My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 3858: Lu pressure home, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Xian Yulong mentioned Princess Longji, and Chen Yang immediately found everything about Princess Longji in Xuanyuantai's memory. This Princess Longji was not the daughter of Emperor Fuxi, but was adopted by Empress Nuwa and sent over. Empress Nuwa and Emperor Fuxi are brothers and Emperor Fuxi appointed Longji as the princess.

When Xuanyuantai left that year, Princess Longji had already reached the Eighth Layer of Creation Realm.

Now I don't know what realm it is! Her savvy and talent are excellent.

Princess Longji has always been cold-tempered, and she doesn't pay much attention to the many chores in the heavens.

Xian Yulong then asked Chen Yang: "Where did Brother Xuanyuan go in the past hundred years? You have no news..."

Chen Yang sneered and said, "You thought I was dead, didn't you?"

Xian Yulong was taken aback, and then he smiled and said, "Absolutely not, I know Brother Xuanyuan, you are a person from Hongfu Qitian."

Chen Yang spoke according to Xuanyuantai's way of speaking, and he felt that speaking like that was really awkward. As if the whole world owes him money...

After that, Xian Yulong said again: "After so many years, Brother Xuanyuan's temperament has not changed at all."

Chen Yang said: "If you want to change, you have changed early. After a lot of age, you have changed your temperament."

Xian Yulong said, "Brother Xuanyuan is coming back this time, is it a permanent residence or a small residence?"

Chen Yang said: "It's impossible to live permanently. Maybe we will go out again after a while. Anyway, the emperor doesn't care about us, so staying here doesn't mean much."

Xian Yulong said: "That's true!"

While talking, the butler finally got the wine and food.

Chen Yang drank with Xian Yulong.

After drinking, Xian Yulong led Chen Yang to the Palace of Clouds. The Yunxiao Palace is managed by Princess Longji. Princess Longji also lives in this Yunxiao Palace...

There are only a few maidservants in the Palace of Clouds...

Outside the Palace of Clouds, Xian Yulong and Chen Yang begged to see each other.

The maidservants went in to report, and after a while they came out and said: "The princess, please two!"

Chen Yang and Xian Yulong entered the temple, but Princess Longji was not in the temple, but in the back garden. When they came to the back garden, Chen Yang saw Princess Na Longji feeding the red spirit carp by the pool.

She is wearing a plain dress with a silver belt around her waist that stands out.

He combed a bun on his head and kept Qi bangs in front of his forehead.

Her appearance is extremely beautiful, but she is also very recognizable, and she feels faint in her whole person.

When Chen Yang saw this Princess Longji, he thought of Gentle Linger.

Bing Leng Ling'er is too cold, and Gentle Ling'er has a touch of human touch in the cold.

Princess Longji's temperament is somewhat similar to that of gentleness.

Chen Yang and Xian Yulong were able to come forward, Princess Longji did not put on any airs, and had already stood up and waited.

"See Your Highness!" Chen Yang saluted.

Princess Longji said lightly: "Xuanyuantai, you are back."

Chen Yang said, "Yes, my subordinates just returned today, so I will come to see you as soon as possible."

Princess Longji took out a jade medal and handed it out directly. The jade card flew in front of Chen Yang. Chen Yang knew that the jade card was a pass to and from the enchantment of Zhongling Mountain, so he immediately accepted it and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Princess Longji said: "No need." After saying that, she said again: "If there is nothing else, you can withdraw."

Chen Yang didn't feel surprised, the heavens have always been like this, no one cares about who.

He immediately clasped his fists and said: "Yes!" Then he and Xian Yulong left the Yunxiao Palace.

After Xian Yulong also separated from Chen Yang, Chen Yang went back to Xuanyuan Palace by himself. As night fell gradually, Chen Yang sat cross-legged on the bed, continuing to consolidate the memory of Xuanyuantai and the integration of himself. To achieve the perfect integration of this Xuanyuantai system with itself, so that outsiders can't see a trace of flaws.

Originally, he was the first to pretend to be Xuanyuantai, that is to say so-so, but it didn't matter if he was discovered.

But now that he has been put on the fire by the old man in Hong Chen and roasted, one may be crushed if he is not paying attention. Therefore, he felt that he must be more careful. Especially at the moment, there is actually an intersection with Yuansheng...

He turned it carefully, and gradually felt the breath of his body. The seemingly non-existent breath is very secretive, with a hint of fragrance...

That is the breath of Yuan Yuxian!

"Leave the breath on me. Obviously, I am preparing to settle the accounts after the autumn." Chen Yang was bright in his heart: "I just don't know when she will come. Isn't it possible to keep watching me secretly?"

"I have to use this breath to sense that Yuansheng's apprentice." Chen Yang began to sense this breath.

With his current mana, it is difficult to sense Yuan Yuxian. But he started to urge the nine secret snow mountains in his body, trying to sense with the power of heaven.

Under Chen Yang's forced urging, the nine snow-capped mountains released a trace of the power of heaven.

In this way, Chen Yang used the power of heaven and mana to sense the breath, and immediately sensed the specific direction of the breath.

A coordinate and picture appeared in my mind.

That woman and Yuansheng are in this heavenly continent...

"Already here? It's for me? It's just why I haven't taken any shots? It's to give Fuxi the face? It's not easy to come up and grab it? Then if I'm here and never go out? No matter what, it's too much time anyway. , Brother is not too expensive." Chen Yang secretly said.

