My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 3738: Dead end, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

The Marshman glanced at Chen Yang more and said, "Why, are you still reluctant to bear it?"

Chen Yang was startled, then smiled again, and said: "How is it possible, the cycle of cause and effect, this is all retribution!"

Marsh said humanely: "Well, if that's the case, then you will do your best to help me condense my true body."

Chen Yang said: "Wait, before condensing the true body, we still have to say some things in advance."

A hint of chill appeared in the swamp man's tone, and said, "Do you want to negotiate terms with the deity?"

Chen Yang said: "The conditions are of course to be negotiated. If you don't discuss it beforehand, it won't be easy to negotiate afterwards."

The swamp man snorted coldly, and said, "Just tell me."

Chen Yang said: "First of all, I want to understand one thing, are you really a godless god?"

Marsh Humanity: "Why do you have this question? Who can be in this place, who can have such skills, besides the deity?"

Chen Yang said, "Didn't you already die back then? Why are you able to come back to life now? People cannot come back to life after death!"

Marsh Humanity: "It is true that a person cannot be resurrected from death, but the deity is not a real person. Back then, the deity produced spiritual wisdom in the universe, and then condensed the real body. But this process took tens of thousands of years! Right now! It's just a repetition, but the time is faster."

Chen Yang was thoughtful, as if some understood and some did not understand.

He asked again: "What about the ancestor god? Why did the ancestor **** turn into a heaven? Doesn't he know that you have not completely died?"

Marsh Humanity: "You can understand that everyone has their own ambitions! What he wants to do is not for one thing or one person, but to become the eternal ruler of this star field, this universe. It can be said that he is not here today. Yes. But Zhou Li has his will!"

Chen Yang immediately felt that the way the ancestors were doing was similar to what the Emperor Universe did on earth. Immediately said: "Then do you think that you can really do whatever you want when you go out of the mountain this time? Since the ancestor **** has already incarnate in the way of heaven, wouldn't he arrange a trick against you?"

The swamp man snorted coldly, and said, "Now he is illusory, how can the deity fear him!"

Chen Yang said: "If you regain your true body, will your strength be the same as before?"

Marsh Humanity: "Except for the ancestor god, in the world of Zhou Li, no one can defeat the deity. Because Zhou Li is the mother of the deity."

Chen Yang said: "You haven't told me whether the strength is the same as before?"

"Of course!" Marsh said: "The deity has been practicing principles and profound meanings for thousands of years. It will only be stronger than before."

Chen Yang didn't agree with him, and knew that the Desolate God was not a fool, even if his strength was not as good as before, he would not admit it.

"Have you finished asking?" The swamp man became impatient.

Chen Yang said, "After going out, are you going to lead the wasteland to kill directly?" Originally, he made a covenant with the four great saints. But now that the Desolate God appears, the ghost knows what the Desolate God thinks.

The swamp man was taken aback, and then said, "That's not true."

Chen Yang said: "Oh?"

Marsh Humanity: "Don't tell anyone about the resurrection of the deity. Everything is done according to your original plan. The deity will hide it first to see clearly the arrangement of the ancestor god."

Chen Yang thought to himself, you are not stupid, you are not so arrogant and desperate. So he said: "Senior, I have to make real conditions now."

Swamp humanity: "You speak up!"

Chen Yang said: "You know, my partners and I are all from outside the territory. We are not interested in the matter of the star field, or Zhou Li or anything. I just want those who launch the emperor's attack to get the punishment and retribution they deserve. . As for what will happen to Star Fields in the future, I don’t care. So, you say you want to hide it, no! I won’t anger you, but you have to listen to my dispatch. Otherwise, you can watch us go up and fight. You die and you live, and you end up reaping the benefits of the fisherman. This is not enough. If I let you go, you will go. If I let you hide, you will hide. This is the way of cooperation."

"Presumptuous!" The swamp man couldn't help being furious, and said: "Dare you order this deity?"

"Let me tell you this, Heaven must have an arrangement. Can't you see my identity?" Chen Yang said suddenly.

Swamp Humanity: "The deity has seen it a long time ago. You are extremely weird, combining the powers of the outer domain and this domain. If someone can deal with the deity, it must be you. Only your power can not be restricted by the deity's rules. God grants With your super strong luck, it looks like it was specially designed to deal with the deity."

Chen Yang said: "It turns out that you can see this level. My luck was because I killed a Heavenly Tribulation Master and then deprived it."

Marsh Humanity: "These deities don't want to care."

Chen Yang said: "It seems that the ancestor **** wants to use my hand to resolve your disaster."

Marsh Humanity: "But you will not deal with the deity."

Chen Yang said: "Yes, not only will I not deal with you, but I also need you and me to level the verdict."

Marsh Humanity said: "But the arrangement of the old thing in the original Tianyi will not be unreasonable, so you will still be a threat to the deity! Perhaps, the deity should wait another hundred years."

