My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4031: Old friend Xuanhuang, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

In the fairy world, inside the Qingming Palace, there is the Qingming Palace.

Ah Chen, who was left behind by the old man Hongchen, has been taken in by Ye Qingming and is still walking in Qingming Palace today.

In Ye Qingming's palace, Bai Qing knelt in front of Ye Qingming and shouted: "Master..." As he called out Master, his body began to change, and finally turned into a beautiful woman in white.

But I saw that this woman was extremely agile, and her brows were delicate and peaceful!

It's none other than the one Chen Yang has been thinking about... Mo Yu!

Ye Qingming hurriedly helped Mo Yu up and said with a wry smile: "You have finally come to recognize Master. Do you think Master can't recognize you because you have changed your appearance?"

Bai Qing said: "Thank you, Master, for not exposing this disciple."

Ye Qingming said: "I still understand your heart a little bit, so how can I expose you?" After a pause, he said: "How long do you plan to hide it from him, and do you want to keep it like this?" Bai Qing said: " This is very good. If possible, I hope it can continue like this. Only in this way can the disciples' hearts be at peace!"

Ye Qingming said: "What...why bother? And you never show up, how much should he miss you?"

Bai Qing said: "When the time is right, the disciple will change back to his original form and then tell him that I am fine. That's enough!"

"Okay!" Ye Qingming knew that his disciple had a firm mind, so it was useless to talk about many things. Immediately he took out the jade slip and said, "This is the letter he left for you!"

Mo Yu took it carefully and seriously.

After that, she turned back to Bai Qing again, bid farewell to Ye Qingming, and returned to Lingxiu Palace.

Mo Yu's method of transformation is very clever, and it is the special feature of her inner demon holy realm. After she changed, even a saint would find it difficult to detect the clues.

In the palace, Mo Yu opened the jade slip!

"Xiao Yu, my daughter, we have been apart for nearly a hundred years... I have been in the fairy world for a long time, but I have never seen you. This is my biggest regret. During these days, many things have happened in the fairy world, and Worried about your safety..."

The letter contains Chen Yang's ramblings, describing many things that have happened recently.

"Life is a one-way journey, from birth to death! One day, we die, and then we reach the end. Therefore, the scenery we experience every day and the people we meet are unique and cannot be lived up to. This is also for This is the truth that my father has realized in his many near-death lives. I hope that at any time, when death comes, I will never regret my life. Of course, this is difficult to do, but I am trying to do it, and I hope you can work hard to live a wonderful life! Although I have never seen you before, I can't help but wonder, do you still blame me in your heart? That's why you avoid seeing me? In this life of a father , the most fortunate thing is that I saved you in the Danube Star. The most uncomfortable thing is that the old man of mortal world took you away in front of me... Sometimes I dream back at midnight, and I think about it countless times, and then go back to The day when Hongchen appeared, I still couldn't change what happened at the beginning...Okay, okay, I've talked a lot, and I don't know what the central idea is. In short, I only have one hope, I hope you can live a happy life. It doesn’t matter whether you hate me or don’t see me. The important thing is that you should be happy."

After reading the jade slip, Mo Yu burst into tears and murmured: "I have never blamed you, let alone hated you. I know that taking me away in the world of mortals is your greatest pain, and you are the one who hugs me." He came to the fairy world to save me with the intention of dying."

In the Yuanjie, in the temple palace, Yuan Sheng and the black corpse worked together in the palace to display the strongest way of life.

Calculate Chen Yang's whereabouts based on the way of life and heaven!

This calculation is three days and three nights!

At this time, in the sea of ​​​​blood, Taishang Daozu and others also felt that the law of life and heaven had been being exerted.

All the saints gathered together to discuss the matter.

"What on earth is this old dog Yuan Yunzhong doing? What enemy in this world can allow him to use the Heavenly Way of Life for three days in a row?" Yuanshi Tianzun cursed.

Emperor Fuxi said: "Friend Yuanshi, please be patient. If he is really dealing with someone, I won't worry about him. But I carefully sensed his power of heaven and found that this time the power of heaven was very stable. It was clearly that he was dealing with someone." What kind of deduction is being conducted? What are they deducing? I think they are deducing the whereabouts of little friend Chen Yang."

"Why are you sure that we are deducing the whereabouts of little friend Chen Yang?" Xiao Ling was surprised and said.

