My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 3894: The truth, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Empress Nuwa followed and quickly went to Hetu Cave.

With her skill, there is naturally no problem with seeing Emperor Fuxi.

But this time she went in but it didn't go well. When she was about to break through the stone formation, the Great Fuxi came out.

"Sister, don't rush!" Fuxi the Great said in a weak voice.

Empress Nuwa was taken aback, and said, "Brother, your injury?"

Emperor Fuxi said: "I'm still the same, I can't die, you don't have to worry about me."

Empress Nuwa said, "Have you seen Xuanyuantai?"

Emperor Fuxi said: "He took Long Ji to come, and I met him. He didn't say anything, but I know that he was sent by Yuan Sheng to spy on my situation."

"This beast, eating inside and out, let me see him, and I have to break his body into pieces!" Empress Nuwa was furious.

Emperor Fuxi said: "Long Ji is in his hands, you must ensure the safety of Long Ji!"

Empress Nuwa said: "I know!"

Emperor Fuxi sighed again and said, "Although you are guarding this heaven now, it is difficult for you to do this. Just like this time, if you went outside, something happened to me. I'm afraid it is. There will be no peace in the future."

Empress Nuwa also took a sigh of relief in her heart.

Later, she said to Emperor Fuxi: "What's in the future, I will talk about it in the future. I will save Longji first."

Emperor Fuxi immediately said: "In any case, we must ensure the safety of Longji, understand?"

Mother Nuwa said: "I know this. I picked up Long Ji and adopted it on Wuying Mountain. I have no lighter feelings for her than you..."

Let's say that after Chen Yang left Zhong Lingshan, he fled with all his strength. He knew in his heart that Yuan Yuxian would definitely not be able to escape. The main reason was that the heavenly realm was too far away from the metaworld... he wondered if he could not escape either.

Although it is very likely that she can't escape, she can't stand still waiting for Empress Nuwa to come up.

Ten days later, Chen Yang had not left the heavens either.

There are too many laws of space fog in this celestial realm, and one who is not careful will stray into the space fog, and then it will take a long time to fly for nothing.

This space law is not a pure space law, but is integrated with heaven and earth!

Sometimes it is not that the law of space cannot be broken, but that this distance must be steadily completed.

On this day, the crisis is approaching.

Chen Yang knew it and came after.

It should be the Nuwa Empress who came after her.

He simply stood there and waited, and at the same time he grabbed Longji out of the magic treasure bag and pinched it tightly in his handprints.

Xiaguang flashed in the rear.

In an instant, the Nuwa Empress arrived in front of Chen Yang in a colorful phoenix.

Empress Nuwa got off the mount, and the colorful **** phoenix flew directly into her magic treasure bag.

Chen Yang saw Empress Nuwa, sneered, and said: "The speed of Empress is really fast. It seems that I'm here to kill me today? Well, it doesn't matter if I die. Princess Longji is with me. It's very good. it is good!"

Princess Longji is still in a coma.

Chen Yang saves trouble, because Princess Longji wakes up and is destined to be whirling tears with the Nuwa Empress and so on.

"Xuanyuantai, you are really impatient." Niang Niwa was anxious and angry when she saw Long Ji was in a coma.

Chen Yang laughed and said: "I am impatient to live. If Niangniang does not hesitate to do so, I can do it. I am definitely not your opponent, so at this time today, I can only admit my fate. I also persuade Niangniang, although Niang Niang, your mana can reach the sky, but you have absolutely no ability to rescue Long Ji who is alive under my hands."

Empress Nu Wa really had a rat-in-the-mouse in her heart, and she knew that Xuanyuantai had many weird and bizarre abilities. After taking a deep breath, she said: "Okay, as long as you are willing to let Longji go, this seat promises you that you will not trouble you this time, let you leave! What this seat speaks, absolutely counts, you don’t have to doubt this. !"

Chen Yang said, "I'm only afraid that my mother promised me to leave, and she will come back tomorrow, saying that it is already the next time."

Empress Nuwa said angrily: "I am not interested in playing this kind of word game with you."

Chen Yang said: "I want my mother to promise not to find me within a year. In addition, you have to release the girl you caught!"

Empress Nuwa was silent for a while, and then said: "Okay!" After that, she grabbed Yuan Yuxian from the magic treasure bag and threw it towards Chen Yang. Yuan Yuxian is also in a coma...

Chen Yang quickly took over Yuan Yuxian.

He was also a little surprised. He didn't expect this thing to go so smoothly. From the bottom of his heart, he really didn't plan to save Yuan Yuxian. Because Yuan Yuxian is on the side of Empress Nuwa, it helps them to get more information. This is why Chen Yang wanted to remind Emperor Fuxi to tell Empress Nuwa that he must pay attention to Yuan Yuxian's Eye of the Sacred Heart.

But if you don't mention Yuan Yuxian right now, it's not easy to explain to Yuansheng when you return to the Yuanjie.

"Can you let them go, right?" Empress Nuwa stared at Chen Yang and said word by word.

