My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 3811: Donau's life and death, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Chen Yang must go to Danube by lightning. He wants to reach Danube in front of Old Man Red Dust, and then protect his daughter.

How many people are going to go has also become the key point!

Fu Qingzhu and Qin Lin, as well as Suzhen in black and the fiery red scarf, must go with life and death.

Other masters, but there are also unwilling.

You don't have to accompany you to die.

Chen Yang felt a mess in his heart.

Fu Qingzhu and Huohongjin lost their tempers and ordered those masters to go together. If you don't go, you will be at your own risk.

They don't need to be good people all the time!

The old man in Hongchen is terrible, are they not terrible anymore?

The masters had no choice but to go together!

A group of people set off quickly, and the black hole spar flashed through the universe.

Fu Qingzhu and Qin Lin quickly led the crowd to rehearse the formation.

Chen Yang was thinking in his heart, even if they could reach Dunau Star first. But Linger and Qingchen had fallen into the hands of the old man Hongchen.

Which one can he give up?

Can the daughter give up?


Can Qing Chen and Ling'er give up?


If my daughter knew that she had sacrificed Ling'er and Qingchen for her sake, would she be willing?

Headache like cracking!

The future is dark, and now I can only take one step and watch one step.

During the original five-day journey, Chen Yang and Hei Suzhen had been urging the black hole spar with yin and yang mana, and they arrived in only four days.

According to Chen Yang's calculations, although Old Man Hongchen was extremely powerful, he was not much faster in terms of speed.

Because power can be superimposed, speed has a certain limit.

After arriving at Donau Star, Chen Yang arrived at Zi Mansion for the first time.

In the Purple Mansion, Chen Nianci and others were all there.

Chen Ruoran is also there, alright.

Including Bai Xiaoning...

When Bai Xiaoning saw his father and his party rushing over, and seeing their dignified expressions, he knew that something big had happened.

Chen Ruoran was the first to ask: "Dad, where are my mom and Aunt Qingchen?"

Qiao Ning and Chen Ruoyao also surrounded them.

Chen Yang took a deep breath, and then said to the people: "An old man has come from the fairy world, with a very strange cultivation base. We are all not opponents together. His goal is if so, he wants to be his woman!"

After hearing this, everyone couldn't help being shocked.

Chen Yang said to Mo Yu again: "Mo Yu, you have the highest cultivation level here, I will give Ruoran to you. You take Ruoran to Blue Pole Star immediately. Don't look back!"

Mo Yu knew that the situation was serious, and said: "Okay!" She pulled Chen Ruoran and was about to leave.

Chen Ruoran was also panicked, but soon calmed down, she threw away Mo Yu's hand, and said, "Dad, mom and Aunt Qingchen were arrested? If I leave, what will you do? What will my mother do? What about Aunt Qingchen?"

"You don't need to worry about it!" Chen Yang said, "Everything has me!" After saying this, suddenly a finger was placed on Chen Ruoran's neck.

Chen Ruoran passed out on the spot!

After that, Mo Yu took Chen Ruoran and left Dunao Star.

Then, Chen Yang scanned the crowd.

Chen Nianci pleaded: "Dad, let us fight alongside you!"

A look of pain flashed in Chen Yang's eyes. If it were his own daughter, they were also his own children!

"Nianci, Xiaoning!" Chen Yang shouted.

Chen Nianci and Bai Xiaoning immediately responded: "Dad!"

Chen Yang said: "You stay here, it's just making senseless sacrifices. In my heart, you and Ruoran are equally important. Right now, you two are the backbone of all your sisters and your nephews. Take them away, Don't go to the Blue Pole Star, go to the Tyrannosaurus Star that I told you before."

"I..." Chen Nianci said: "The family has experienced such a change. As the eldest son, how can I leave."

"It is because you are my eldest son, so the responsibility of protecting the younger siblings lies with you." Chen Yang said.

Hei Suzhen also said: "Yes, Nian Ci. Don't take them here to make senseless sacrifices. At this time, you should take the lead."

Bai Xiaoning smiled and said, "Mother, I haven't seen you for many years. Today, I won't go there. I will die by your side if I die!"

"Xiaoning, you..." Suzhen in black had tears in her eyes, and said, "Don't you blame your mother for being cruel?"

Bai Xiaoning said: "Weird, of course weird. But in the face of life and death, these little emotions are no longer important."

"Let's not leave either!" Yaluo, Chen Ruoyao, and those grandchildren and granddaughters also shouted together.

Xiao Ai, Qin Bao'er, Ya Zhenyuan, Qiao Ning, and Shen Mo Nong also said they would not leave.

Chen Yang couldn't help being annoyed, and said, "Give me all. If you have already left, it is hard to guarantee that the old man in Hongchen will not anger you. I came with stars and the moon, not to save Ruoran alone, but to push you all into the fire pit. "

"Since it's so hard to separate, don't leave any of them." At this moment, an old voice came from the void.

Chen Yang and others couldn't help being shocked.

The voice was that of the old man in Hongchen.

In the next second, the Void Gate opened in the main hall of the Purple Mansion.

The old man Hongchen walked out slowly from the door of the void.

Situ Ling'er and Meng Qingchen came out with him. At this moment, Situ Ling'er and Meng Qingchen didn't seem to be restrained.

After they came out, they also felt a little surprised, and then quickly came to Chen Yang and the others.

Meng Qingchen said to Chen Yang: "This old guy's power is very weird. We have no power to fight back in front of him."

Chen Yang nodded and said, "We have fought him several times. Are you okay with Ling'er?"

