My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4044: Difficult to travel, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

Yuan Sheng said: "If your Brother Black Corpse successfully swallows Ye Qingming's soul fragments...hehe, then your Brother Black Corpse's cultivation level will be greatly increased, and you will be able to walk out of the world of death immediately!"

Yuan Yuxian said: "Senior Brother Black Corpse will definitely succeed."

Yuan Sheng couldn't help but sigh again and said: "I don't dare to be so optimistic as a teacher. The decision made by those two people together must not be beneficial to us. If there is no strong intervention, your senior brother Black Corpse will definitely It’s a dead end!”

Yuan Yuxian said: "But now that we have guessed their intentions, it is impossible for us not to intervene!"

Yuan Sheng said: "Things will not be that simple. They must have guessed the intervention of the Master Council. You have to know that our opponents are very smart and cunning."

Yuan Yuxian couldn't help but be speechless.

Among the stars outside the fairyland, on Wangyou Island, Chen Yang and Hei Yi Suzhen are still living in a hotel. On this day, Xuan Zhenghao came up and said: "Now Ye Qingming has entered the world of death. After she enters, she will still need to cultivate for a while before she can act."

Chen Yang said: "During this period, there are also great variables." Xuan Zhenghao said: "Yes, the variables are indeed great. This is why I came today!"

Chen Yang felt a little heavy.

Heiyi Suzhen said: "Just tell me."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "According to my design, the black corpse cannot survive. But as I said earlier, there is an exception, and that is Yuan Yunzhong does not want to die. It is unlikely that he will die, but it is not possible either. It is ruled out that he will not die. After he does not die, he will not die immediately!"

Chen Yang's heart pounded and he asked, "What will he do if he doesn't die?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "I have been studying the Heavenly Way of Life these days. This is some information obtained from the Heavenly Way of Death, and then use it to verify the Heavenly Way of Life. I found that he has a way, that is, to transfer his own vitality source Smelted with the Heavenly Way of Death, this can form a powerful power of death. If he wants to make waves in the world of death, he needs to constantly burn the source of vitality. In my estimation, if he wants to defeat Ye Qingming, he will have a huge source of vitality. The probability is not enough. Once the source of vitality is exhausted, it will die immediately. The source of vitality is irreversible, and this thing is not the origin of life. "

Chen Yang said in a deep voice: "The black corpse is a very critical part. If the black corpse is eaten by Miss Ye, it will be a loss for Yuan Sheng. So I estimate that Yuan Yunzhong will not save it at all costs." Black Corpse. The best result is of course that both Yuan Yunzhong and Black Corpse die...but it seems that this is unlikely. The huge crisis is just inexplicably eliminated?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Everything is possible. Yuan Yunzhong's idea is against nature. It is normal for God to let him die!"

Chen Yang said: "This probability is so small! We cannot place our hopes on this slim probability."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "You are right, so I came to you today to ask you to make secondary preparations."

Chen Yang and Hei Yi Suzhen's expressions became solemn.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Once the second situation happens, it will be almost a disaster. So I am going to the earth with you now. The black corpse can find me, but as long as I stay away from Tianxing, he can't find my family. I am following you to Earth to help you quickly relocate your family. After the transfer, we will deal with the black corpses. By then, there is a high probability of death. But I think we can save our families. Of course, this is Worst case scenario! I hope this doesn’t happen.”

Chen Yang felt heavy in his heart and felt guilty, and said: "Brother Xuan, I didn't expect to bring you such danger and trouble. If I had known this earlier, I definitely wouldn't have come."

Xuan Zhenghao smiled slightly and said: "If it really develops to that point, then everything is fate! Moreover, I will not really die. Have you forgotten my ability? It is just a waste of time! So for me, you Don’t feel guilty. Think about yourself!”

Chen Yang nodded.

Heiyi Suzhen held Chen Yang's hand tightly and said: "We have come through so many winds and rains. This time, it will never be our end!"

Chen Yang nodded heavily.

After cleaning up here, Chen Yang, Hei Yi Suzhen and Xuan Zhenghao set off immediately.

Before leaving, Xuan Zhenghao didn't say much to his family.

After leaving the sky star, the three of them flew quickly towards the earth.

The distance between the stars and the earth can be said to be close or far... In terms of pure distance, it is extremely far. Fortunately, there are many wormholes in this area, and with luck, we can reach the Earth in two or three years. If you're not lucky, you don't know how many years it will take.

The stars are still within the Milky Way...but far outside the solar system...

Now Hei Yi Suzhen has the magic weapon Nine Dragons Agarwood Chariot and the Eight Extremes Thunder Bead on her body. The Baji Thunder Bead is a powerful thunder power and generally does not need to be used. Instead, it helps Hei Yi Suzhen to perform powerful moves. The Eight Extreme Thunder Beads can strengthen the Great Chaos Thunder Sword!

