My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 3726: Wise choice, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Chen Yang also expressed an attitude of no investigation to Reggae and Cang Hailan.

Then, Chen Yang said to Cang Hailan: "Teacher, I called your teacher today, and you have given me a lot of help. You made the choice to deal with me before. I thought about it and understood it. Now I am special. I want you to tell me something sincerely."

Cang Hailan had complicated eyes and said, "You said, as long as I know, I must know everything."

Chen Yang said, "Why did the ruling house launch an attack on the emperor? It was just a few envoys from the Dark Vatican who were killed. Ten billion creatures, don't you regret it at all?"

Cang Hailan glanced at Chen Yang and said, "This is actually very understandable."

Chen Yang said: "Oh?" Cang Hailan said: "There is also Zhou Li on the Tianhe Kingdom, but at the same time, there are other powers. That is, the mana you use can also survive there...right?"

Chen Yang said: "Yes!"

Cang Hailan said: "The people in the adjudication office have always regarded the lower races as floating ants. They really want to fight in the Tianhe Kingdom, but they have to pay a lot of money. Moreover, there are so many people in the Tianhe Kingdom, so big. The scope of the Secret Art is not easy to handle with their hands. If they ran to that place, their power might be weakened. If I am not mistaken, the power of the world of secret arts is not easy to display in the Kingdom of Tianhe God. It’s just that outsiders don’t know about this secret! So in this case, how do you maintain the dignity of the Star Territory? No matter, it’s definitely not. Take care, send someone to it, it’s too time-consuming and laborious. The emperor’s attack is ready, why not directly Used it? In this case, the biggest culprit was Huolence. He ate too much and had nothing to do with Tianhe Divine Kingdom. Probably in those years, he was really too bloated. He wanted to take advantage of the power. It was time to make a terrific political achievement, that's why I took this stinky move."

Chen Yang knew it in his heart and said, "Thank you, teacher."

Cang Hailan said sadly: "The teacher is ashamed!"

After finishing the conversation, Chen Yang said to Yun Qingwu and Wuyou cultivators: "Many of those who participated in the emperor’s attack were innocent and forced. To be precise, they were also victims, so I will not Investigate. I will only investigate those who planned the imperial attack and provoked the war."

After a pause, he said: "Master Yun, we are leaving. Before we leave, I hope you will return all our magical instruments and medicine."

Yun Qingwu nodded and said, "This is what it should be."

After that, Yun Qingwu returned everyone's magical instruments in full. It's just that the blue and purple-clothed bridge of desolation is not in Yun Qingwu's hands, including the treasures of the ancestors are also in Gabriel's hands. Chen Yang previously divided the treasure of the ancestors into two and gave a lot to Shi Beiluo. But the part of Shi Beiluo's treasure fell into the hands of the adjudication office. At that time, the hostages were exchanged and everything was in a hurry, and Chen Yang did not find the other party to return the treasure.

In this escape, the treasure of the ancestors was discarded by Chen Yang.

Gabriel had done some tricks in the treasure of the ancestor to yin Chen Yang. Chen Yang was not fooled. After discarding the treasure, Gabriel naturally picked it up again.

Chen Yang was immediately anxious when he heard that the Bridge of Fallen Soul could not be retrieved.

However, he did not tell Yun Qingwu that he wanted to take the Bridge of Fallen Soul, but said that he must bring back the treasure of the ancestors. If they can't get it back, they will never leave. Even digging three feet, Gabriel must be found.

Yun Qingwu was very embarrassed and asked Chen Yang to give some time.

Chen Yang promised to give him three days.

After three days, if you can't get the treasures of the ancestral gods and other magical instruments, it will be hard to talk.

Then, Chen Yang would lead his subordinates to leave Wuyoujiao and wait outside Wuyoujiao.

This move made Yun Qingwu very surprised. After all, Chen Yang just didn't leave in Wuyoujiao, so they couldn't help it.

Chen Yang's move also showed that he did not mean to embarrass Wuyoujia.

When he was about to leave, Toutuoyuan stood up and said to Chen Yang, "My lord, I beg you to give me another chance."

Chen Yang and others looked at Toutuoyuan.

Chen Yang smiled faintly, and said: "Tou Tuo, you have always been my confidant. You were also victims at that time, but I was arrested. There is indeed no need for you to resist. Therefore, I am very happy that you are willing to come back. But, I still want to ask you, why do you still want to follow me?"

Toutuoyuan took a deep breath and said, "It is too fake to say anything. I stay here in Wuyoujiao, and I am destined to be a marginalized character. If I can, I still want to follow you. I think there is a future. A lot."

"Very good, then return to the team!" Chen Yang smiled and said.

Tou Tuoyuan was overjoyed immediately, and quickly came to Chen Yang and the others. Chen Yang said to Shi Beiluo and the others: "This incident should have never happened. Whoever mentions it in the future will not be considered a good friend of my Chen Yang."