"We're all right!" Meng Qingchen said.

Situ Linger said: "Be careful!"

She and Meng Qingchen obviously still don't know the origin and purpose of Old Man Hongchen.

The old man Hongchen stood in the field, scanning the crowd, then his expression changed, and his eyes flashed with coldness and killing intent: "Where is Chen Ruoran?"

Chen Yang thought this was a dead end that couldn't be solved, but he didn't expect that he would actually come first and let Ruo Ran leave.

What was even more unexpected was that the old man Hongchen did not use Meng Qingchen and Situ Ling'er to threaten him.

This game seems to be less difficult to solve.

But is it because the old man Hongchen is too confident, or is there another conspiracy?

In an instant, Chen Yang's thoughts turned and he thought a lot.

Situ Ling'er was taken aback, and said, "What are you looking for in my house?"

The old man Hongchen said: "You are the body of the spirit body, and your daughter is the best spiritual root. The old man can value your daughter and wants to take her back to the immortal world to enjoy the blessing." After a pause, he glanced at everyone coldly, and said: "You know you. , It’s best to hand over Chen Ruoran right away. Otherwise, don’t blame the old man for killing!"

Chen Yang didn't bother to talk to Old Man Hongchen any more, and immediately laid a black hole spar.

The black hole spar enveloped the entire Purple Mansion!

Afterwards, the formation is complete.

Although Meng Qingchen and others didn't know what this formation was doing, they immediately understood where to stand when they looked at this formation.

Everyone quickly fell into the formation.

Chen Yang sacrificed the light of destiny, and the light of destiny also enveloped the entire formation.

"Old Hongchen dog, I want you to die here today!" Chen Yang has had enough of the old man Hongchen, and shouted sharply.

The old man Hongchen smiled coldly and said, "I can't help myself!"

Then, he sacrificed the Hongchen Sword.

The Red Dust Sword flew out directly and shot towards Chen Yang's eyebrows.

Chen Yang quickly spurred the black hole vortex, and his figure began to change into a sacred tree of Wugu Sheji!

The Red Dust Sword flew into the black hole vortex, but it was like a rock of heaven and earth, completely unaffected by the black hole vortex and the sacred tree of Wugusheji.

Chen Yang was unable to absorb the power of the Red Dust Sword, and that Red Dust Sword was extremely powerful...

In the crisis, Chen Yang quickly converted the black hole vortex into Yin-Yang Pharaoh!

A black and white lotus flower appeared, which was created by Chen Yang and Black Suzhen after spiritual practice.

The Red Dust Sword quickly beheaded among the Falian!


Every sword is extremely powerful!

At this time, the magical power of the people's formation method quickly spread into the sacred tree of Wugu Sheji, and the sacred tree provided Chen Yang with powerful mana support.

The old man Hongchen was calm and calm, slashing with one sword and one sword...


Despite the endless changes of Fa Lian, he couldn't stop the sword power of Old Man Hong Chen in the end.

Fallen shattered...

At the moment of breaking, several of the masters vomited blood and died.

Including Chen Ruoyao was also seriously injured.

Chen Yang's grandson and granddaughter did not join the formation because the cultivation base was too weak. In addition, Xuanyuan Yadan and Shen Mo Nong did not enter the formation.

Qiao Ning saw her daughter injured and immediately pushed her out of the formation.

The Old Man Hongchen is still powerful...

Chen Yang quickly harvested the sacred tree of Wugu Sheji and sacrificed the golden pill of heaven and earth.

The Golden Pill bursts with dazzling golden light and quickly absorbs mana in the air.

Everyone continued to input mana into the center of the formation to provide Chen Yang with magical support...

The old man Hongchen cut out the Hongchen sword, and the Hongchen sword sent out a hundred sword lights to form a blade storm around the big golden core.

The light of destiny is also blooming with purple mist, which envelops everything.

But at this time, Chen Yang felt that the Golden Pill could not absorb the sword power of Old Man Hongchen.

He suddenly understood that on this Danube star, the earth's heaven has been weakened...

Together, these people can't deal with the old man in Hongchen.

Although the Big Golden Pill is powerful, the old man Hongchen doesn't care.

After a stalemate with each other for only a moment, the old man Hongchen suddenly gave a soft drink, gathering all the sword light in the Hongchen sword, and then slashed with a sword...


In the next second, the Golden Core burst open...

The golden light fragments were shot out frantically.

Chen Yang and Hei Suzhen spurted blood...

Not only them, in the formation, there were heavy casualties.

The one with high skill is vomiting blood again and again...

The formation was broken at this moment, and everyone was dead and wounded...Fortunately, none of the relatives whom Chen Yang cared about had died.

For his family, countless masters have given their precious lives!

Black Suzhen left Chen Yang's body and faced the old man in Hongchen with her real body.

She brazenly stood in front of Chen Yang, facing the old man in Hongchen who was walking step by step, gritted her teeth and said: "If you want to kill Chen Yang, unless you walk over my body!"

"It can be done!" The old man Hongchen smiled faintly, and said: "You have nine thunder tribulations, almost immortal. But it is easy for the old man to kill you. With a snap of your finger, you will be wiped out..."

"Mother!" Bai Xiaoning rushed over immediately, he desperately hugged Suzhen in black, and said to the old man in red: "Old thing, I don't allow you to hurt my mother!"

Chen Yang only felt that the internal organs were painful, although everyone was attacked by the old man in Hongchen.

But he was the first to bear the brunt, so his injury was very serious.

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