My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 3887: Empress shot, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Among the heavens is Zhongling Mountain, which represents the heavens. When the monks of the immortal world come to think of the heavens, they will think of the heavens and Emperor Fuxi. In a sense, Fuxi the Great and Heavenly Court represented the realm of heaven.

Before the emergence of Hongmeng Ziqi, there were Kunlun and heavens in the immortal world.

After the emergence of Hongmeng Ziqi, the entire fairy world moved in plates, and space clouds filled the entire fairy world. The immortal world suddenly became huge and incomparable, and the purple mist and the vast sea shrouded it, as if the world had suddenly returned to the era of unopened chaos.

The planet Kepler has not experienced the chaos era!

At least, the people of Tongtian hierarch and their generation have never seen the chaotic era of Kepler. They came out of the chaos of the earth...

What they didn't expect was that in Kepler, they felt the era of chaos again.

Hongmeng purple gas appeared, plate fission...

Master Tongtian kept their Kunlun, and created the Kunlun world!

In the heavens, Empress Nuwa created the heavens.

Yuansheng took the opportunity to create the Metaverse...

Ye Qingming entered into that sea of ​​blood and created a realm that belongs to her.

As for the Shura world, it was created by Xiao Ling.

In the Western world, it was created by two people, Zhunti and Lit. The old man of Hongchen settled in Hongchenzhou in the western world... For this, quasi mentions and introductions are also welcome.

So far, the six worlds have formed...

After the formation of the six realms, Empress Nuwa moved to the Wa Palace.

The heavens didn't have these continents... The distance between the Nuwa Empress and Zhong Lingshan was also a little far away. But at that time, there was no fog of space. Throughout Kepler, wherever she wanted to go was an instant. It's different now...

In order to have a reference to Zhong Lingshan, Empress Nuwa used her magic power to move the Wahuang Mountain and Wahuang Palace where she was originally to Tianzhou.

But even so, it would take six hours to fly from Wahuang Mountain to Zhongling Mountain at the fastest speed of Nu Wa Empress' cultivation base!

Let’s say that on this day, the sun is shining on Wahuang Mountain and the flowers are in full bloom.

At noon, a long rainbow lightning flew past and came to the outskirts of Wahuang Mountain.

The surrounding area of ​​Wahuang Mountain is surrounded by mist...

Those mists are all enchantments.

Without the permission of Empress Nuwa, no one would dare to trespass, even if they wanted to trespass, it would be difficult to break through this barrier.

After Changhong was established, he was a middle-aged man.

A man's cultivation base is nothing but a heavenly realm!

Celestial Realm used to be a god-like existence on the earth, but later it became ordinary on the earth. And in the immortal realm, the heavenly realm cultivation base is almost like an ant.

The middle-aged man held his fists in the outskirts of Wahuang Mountain, and then shouted respectfully and loudly: "Heavenly court leader Jianghuai, there is an urgent need to see the empress!"

He shouted several times in a row.

After a while, a void gate appeared in the barrier. A woman's clear voice came from the Void Gate: "What's the matter?"

Jiang Huai heard that the voice was not the voice of Empress Nuwa, but the disciple Xuanyi of Empress Nuwa.

Xuan Yi was cultivated by a phoenix, and his cultivation reached the semi-sacred realm.

"Qi Zi Xuan Yi Shang Xian..." Jiang Huai immediately said: "Half a year ago, Princess Long Ji was arrested. For example, the immortals in the courtyard today have entered the Houshanhe Tudong, but have not come out. The subordinates have been waiting for a long time As a result, I had no choice but to come to the Nuwa Empress for help."

"What?" That Xuan Yi was also taken aback, and immediately let Jiang Huai come in and talk.

After Jianghuai entered the gate of the void, he entered Wahuang Mountain.

After that, Xuan Yi took Jianghuai to see Empress Nuwa quickly.

In the back garden of the Wa Palace, Jiang Huai bowed down to the Empress Nu Wa, and then quickly told about the recent events.

After hearing this, Empress Nuwa couldn't help but angrily said: "Why, you stupid, why it took half a year for the matter to be reported to this seat?"

Jiang Huai said with a sad face: "The subordinates have been waiting for the immortals to leave the Hetu Cave. How long can they not wait. Now I feel that the situation is too serious, so I came to report to you. Just like today in the court, the immortals are not there, the emperor always Can’t get out of retreat. The entire heavenly court has become an empty shell, and Princess Longji’s life or death is uncertain..."

Empress Nuwa said coldly: "If anything happens to Princess Longji, I can't spare you!"

After that, she said to Xuan Yi next to her: "I'll go to Zhongling Mountain first. After you arrange things in the Wa Palace, go to Zhongling Mountain to join me!"

Xuan Yi immediately said, "Yes, Master!"

At the moment, Empress Nuwa grabbed that Jianghuai into the magic treasure bag. After that, I left Wahuang Mountain and took the colorful Shenfeng to Zhongling Mountain.

On the way there, Empress Nuwa arrested Jianghuai again and asked for more details.

After understanding everything clearly, he put Jianghuai in the magic treasure bag again.

Six hours later, Empress Nuwa came to Zhongling Mountain.

She came to the back of Shanhetu Cave for the first time...

What a character she is, when she is outside, she can see the situation inside the tunnel clearly at a glance.

