My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4053: Yuanci magic sword, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

Chen Yang and Heiyi Suzhen were walking on the sea.

It was noon, and the white clouds in the sky were like cotton wool.

The blue sky sets off the white clouds, the sea is sparkling, and the mountain peaks on the island appear in the distance... Such beautiful scenery makes people unable to help but be intoxicated.

Chen Yang said to Hei Yi Suzhen: "I'm sorry!"

Heiyi Suzhen was immediately displeased and said, "Why are you saying sorry?"

Chen Yang said bitterly: "I'm afraid it will be difficult to achieve many of the things I promised you."

Heiyi Suzhen said: "You have never been a pessimistic person, but this time you are too pessimistic."

Chen Yang really didn't want to be pessimistic, but the severity of the situation this time was unprecedented.

He thought for a while and said: "I know saying this will make you uncomfortable, but after thinking about it, I still feel that I have to finish my words first. Susu, I will try my best to survive. As long as there is the slightest possibility, I will I will never give up. I will never forget what I promised you. But if there is really no way, I hope you can continue to live happily. If you become as unhappy as before, I will die. I won’t feel at ease.”

Heiyi Suzhen's eyes couldn't help but turn red.

She was sad and angry, but she couldn't express her emotions.

Chen Yang hugged her tightly and kept apologizing.

It was clear that he was the one who was going to die, but he felt so sorry for them...

This is Chen Yang, and this is why they love him.

After a long time, Chen Yang said: "By the way, if the Black Corpse is solved by us. Then you will find the Chaos Spiritual Stone this time. After that... I mean if I am not there... then, the passage will be opened, and you will not Go in. Just throw the Chaos Spirit Stone over. If you can take care of this side of the earth, take care of it. If you want to go out for a walk, go out. Don't get involved in the affairs of the fairy world. From now on, whether life or death in the fairy world, we have done our best. Be careful and try your best.”

Heiyi Suzhen shook her head and said: "If you are no longer here, then I have to go to the fairy world. I have to avenge this revenge. Killing a black corpse does not mean that the hatred has been eliminated. Moreover, my mother also Over there... now that you are gone, I don’t care about your life or death in the future.”

The reason why Chen Yang asked her to stay was because he was afraid that she would run away to the fairy world with her death wish...

"Don't think like that." Chen Yang said, "We still have Xiao Ning!"

Hei Yi Suzhen said: "Xiao Ning has grown up, and his journey is across the stars and the sea. And I will continue my own life!"

Chen Yang knew that no matter what he said, it would be useless, so he hugged her tightly and said, "I really hope I can survive!"

Heiyi Suzhen nestled in his arms and said with tears, "You will be fine. You have been fine so many times before, and you will be fine this time too."

In the fairy world, in Qingmingque, Taishang Daozu and Emperor Fuxi were very concerned about the situation on the other side of the earth. However, they asked several times in the Tai Chi Bagua Diagram, but Xuan Zhenghao did not answer. This made them very uneasy, but they were helpless.

The only thing they know is that Black Corpse's operation is not going well!

But in the Yuan Realm, in the temple palace, the Yuan Sheng with white hair and beard finally found out everything.

He said to Yuan Yuxian: "Master has understood the ins and outs of the matter."

Yuan Yuxian was also very curious and immediately asked: "Master, what is going on?"

Yuan Sheng said: "Chen Yang used to know a magical technique when he was on earth, the Great Fate Technique! Later when he destroyed Lingzun, he used the Great Fate Technique! The Great Fate Technique is an upgraded version of the Great Fate Technique. "

Yuan Yuxian was taken aback and said: "Disciple knows the whole story of the Great Destiny Technique. The Great Destiny Technique is a cheating device on the earth. It can be said that in the end it was the Emperor of the Universe who took action to destroy the Spirit Master. It seems to be saying , since then, Chen Yang not only doesn’t know the Great Fate Technique anymore, he also doesn’t have the Great Fate Technique.”

Yuan Sheng said: "It is impossible for the Great Fate Technique to appear, but the Great Fate Technique has now reappeared on Chen Yang. The reason why your Black Corpse Brother failed again is because of the power of this Great Fate Technique. But the Great Fate Technique has reappeared on Chen Yang's body." The fuel needed for the fate technique is Chen Yang's lifespan. The teacher guessed that the power of heaven that Chen Yang used to suppress the black corpse must have lost a lot of lifespan last time. After the black corpse is healed, he can continue to act. Chen Yang should not have The ability can no longer suppress the power of heaven of the Black Corpse. If he had this ability, he would not have let the Black Corpse escape last time!"

Yuan Yuxian said: "This..."

Yuan Sheng looked at Yuan Yuxian and said, "What?"

Yuan Yuxian said: "Disciples are a little worried about Brother Black Corpse, because every time we think that Chen Yang has nothing to do and is on the road to death. But every time it ends up being unexpected! I'm afraid that Brother Black Corpse will go there again this time..."

Yuan Sheng was stunned.

