My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 3716: Heaven Attack, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

The situation of Lan Ziyi is getting worse, her breath is as weak as ever. Chen Yang checked her source of life and found that the source of life was continuing to dry up. If this goes on, there is only a dead end.

Chen Yang explained to Xiaolong Lan Ziyi's appearance has changed.

Xiaolong also has a deep affection for Lan Ziyi. Seeing her like this, he couldn't help crying on the spot.

Chen Yang was happy to see Chen Wuji and Xiaolong coming, but now his mood is replaced by haze and anxiety. If Lan Ziyi died because of this, what is the point of everything?

She finally survived, and finally found her back. Then send her to death? If so, it would be better for her to always know Xia and live like that.

Chen Wuji did not know Lanziyi, but he could feel Chen Yang's feelings for Lanziyi. On the way he came, Xiaolong also heard a lot of Chen Yang's previous things.

Right now, he also came to investigate Lan Ziyi's physical condition.

Chen Yang hoped that Chen Wuji could create miracles, but Chen Wuji could only spread his hands and said, "I have never encountered such a situation."

Obviously, he has no good way.

Chen Wuji said again: "Have you tried all the pills?"

Chen Yang said: "I have tried every panacea, and I can come up with one or two of the principles. The panacea is not the right medicine for the origin of life."

Chen Wuji said, "This is difficult."

Xiaolong whirled tearfully and said, "Dad, we must save Sister Ziyi."

Chen Yang nodded, and said, "I will definitely save her." He said that, but there was no way in his heart.

At this time, I really hope that Xuan Zhenghao is still alive and Linghui is still alive... But then I think again, even if they are alive, they are so far away, they are helpless.

"Huh?" Chen Yang suddenly thought of something, and quickly took out the blood fruit from the seeds of Xuanhuang Divine Valley.

"What is this?" Chen Wuji and Xiaolong couldn't help asking.

Chen Yang said in a deep voice, "This blood fruit was transformed by absorbing his power with Xuanhuang Divine Valley seeds when I was fighting against Tianzun. Tianzun's cultivation is unfathomable, and his realm is above you and me. The blood fruit has passed by again. I don’t know if the refining of Xuanhuang Divine Valley seeds can have a miraculous effect."

Chen Wuji said, "I'll take one first and try the medicine."

Chen Yang gave Chen Wuji a blood fruit, and he also ate a blood fruit himself.

There are quite a lot of blood fruits. During the battle, he was not sure about the effects of blood fruits, so he chose pure Yang Dan with stronger stability.

When the blood fruit entered the abdomen at this moment, it felt abnormally warm, and then there was a violent force that ran around the body, but it was extremely comfortable.

It is stronger than the pure Yang Dan, and much worse than the Qiongji Dan.

"No problem." Chen Wuji said to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang also knew it in his heart, and immediately began to refine the blood fruits, forcing the medicine power into the blue and purple clothes.

Xiaolong and Chen Wuji both watched with anticipation, hoping for a miracle.

After Lan Ziyi absorbed the power of the blood fruit, his face turned ruddy.

However, the effect is the same as taking other pills, and it will disappear soon.

After a short pause, her body returned to its original state.

Covered with frost, lifeless, and the source of life continues to dry up.

Chen Yang also understood that the blood fruit had no effect.

These pills have no effect. The pills can only provide nutrition to the body, but the source of life cannot be supplemented at all.

Chen Yang had trouble sleeping and eating this night.

Chen Wuji told Chen Yang that there was no one here, and it was almost impossible to find another way to save Lan Ziyi.

To say that the distance is the closest and there are people in the world, it is Wuyoujiao!

Chen Yang was furious, and now the blue and purple clothes fell to this end, it was all given by Wuyoujiao. Right now, he said to Chen Wuji: "Let's go back to Wuyou."

"Yes, go back and kill them all without leaving!" Xiaolong was filled with indignation.

Chen Wuji is the most calm one. After analyzing it, he said: "There is still some risk in going back like this. What is the situation of the owner of the golden handprint? Gabriel's injury is temporarily difficult to recover. Will Hua Tianhuang and Tianzun teach in Wuyou But even if it is, their injuries are difficult to recover in a short time. The only thing to be afraid of is the owner of the golden handprint."

He paused, then said: "However, there should be a lot of resources in Wuyoujiao, so where to go back is the only way for Lanziyi to survive, I agree!"

Chen Yang said: "Thank you!"

Chen Wuji smiled and said, "What are you polite?"

At the moment, Chen Wuji is in charge of the black hole spar.

Chen Yang is guarding Lan Ziyi, he can't keep up his mind, staring at Lan Ziyi's physical condition all the time. However, the more I stare, the more anxious...

Never at any time in this life has it been as helpless as this moment.

Even if he had been conspired by Wuyoujia before, like a dead dog, he did not give up hope.

But at this moment, he wanted to pray for miracles from the gods and Buddhas in the clear.

Unfortunately, there will be no miracles.

There will be no gods and Buddhas...

He too understands the so-called gods and Buddhas in this world.

The situation of Lanziyi is continuing to deteriorate...

Chen Yang searched for Linghui's memory treasure, but did not find a good plan. He wanted to use the Poison King to test, but he knew in his heart that the Poison King was not a dead soul. And at this moment, the blue and purple clothes are so weak that even if there are dead things, they can't be tried. Fighting with poison also pays attention to a balance...