"A group of idiots, in half a year, they can't even break through this kind of space mystery!" Nuwa Empress snorted, and then shouted to the inside: "Wait, come out!"

Her voice turned into a light, and this light instantly formed a long line...

Everyone followed the line out of the Hetu Cave.

At this time the sky was already dark.

Under the moonlight, Empress Nuwa was wearing a long fiery red dress, and she was glamorous with a queen-like aura that made people dare not profanity.

When everyone came to the Nüwa Empress, they all bowed their heads in anguish, and saluted, saying, "I'll wait to see the Empress!"

Empress Nuwa said coldly, "What happened? Kuroshibe, come on!"

The old man with black beard replied honestly: "Return to the mother, more than half a year ago, a woman suddenly asked for a meeting outside, claiming to be Ye Qingming's apprentice."

He listened to Nuwa Niangniang about the situation that day.

Empress Nuwa said angrily: "You guys didn’t go, but let Long Ji a girl run away, and finally watched her get caught? Why do you have a face here? Why do you have a face? Standing between the world? If you are in this seat, you will be ashamed and ashamed."

Chen Yang immediately said: "Manny, it's not that we want to let the Princess Palace go to risk. We didn't think it would be dangerous. In this heavenly court, now we are all listening to His Royal Highness. The subordinates said that we should send a heavenly general casually. Just deal with it, but His Highness said that you can’t wait for Ye Sheng’s disciples.” After speaking, he said bitterly: “We also know that this is a shame, so we didn’t dare to look for you. We thought about our own affairs. To solve it, I went to the emperor. They knew that they had entered the tunnel, but they had been trapped and couldn't get out."

Empress Nuwa snorted coldly and said, "You don't need to explain so much to this seat. If something happens to Longji, this seat will definitely not spare you idiots."

After she finished speaking, she walked away.

Everyone stood in place, looking at each other, but they didn't know what to say.

Everyone knows that the empress is a hot temper, so I dare not look for it!

They are still in a state of anxiety after being reprimanded by the Nuwa Empress, so they have not discovered that Chen Yang's cultivation has reached the middle stage of the Ninth Layer of Creation Realm!

Chen Yang watched Nuwa Empress leave, and unconsciously thought of his wife Suzhen in black. He felt that Empress Nuwa and Suzhen in black looked a little alike, not only did they look alike...their personality and temperament were a bit similar.

Afterwards, Chen Yang came back to his senses.

This time, I felt a little bad. I haven't seen Emperor Fuxi yet!

And now Nuwa Empress has stepped in again...

How this follow-up will develop is really uncertain.

At present, Chen Yang has no other way but to take one step and look at one step.

Until he is forced, he will not rush in to meet the Great Fuxi.

Besides, after Nuwa Empress went away, she did not leave Zhong Lingshan, nor would she blindly search for Longji.

She came to the Yunxiao Palace where Princess Longji lived.

Then she sat cross-legged on Princess Longji's bed.

After a while, countless light spots began to appear around the room...In this night sky, it was like countless fireflies.

After a long time, Empress Nuwa stretched out her hand.

Those light spots all gathered in the palm of her hand, this is the... aura left by Princess Longji.

These breaths are already negligible.

After all, half a year has passed.

But Empress Nuwa has the ability to reach the sky, and after all, these breaths are still gathered.

Next, Empress Nuwa relied on these breaths to sense the location of Princess Longji.

This time is relatively long.

Three days and three nights...

During this period, Nuwa Empress's disciple Xuan Yi also passed by.

Xuan Yi was waiting outside the Yunxiao Hall.

Chen Yang and his party also came to wait outside the Hall of Clouds...that is also afraid to disperse!

Everyone also discovered that Chen Yangxiu had reached the middle stage of the Ninth Layer of Creation Realm. Regarding this, Chen Yang said that he had been difficult to break through in that tunnel, and finally took the opportunity to break through his cultivation.

This is not a weird thing either. Everyone knew that he was already the eighth peak of the Creation Realm, and the breakthrough was just a matter of time.

After three days and three nights, Empress Nuwa came out to meet everyone.

The old man with black beard hurriedly asked: "Niang Niang, your Royal Highness?"

Empress Nuwa coldly glanced at Chen Yang and his group, and then said to Xuan Yi: "Go, go to Long Ji!"

After speaking, he stepped onto the colorful kamikaze.

Then Xuan Yi followed and sat behind Empress Nuwa.

The colorful sacred wind hissed, then fluttered its wings, turned into a long rainbow, and disappeared instantly.

Chen Yang said, "You guys are in a daze, keep up!"

After speaking, he followed.

The others hurriedly followed...

Nuwa Empress's colorful sacred wind speed is extremely fast, and everyone follows the breath.

About three hours later, Chen Yang and his party followed into the vast sea.

Before it was stable, everyone felt that Empress Nuwa had left. Swishing Weixing Gong Zhong and the Heavenly Dao League, it is already where Chen Yang has taken Yuan Yuxian. The crowd continued to chase after the breath left by the Nuwa Empress...Three hours later, they chased the breath back to Zhong Ling Mountain.

The whole... followed by loneliness.

And when they came back, they faced Empress Nuwa's anger: "A bunch of idiots, what have you done?"

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