After a while, he said: "Your concerns are reasonable."

Yuan Yuxian stopped talking and remained silent.

She is a smart person and knows that talking too much is not good.

After a long time, Yuan Sheng said: "Victory is right in front of us. There is no reason for us to retreat! I also believe that manpower will eventually be exhausted. I would rather end the life of your brother Black Corpse than end up in the end." Ridiculous result. What if Chen Yang is in desperate situation right now, but we retreat because of scruples and fear? This result is absolutely unbearable for me as a teacher!"

Yuan Yuxian sighed in his heart, knowing that no matter what he said, he could not change the master's decision.

She doesn't want Chen Yang to die, and she doesn't want Hei Zhi to die...

But her hopes were in vain.

On earth, Chen Yang gives his family as much company as possible.

Every day, every minute, every second, Chen Yang lived carefully.

He felt that he might not be able to survive this time... so sometimes, he would watch the sun slowly set from the middle in the afternoon.

You will feel the air is very sweet...

You will feel that time is very precious...

There will be a desperate desire to escape, regardless of any moral rights, just to keep oneself alive!

But in the end, he did nothing.

Death is terrible, but running away in such a desperate and cowardly manner is even more terrible.

He knew that even if he tried to escape, he would not be able to escape.

But even if he could escape, he couldn't just run away!

When people are faced with death in an instant, they are often able to die boldly.

But if he was given two months to die, it would be a cruel torture to the soul.

There is no way to escape, no way to transcend, all you can do is wait for death, how cruel this is!

But no matter what, what should come will always come.

On this day, the black corpse finally rushed towards the earth.

Chen Yang was summoned by Xuan Zhenghao...

Xuan Zhenghao told Chen Yang that there is only one chance.

If the black corpse wants to find them, it must enter the world. The magnetic field of the world is so strong that even if the black corpse just enters, it will be very uncomfortable. The black corpse's cultivation level is too strong, and he will suffer the most terrifying backlash from the heavenly magnetic field... At this time, they will lower the heavenly secret map of creation to cover the black corpse.

The heavenly secret map of creation and the magnetic field of heaven have formed an angular relationship. As long as the black corpse is successfully enveloped, the black corpse will be a lightning rod. People like them will not withstand the attack of the magnetic field of heaven. All attacks will focus on the black corpse alone.

At that time, Chen Yang will strengthen his fateful suppression!

Only by suppressing the power of death from the black corpse can the black corpse be truly killed.

Chen Yang first let Situ Ling'er enter the black hole spar. He held the black hole spar and accepted Situ Ling'er's mana, and then the two successfully started spiritual practice.

When he and Situ Ling'er practiced spiritual practice, they were not as convenient and secretive as Hei Yi Suzhen.

Heiyi Suzhen followed Chen Yang.

They are all hidden in Xuan Zhenghao's secret map of creation.

Outside the earth, in the void, the black corpse is as fast as lightning.

With a bang, his figure penetrated the atmosphere outside the earth and came directly to the vast world.

When he was among the clouds, Black Corpse felt that the earth was unusual. This is his first time coming to Earth, and he also knows about the grudges between Earth and his master. When ordinary people are among the clouds, they see beautiful cloud mountains...

But what Black Corpse saw was different. In his consciousness, he felt that the surroundings were filled with the terrifying magnetic field of heaven. The magnetic field of that day was blue magnetism. These magnetisms surged crazily and quickly squeezed towards him.

Now even if he wants to kill a wave of people in the world, it is impossible.

It’s hard to move even an inch!

The endless blue Yuan Magnet formed the Yuan Magnetic Divine Sword to kill.

This situation is something neither Chen Yang nor Xuan Zhenghao can feel. When they came, at most they felt the magnetic field and the power inside their bodies stirred up, and their whole bodies seemed to explode themselves.

And the black corpse is simply too powerful.

Therefore, the Tiandao magnetic field on the earth is already a physical attack.

Crazy killings, endless!

This is the world of blue magnetism!

Black Corpse already knew that this would happen, so he immediately activated the power of death.

The death vortex appeared behind him, and the power of death surged crazily around him.

The death vortex was huge and began to absorb those blue magnetic energy swords.

The battle between the two sides has begun...

As time goes by, Black Corpse will become more and more relaxed.

The blue Yuanci slashed for a moment, and the black corpse not only did not flinch, but became more and more ferocious.

Obviously, the magnetic field of heaven alone cannot kill the black corpse.

The black corpse's divine power became even more fierce, and the clouds began to surge crazily in the sky...

In the vast world, the energy is violent to the extreme.

The entire Three Thousand Worlds are changing... Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions have begun to occur in many worlds...

The Great Thousand World is the cornerstone of the Three Thousand Worlds... If there is a problem in the Great Thousand World, other worlds will collapse and be destroyed...

At this moment, in the central world, Shen Monong and Qiao Ning were witnessing the changes in the earth's crust, and they knew in their hearts that their husbands were facing life and death...

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