"If Ziyi is really dead, even if I kill all Wuyoujiao everyone, what is the use?" Chen Yang couldn't help feeling sad.

"We are still an hour away from Wuyoujiao." Chen Wuji came to the villa of Jiesumi and told Chen Yang.

Chen Yang was alone with Lan Ziyi. At this time, he drove out Xiaolong.

Chen Yang listened to Chen Wuji's words, then looked at the blue and purple clothes on the bed, his eyes bursting with anger and killing intent.

This time, he will never be soft-hearted.

An hour later, the space loopholes of Wuyoujiao have arrived.

Chen Yang left Jiexumi Villa and joined Chen Wuji and Xiaolong.

There is a dark void in front of him, and that space loophole is extremely mysterious.

Chen Yang knows how to leave, and has done research on how to get in, and thinks that there is no problem. He, Chen Wuji and Xiaolong left the black hole spar, and then hid the black hole spar in their ears.

Then, Chen Yang began to look for space loopholes.

Soon, Chen Yang discovered that Wuyoujiao had changed the space loopholes.

"What?" Chen Wuji asked Chen Yang frowning immediately.

Chen Yang said solemnly: "They are probably worrying that we might come over to find trouble, and made changes to the space loopholes in advance. The original access method is no longer applicable."

Chen Wuji said, "What should I do?"

Chen Yang said: "I know the original code, and it will take some time to crack it now."

Chen Wuji said, "That's good, do you need my help?"

Chen Yang said, "You go into the black hole spar and help me look at Ziyi. If you find something is wrong, you should notify me immediately."

Chen Wuji nodded and said, "Okay!"

After Chen Wuji entered the black hole spar, Xiaolong accompanied Chen Yang.

Chen Yang sat cross-legged and began to enter absolute meditation.

Although he was in a state of confusion at the moment, he forced himself to calm down. When he entered a state of extreme silence, all the molecules, strengths, structures, etc. began to show up in his brain.

In Wuyou Jiao, in the Wuyou General Forum...

Wuyou Zongtan is the great secret of Wuyou Sect, which few people know.

The Wuyou general altar is the key to the Wuyou teaching formation. The previous arrangement of the dome polarized rain array was also started from here.

Right now, Yun Qingwu, Liu Fengshuang, several elders, Wu Xinkong, and Yu Honglian are all in this worry-free general altar.

The central area of ​​the main altar is a Zhouli Pool, which is about 300 square meters. The Zhou Li inside is all purple with thunder and lightning.

The purple Zhou Li rolled and rushed like thunder and lightning.

The powerful energy breath spreads from the Zhouli Pool.

The establishment of Worry-Free Sect is basically in this cosmic power pool. With the help of the magical cosmic power in the cosmic power pool, the entire space hole becomes extremely powerful and extremely secretive.

At the same time, it can also unite everyone's forces to launch an attack on the outside world.

Yun Qingwu and the crowd stared at the top of Zhouli Pool. There was a magical mirror above the mirror, which was about ten square meters in size.

What appears in the mirror is the void of the outside world.

The void outside was a darkness. At this moment, in that void and darkness, Yun Qingwu and others saw Chen Yang sitting cross-legged. Not only that, but also the molecular structure around Chen Yang's figure is changing.

They also saw the dragon next to Chen Yang.

When Grand Elder Baishi saw this, he couldn't help but be surprised, and said: "He is cracking our space loophole."

Yun Qingwu's face was gloomy, and the Supreme Master told her six hours ago that Zong Han might kill him back.

And told her not to let Zong Han come in.

Yun Qingwu didn't quite understand, and said, "Are we afraid of him alone because of the strength of our entire teaching?"

Gabriel said: "It's not that simple. Since he comes back, he still has helpers."

Yun Qingwu was a little dissatisfied, but did not dare to resist Gabriel.

Gabriel later said: "If he really comes back, he will prepare for the Heaven Attack."

Yun Qingwu was taken aback: "Heaven's attack?"

Gabriel said: "That's right!"

"Yes!" Yun Qingwu could only answer.

The attack technique that day was to gather all the masters in the school, and came to the Zhouli Pool together to inject mana into the Zhouli Pool. Led by Yun Qingwu, the power of everyone is gathered in this way, and a powerful and boundless attack power is sent to the outside world.

"Master, it seems that it won't take long for him to break through the gaps in our space. Should he go out to meet the enemy, or?" the Elder Wounded asked.

Yun Qingwu said: "Prepare for the heavenly attack, Elder Baishi, speed up the masters above the Eternal Profound Realm to come and gather."

This is the command Yun Qingwu is most unwilling to give. Wuyou Zongtan is a sacred place, and she does not want so many people to come in to see the true face of the Zongtan.

Moreover, she felt that she was scared to this point by a Zong Han, which was really unreasonable.

However, she dare not refuse to follow the strict orders of the Supreme Master.

Elder Baishi quickly issued a summoning order.

The masters had been prepared before, and rushed over quickly at this moment.

All of a sudden, the masters of Wuyou's general altar gathered together.

Reggae and the others are here, as well as Feng Qingtian and others who were rescued by Liu Fengshuang before.

"He is a bit fast at cracking." Liu Fengshuang said suddenly: "You have to delay him for a while."

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