My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4008: The general trend of the world, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

That night, a group of saints temporarily settled down in the Qingming Palace in the Netherworld Blood Sea.

The saints agreed to return to Kunlun on the next day and then all move. This time, everyone is together, which means they have brought their belongings with them, so there is no need to worry about any accidents.

Based on the sacrifice of Master Tongtian, everyone was naturally not in the mood for a dinner party. The overall mood is low...

Chen Yang solemnly introduced his wife Hei Yi Suzhen to Bai Qing in private. Bai Qing looked very polite when he saw Hei Yi Suzhen, and happily called her sister-in-law. Heiyi Suzhen also expressed her grand gratitude to Bai Qing.

Xiao Ling and his wife Fairy Qionghua couldn't help chatting while resting inside the Yunhai Fairy Mansion.

In the hall, Xiao Ling sat on the floor, holding a wine pot in his hand. After taking a long sip of wine, he sighed deeply and said, "I and Master Creation were good friends when we were on earth. We cherished each other and climbed to the immortal world together! Even if In the fairy world, we have shared hardships together. I really don’t understand why he would do such a thing now?”

Fairy Qionghua sat next to him and said, "You don't understand, I understand!"

Xiao Ling was slightly startled and said, "Do you understand?"

Fairy Qionghua said: "Yes!" Xiao Ling said: "Then tell me quickly, what is going on?"

Fairy Qionghua said: "You have always been good friends with Master Creation. You are extremely talented and do not feel inferior in front of anyone. You can talk and laugh freely when you meet all the saints. But he ran to the hands of the Second Saint of the West. Why is this?"

Xiao Ling said, "Why?"

Fairy Qionghua said: "There are also comparisons between friends. His talent is also very good, but it is not the best. Compared with you, there is a gap. When you gained the power of heaven, it was under the guidance of Taishang Daozu. . Even so, it was a narrow escape, very difficult. Later, Zhenzao Zhenren also gained the power of heaven. I was very surprised at the time. Now, I understand what happened."

Xiao Ling said: "What you said makes me more and more confused."

Fairy Qionghua said: "If I guess correctly, the power of heaven that created the real person was given by Yuan Sheng."

"This..." Xiao Ling couldn't help being shocked when he heard this.

Fairy Qionghua said: "Withstanding the power of heaven's way, there must be conditions. Your old friend may not be a bad person. If he is really a bad person, he will not be your friend for so many years. It's just that he has been surpassed by you, and in his heart It will be uncomfortable after all. You can put yourself in someone else’s shoes and think about it. If one day, Master Creation far surpasses you..."

"I will be very happy!" Xiao Ling said, "I have this kind of tolerance!"

Fairy Qionghua said: "That's not the case. If he strode past you, he would be on par with all the saints. But you are the only one behind...your feelings will be very different. Then at this time, someone suddenly came to you Extending an olive branch can put you on par with your old friends and all the saints. Can you bear this kind of temptation?"

Xiao Ling was stunned for a moment and said, "This..."

Fairy Qionghua said: "His luck is not as good as yours, and you still have Tao Ancestor to give you guidance."

Xiao Ling sighed.

Fairy Qionghua said: "Look for an opportunity, meet him, and then persuade him to turn back!"

Xiao Ling said: "How to turn back? Taoist Brother Tongtian was exhausted to death by him. Even if he turns back, Tianzun, can Taoist Ancestor let him go?"

Fairy Qionghua said: "But you should always do something for your old friends. At the same time, you should also talk to Dao Ancestor and Tian Zun. Try not to let everyone have a gap in their hearts. You must be worthy of yourself, your friends, and all the saints." Only in this way will your heart be happy and your thoughts clear!"

Xiao Ling nodded heavily, stood up and took his wife into his arms, saying, "The greatest blessing in my life is to have Qionghua."

Fairy Qionghua felt happy and sighed, "It's a pity that I have never been able to give birth to a child for you."

Xiao Ling said: "It's not your fault. It's just that our mana genes are hard to match. Maybe it's my problem that's bigger. Besides, it's just a long life for the two of us. Whether we have children or not, we can't tell. ? If ordinary people can’t see through it, can’t we also not see through it? So what’s the difference between me and ordinary people?”

Fairy Qionghua said: "Not to mention the common people's point of view, having a child is always a special experience. Otherwise..."

Xiao Ling said: "Don't talk nonsense. If you didn't give birth to the child for me, what would be the use of me? I really want to raise children. There are many outstanding seedlings for me to choose from!"

Fairy Qionghua sighed, knowing that she could not convince her husband either.

That night, Xiao Ling couldn't sleep all night long, thinking about what Fairy Qionghua said about the real creation.

On the second day, after breakfast, everyone left the Netherworld Blood Sea together.

Long Trip…

Everyone took out their magic weapons and flew.

In the morning, Xiao Ling went alone to meet Taishang Daozu and Yuanshi Tianzun.

Taishang Taozu has an eight-treasure feather fan. The eight-treasure feather fan is controlled by Taishang Taozu himself and allows it to fly.