Chen Yang believes that a saint like Nv Wa empress is incapable of talking. At the moment, I had no choice but to let go.

But at the moment when he was about to let go, suddenly, he understood Empress Nuwa's calculations!

"If I'm right, Empress Nuwa didn't plan to do it herself, but she let her beast do it. Since she dared to promise like this, she must think I can't beat the beast..."

"Wait!" Chen Yang rolled his eyes and said to Empress Nuwa: "Manny, I need you to promise one more thing!"

Empress Nuwa's face changed suddenly, and said, "Don't be too greedy!"

Chen Yang said, "I just want to survive."

"Say!" Nuwa said.

Chen Yang said: "You still have to promise me that your colorful phoenix can't make an effort to embarrass me. The duration is still one year."

A sharp light flashed in the eyes of Empress Nuwa, and said, "You are really smart. You guessed what I was thinking so quickly."

Chen Yang said: "Life and death are now, don't dare to be careful!"

Empress Nuwa said: "Okay, let me answer you too, impossible! You are not a small person, if you can defeat my colorful divine phoenix after Longji is released, you will be considered fortune this time. . If you lose, then you have to be unlucky."

Chen Yang said, "Doesn't the empress even care about Longji's life?"

Empress Nuwa said: "If this seat wasn't for cherishing her life, you would have died a thousand times earlier."

Chen Yang said, "As long as you promise to stop Qi Cai Shenfeng from taking action, you will release Long Ji immediately!"

Empress Nuwa said: "Impossible, Long Ji is a bargaining chip, but only one person can survive. Are you still that woman? You can choose!"

Chen Yang said: "I don't know how to choose, I have to live."

Empress Nuwa gritted her teeth and said, "Then kill Long Ji if you have the guts."

Chen Yang pretended to be nervous, but he was relieved.

After a long time, he said: "Okay, I choose myself. You promise that you and Qicai Shenfeng will not embarrass me. I will return Longji and my companion to you!"

After taking a deep breath, Empress Nuwa said: "Okay!" Then, she solemnly promised.

Chen Yang released Long Ji and returned Yuan Yuxian obediently to Empress Nuwa.

After that, Chen Yang turned around and left without any nostalgia.

Empress Nuwa took Long Ji and Yuan Yuxian, mounted the colorful Shenfeng again and returned to Zhongling Mountain.

A few days later, Empress Nuwa returned to Zhongling Mountain.

Princess Longji is not a serious problem, and she still needs to cultivate for a period of time.

Empress Nuwa took Long Ji to see Emperor Fuxi in the Hetu Cave.

Emperor Fuxi didn't let Longji go in to meet him, but said to Princess Longji: "Little Longer, you're fine, you godmother and I have some private things to say."

Princess Longji said: "Yes, the Great!"

After Princess Longji retreated, Emperor Fuxi opened the door of the void and said, "Sister, come in!"

After the Empress Nuwa crossed the void gate, she came to the stone room.

When she saw Emperor Fuxi, she couldn't help being surprised and happy.

Because right now in front of her is the handsome and domineering Emperor Fuxi!

"Brother, your injury is healed?" At this moment, Empress Nuwa wept with joy.

Emperor Fuxi nodded, smiled slightly, and said, "It's all done."

Empress Nuwa said: "This is incredible. I asked Taishang Dao ancestor about your injury. He couldn't even think of a way. How good are you?"

Emperor Fuxi said, "Sit down first, and listen to you as your brother slowly!"

Empress Nuwa sat cross-legged in front of Emperor Fuxi.

Emperor Fuxi remembered something, and then asked: "By the way, did you go to save Longji this time smoothly? Tell me about the situation."

Empress Nuwa suddenly became angry and said, "The beast at Xuanyuantai is very cunning. I wanted to promise him first and let him go. Then use the colorful **** phoenix to hunt him... and prevent your serious injury from leaking out. Then know this. The beast saw my intentions... Finally, helpless, I could only promise not to embarrass him. He also let Longji go!"

After hearing this, Emperor Fuxi sighed slightly and said: "That's good, that's good!"

"Okay? What's good?" Nuwa said: "I am so angry!"

Emperor Fuxi laughed.

"Why is elder brother laughing?" Nuwa Empress was puzzled.

Emperor Fuxi said: "You are wrong to blame Xuanyuantai."

"Wrong blame?" Empress Nuwa was suddenly confused.

Emperor Fuxi said: "To be precise, that person is not Xuanyuantai, but...Chen Yang!"

"Chen Yang?" Empress Nuwa had also heard of Chen Yang, and said, "This son is here? Xuanyuantai is him? How is this possible?"

Emperor Fuxi said: "My injury was cured by him."

At the moment, he told all the details and the whole story to the Nuwa Empress.

After hearing this, Empress Nuwa suddenly realized, "That's it, it's that way! Why didn't you just say a word?"

Emperor Fuxi smiled and said, "That Yuan Sage is extremely suspicious. If you don't chase it, Yuan Sage will be suspicious. This will not help Chen Yang hide from Yuan Sage!"

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