Taishang Daozu spoke at this time and said: "We worked together to perform the deduction before, which must have alerted Yuan Yunzhong. Yuan Yunzhong couldn't find out what we were doing, but he knew that the executor of our operation was Xiaoyou Chen Yang . So now if he wants to judge what we are doing, he must be here to figure out where the little friend is. This matter is indeed developing in the worst direction. I only hope that little friend Chen Yang can survive all the disasters smoothly. "

The responding saint smiled slightly and said: "Don't worry, little friend Chen Yang is Yuan Yunzhong's calamity. My friend is very resourceful, so he will definitely not suffer!"

The other saints all saw how powerful Chen Yang was, so they all agreed.

In Yuan Sheng's palace, Yuan Sheng finally accepted the Heavenly Way of Life.

Black Corpse said in a deep voice: "He has already left the fairy world!"

Yuan Sheng said: "At this juncture, Chen Yang is indeed taking action."

Black Corpse asked: "What did he do?"

Yuan Sheng said: "Don't think too much, he must be looking for a way to deal with us. Maybe it has something to do with the fateful calamity fire!"

Black Corpse said: "It's really strange. The place he went to is extremely far away from us. It would take a hundred years to fly there. But how long has it been? How did he arrive?"

Yuan Sheng said: "This is not surprising, the ancestor of the undead can help him build a passage."

Black Corpse said: "Then what should we do now?"

Yuan Sheng said: "If you pass by at this time, it should be much easier to kill him."

Black Corpse said: "I am willing to go there!"

Yuan Sheng said: "This matter is not that simple. I can use the Hongmeng Purple Qi and the Heavenly Way of Life to help you build a channel. But the energy that the channel can withstand is limited. It's not that I haven't thought about sending you to the earth. Go and capture Chen Yang's family. It's already difficult for you to get there. If you bring someone else with you, the increase in energy and the complexity of the calculation will double. Then I absolutely can't do it. ...It won't work if you bring the dead here. You can't bring the living ones... But now that Chen Yang has gone, we have to make careful plans."

He paused and then said: "Chen Yang is extremely cunning. I am worried about one more thing!"

Black Corpse said: "What's the matter?"

Yuan Sheng said: "I was worried that he was prepared. He should have guessed that I would send people to find his trouble. But he still went, which shows that he was prepared!"

Black Corpse said: "With my way of death, how can he be prepared to deal with it? His wisdom is only terrifying with the help of saints. If it breaks away from the foundation..."

Yuan Sheng said: "You are right, so I am a little confused again."

Black Corpse said: "I follow your arrangements!"

Yuan Sheng said: "With the ability of the ancestor of the undead, after using the channel once, you have to rest for at least ten years. So there is no rush... I have to think for three days, and then make a decision after three days."

Black Corpse said: "Okay!"

After that, Yuan Sheng also entered into meditation.

Like a chess master, he has begun to imagine various possibilities in his mind.

Inside Tianxing, Chen Yang and Heiyi Suzhen have been scanning various information, trying to find some clues from the information.

They clearly felt that there was no Taoism or magic in this star. But when he came in, there seemed to be some traces of mana. There are various signs that there is a magic master hidden here!

"It will definitely be difficult for us to find them!" Heiyi Suzhen said to Chen Yang: "Why don't we create some obvious magical phenomena so that Xuan Zhenghao can sense them. The words here are also different from ours. You wrote in the vision that it was you who came...I guess he won't avoid it, right?"

Chen Yang thought so and immediately started to use his magic power.

Then, in the clear sky, black clouds of thunder and lightning suddenly gathered.

The black cloud evolved into a dragon, and then, in the golden light, a divine phoenix appeared.

Dragon and phoenix dance together...

This day is destined to become a miracle day above the stars. People looked at the vision in the sky and believed that there was a **** in the world.

Chen Yang allowed the vision to last for an hour, which also implicitly stated that he was Chen Yang, who came to look for the emperor and discuss important matters. But people on the stars cannot understand these things.

From this day on, the dragon became the totem on the stars!

People in later generations were very surprised as to why the ancestors regarded this object as sacred... But in their various researches, they never found such a sacred object.

It was also at this time that a gate to the void suddenly appeared in front of Chen Yang and Heiyi Suzhen.

A helpless and familiar voice came from inside.

"Chen Yang, you brat, do you have to make such a big noise as soon as you come here?" It was... Xuan Zhenghao's voice.

At this moment, Chen Yang was ecstatic.

"Haha... Your Majesty, you are indeed still alive!"

"Quickly collect your magical powers!" Xuan Zhenghao's angry voice came.

Chen Yang immediately withdrew his magical power, and then stepped into the void door with Heiyi Suzhen.

After they entered, the Void Gate disappeared.

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