My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4000: life and death, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

Yuan Yuxian glanced at Ye Qingming, feeling calm in his heart. She had no sympathy for Ye Qingming...but she couldn't help but wonder, did Xuanyuan Tai really escape alone?

She also knew that Ye Qingming was dead today.

And Emperor Fuxi, this saint who has been around for thousands of years and is said to be immortal, will also usher in his demise today.

Yuan Sheng stopped talking nonsense and wanted to kill Ye Qingming.

Ye Qingming is also ready to fight to the death...

Although Ye Qingming is alone now, if she is struggling to her death, she cannot be underestimated.

Yuan Sheng and Black Corpse were both ready to attack. At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly came... "Wait a minute!"

It's Xuanyuan Terrace!

Then, Yuan Sheng and others only felt a figure flash in front of them. The next second, Xuanyuan Terrace appeared in front of everyone.

Xuanyuan Terrace is none other than...Chen Yang.

When Chen Yang arrived, Yuan Yuxian's heart skipped a beat. From the bottom of her heart, she hoped that Chen Yang could survive. However, he actually came back again.

Yuan Yuxian didn't quite understand. In her impression, he was a person who was greedy for life and afraid of death.

Ye Qingming looked at Chen Yang beside him and said in a deep voice: "We have been defeated. You shouldn't have come."

Chen Yang smiled slightly and said, "As long as I'm here, I won't be defeated!" After a pause, he asked, "How is the Emperor?"

Ye Qingming was overjoyed and knew that it was done. He immediately cheered up and said, "In my magic bag, he was seriously injured, but he can't die." Chen Yang nodded and said, "That's good!"

Then, Chen Yang looked at Yuan Sheng and others. His eyes just glanced at Yuan Yuxian...

After that, he smiled faintly at Yuan Sheng and said, "We meet again."

Yuan Sheng felt that he could no longer figure out this guy, so he smiled and said, "Are you here to die?"

Chen Yang smiled and said: "Yuan Yunzhong, Yuan Yunzhong, you really don't have a long memory. I told you earlier that from the time I became your enemy, it was the beginning of your decline. Now we are... strict Say, it’s the second meeting. I won’t kill you today, but I will make you pay a heavy price. When we meet for the third time, I will kill you!”

Yuan Sheng's face looked ugly.

Xumizi couldn't bear it on the spot and said: "How dare you say such arrogant words in front of the Holy Lord? Even the Supreme Taoist Patriarch here would not dare to say such arrogant words!"

After Yuan Sheng took a deep breath, he said: "I have taken note of your words. Is there anything else?"

Chen Yang said: "I advise you to leave now. If you leave now and leave the fairy world, you can save your life. We will treat you Kepler people well. If you continue to persist in your stubbornness, the disaster of annihilation is right in front of you."

"Haha..." Yuan Sheng finally couldn't help but burst into laughter, almost to tears. He seemed to have heard the funniest joke in the world.

"Xuanyuan Terrace, Xuanyuan Terrace!" Then, he chanted twice in succession, with a terrifying murderous intent flashing in his eyes, and then he took action.

A palm struck directly at Chen Yang's face. He wanted to cut Chen Yang into pieces. Otherwise, it would be difficult to let go of the hatred in his heart.

Chen Yang did not retreat, a sneer flashed in the corner of his eyes.

The moment Yuan Sheng's palm struck, Chen Yang suddenly opened his mouth...

Something appeared directly from his mouth, but it was a person. The person quickly grew in size, and Chao Yuan Sheng also slashed away with a palm.

That person is...the ancestor of the undead!


The palm power of the ancestor of the undead and Yuan Sheng struck together. The palm of the ancestor of the undead was ready to strike, but the palm of Yuan Sheng was fired out of anger due to impatience.

Generally speaking, Yuansheng's city is unlikely to be so easily angered. But this is like a chess master meeting a rookie. The rookie speaks arrogantly and is frustrated repeatedly. Finally, he becomes furious and wants to crush the opponent at all costs.

Chen Yang has the undead aura of the ancestor of the undead in his body. The ancestor of the undead is hidden in it, so he can be unaware of it. The ancestor of the undead is a very strange existence. After he melts into a liquid, he is not equal to a human being. So even Yuan Sheng didn't realize that there was such a master in Chen Yang.


The palms collided, and then, Yuan Sheng took a few steps back, his face turned red, he spat out a mouthful of blood, and then turned pale!

The ancestor of the undead also took a few steps back and swayed.

But this is nothing to the ancestor of the undead.

When Yuan Sheng and his party saw clearly that the person coming was the ancestor of the undead, they couldn't help but turn pale with horror.

"He's not dead!" Yuan Yuxian was extremely surprised.

Yuan Sheng's heart sank. He thought he had eliminated the ancestor of the undead, but he didn't expect that the other party was still alive. That means that the aura of the undead still exists. What he found even more terrifying was how could such a terrifying existence listen to Xuanyuan Terrace to attack and kill him?

After the ancestor of the undead appeared, there was no nonsense, and he came towards Yuan Sheng to kill the general.

The move is also extremely simple, just split the palm!

The heavenly way of life originally covers everything in the world, but the ancestor of the undead seems not to be among the three realms and five elements, and is not considered a living form. Therefore, it is difficult for the Heavenly Way of Life to restrain the ancestor of the undead.

The ancestor of the undead continued to kill Yuan Sheng. Yuan Sheng himself was already injured. Although he was able to deal with it at the moment, it was still a bit difficult.

Without saying a word, Ye Qingming started fighting with the black corpse.

At this time, what else is there to be polite about?