Afterwards, he continued to meditate.

I also want to use pressure to break through the shackles of the eighth peak of creation!

He is only one step away from the Ninth Layer of Creation Realm, and he has stayed for a long time at this stage. However, it has always been difficult to break through...When you reach a certain height, it will be more difficult to climb up again.

It is as if a company has reached a certain height and size, and it is not easy to maintain a stable growth rate.

This night, it was very quiet, and no outsiders were bothered.

Chen Yang also knew that Xuanyuantai's popularity was not very good, so even though everyone knew he was back, they didn't bother to pay attention to him.

Except that Xian Yulong...

Chen Yang thinks that Xian Yulong is a good person. With his personality, he must give Xian Yulong more benefits, and at the same time he will be very polite to him. However, he is now acting as Xuanyuantai, so he can only be ruthless to the end.

In the next few days, Chen Yang felt that Yuan Sheng and others were always in the heavenly continent.

In Zhong Ling Mountain, it has been calm all the time.

Chen Yang didn't have much communication with other people, and Princess Longji couldn't leave the door behind closed doors. Only Xian Yulong often came to Chen Yang to talk about the old, and also asked Chen Yang what he had been doing in the past hundred years... How did Chen Yang answer? Say you escaped because of the romance with Guan Qing? How disgraceful this is, I don't want to say it!

So he was vague and didn't tell Xian Yulong. Xian Yulong didn't say anything when he saw him, and he was too embarrassed to continue asking.

The peaceful days did not last forever.

On this day, outside the enchantment of Zhongling Mountain, someone came to worship the mountain.

The person who came was Lu Ya, as well as True Monarch Poison Corpse and Na Guan Qing.

True Monarch Poison Corpse and Guan Qing were seriously injured, but they still came. That Lu Ya is a quasi-sage cultivation base...Although he doesn't have the power of heaven, he is also a terrifying existence. Lu Ya looked like he was only in his thirties. He was very young and handsome. He wore a robe and was elegant in the dust.

Lu Ya yelled San Xian Lu Ya from the periphery, and came to pay a visit to the emperor. He wanted to see if he had something to do. Please also meet! The tone is also polite and respectful.

It has been a long time since no one has come to Zhongling Mountain to worship the mountain.

Everyone was very surprised, why did Lu Ya suddenly come? Everyone seems to have no friendship with this Lu Ya!

Zhong Lingshan's immortals are not stupid, they are all speculating, Xuanyuantai suddenly returned, will this Lu Ya's coming have something to do with Xuanyuantai?

Princess Longji is now the principal of Zhong Lingshan. She immediately entered the enchantment and said to Lu Ya from the air: "Friend Lu, the emperor is in retreat and no foreigners are seen. If there is any offense, please forgive me!"

Then Lu Ya said, "It turns out that it is His Royal Highness Long Ji. If you don't find the emperor, you can find His Royal Highness."

Their conversation was secret, and Zhong Lingshan did not hear it.

Long Ji suddenly wondered: "Why do fellow Taoists look for me?"

Lu Ya said, "Is Xuanyuantai coming back?"

Long Ji said: "Yes, why?"

At this moment, Chen Yang also knew that Lu Ya had come.

He knew Long Ji had gone to meet him, but he didn't know what they were talking about. He felt extremely embarrassed in his heart, and he felt like he had done something outrageous and corrupt, and now he has come to his door.

He Chen Yang has been upright and upright throughout his life, and he has never done such a dirty thing!

"I'll wipe it, what should I do now? Just escape?" Chen Yang was secretly anxious, feeling that the situation had become more complicated.

After a while, Princess Longji returned.

She quickly summoned all the masters, and of course, also summoned Chen Yang.

Everyone is in the Palace of Clouds...

Princess Longji looked at Chen Yang with special contempt...

The old man with black beard asked Princess Longji what happened.

Princess Long Ji said coldly: "Taoist Lu Ya came, saying that it was because his female disciple Guan Qing was favored by our Xuanyuan Dao brother more than a hundred years ago. Xuanyuan Dao brother killed Guan Qing’s Daoist. He occupied Guan Qing again. After that, Brother Xuanyuan Dao escaped from the immortal realm for more than a hundred years, and now he came back, Guan Qing and Zhenjun Poison Corpse asked him to take revenge. As a result, Brother Xuanyuan Dao was very capable and wounded them again. Fortunately, Brother Xuanyuan Dao had to insult Guan Qing again, fortunately, Yuan Sheng and his disciples rushed to save him in time."

The old man with black beard, old man with white beard, True Lord Beidou, Kong Lingzi and others listened, and immediately cast a contemptuous look at Chen Yang. The old man with black beard sneered and said: "Why did my old brother Xuanyuan suddenly disappear? It turned out to be a big disaster. I said why he came back suddenly. It turned out to be a big disaster. It's really because of your absence in the construction of the heavens. You come first!"

The old man white beard said: "Then what should I do? Taoist Lu Ya's cultivation level is not simple, he was the first person under the sages back then. Now that the emperor is not there, we may not be able to stand it!"

True Monarch of the Big Dipper said: "Even if we can stand it, we have to be reasonable. How can we help you with these things Xuanyuantai, you birdman?"

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