"I am willing to continue to follow the adults!" The four betrayed old demons immediately jumped out. In addition, Xiong Feiyuan and his men also jumped out, shouting to follow Chen Yang again.

Chen Yang happily accepted them one by one.

"Sister Red Silk?" Concubine Ying Xue couldn't help but shouted at the Red Silk.

The red silk fought with heaven and man again in his heart, and couldn't help but look at Chen Yang. Chen Yang smiled and said, "I used to hide something from you, and now I don't have any secrets. If you can come, you will be considered a person who recognizes me. I will be very happy!"

The red silk burst into tears of joy, nodded, and then quickly ran over.

Concubine Ying Xue warmly welcomed the red silk, and the two sisters hugged together happily.

Chen Yang had never expected Reggae to return to the team. If they really wanted to return to the team, Chen Yang would not be willing.

On the contrary, he has special feelings for his master Hou Jianfei.

There was a faint hope that Hou Jianfei could return to the team. When he looked at Hou Jianfei, Hou Jianfei lowered his head and did not meet his eyes.

This attitude also shows that he does not want to return to the team.

Chen Yang sighed and said nothing.

At this time, what is surprising is that Yun Qingyao suddenly stood up and said: "Brother Chen Yang, I want to go with you."

"What did you say?" Yun Qingwu suddenly became anxious.

Chen Yang and others were also stunned. Chen Yang only returned to his senses after a while, then smiled and said, "Little girl, I know what you want. But you should still be by your mother's side. Believe me, I won't Hurt this star field, like you, I hope this star field will get better and better."

Yun Qingyao said, "No, Brother Chen Yang, I want to follow you. I have heard my mother say how abhorrent the ruling is when I was a child. Our Wuyoujiao has always hoped to return the world to justice. And you are doing this now. Things, so I want to follow you to make a career."

"Naughty!" Yun Qingwu scolded angrily.

Yun Qingyao looked at Yun Qingwu and said with red eyes: "Mother, it's not that I was fooling around, but you forgot why you came to Wuyou to teach."

Yun Qingwu was stunned immediately.

Chen Yang didn’t want to pay attention to the right and wrong, and said, “Qingyao, you are a good boy. Practice well. If I do bad things in the future, you can deal with me. If other people do bad things, you can too. Stop them. Don't look at what we say, but look at what we do. Learn to discern things around you with your heart."

After speaking, he said: "Let's go!"

Everyone quickly entered the black hole spar.

Following that, Chen Yang also escaped into the black hole spar, turned into a black light, and quickly left Wuyoujiao.

Wuyoujiao suffered the biggest personal injury since its creation. At the same time, various buildings in the teaching were also destroyed. However, they want to rebuild their homes and recreate a habitable system.

The injuries of Yun Qingwu and others are not considered minor and need time to cultivate.

Yun Qingyao was unwilling to fail to follow Chen Yang, but at this time she could only patiently return to Yun Qingwu's side.

Those who were not injured in Wuyoujia began to clean up the mess.

The injured people began to find places to take elixirs and healed themselves.

Those masters who died were found and buried.

It seems that the darkness has passed and the dawn is about to break.

Yun Qingwu and Liu Fengshuang were on the mountain while healed their wounds cross-legged while chatting.

The two still set up barriers to prevent outsiders from hearing their conversation.

Yun Qingwu said, "Do you think what he said is true?"

Liu Fengshuang said: "I think it's true."

Yun Qingwu said: "Oh?"

Liu Fengshuang said: "Do you still doubt?"

Yun Qingwu said: "He has always been tricky."

Liu Fengshuang said: "If he is really a villain, he could kill us all. In this way, he will attack the adjudication office and so on, and there will be a lot less resistance. He didn't do this because he couldn't do it. Since I can’t move, I have to go another way."

"Which way?" Yun Qingwu asked.

Liu Fengshuang said: "Huairou, we desperately resisted him, all because we didn't know his details, and he thought it was terrifying. He felt that he had no retreat. He did this to tell us that he didn't have this mind, so don't be afraid. There is no need to fight to death. If he is really a villain, he has many methods to deal with us. Control all our core experts and practice for him. Therefore, I can conclude that what he said is true. He The appeal is also true."

Yun Qingwu went silent.

After a while, he said, "In fact, I also feel that what he said is true. This time, whether it is dealing with betrayal of Chen Yang, dealing with Chen Yang, or being let go by him today, I feel very uncomfortable."

"I'm also not comfortable!" Liu Fengshuang said: "Before, we were very proud. We lived for freedom, we lived to resist the absolute control of the ruling house and the court... Everything we did was Meaningful. And now, think about it carefully, what is the difference between us and the adjudication office and the court? We also treachery for the benefit. If in the future, we will follow the adjudication office to fight Chen Yang, then I I will never do it."

Yun Qingwu said: "What makes me even more chilling is that the Supreme Master really took the treasure, and then hid it. In my heart, the Supreme Master has always been a hero who dared to resist. I was inspired by it. His personal charm has led to his commitment to worry-free education."

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