would not change his views and ideas. No matter how difficult and slim the future was, he persevered to the end. Finally, he finally succeeded in seeking enlightenment...

In the vast world, he established a god-making base in the early days and stood at the pinnacle of martial arts in the world! Later, he established the Divine Realm and stood at the pinnacle of magical powers! Until now, he dominates the entire earth and can compete with the saints in the world!

His life is an absolutely legendary life!

In comparison, Chen Yang's experience seems insignificant.

Xuan Zhenghao asked the God Emperor again: "Senior, what level of cultivation do you have now? If you say you are a saint? But a saint does not have the power of heaven, and he is not the opponent of the black corpse."

The God Emperor did not answer Xuan Zhenghao, but said: "That man is called Black Corpse? What is his origin? His cultivation seems to be very strange, and he is exceptionally powerful."

Chen Yang immediately said: "It's a long story, senior, let me tell you in detail." Then he talked about all the reasons why he was forced to go to the immortal world, as well as the changes faced by the immortal world, Hongmeng confusion, Hongmeng purple energy, and The power of heaven, the heaven of death, the heaven of life, as well as the past and present life of Yuan Sheng, as well as the various calculations today.

Xuan Zhenghao added, "There will be tears of death, the aura of demons, and the power of six-dimensional death in the future, until finally, the entire universe becomes a lifeless universe of death!"

Although what Xuan Zhenghao said was very brief, who the God Emperor was, he could naturally figure out the future from some of the information.

After listening, he said: "It turns out that so many things happened during my absence. But I am not worried about the Tears of Death and the Death Universe."

"Huh?" Chen Yang said, "Why aren't you worried?"

The God Emperor said: "The earth has a long destiny, and the destiny of the universe is unlikely to be destroyed. If it can be destroyed, it will not be the reason for your fight, but because the destiny has been exhausted. You should take good care of it. Study the number of Qi...Everyone may die, and the human race and all living things may be destroyed. But the earth is difficult to be destroyed! In other words, the universe is also difficult to be destroyed.”

Xuan Zhenghao said: "But a lifeless universe does not mean that the universe is destroyed."

The God Emperor said: "The power of six-dimensional death will destroy the foundation of the universe. This is destroying the energy of the universe. Therefore, it is unlikely to occur."

Everyone suddenly realized.

Chen Yang said: "That's it!"

Xuan Zhenghao continued: "The power of heaven has a very high dimension, but the power of Phoenix can not be defeated by the power of heaven. God Emperor, your cultivation level should be at least that of a saint now, right?"

The God Emperor looked at Xuan Zhenghao, nodded, and said: "I have indeed reached the realm of a saint. The realm of saints is integrated with the power of the Phoenix. Such power cannot be suppressed by any power of heaven. After I come to the earth, I can still use the earth The heavenly magnetic field will be stronger."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Just now you went after the black corpse and took away all the magnetic field of heaven, right?"

The God Emperor nodded and said: "That's right! This heavenly magnetic field and I are nourishing each other now. The stronger I am, the stronger the heavenly magnetic field will be. If one day, I feel that my life is not long, I will choose a successor. , and then hand over the Tiandao Magnetic Field to him. As for the black corpse, even if I don’t use the Tiandao Magnetic Field, I’m not afraid of him. It’s just that it’s more difficult to kill!”

Chen Yang asked: "Will you leave the earth again in the future?"

The God Emperor said: "I can't say for sure." After a pause, he said to Chen Yang: "Don't you want me to help you protect your family?"

Chen Yang smiled bitterly and said: "How dare you! I just think that since you are on earth, we people on earth are not afraid of invasion by outsiders. In fact, my family members are not weak in cultivation, and there are not many opponents on earth."

The God Emperor said: "Even if I leave the earth in the future, I will not go too far. There is a strong linkage between me and the magnetic field of heaven, and I can rely on this to return instantly. You don't have to worry about foreign enemies!"

Chen Yang said: "Then I'll be relieved."

With the God Emperor around, the earth has become the safest place.

Heiyi Suzhen said: "I don't know if you, senior, are interested in taking care of the affairs of the Immortal Realm. Then Yuan Sheng is also bullying us, the human race."

The God Emperor said directly: "No interest! My responsibility is to the earth. The life and death of the fairy world has nothing to do with me."

Heiyi Suzhen said: "But if one day, Yuan Sheng unifies the entire immortal world, he will not let go of the earth. By then, you alone will be unstoppable!"

Chen Yang hoped in his heart that the God Emperor could go to the fairy world, but he also hoped that the God Emperor would protect the earth. I was quite conflicted, so I didn't know what to say for a while.

The God Emperor said: "There are different responsibilities, so everyone should perform their duties. It was not easy for Xuan Zhenghao to defend the earth back then, but if I didn't help, the earth would have died long ago. Many trajectories are arranged by fate, don't take it lightly. It has deviated from the trajectory. From your perspective, it is good for me to go to the fairy world. But if I really go to the fairy world, what will happen to the earth this time? Who can guarantee that the earth will not have strong enemies in the future? "

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Senior God Emperor's words make a lot of sense!"

Heiyi Suzhen pondered for a moment and said, "I took the liberty."

After gathering with the God Emperor, Xuan Zhenghao went to Tianzhou. Tianzhou is his roots, and he has deep feelings for it. Heiyi Suzhen returned to the world of Shennong.

At the same time, Situ Ling'er also came over to meet the God Emperor. The God Emperor is his master...

However, this pair of master and disciple is also quite strange. Situ Ling'er has a cold temperament and is not very good at expressing emotions. The God-Emperor felt that he had no desires and no demands... so after the two met, they didn't talk much. The God Emperor just patted Situ Ling'er on the shoulder, smiled slightly, and said, "If you have any difficulties, please look for me as your teacher!"

At this moment, Situ Linger was moved to tears!

Let's say that Chen Yang went to Borzhou to get together with Dorrance, Yuner, Bai Xue and others.

When we get together, there is boundless joy.

Dorrance has numerous grandchildren and granddaughters.

Chen Yang asked Dorrance if he still wanted to return to the Lost World. Dorrance waved his hand and said, "My roots are in Bol State."

After staying in Bor Prefecture for a few days, Chen Yang went to walk elsewhere.

He went to Binhai, Yanjing, and many other places. However, everything has changed...

Many times, the haunting place is just an emotion of missing the past. When I returned to my hometown again, I no longer felt that way. Chen Yang also went to his parents' graves and paid homage to his master...

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