My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4006: Destroyed forever, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

The golden cassock on the saint's body also bloomed with golden light! His golden cassock also contains immeasurable power of the world... and all the twelve-grade golden lotuses of merit are blooming at this moment. All the power is guided by the saint and transferred into this palm...


Kill them together with palm power.

Master Creation immediately flew backwards and spat out a mouthful of blood. The Holy Spirit is really amazing. After being attacked by a sneak attack, he can still knock back the True Spirit of Creation with one palm.

But at this time, the poisonous energy in Saint Jieyin's body could no longer be suppressed, and all of it dissipated. Suddenly, the poisonous gas invaded his internal organs... The face of the saint was suddenly covered with a layer of green gas.

The changes here immediately alarmed Saint Zhunti and Master Tongtian. When they saw this situation, they both turned pale with horror.

Saint Zhunti immediately stopped his attack, came to Saint Jieyin, and asked urgently: "Brother, how are you?"

The saint Jieying gave a bitter smile and said: "You are still alive, so leave me alone and concentrate on fighting the enemy, otherwise the disaster of destroying our family today is right in front of you!"

Saint Zhunti reluctantly nodded, and then quickly caught Saint Jieyin deep into his Seven Treasures Tree.

Leader Tongtian said to Saint Zhunti: "Brother Zhunti, you go and kill the traitors, and the poor Taoist will deal with Long Xiaofeng!"

Saint Zhunti nodded, and then faced the True Creation Master.

Master Creation's injury was not serious, and he took advantage of this gap to quickly take the elixir and recover.

Leader Tongtian was fighting with Long Xiaofeng...

Sage Zhunti faced the True Creation, his eyes spitting fire, and said: "Thieves said, my two senior brothers think they have always treated you well, why do you want to help that Yuan Yunzhong and harm my senior brother?"

Master Creation didn't say much, and said: "The matter has come to this, what else is there to say. Zhunti, if you want to avenge your senior brother, use your skills!"

Saint Zhunti was furious and said: "Okay, okay, okay!" He said three good words in a row, and then quickly killed him with the blessing pestle and the Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree. When he was angry, he took the disaster law to its extreme.

The real person of creation is also going to use the water and the heavenly way at full speed. The power of the gentle water in the creation is inseparable from the killing of saint Zhunti.

The natural way of disasters will lead to all kinds of disasters.

Many laws, regulations, and magic powers collapsed when they encountered the power of disaster.

The water-heavenly way is as good as water, ever-changing. When water encounters a disaster, it will change according to the disaster. It can turn into ice, floods, tsunamis, etc.!

The Sword of Creation led him to the Water and Heavenly Path, knocking back the blessing pestle several times.

Moreover, the battle between Master Tongtian and Long Xiaofeng has become increasingly fierce. Master Tongtian’s Wind, Fire, and Heavenly Way has been brought into full play.

The fire is the three pure divine fire, and the wind assists the fire, as if it is trying to penetrate the universe. Leader Tongtian used the Qingping Sword to continuously kill Long Xiaofeng. Long Xiaofeng used the ultimate treasure mirror and the way of destruction to form twelve divine powers of destruction. The divine power of destruction forms a fairy vine, which quickly wraps around the Qingping Sword and strikes. The leader of Tongtian quickly refined the Sanqing Divine Fire into a sword, the Divine Fire Storm burned it, strangled and destroyed the Immortal Vine.

The two were in a stalemate, killing and refusing to give in to each other!

Each other's rules are ever-changing and suppress each other.

Time passes by minute by minute!

In such a battle, when ordinary masters come in, they will die immediately upon contact.

So this is a battle of heaven between true saints.

Soon, the day passed.

The battle raged from day to night, and from night to day.

At the beginning, they were all equally matched.

Although Long Xiaofeng's Heavenly Dao of Destruction is very powerful, Tongtian Cult Master has been famous for many years and has profound skills, so he can still keep up with it. But as time went by, his power of heaven was finally suppressed, so he gradually showed signs of fatigue.

