My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 3294: King summoning order, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Chen Yang asked a question that neither he nor Xuan Zhenghao understood.

He asked: "The poison of the Hell Hydra is very harmful to the Blue Magneto Ocean, but the Hell Hydra has always been allowed to exist. What is this? If it is not that the Hell Hydra has other effects on the Magneto Ocean If it works, I think the Great Universe could directly exterminate the Hell Hydra back then."

Tang Wan was slightly startled, but he didn't expect Chen Yang to ask this question.

She also replied: "I am not so clear about the specifics, but the creation of the Ocean of Magneto is very special and wonderful. It is said to be created based on the universe, and the toxins of our **** hydra are also produced in it. It has a great effect. Why do we say that our toxins can destroy the Magneto Ocean? That is because the Magneto Magneto Ocean itself contains the toxin of the Hell Hydra. But that toxin is tempered and made into a certain kind of wonder Material. Once our toxin enters, it may disintegrate that substance. Therefore, our toxin will have such a great damage to the Magneto Ocean. The Magneto Ocean has to extract toxins from the Daze World every year. Then it is tempered."

"Don't be surprised!" Tang Wan knew Chen Yang's question and continued: "The toxin that Magneto Ocean drew from Daze World by itself is drew from the swamp mud. It will be refined by a large array. And if Putting the poison of the general **** hydra into the ocean of primordial magnetism will also be refined and extracted by the great array itself. However, the poison of the masters of the creation realm, the great array does not have this ability to refine, so there will be a big problem."

At this point, Chen Yang has thoroughly understood the relationship between Daze World, Hell Hydra, and the Ocean of Magnetism.

After that, Chen Yang communicated with Bai Lan in the black hole spar.

"We are going to transfer a large number of Hell Hydras, and all the Hell Hydras above the creation are to be taken away. There can be no omission! Can you tell me a piece of data? That is the Hell Nine below the creations How many head snakes are there?"

Bai Lan answered truthfully: "About 300,000 yuan."

Chen Yang frowned: "So many?"

Bai Lan said, "Is this more?"

Chen Yang said, "Is it difficult to find them?"

Bai Lan said: "It's not too difficult."

Chen Yang was overjoyed and said, "Do you have a way?"

Bai Lan said: "You only need to issue a summoning order. Generally speaking, they will come. But if they come, they will face my liquidation. This is the king's summoning order!"

Chen Yang said, "That's great, besides, can you find the nine-headed gods?"

Bai Lan said: "You can find the nine-headed god. But the old man Huai can't find it."

Chen Yang said, "Okay, I want to act as soon as possible. Because it's not certain when the Lingzun will come over. We must race against time. It's over if it's too late."

Bai Lan said: "Okay, first go to the nine-headed god. After that, I will issue the king's summoning order!"

Chen Yang agreed.

Then, Chen Yang quickly left Qingyun Pavilion.

Tang Wan and the rest of the Hydra have separated from their original ethnic group, and they are all non-poisonous. It can be said that they are pure humans.

But there are some genes from ancient ancestors in the blood!

Chen Yang asked Tang Wan to start summoning their fellow human beings, and at the same time, he tried to summon the Hell Hydra.

As for the lowest hydra race, there is no need to worry about it.

Chen Yang also breathed a sigh of relief, that is, even if the Hell Hydra is taken away, the Magneto Ocean will not be a problem for a while.

As long as the spirits are passed, they will be sent back.

But when the time comes, you have to find another way to arrange the barrier.

Ran Hongyu and Bai Lan healed their injuries while guiding Chen Yang to the place where the nine-headed **** was.

After leaving the Qingyun Pavilion, Chen Yang flew eastward, and then came to a swamp forest where the miasma was rampant.

Chen Yang sneaked into the swamp. After going deep into the swamp for about 10,000 meters, he saw the barrier that Bai Lan said.

Chen Yang easily penetrated that level of barrier.

It's like crossing a layer of waterfall, after entering it is a forest.

There is a huge cave in the forest.

Chen Yang's divine consciousness shot, and quickly found the nine-headed god.

"Nine-headed god, don't panic, it's an old friend coming!" Bai Lan quickly got out of the black hole spar and shouted into the inner cave.

"It turned out to be the White Master, right next to you is Chen Yang who saved us that day?" The words of the Nine-Headed God Lord also spread from the cave.

Chen Yang immediately clasped his fists and said, "Come here today, there is something important to rely on Xiongtai."

The nine-headed **** was quite polite to Chen Yang, smiled, and said: "Brother Chen Yang is our benefactor, please come in!"

In fact, it doesn't matter whether Chen Yang is kind to the nine-headed god. At this moment, the Nine-headed God Monarch really had to be polite to Chen Yang and flattered some.

Because of strength!

Chen Yang and Bai Lan quickly entered the cave.

Inside the cave, jewels, like a palace.

There are also some human servants inside, and some Hell Hydra has become human masters.

Before the Xuefeng battle took place, the various factions could be regarded as prosperous.

After the Battle of Tingxuefeng, countless masters of the creation realm fell on Tingxuefeng.

