My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 3732: Lord, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Lu Tianlong was taken aback and trembled: "Destroyed?" Chen Yang nodded and said, "Everything in the world is changing all the time. Tianzun has the courage to destroy the world of secret arts. If you want to change, you naturally need it. Destroy the protection given to you by the Desolate God. Of course, it also depends on whether you are really willing to walk out of this wasteland."

Lu Tianlong smiled bitterly, and said: "Your idea is too bold for me. Not to mention whether you can really destroy the rules of the trial, brother, even if you can destroy it, the decision on this matter is not on me. ."

Chen Yang said: "Of course I know that this decision-making power is not in your sovereign. I want to know the true thoughts of the people in the wasteland. I have checked that when this rule is removed, the wasteland will no longer breed demons and people. Desolate beast."

Lu Tianlong was taken aback for a moment, then he fell into a deep thought. After a long while, he said: "Brother, you really asked me to stop. For so many years, we have been used to life in the wasteland. You suddenly said that such a big change is coming, I I really don't know how to answer you."

Chen Yang said: "I understand."

Lu Tianlong said: "In the final analysis, whether the wasteland is willing to make changes and how to take the road behind depends on the waste temple."

Chen Yang said: "I intend to go to the deserted temple, but I feel that I am too presumptuous to go there. I wonder if the suzerain can introduce it?"

Lu Tianlong said: "You are going to the Desolate Temple, and I can't stop you. It's no problem to introduce you, but I can't decide whether the Desolate Temple will see you or not."

Chen Yang said: "Understood!"

Lu Tianlong said: "If the Desolate Temple does not see you, what will happen to you?"

Chen Yang said: "Then find a way to meet."

Lu Tianlong said, "Brother, you won't force it, right?"

Chen Yang said: "I can't talk about being strong. I'll talk to the Desolate Temple. If the wasteland is really not interested in going out, then I will leave. This kind of thing is absolutely impossible for a strong man."

Lu Tianlong said: "I just want to remind you brother, don't try to compete with the desolate temple. In this wasteland, no one can defeat the desolate temple."

Chen Yang said, "I'm not Tuo Da. Didn't you say that it was impossible for me to learn Zhou Li at the beginning? Don't say anything too absolute. Tianzun has never been defeated before, but is he now?"

Lu Tianlong smiled bitterly and said, "Brother, what you said makes sense!"

Chen Yang said: "Still back to the topic. If you have a chance to go out, do you people in the wasteland want to go out?"

Lu Tianlong groaned: "It depends on the price. As far as I am concerned, I am not willing to pay too much."

Chen Yang said, "That's true. Although the wasteland is very bitter, your suzerain is rich and beautiful in life. But has the suzerain ever thought about what his subordinates think?"

Lu Tianlong was startled, and then said: "We are still short of resources here. High-quality resources supply some talented noble children. If possible, I believe everyone still wants to go out. If the Desolate Temple decides to go out, we Xuanhuangzong Naturally, to follow."

Chen Yang said: "I have done some understanding of the deserted temple, but I don't know too much."

Lu Tianlong smiled bitterly again, and said, "I don’t know much about the deserted temple. I only know that there are four disciples in the deserted temple. They worship the deserted gods. The cultivation of these four people is unfathomable. The great changes and catastrophes were all resolved by them. We dare not violate any decree of the Desolate Temple. These four people are called by us as the holy ones, namely Yaoguang Shengzun, Panwu Shengzun, Tianwu Shengzun And Da Luo Shengzun. Among the four great saints, Yaoguang Shengzun is a woman, extremely beautiful."

Chen Yang said, "That's it!" He had already known these messages, but he still expressed his gratitude to Lu Tianlong.

Lu Tianlong turned to ask again: "Brother, your purpose of coming this time is to take the wasteland out, right?"

Chen Yang said: "It is really difficult to deal with the entire star field with my strength. However, I am only slightly at a disadvantage. If the wasteland is added, there will be no problems at all. But I did not intend to control the star field. Destroy it or whatever, my appeal is now very simple, that is, that the person who launched the emperor's attack in the first place will be punished. Otherwise, why should we comfort the tens of billions of dead souls in Tianhe Kingdom."

Lu Tianlong smiled and said: "Brothers don't have to wear a mask to speak in front of me. You should know the purpose of our wasteland people and the purpose of our waste gods. We have no sympathy for the eternal tribes outside, and we wish they all died. "

Chen Yang immediately said: "I am definitely not wearing a mask to speak. I have lived in the Star Territory for so many years, and have real friends and relatives. I only want to let those who are sinful and sinful, if the wasteland destroys the entire Star Territory. Drop, then I will never agree."

Lu Tianlong was surprised, and said: "It seems that you and Huangshen Temple should not have reached an agreement."

Chen Yang said: "If the wasteland really wants to destroy the eternal race, even if you are willing to go out of the mountain, I will not help you out. This is my principle and purpose!"

Lu Tianlong was thoughtful, smiled after a long while, and said, "I won't talk about this for now. It depends on how the Desolate Temple decides."

Chen Yang also smiled, and said, "I have work."

