My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4003: Stars and sea, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

Chen Yang said: "The ancestor of the undead suddenly let us go. I didn't understand it at the time. But later, he took us to a place."

Ye Qingming and Emperor Fuxi did not interrupt Chen Yang's narration. Chen Yang continued: "The ancestor of the undead never said a word. I doubted whether he could speak. The place he took us to was the Star Palace. In the Star Palace, we saw the ancestor of the undead like this. Born.”

Ye Qingming and Emperor Fuxi suddenly became very curious. Ye Qingming couldn't help but asked: "How was he born?"

Chen Yang said: "The existence similar to the bright moon that we saw when we first entered the world of the undead is the undead star stone."

Emperor Fuxi asked: "What is the Undead Star Stone?"

Chen Yang said: "The Undead Star Stone has existed since the beginning of Hongmeng, but at that time, what the Undead Star Stone absorbed was just the ordinary undead energy." Emperor Fuxi said: "Ordinary undead energy?"

Chen Yang said: "When there is the Qi of Hongmeng, there is the Qi of the Undead. The Qi of Hongmeng represents purity, and the Qi of Undead represents filth. The Qi of Hongmeng will force the filthy air towards the Qi of the Undead. When the Hongmeng Purple Qi When it was born, the Hongmeng Purple Qi forced even more powerful filthy energy into the Undead Star Stone. As a result, the Undead Star Stone was also sublimated."

Ye Qingming said: "Is this why the ancestor of the undead was born?"

Chen Yang said: "That's not it! The ancestor of the undead was originally a demon king, and his cultivation was only at the ninth level of the creation realm. His real name was Dugu Wuwei... Dugu Wuwei originally had a happy family. He had three sons, Two daughters, five grandchildren, six granddaughters, and three wives. They didn’t want to participate in the world’s battles, so they found a remote place to hide and not participate in the world of mortals.”

Ye Qingming said: "I have never heard of Dugu Wuwei.

Emperor Fuxi said: "I haven't heard of it either."

Chen Yang said: "This is not important!"

Ye Qingming said: "How did you see this information?"

Heiyi Suzhen added from the side: "In the Temple of the Undead Star, many illusions appeared in the Undead Star Stone. Those illusions are showing us the origin of the Star Stone and the origin of Dugu Wuwei."

"That's it!" Ye Qingming and Emperor Fuxi suddenly realized.

Chen Yang then continued: "One day, Dugu Wuwei's son accidentally picked up the Undead Star Stone and brought it back to the isolated island where they lived in seclusion. The Undead Star Stone looked as bright as the bright moon, and there was still something inside. It contains huge energy. So Dugu Wuwei has been studying the details...but he still can't figure out the reason. But the news that he got the treasure still spread."

Emperor Fuxi said: "He lived in seclusion for a lifetime, how could this news get out?"

Chen Yang said: "His children couldn't bear the loneliness. One of his grandsons told people outside. The speaker had no intention, but the listener had intention. So a demon king gathered a group of friends and came to that place. On the island, I went to Dugu Wuwei to ask for the treasure. Dugu Wuwei was almost obsessed with studying the undead star stone, so naturally he would not hand it over. The war was about to begin... In that war, Dugu Wuwei's family members were completely killed by the other party. Jing, Dugu Wuwei was also killed. When he died, his body exploded, and all the fragments were absorbed by the Undead Star Stone. The Undead Star Stone used Dugu Wuwei's fragments to create a physical body!"

Ye Qingming said: "So is the ancestor of the undead alone and fearless, or..."

Chen Yang said: "The ancestor of the undead is the undead star stone...but the undead star stone cannot be formed alone. He needs an opportunity, and Dugu Wuwei became his opportunity, and he took it into shape."

Emperor Fuxi couldn't help but turn pale and said, "I remembered something else."

Everyone then looked at Emperor Fuxi.

Emperor Fuxi said in a deep voice: "The Tiandao Bi is now in your body, Chen Yang. The difference is that you are still alive. If there is an opportunity, will you also be killed by him..."

Chen Yang smiled bitterly and said: "I thought about this problem at that time. Fortunately, Tiandao Brush can't live without me now. After he merged with me, he couldn't live if I died. He needs to be with me If you seize the body while you are still alive, you can’t tell whether I will conquer him or he will conquer me in the future!”

Heiyi Suzhen said: "I won't let him have this opportunity!"

Ye Qingming said: "I will definitely be able to think of a way to solve this problem."

Emperor Fuxi said: "That's right!"

After that, Chen Yang continued to talk. "After the ancestor of the undead took shape, he helped Dugu Wuwei take revenge. After taking revenge, the ancestor of the undead went to the bottom of the Shura world to find a place to build his undead world. After that, he would often go out to kill people, or look for those who Fragments of a recently dead monk. A fragment of a monk can create hundreds of ghost-faced men. If you encounter those with strong cultivation, you can refine them alone."

Emperor Fuxi said: "That's it!"

Ye Qingming said: "Then what is the final condition you reached? What does the ancestor of the undead want you to do?"