Bai Lan's group of Creation Realm subordinates were simply dead on Tingxue Peak.

She and Ran Hongyu survived.

If Chen Yang didn't make a move that day, they would be all killed.

In the main hall of the cave, Chen Yang and Bai Lan met the nine-headed god.

The hall is covered with silk plush carpets, full of wine and delicacies, and there are countless concubines and beautiful maids waiting.

After Chen Yang and Bai Lan came in, the nine-headed **** asked all Ji concubine to retreat.

He stood up and greeted him solemnly.

This nine-headed **** looks only forty years old, wearing a brocade robe, giving people a capable and majestic feeling.

"Brother Chen Yang, last time I was rescued by you, I lost my life. For such a great favor, please be worshipped by my fellow!" The nine-headed **** would give a big gift.

Chen Yang could see that the Nine-Headed God Sovereign's injury had not yet healed.

He immediately supported the nine-headed god, and said: "Xiongtai does not have to be polite. If you look outside like this, it won't be beautiful."

Nine-headed gods no longer insisted on saluting.

After sitting down with each other, Chen Yang opened the door and said the purpose of the trip.

The nine-headed **** said in surprise: "Speaking of which, it is possible for us to leave Daze?"

Chen Yang said: "Yes!"

The nine-headed **** said: "Brother Chen Yang, I will definitely cooperate with you with all my strength."

Chen Yang nodded and said, "I have some healing pills here. Brother Tai will take them and use them first. In addition, I want you to issue a king summoning order to gather all the **** hydra. There are also masters of creation, all of them To find it. Time is urgent..."

The nine-headed **** said: "This matter is covered by me and the white leader."

In any place, there are people up there who can do things well.

If Chen Yang came to this place, if the local snakes cooperated, things would be much easier.

The nine-headed **** and Bai Lan quickly issued the king's summoning order.

Only they can issue this king summoning order.

Tang Wan couldn't post these.

The king's summoning order comes from the suppression and resonance of blood.

In addition, Bai Lan and Chen Yang went to find the last demon saint.

That demon saint is called Bailinong!

The cultivation base is the sixth layer of the creation realm, and it can be regarded as a strong one.

Pyrianon's injury is not healed.

The previous battle of Tingxuefeng had almost severely wounded the masters of the entire Daze world.

That is, the late arrival of Qingyun Pavilion made the disciples basically retreat. Even so, Tang Wan was injured, and the elder Yuan was directly killed by Chen Yang.

The last thing I was looking for was the old Huai.

Old Huai was the confidant of Hua Zongyuan, the lord of Beishen Palace, but Hua Zongyuan is now dead.

The North Shrine is even more desolate.

To find Huai Lao now is undoubtedly looking for a needle in a haystack.

Chen Yang, Bailinong and Bai Lan returned to the cave mansion of the Nine-headed God.

Soon, three days passed in a flash.

In three days, countless Hell Hydra gathered.

The king's summoning order was issued by Bai Lan, Ran Hongyu, Nine-Headed God Sovereign, and Bailinong.

The listener dare not fail!

A total of about 290,000 **** hydra!

Chen Yang felt that it was enough, anyway, even if the spirit deity could gather 10,000 Hell Hydra, its poison would not have much impact on the Magneto Ocean.

Moreover, there are successive Hell Hydra coming.

Hell Hydra is fine.

The immediate problem is to gather all the masters of creation.

Elder Huai hasn't found it yet, and there is no other place to hide some masters, this is also no guarantee.

But soon, Chen Yang also got a lot of information from those Hell Hydras who came here. These Hell Hydra come from all sides of Daze World, so their information can cover the entire Daze World.

Chen Yang also found the whereabouts of Na Huai Lao.

Soon, Chen Yang went quickly.

Old Huai is hiding in the depths of Beishen Palace...

He is an unforgettable homeland.

Chen Yang found Huai Lao easily and conquered Huai Lao. There is no way, the strength is here, you can't accept it.

After doing this, Chen Yang will basically have everything to do.

The only thing that makes Chen Yang feel uneasy is whether there are any hidden masters of creation?

Once Lingzun found two masters of creation, they formed toxins that could affect the ocean of magnetism.

Then, all Chen Yang's efforts were in vain.

Therefore, Chen Yang needs to be very careful about this matter.

At this time, Suzhen in black gave Chen Yang an idea.

"Use the toxins of the masters of the creation realm to track down the same toxins in the world of Daze, and motivate them with fate."

Chen Yang's eyes lit up and said, "This method is feasible!"

After that, Chen Yang asked Ran Hongyu for the toxin.

This toxin is in Ran Hongyu's gallbladder, and she can usually control the toxin.

At this time, the toxins in the gallbladder were stimulated, and then, Ran Hongyu opened his mouth...

A drop of dark green water appeared in front of Chen Yang.

"Be careful, I have no cure." Ran Hongyu said to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang nodded, using his mana to catch this drop of toxin.

At the same time, his spiritual thoughts penetrated into the poison.

In an instant, Chen Yang felt the magic in this toxin. The poison in this toxin is indeed strange, but compared with the meteor poison in his own body, it is a hundred times worse.


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