There is a feather fan palace inside the Eight Treasures Feather Fan. Inside the palace, Taozu and Yuanshi Tianzun meditated and drank tea. After Xiao Ling arrived, the two of them also received Xiao Ling.

When Xiao Ling saw the two saints, he bowed heavily and said, "I came here today because I want to apologize to the two saints on behalf of the real person Zai Hao!"

Yuanshi Tianzun frowned immediately.

Taishang Taoist Ancestor glanced at Xiao Ling and said: "Immortal King, a poor Taoist who wants to apologize, doesn't understand. Although you and Master Creation are good friends, in the final analysis, you are not jointly and severally responsible."

Yuanshi Tianzun said: "That's not it!"

Xiao Ling said: "I am heartbroken that Master Zaixuan did such a thing. But no matter what, I have been friends with Master Zaixuan for thousands of years. If I just ignore my old friend, I can't do it."

Yuanshi Tianzun said: "What do you mean?"

Xiao Ling said: "I came here today because I wanted to talk frankly with the two saints. Yesterday, my wife and I talked a lot... and also talked about why Master Creation rebelled." After saying that, he handed over Fairy Qionghua's Some speculations were made.

"When I see the real person Creation the other day, I still want to show my friendship as a friend and persuade him to turn back. But if I really ask him to turn back, I also know that the two saints will not be able to let go of their hatred. I advise you to just let it go. That is true. You can't speak." Xiao Ling said.

Taishang Taoist Ancestor said: "What the Immortal King said, Pindao can also imagine and understand. But Master Creation is also a person who has participated in creation. When he made that decision, he already knew the consequences. Ping Dao Tao advises the Immortal King not to be wishful thinking. He knows that he can't turn back. If you try to persuade him, he may attack you. It's not that he doesn't care about the friendship of friends, but that he has chosen a different path. As the saying goes, Tao is different. Don’t work together!”

Xiao Ling fell silent.

Yuanshi Tianzun said: "The Immortal King does not need to be distressed. Life should be happy and joyful. When we meet one day, you can reminisce about the past. You can also drink to your heart's content, but you must protect yourself. When we meet on the battlefield, there is no need to trouble you. Fight with him and we will figure it out. Your friendship has nothing to do with us. You also know the right and wrong. You can't help him deal with us, can you?"

Xiao Ling said: "When the time comes, I will be neutral!"

Yuanshi Tianzun said: "It should be so. People who practice Taoism should pay attention to freedom and ease, and they should not be mothers-in-law. We act with the utmost respect for heaven and earth, and just bow our heads without any shame!"

Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, another half year passed.

Half a year later, in Yuanjie, in the Holy City.

On his way back, Yuan Sheng occasionally gained enlightenment, became more diligent in his practice, and healed his injuries ahead of schedule.

He also knew what Long Xiaofeng had done, and even more that the leader of Tongtian had sacrificed his life.

He has always trusted Long Xiaofeng. When he was not in Yuanjie, he always let Long Xiaofeng take charge of overall affairs. And this time, Long Xiaofeng also did a good job.

When Long Xiaofeng talked about it with Yuan Sheng, he still felt regretful and said: "If nothing unexpected happens, we can actually let Jieyin, Zhunti, and Tongtian all die, and the entire Western Saint Sect become our vassal." A slave. Unfortunately, I never expected that Tongtian would choose that method."

After hearing this, Yuan Sheng said: "Things will never go as smoothly as we imagined. If there were no accidents, I should have killed Ye Qingming and Fuxi this time. If you go well and I go well, then what will happen to the entire human race?" Aren’t there only Taishang Laofu and Yuanshi Tianzun left, plus Xiao Ling?”

Long Xiao said: "The current situation seems to be getting more and more unfavorable."

Yuan Sheng said: "Such a situation is still expected. I have never thought of things too smoothly, and have imagined all kinds of extreme situations. I have always kept in mind the lessons learned by your spiritual master on earth. of."

Long Xiaofeng couldn't help but gnashed his teeth when he heard his old hatred in advance, and said: "The human race has bullied my spiritual clan too much. Back then, they killed most of us for no reason and let us escape into the universe. Now, they still force us to this situation. situation."

Yuan Sheng said: "The human race is the most hypocritical existence. Their principles and morals are one thing and another. But their methods are extremely dirty. Not only dirty, but also vicious. The human race is the most shameless I have ever seen. They are not only shameless and cruel to foreigners, but they also become even more ferocious when they fight among themselves. Such a race should not exist."

Long Xiaofeng said: "But we still have to admit that the human race is indeed very strong!"

Yuan Sheng said: "Every race has luck, and the luck of the human race is very strong! Their number is too huge, spread all over the universe. It is really difficult to completely wipe out them. But I will regard the annihilation of the human race as the destiny of my life. The first avenue and ideal. Kill them all, and then kill the earth. After that, we must go to the Emperor of the Universe to settle accounts! All hatred and hatred, cause and effect start from the Emperor of the Universe, so it should also start from him Finish!"

Long Xiaofeng couldn't help but yearn for it and said: "I really look forward to the day when I defeat the Emperor of the Universe. I believe that when that day comes, his expression will be wonderful!"

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