Leader Tongtian was at a disadvantage.

The battle between Saint Zhunti and Zhenhao Zhenren was exactly the opposite. At first, Zhenhua Zhenren relied on Zhishui Heavenly Dao to make Saint Zhunti somewhat helpless. But as time went by, Saint Zhunti gradually suppressed the real person of creation by virtue of his profound skills.

In this difficult battle, it all depends on whether Lord Tongtian loses first or whether Master Creation loses first!

Once one party determines the winner, the balance of victory will immediately tilt.

Between Saint Zhunti and Zhenhao Zhenren, their powers of heaven are somewhat mutually exclusive. So the final competition is to see who has more profound skills...

Between Master Tongtian and Long Xiaofeng, Long Xiaofeng's power of heaven is suppressive to the wind and fire heaven. If it weren't for this suppressive attribute, even Yuan Sheng would not be afraid of the strength of Lord Tongtian.

The battle continues.

Leader Tongtian is becoming more and more exhausted. If he continues like this, he will definitely lose.

Although the relationship between Master Creation and Saint Zhunti was at a disadvantage, it was difficult for Saint Zhunti to win in a short period of time.

Soon, another day passed.

Over the vast sea, wind and clouds surged, and the aftermath sometimes shook the sky and sometimes shook the sea below into terrifying tsunamis.

The golden light is faint, the divine fire is rising into the sky, and the thunder is roaring...

"Immortal to all calamities!" Four words came to the mind of Master Tongtian. Over the past tens of thousands of years, he had experienced too many calamities and had too many means of survival. Today, he can no longer defeat Long Xiaofeng.

But if he wants to leave, there is definitely a way.

But if he leaves, both Saint Zhunti and Saint Jieyin will die.

The entire Western Saint Sect will be destroyed!

Lord Tongtian had a compassionate temperament. At this time, he also thought of his senior brother and second senior brother.

"It will be of no benefit to the overall situation if I go back alone. If I let the entire Western Saint Sect pass, it will be of great benefit!" The leader of Tongtian Cult felt desolate in his heart.

At this moment, he began to understand the meaning of the master calling out the danger to the sky on that isolated island.

But he was still not sure whether it was his master who was warning him or his sixth sense.

He was destined to not find the answer.

Long Xiaofeng had the upper hand at this moment, and he kept pressing Tongtian Cult Leader tightly.

Although he was eager to determine the winner, he also knew that the chess game had reached a critical point and he must not be impatient.

Leader Tongtian suddenly stood firm amidst the thunder.

Long Xiaofeng was stunned, somewhat confused about the other party's intentions. But he didn't think much and immediately attacked again.

At that moment, very quickly...

But in the mind of Master Tongtian, it seems that he has experienced countless centuries.

All that is in my mind is that I will never be destroyed, and I will eventually be destroyed... Should I act impulsively, or should I continue to be immortal? Are you required to save in any way, no matter what method? Regardless of being a sinner or not? If you abandon your teammates like this, how will you face the world in the future? How can you face your own heart?

Is immortality really that important?

Then little friend Chen Yang still has the courage to sacrifice his life to feed the tiger and go deep into the tiger's den! Am I not even as good as him?

Then...go for it!

At that moment, Master Tongtian made up his mind.

At this moment, he suddenly rushed into the colorful vortex sealed by Long Xiao. Long Xiaofeng was startled, and an ominous feeling suddenly arose in his heart.

But the leader of Tongtian is too fast...

At that moment, Master Tongtian entered the whirlpool of Long Xiaofeng's Heavenly Dao, and then, the entire Wind and Fire Heavenly Dao and all his own power and magic weapons exploded together.

All the energy melted into one furnace and suddenly exploded!

Its explosion contains the cruel law of disregarding death!