Chen Yang looked at Yuan Yuxian and Xumizi.

Yuan Yuxian's eyes were complicated and he said, "I didn't expect you to bring us such big trouble today."

Chen Yang said: "So you regret not killing me in Yuanjie, right?"

Yuan Yuxian nodded and said: "That's right!"

Chen Yang said: "You don't kill me not because you are kind."

Yuan Yuxian smiled sadly and said, "Is this how you miss me?"

Chen Yang took a deep breath and said: "I think we don't need to say anything more, let's start the war!"

Yuan Yuxian nodded and said: "Okay!"

Then, she and Xumizi took action together.

She quickly gathered the Tianyuan Holy Realm, but instead of using the Tianyuan Holy Realm to cover Chen Yang, she hid the Tianyuan Holy Realm and Tianyun Hundong in her fist, and violently blasted Chen Yang's chest and abdomen.

After all, she still couldn't bear it, so she didn't attack Chen Yang's head. But she didn't hold back, she knew that Chen Yangqiang was outrageous now. And she couldn't figure out why Chen Yang could be so powerful without even entering the Holy Realm.

Xumizi also condensed the Holy Realm of Explosive Flames, held the Holy Realm in his fist, went into the cave, and blasted Chen Yang desperately. The two half-saint masters wanted to use this kind of brute force to kill Chen Yang.

The two of them killed Chen Yang one after another, and Chen Yang was instantly attacked from both sides.

At this critical moment, Chen Yang roared loudly, and the yin and yang spiritual cultivation with Hei Yi Suzhen had been successful. Suzhen Heiyi quickly took control of Chen Yang's body and activated the nine snowy mountains of the Tiandao Pen to kill him together.

Although Heiyi Suzhen is not in the holy realm, the power of dark thunder is no longer weaker than that in the holy realm. The direction of her practice is different from everyone else's. The realm of a semi-saint master cannot be higher than hers.

After all the power was gathered, Heiyi Suzhen turned around and struck out with two palms on her left and right.

The left palm is used to kill Yuan Yuxian, and the right palm is used to kill Xumi Zi.

The dark thunder force induces the world of dark elements, the world of thunder force.

The sky is shattering and the earth is shattering, the stars are shaking!


Chen Yang's own strength is very strong, and with the blessing of dark thunder, he will not be attacked by the masters of the holy realm. So now, Chen Yang's strength has doubled exponentially. This is not one plus one. In the past, it was difficult for him to challenge the masters of the Holy Realm because the laws and rules were tightly suppressed.

Now, not anymore.

After the attack with palm power, the aftermath was violent.

Yuan Yuxian and Xumizi both took a few steps back. Chen Yang stood on the spot, not breathing, with cold eyes, like a **** of war. At this moment, the energy and blood in his body were boiling extremely fiercely...

But it did no harm, but made him feel extremely happy!

The fighting on their side was much louder than the fighting between the extremely saints.

Yuan Yuxian and Xumizi looked at Chen Yang in shock. How could they have imagined that two half-saint masters would attack together and be repelled by each other...

This is incredible…

"Who are you?" Xumizi yelled angrily!

"The person who sent you to the King of Hell!" Chen Yang smiled ferociously.

Then, take action again.

His body flashed and he quickly killed Xumi Zi. Xumizi quickly deployed the Explosive Flame Holy Realm. Then the surrounding area quickly appeared with red flames, a flaming hell.

Holy power flows in the flames.

Countless flames formed into a fire beast and came to bite Chen Yang...

Yuan Yuxian also came behind Chen Yang, and the Tianyuan Holy Realm was displayed, and the colorful space enveloped Chen Yang.

Double holy realm!

Chen Yang sneered repeatedly, but quickly displayed the dark elements.

Dark elements quickly covered the scene, shrouding Tianyuan Holy Realm and Explosive Flame Holy Realm.

The darkness suppressed all the light in the scene...

Yuan Yuxian and Xumizi felt that their eyes were plunged into boundless darkness. No matter how they opened their eyes to look, they could not penetrate this darkness.

Therefore, they can only use their spiritual consciousness!

It is still possible to defend one's enemies in one's spiritual consciousness. They used the holy realm to tear apart the darkness...but soon, thunder and lightning rolled in the dark elements...

The dark thunder formed countless swords and slashed at Yuan Yuxian and Xumizi. Yuan Yuxian and Xumizi immediately gathered together and resisted with their respective holy realm powers. The Divine Flame Beast and Tianyuan Beast were biting madly among them, fighting with Thunder.

The two sides fought in the holy realm, but Chen Yang still had the upper hand.

In the end, Chen Yang didn't want to waste any more time, so he asked Heiyi Suzhen to take action again. Suzhen in black clothes quickly killed the general, and released two big chaos thunder swords at once, killing Yuan Yuxian and Xumizi like lightning.

Yuan Yuxian and Xumizi felt the power of the thunder sword, and immediately felt as if they were facing a powerful enemy, sacrificing their respective magic weapons, and concentrating their whole body's holy power to deal with it!


After the two swords passed, Yuan Yuxian and Xumizi retreated again. Although they resisted the opponent's thunder sword, they also felt that the thunder sword seemed to trigger the world of thunder. The power of thunder in the entire Thunder World was about to kill... In an instant, the energy and blood in their bodies surged violently, making it difficult to suppress.

Suzhen Heiyi did not give them a chance to breathe, but this time he did not kill Xumizi, but attacked Yuan Yuxian.

Yuan Yuxian couldn't see the other party, but he could feel it clearly in his consciousness. She felt that the man she couldn't let go of was coming quickly...

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