At this moment, Heiyi Suzhen sacrificed the Nine Dragons Agarwood Chariot.

She urged the Kowloon agarwood chariot to move forward at full speed!

Chen Yang and Xuan Zhenghao were chatting inside the Chenxiang chariot.

Chen Yang also chatted with Xuan Zhenghao about the situation of the Tiandao pen in his body, and he now sealed the Tiandao pen again.

Xuan Zhenghao checked Chen Yang's physical condition, and then said: "Your situation is very troublesome. It is no less troublesome than the threat of black corpses now!"

Chen Yang couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "The old man Hongchen used the pure fire of Tiandao to completely fuse you and the Tiandao Brush together. Even if Yuan Yunzhong came, he could not separate you from the Tiandao Brush. But this old man Hongchen did not expect that the Tiandao Brush would be born. Consciousness, I also want to take over your body."

Chen Yang sighed and said: "There are too many things in this world that are unexpected."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "This is also the interesting thing about this world. Even if you are a saint of heaven, you cannot calculate the future clearly. In the next moment, anyone may die!"

Chen Yang returned to the topic and said, "According to your opinion, wouldn't I be hopeless?"

Xuan Zhenghao smiled slightly and said: "I mean, even if Yuan Yunzhong is here, I can't separate you from the Tiandao Bi. But what the Tiandao Saint can't do doesn't mean that I can't do it."

Chen Yang couldn't help but be overjoyed and said, "Do you have any idea?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "There is a way, but I can't say it. The Taoist pen is in your body that day, and he is likely to spy on many of your thoughts. Especially in the future, if he succeeds in seizing the body, all his plans will be known to him. So. , I won’t say anything today.”

Chen Yang nodded.

He could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Traveling through the void, the heaven and earth are whirling!

time flies…

In the blink of an eye, two years have passed.

Two years is just a blink of an eye...

The Earth is finally in sight.

They were lucky. They encountered several large wormholes on the way and successfully traveled through them!

One hundred million kilometers ahead is the earth.

At this time, even Xuan Zhenghao couldn't help but feel a little shy about being close to home. The earth, that is their hometown, the place that they love and hate. But whether it is love or hate, every plant and tree on this earth will always be engraved in their bones and will never be forgotten.

How many times have I dreamed of returning to earth at midnight?

"Don't go in yet!" At this time, Xuan Zhenghao said.

Heiyi Suzhen said: "What?"

Chen Yang also looked at Xuan Zhenghao.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "I feel that there are some waves in the world of death, and I am afraid that it has reached a critical point. At this time, it is too late for you to move your family..."

Afterwards, he offered a diagram of the secret of creation inside the Kowloon Agarwood Chariot, and then entered meditation.

Chen Yang and Hei Yi Suzhen could only worry on the sidelines.

Saints such as Taishang Daozu cannot spy on the situation in the world of death.

Xuan Zhenghao, on the other hand, was conducting a macroscopic investigation through the Heavenly Secret Map of Creation and was unable to intervene at all.

Let's say that two years ago, after Ye Qingming entered the world of death, her soul fragments were quickly put together. After that, she absorbed the death essence around her day and night.

Three months later, she became the overlord in the world of death. She herself is formed from the death crystal, which means she is the boss here.

Ye Qingming then went to look for the coordinates left by Xuan Zhenghao. Ten days later, she successfully found the coordinates left by Xuan Zhenghao.

After finding the coordinates, she can accurately find the black corpse through the coordinates, and then determine the condition of the black corpse.

After this coordinate was absorbed by her, she was extremely happy. Because there is too much valid information in the coordinates.

She felt that she had taken the initiative in this battle.

Following that, Ye Qingming began to fly in the direction of the black corpse.

She can travel infinitely through the air of death in the world of death... Living people cannot enter the world of death. If they enter the world of death with pure magic power, they will be swallowed by the air of death and cannot travel too far.

Even if Ye Qingming and Hei Zhi practice the Way of Death themselves, their mana will not be swallowed up inside, but they will not be able to travel too far.

Because the cohesion is not enough...

All souls must enter and be strong enough before they can travel freely.

Now, Ye Qingming can travel freely.

One billion kilometers away from the black corpse, Ye Qingming stopped.

She did not go to the black corpse immediately, because the black corpse was also very powerful now. Although the black corpse was not transformed into a death crystal, it has always practiced the path of death. After entering the world of death, he is also absorbing the death essence around him to strengthen himself.

Now in the fight, Ye Qingming also has a great chance of winning.

But there's no need... She also needs to be on guard against Yuan Sheng's intervention. So according to the previous agreement, she had to take action while the Black Corpse was in shape... That time was also when the Black Corpse was at its most vulnerable...

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