My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 3890: See Fuxi, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Let's say that Xuan Yi just took Chen Yang's palm, regardless of whether he was in the same position. In an instant, Chen Yang showed her a powerful Heaven Slayer Talisman. So unexpected...

The Heaven Slayer Talisman is a powerful killer that can sneak attack on the quasi-sage Lu Ya Taoist!

Xuan Yi suddenly faced the Sky Extinguishing Talisman, which was really hard to resist. She displayed the Heavenly Phoenix Holy Realm, and repeatedly used magical tools to dissolve the Heavenly Destruction Talisman, but all failed.


Zhong Lingshan shook the ground at this instant, and the Palace of Clouds was instantly smashed to pieces by the aftermath of the Heaven Extinguishing Talisman.

Xuan Yi also suffered serious injuries and fell away from a distance, unable to get up anymore.

When Chen Yang came to Princess Longji, Princess Longji was meditating cross-legged. She realized that she was strange, and she saw Chen Yang as soon as she opened her eyes.

Chen Yang slapped and killed him. Princess Longji has not healed from her injuries, she quickly releases her palm.


What followed was the aftermath of the Heaven Extinguishing Talisman.

Chen Yang severely injured Princess Longji again with a palm, and then firmly pinched Princess Longji in the center of his palm with a big handprint.

The aftermath boomed, and the Palace of Clouds collapsed!

Chen Yang immediately transported out a protective mask, and took Princess Long Ji to leave the Yunxiao Palace underneath that had become ruins.

Without a moment's delay, Chen Yang quickly came to the back mountain, and then entered the corridor of Hetu Cave.

The great changes in Zhong Lingshan have also alarmed the old man with black beard and other masters. They respectively inspected the Yunxiao Palace and the Sky Prison. I soon learned that Xuanyuantai was causing trouble...

I also knew that Xuanyuantai held Princess Longji and entered the corridor of the cave of Shanhe Tudong in the back.

However, they did not dare to enter the tunnel, for fear that it would be difficult to get out after they entered.

They can only help the Xuan Yi to cultivate in the rest of the palace quickly, and give medicinal medicine treatment and so on.

After Chen Yang came into the tunnel, he was in trouble again. Although he can quickly crack the secret of the tunnel, it will leave loopholes after such cracking.

"Hey, I'm still afraid of any loopholes. I didn't dare to meet with Fuxi the Great before because I was afraid of the suspicions of the masters of the Heavenly Court. Now I am not afraid of suspicion anymore. Later, I can say to Yuansheng that I understood from this hole. The true meaning of it."

"Xuanyuantai, are you really a traitor?" Princess Long Ji said to Chen Yang with a pale face.

Chen Yang looked at Princess Long Ji, sneered, and said: "I didn't want to be like this, you forced me."

"Forcing you?" Princess Longji was heartbroken and said: "Who is forcing you?"

Chen Yang said, "Before I was chased and killed by the Taoist Lu Ya, and there was nowhere to go. None of you ever made it to me. Later, I was rescued, and now I am a loyal person.

"What the **** are you doing? Who are you colluding with? The woman who kidnapped me earlier is also your accomplice, right?" Princess Longji asked.

Chen Yang said, "You don't need to follow my words, I won't say anything."

Then he walked forward.

Soon, the mystery was explored, and he left the tunnel.

After going out of the tunnel, I came to the cave, and the cave was dark.

Among them, there are nine bends and eighteen bends, and countless stone chambers form a labyrinth of river map caves.

Chen Yang discovered that these stone chambers also contained formations and spatial rules. Walking inside is like a maze. He walked with Princess Longji for a long time, and the result was equal to turning around in circles.

"Damn, it's this kind of formation similar to the five elements and gossip!" Chen Yang secretly slandered, and said in his heart: "This Lao Shizi, Fuxi the Great, is it boring to stay closed? I want to break your formation. It's difficult. But if the speed is too fast, it will be too prominent in Yuansheng. It took half a year to break the mystery of the tunnel before."

Chen Yang sulked.

When Princess Longji saw this, she said coldly: "The great emperor is proficient in Hetu Luoshu and created the true meaning of gossip. You can't break this gossip array."

Chen Yang said: "There are so many movements left and right, I just want to see the emperor today. If the emperor never shows up, I will kill you!"

Princess Longji was taken aback, and said, "What do you have to do with the emperor? You are trying to harm the emperor, right?"

Chen Yang snorted coldly and said, "This has nothing to do with you. I just want to know what the emperor is doing all these years, whether it's dead or alive?"

Princess Longji said: "You have been deeply favored by the emperor in this life, how can you collude with outsiders to harm the emperor? If you do this, are you still a human?"

"Oh, I am not a good person." After Chen Yang said, he pressed hard in his handprints.

Princess Longji was in pain immediately.

Chen Yang shouted: "Great Emperor, if you don't show up again, I will kill the princess."

"Huh, who are you scaring?" Princess Longji said painfully: "I'm alive and you still have a chance to live. If I die, you will only die faster. You are such a greedy dog ​​who is afraid of death, why? Dare to die?"