Chen Yang said: "It's a pity, I can't wait. If you don't agree, I will force this rule to be tried out."

"You can't destroy it!" the swamp man said word by word.

Chen Yang said: "I will let Ziyi deal with you. I will take the opportunity to grab your marsh power, and then purify it again. Slowly, you will become weaker and weaker as you lose power. When your power is not enough, you can no longer Maintain the rules of trial."

Marsh Humanity: "You..."

Chen Yang said again: "If I help you restore your true body and you want to kill me after going out, then you really pushed me to the side of the ancestors. I have no choice but to go to the joint adjudication office to deal with you. Wasteland Without the protection of rules and trials, I'm afraid it won't work."

The swamp man said angrily: "Then you are looking for death!"

Chen Yang said: "Senior, I now find that we have entered an endless loop. There is no other way to go. You have no choice, and I have no choice. If I don't ruin the rules and judge, I can't take the wastelanders out. If I don’t take them out, I can’t take revenge. And if I just destroy the rules and judge, then you will die, and your true body will not recover for too many years. Heaven is interfering with us, isn’t it?"

The swamp man was lost in thought.

After a while, he said: "Then what do you think?"

Chen Yang sneered and said: "If this is a game, it means that the destruction of the Tianhe Kingdom is also controlled by the will of the ancestor god. Then, the ancestor **** is also my enemy. The entire star field will be unforgivable. He wants I want to use my hand to destroy you, but I want to use your hand to destroy him. He is a cocoon. Now that you and my strength are combined, he will not be our opponent even if he is alive. What's more, he is dead!"

The swamp man said solemnly: "Do you really think so?"

Chen Yang said: "Let's not think of the ancestor **** too terribly. Ordinary people are pawns in his eyes, but we have already surpassed his chessboard. Why do we want to make his pawns?"

Swamp humanity: "Okay, the deity agrees to your request. After the deity recovers, I will hide your subordinates and listen to your commands first!"

Chen Yang said: "Then we will make a covenant. Once my goal is achieved, I will take my people out of the star field. After I leave, what you want to do with this star field has nothing to do with me!"

Marsh Humanity: "Okay, it's a deal!"

Thus, Chen Yang and the Marsh people formed a blood alliance.

Chen Yang made a covenant with the blood of his heart, and the swamp people also made an oath with the power of the dark essence.

After doing all this, Chen Yang was ready to start helping the swamp people to recover their true form.

After all the swamps dispersed, a swamp body appeared in the dark clearing!

The swamp on the body of the swamp has not much water, but it has not reached a dry state. And already have facial features, hands and feet, etc.

That is, the initial image of the human body is available.

Chen Yang took a closer look and found that there were countless small pores on this strange black body.

The swamp man appeared next to Chen Yang and said, "This body is the fusion of the most filthy necromantic energy and the most essence of Zhou Li, achieving both rigidity and softness. The body is too rigid, too soft. No. This body can be said to have been tempered through thousands of calamities. It is difficult, difficult, difficult to destroy it!"

Chen Yang penetrated into this body with magic power, and immediately noticed that there was a great universe inside this body, and every tiny pore was linked to countless cells.

There are various cells inside, as well as the normal hematopoietic plate of the human body, liver and so on!

There is also a mysterious and terrifying force in the cell, which is equivalent to a small world!

Countless small worlds make up this body!

Just as countless planets make up the universe.

The body created by the desolate **** was extremely miraculous and extremely powerful.

Chen Yang admired him sincerely and said, "Senior is really amazing, and he can actually create such a body."

Marsh Humanity: "It's more perfect than the body created by the deity in Zhouli. Of course, the body was built by the essence of Zhouli for tens of thousands of years, but now it is a combination of perfection and imperfection. It's a pity that the deity didn't understand. Only now did I understand the mystery."

Chen Yang said: "Next, I need to refine my body with the fire of cosmic power, and at the same time inject enough mana and medicine, right?"

Marsh humanity: "You are really smart!"

Chen Yang said: "By the way, I just heard you say the most filthy necromantic gas?"

The swamp man was startled and said: "Yes, what's the matter?"

Chen Yang said: "I need the most filthy necromantic gas you mentioned, is there any more?"

The swamp man was immediately alert and said, "What do you want this to do?"

Chen Yang is always thinking about the origin of Lan Ziyi's life, so of course he has to ask clearly now. "I used it to be useful. Are you worried that I won't be able to deal with you with this thing? If the two of us fall out, then we are in the hands of the ancestor."

Marsh said: "How does the deity know that you are not here to help the ancestor god?"

Chen Yang smiled bitterly and said: "Senior, we all made a covenant. Besides, I want to deal with you, so now I can destroy your body directly, and then destroy the rules for trial!"

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