Chen Yang said: "Later, a body appeared in the illusion. This body was a human body, but it was somewhat similar to the face of the ancestor of the undead. To be precise, it was what the ancestor of the undead looked like after he became a real human. Then, another Some other things appeared. They are the things that the ancestors of the undead need. There are the water of death, the iron spirit of the netherworld, and the mist of Hongmeng and the spirit of chaos."

Ye Qingming said: "The water of death is somewhat rare, but I can refine it. The Netherworld Iron Essence is also found in my Netherworld Blood Sea, and I can get it out. But I don't know what the Hongmeng Mist is. .Including the Spirit of Chaos..."

Emperor Fuxi said: "The Hongmeng Mist is to refine the Hongmeng Qi with our holy power, and finally form fog particles. Unfortunately, there is no Hongmeng Qi now, it is all Hongmeng Purple Qi. Therefore, if you want the Hongmeng Mist, First, we have to let Hongmeng Purple Qi retreat..."

Chen Yang said: "We originally wanted to eliminate the power of heaven, so the Qi of Hongmeng is what we want to get. What about the spirit of chaos?"

Emperor Fuxi said: "The Chaos Spirit is a spiritual stone born in the chaotic world. The Chaos Spirit can also be called the Chaos Spirit Stone. The Chaos Spirit Stone was on the earth back then, but no one knows where it is now."

Ye Qingming said: "So of these four things, the most difficult thing is to get the last two."

Chen Yang said: "If it were really easy to get, the ancestor of the undead would not come to help others. However, even if it is easy to get, we can't really give it to the ancestor of the undead so easily. At least we have to wait until Yuan Sheng is solved before we start doing it. This matter. The ancestor of the undead also understands that even if Yuan Sheng is not dead, he will not be at ease."

Heiyi Suzhen added: "The ancestor of the undead gave us a deadline."

Ye Qingming and Emperor Fuxi were surprised.

Emperor Fuxi asked: "How long is the deadline?"

Chen Yang said: "Fifty years!"

Ye Qingming said: "If the Chaos Spirit Stone is not in the fairy world, it will be impossible to find it in fifty years."

Chen Yang smiled and said: "Fifty years, why are you anxious? Once Yuan Sheng is solved, everything else will be easy to deal with."

Emperor Fuxi said: "Judging from these conditions of the ancestor of the undead, he wants to become a real human being. I don't know if he will be a good thing or a bad thing for us after he becomes a human being."

Ye Qingming said: "It must not be a bad thing. In his current form, he is immortal and difficult to deal with. When he becomes a human, he will not be so scary."

Emperor Fuxi said: "That's true!"

In the end, Ye Qingming couldn't help but sigh and said: "I thought I was dead this time, but unexpectedly, it turned out to be a turn of events, and Yuan Sheng suffered a big loss. Chen Yang, it seems we made the right call when we came to you. !”

Chen Yang couldn't help but think of the time when Old Man Hongchen went to Earth. It was really unforgettable. Then he smiled bitterly and said, "It's just this way of asking that makes people unhappy!"

Ye Qingming smiled and said: "Given the happy state of your family at that time, we asked you to come and help, but you refused to death."

Chen Yang said: "Say it directly and then threaten me. I am still willing to come."

Ye Qingming said: "But we felt that you were too weak and too comfortable at the time. The final facts proved that our approach was right."

Chen Yang said: "The most humiliating feeling in my life is that period."

Ye Qingming smiled slightly and said: "As long as you are alive, you should taste the sweet, sour, bitter, joyful and salty. It will be good for you."

Chen Yang couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

After the crisis in Qingming Palace was resolved, everyone discussed the follow-up matters. Emperor Fuxi was injured and was not suitable for walking, so he healed his wounds in place.

Chen Yang and Hei Yi Suzhen went to meet the saints to discuss the move.

As for the spirit of the undead, Chen Yang had already obtained it from the ancestor of the undead. So, the mission has been accomplished.

On the second day, Chen Yang and Heiyi Suzhen left Qingming Palace, exited the Netherworld Blood Sea, and flew in the vast sea above.

The two of them were separated from the crowd, and there was indescribable sweetness and joy when they were alone together. During the flight, Chen Yang took Heiyi Suzhen to find an isolated island to stay on, and then entered the Jie Xumi Villa, where they were overwhelmed with joy.

After loving each other, Chen Yang turned over and lay on the bed, saying: "Hey, I really don't want to deal with these nonsense! You said that our children have grown up now. We can be considered carefree... If it weren't for these nonsense , let’s travel in the universe together, see all kinds of novel things, and walk around, wouldn’t it be wonderful?”

Heiyi Suzhen couldn't help but yearn for it, and said: "Of course that's good! But don't you miss them? Children, Ling'er, etc.?"

Chen Yang said: "Oh, when we are together, let's not mention them being a nuisance! Our lifespans are still long. We can play together for hundreds of years. We won't miss anything when we go back later, right?"

Heiyi Suzhen then said seriously: "Then this is what you said. After the matters in the fairy world are settled, you will take me out for a trip?"

Chen Yang nodded and said, "Of course, I will definitely keep my word." For a moment, he felt a little guilty. He had given Susu too little.

Heiyi Suzhen immediately became as happy as a little girl, and then gave her a passionate kiss.

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