Chen Yang said, "Hey, that's true! If the emperor never shows up, I will demand you in front of the emperor."

"You..." Princess Longji was immediately ashamed and angry, and said: "You...Xuanyuantai, you watched me grow up. Anyway, I usually call you uncle, how can you say such shameless words? ?"

Chen Yang said, "I'm a shameless person. It's time for me to have any more face!"

After he finished speaking, he would stretch out his claws to assault Princess Longji.

This is his last resort.

Anyway, it was only to scare Emperor Fuxi, if he really didn't come out, he could only give up.

How did you know that at this moment, an old voice suddenly came: "Come in!"

Afterwards, a door to the void appeared in front of Chen Yang.

Chen Yang was overjoyed and immediately led Princess Longji into the void gate.

At the same time, he had opened the seal of the jade slip to search for information.

Soon, Chen Yang took Princess Longji to a stone room.

On the stone bed at the top of the stone room sat an old man with white hair and beard.

The old man's face was vicissitudes of life, his shape was haggard, and he looked like a candle in the wind.

"The Great?" Princess Longji couldn't help tears as she saw the Great Emperor.

Chen Yang was also taken aback.

Because in Xuanyuantai's memory, Emperor Fuxi was a handsome and handsome man who looked very young. Looking at this Emperor Fuxi right now, he looked like an ordinary old man in the world, and even worse.

"Let go of me, let me go!" Princess Long Ji cried and shouted at Chen Yang.

She wanted to break free to check the situation of Emperor Fuxi. Chen Yang would release Princess Longji. He was an extremely cautious person, but he was also afraid that Emperor Fuxi's appearance was false, just wanting to lower his guard.

"Xuanyuantai, what are you doing?" Emperor Fuxi looked up and asked every word. He doesn't look great anymore, but his words are full of majesty. Chen Yang couldn't help but wanted to kneel and speak, but at any rate he stiffened his head and said: "The situation is just like what you see. I have betrayed the entire heaven. Now I brought Princess Longji in, just to find out about you. Situation. What's wrong with you...?"

Emperor Fuxi first smiled at the crying Princess Longji and said: "Good Longer, don't cry, I'll be fine, I can't die."

Then he said to Chen Yang: "Betrayal? Who did you take refuge in? Yuan Sheng?"

Chen Yang said, "I don't know any Yuansheng."

Emperor Fuxi said: "At this time, what else is embarrassed to admit?"

Chen Yang said, "I will never admit anything, so it is impossible for you to find out what you want to hear from me. I want to know now, what is your situation?"

Emperor Fuxi said: "Is this emperor necessary to tell you?"

Chen Yang said, "I think it is very necessary."

Emperor Fuxi said: "If the emperor doesn't say anything, you can't kill Xiao Longer?"

Chen Yang said: "I dare not kill her, but I dare to attack you."

"Then you try!" Fuxi Great Emperor smiled coldly, and suddenly an extremely powerful aura burst out of his body.

Chen Yang was surprised again.

But in fact, what he wanted was this effect, and he had to prove that Emperor Fuxi was very strong before he could explain to Yuan Sheng why he didn't take the opportunity to kill Emperor Fuxi.

"Heh!" Chen Yang couldn't help taking Princess Longji back a step, smiled, and said: "Well, I dare not! But if you don't make it clear, Longji will suffer some pain in my hands."

Emperor Fuxi said: "If you release Xiao Long'er, the emperor you want to know can tell you. And he will let you go. This is the promise of the emperor to you."

Chen Yang said: "That won't work, you promised to let me go. There is still Nuwa outside..."

He respects Empress Nuwa in his heart, but he doesn't need to be too respectful right now.

Emperor Fuxi was startled slightly, and said, "Nuwa is here too? Where is she now?" He was puzzled, since his sister is here, why would he let this Xuanyuantai capture Longji?

Chen Yang said: "I don't have much time, Nuwa has already gone out to arrest my accomplices." Fuxi the Great said: "That's it!"

Chen Yang said: "You haven't said yet, what's your current situation? As long as you make it clear, I will immediately take Longji away. When I get to a safe place, Longji will be released."

Emperor Fuxi said: "How can this emperor believe your words?"

Chen Yang said: "I don't have to kill Long Ji, it's no good to me. Moreover, she herself is not a threat."

Emperor Fuxi said: "This emperor wants you to swear!"

Chen Yang took the oath right now, and this oath is indifferent, because it is impossible for him to hurt Long Ji at all.

After he finished swearing, Princess Longji said, "Great Emperor, you don't care about my life and death. How can my life and death be true?"

Emperor Fuxi smiled slightly and said, "I said it or not, it doesn't hurt. Also, silly boy, your life and death are very important to me and your godmother. It will never be inadequate. !"

Princess Longji cried again!

Emperor Fuxi then said to Chen Yang: "My physical condition is indeed not very good. Back then, I studied the meaning of gossip using Hetu Luoshu and drew a picture of gossip. Just five hundred years ago, I studied Luo When I was writing, I realized the connection between Luoshu and the universe. There is an inseparable connection between the human body and the universe. The human body is actually a small universe. Luoshu represents not only the universe, but also multiple universes. ."

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