After talking with Lu Tianlong, Chen Yang and his party rested in Xuanhuangzong that day.

Lu Tianlong had to report to the Desolate Temple first.

Chen Yang can only wait patiently for now.

When resting at night, Chen Yang, Lan Ziyi and Xiaolong, Chen Wuji chatted in the black hole spar.

Chen Yang said: "I talked with Lu Tianlong and he was not eager to get out of the wasteland. It is also understandable that he stays high in the wasteland and has been at ease for a long time, so naturally he does not want to go out for adventure. I believe that the Demon Cloud Sect and the Mica Sect are also The same attitude."

Lan Ziyi said: "Based on my understanding of the wasteland, the resources in the wasteland are scarce, and good resources are in the hands of the higher-ups. Most of the people below still want to go really can't work, kill this Xuanhuangzong, Demon Yunzong, The suzerain of the mica sect, other people, who give some benefits, are naturally willing to follow. Although most of them are not good at cultivation, they are better than enough in number. It can be worthwhile to practice."

Chen Wuji said: "The key issue is still in the deserted temple. Since the deserted temple is the spiritual leader of the deserted temple, it is easy to talk about the rest of the deserted temple. Moreover, the purpose of the deserted land is to kill people. We and them, There is no need to say so many kind words, saying too much is offensive."

"You're wrong!" Chen Yang said: "Of course I know that the wasteland is a slaughter, and how good is the bloodline left by the gods? And they have been trapped here for so long, after going out, they will definitely not do good things. However, we are. You must speak all kind words, showing magnanimity and generosity everywhere."

"Then why?" Xiaolong wondered, and said, "It's easy to get things done if you have the same mind! Even if we don't intend to kill, in order to cooperate, we have to pretend!"

Lan Ziyi smiled and said: "I feel more and more that Chen Yang, you guy has changed."

"It's getting weaker and weaker, mother-in-law!" Chen Wuji said.

Xiaolong said: "Yes!"

Lan Ziyi said: "That's wrong, he is not becoming a mother-in-law, but more and more like an old fox. You also don't think about it. If you want to do something, there are two partners in front of you. One is cruel, One is kindness and softness. Who are you willing to cooperate with? In this matter, the more important thing is that they themselves are cruel enough. Therefore, they will be more prepared for their cruel partners. Moreover, although we are soft-hearted, we are not strong enough. Low!"

Chen Yang smiled, but didn't say much.

I just feel that Lan Ziyi really knows him too well.

Also, the two of them have practiced spiritually so many times, they have long been connected.

Chen Wuji changed his mind and said, "It's really like this! It seems that there is still a gap between my level and the boss!"

Chen Yang smiled and said, "You are still young, and you need more experience."

Chen Wuji said: "Then... You said that you only pursue the people who were attacked by the ruling house and the Dark Vatican who enacted the emperor to attack. Isn't it true that you are not talking about accomplices?"

Chen Yang originally smiled at the corners of his mouth. After Chen Wuji finished speaking, his eyes gradually became cold, saying: "Compared with the 10 billion tragic deaths of the Tianhe Kingdom, how many people died in the Eternal Clan is not wrong!"

The next morning, Lu Tianlong told Chen Yang that the Huangshen Temple could receive Chen Yang.

But he can only go there.

Chen Yang refused and said: "That's impossible. Sovereign, you go back and tell the deserted temple, saying that I am alone now, and I don't want to take any risks. If the deserted temple is unwilling to meet, we will leave the wasteland immediately."

Lu Tianlong stayed blankly and said, "Brother, why are you doing this?"

Chen Yang smiled and said, "I have been deceived too much and taken too many risks. Right now, there is no need to take risks. I am not a wasteland. It's a big deal to spend some more time."

Lu Tianlong had no choice but to go to the deserted temple again to spread the word.

About three hours later, Lu Tianlong came back and said: "The Desolate Temple has made a concession. Your people can wait outside the Desolate Temple. But you can only get in!"

Chen Yang said: "Well, if the Huangshen Temple is really sincere to discuss cooperation, then come to Xuanhuangzong to talk, and when I get to Xuanhuangzong, I can talk to them alone."

Lu Tianlong was taken aback, and said, "Brother, you... why are you getting too much? Do you really want to talk about it?"

Chen Yang said: "I want to talk. Talking is just the first step in cooperation. Just talking about so much defense against me makes me feel extremely dangerous, so it's better not to talk about it. I don't need to let myself go risky now. ."

Lu Tianlong smiled bitterly and said: "It is impossible for Huangshen Temple to leave that temple to talk to you. Judging from the situation of my two transmissions, they are not very enthusiastic about cooperation."

Chen Yang smiled and said: "Don't say anything is impossible. The lord thinks it is impossible in many things, but I think the possibility is very high. And I can bet with you that Huang Shenmiao will promise me this time. Claim."

Lu Tianlong's tone was firm and said: "Brother, I admit that I've seen it on other things, but this time I won't. Huangshen Temple will never agree."

Chen Yang said: "If the Desolate Temple does not agree, I can give you 100 billion Zhou Li Dan to the sovereign."

Lu Tianlong's breathing became rapid, his eyes lit up, and he said, "Really?"

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