Long Xiaofeng fled quickly and wanted to quickly spread the power of heaven. But it's already too late...


After the violent explosion, the aftermath swarmed between the sky and the earth, and the debris was violent!

Long Xiaofeng used all his strength to suppress it with the divine power of Heaven, but he still couldn't suppress it all.

Then, Long Xiaofeng's face turned bright red, and he spat out large mouthfuls of blood. His face turned pale and finally turned golden.

"Fellow Taoist Tongtian..." Seeing the situation here, Saint Zhunti immediately guessed what happened and couldn't help shouting in grief and anger.

"Let's go!" Long Xiaofeng roared and flew away quickly. The Master of Creation also immediately turned around and ran away... Saint Zhunti struck out with his palm, hitting the back of the Master of Creation. After being palmed by Master Creation, not only did his speed not slow down, but he became even faster. In the blink of an eye, it disappeared.

Saint Zhunti was so flustered that he forgot to chase the enemy and quickly came to the core after the explosion. He grabbed countless fragments in the air and felt that Lord Tongtian had completely fallen!

"Fellow Taoist can you die if you are immortal?" Saint Zhunti was filled with anger and sadness. His eyes could not help but turn red and he shed hot tears.

In the vast void of the sea, Taishang Daozu, Yuanshi Tianzun and Immortal King Xiao Ling were flying at full speed. They had just flown to the realm of heaven and had not yet met up with Nuwa...

Empress Nuwa lost the power of heaven and could not sense the saints using the power of heaven, so she was unaware of many things in this world. However, although she no longer has the power of heaven, she can still draw the power of heaven in space. It is equivalent to sharing and using the power of Heavenly Dao from Emperor Fuxi, but after all, the power of Heavenly Dao is not hers.

Their trip was to quickly go to the Netherworld Blood Sea.

They hadn't brought all the believers with them, but because they felt all the power of heaven erupting, they understood that a big event had happened in the Nether Sea of ​​Blood. Not caring about anything else at the moment, he quickly rushed to the rescue.

Just now, they felt that in the middle of the vast sea between the Nether World and the Western World, the Heavenly Way of Destruction, the Heavenly Way of Wind and Fire, the Heavenly Way of Water, the Heavenly Way of Disaster, and the Heavenly Way of Purification were all erupting.

Without thinking too much, he knew that another battle was about to break out.

At that moment, Daozu and Yuanshi Tianzun were extremely anxious.

This peaceful fairy world is still because everything is irreversible after Yuan Sheng used the Heavenly Way of Life.

But in fact, it was not entirely because Yuan Sheng used the way of heaven that this resulted. It's just that the disease was exposed in advance and caused the disease to break out in advance.

But when the disease really breaks out, it is so dangerous!

Xiao Ling also said to Dao Ancestor and Yuanshi Tianzun: "Tao Ancestor, Tianzun, now only senses an unfamiliar way of heaven, the way of destruction. I think the leader, the two saints of the west, and my old friend of creation should be able to cope with it. of."

Taishang Daozu said: "I have been feeling depressed recently, and I am afraid that something is going to happen!"

He didn't know what was going to happen.

Yuanshi Tianzun said nothing, but his mood was extremely heavy.

And after they traveled for another two days, suddenly, Taishang Daozu and Yuanshi Tianzun, who were rushing on the road, stopped.

At this moment, Yuanshi Tianzun's eyes were blood red and he was kneeling in the void.

He couldn't make any sound, he just covered his heart and swayed, as if he was about to fall.

Taishang Daozu also knelt down on one knee as if he had been hit hard.

Xiao Ling felt bad and guessed what might have happened, but he still couldn't believe it.

After a long, long time, Yuanshi Tianzun roared sadly: "Junior brother..." Crystal tears finally appeared in his eyes.

Taishang Daozu said nothing, but his eyes were red, and he was obviously extremely sad.

Xiao Ling was nearby but didn't dare to say a word.

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