My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 3271: Meteorite Pill, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

The blood emperor dared to challenge a master like Chen Yang, he was absolutely confident.

But he still mistakenly underestimated Chen Yang, because he didn't know the existence of Suzhen in black. He can only feel that Chen Yang's cultivation is above him.

The reason why the blood emperor's cultivation is still at the fifth level of creation is because his spirit and spirit have long been fused with the blood moon. His own power is too strong, and it will be difficult to go one step further. Just like Chen Yang, after cultivating the Great Origin Art, it is extremely difficult to move forward.

At this moment, Chen Yang slashed with a big Chaos Thunder Sword.

The blood emperor couldn't avoid it, and a sea of ​​blood condensed with blood-colored rays appeared before his eyes!

The blood sea is full of particles rolling!

It's like a mixed hole!

Two in one life, three in two, all things in three!

One is the ultimate avenue!

From two births to three births, countless Taoisms in this world extend.

But when Daoshu is at its strongest, it will still return by different paths.

So at the moment, although the blood emperor has not reached the eight or nine levels of the creation realm. But this magical blood moon showed the same power as a mixed hole.

Chen Yang slashed in with a sword, and thunder stretched for thousands of miles.

But Lei Guang seemed to have fallen into a swamp of blood.

The difference is that this blood sea swamp possesses a powerful and incomparable profound meaning.

At the same time, blood particles exploded frantically, blasted and killed, and finally strangled his Great Chaos Thunder Sword to shatter.

"Sure enough, it's very similar to the hole." Chen Yang secretly said to Suzhen in black.

"This blood moon magic weapon is good. If you can, take it as your own. In this way, you will have no problem with the masters of the eight or nine layers of creation. At that time, you will not only protect yourself, but kill the enemy." Hei Yi Suzhen suggested.

Chen Yang said: "Come slowly."

He was still a little embarrassed to rob others.

If someone else comes to offend arrogantly, he can feel at ease.

But at the moment, I take the initiative to make trouble for others.

So more or less, he felt a bit wronged in his heart.

A sword failed, and Chen Yang had not had time to make another move.

The blood emperor suddenly disappeared, and then, the sea of ​​blood rolled, and the waves were violent!

Then, ten blood scale dragons sprang out of the sea of ​​blood.

Ten dragons rushed towards Chen Yang immediately.

The speed is extremely fast, like ten magic swords. Even if Chen Yang wanted to escape, it was too late.

But how can Chen Yang escape?

Each of these ten dragons is huge and incomparable, just like a mountain. But Chen Yang's figure is an ordinary figure.

As a result, ten dragons wrapped Chen Yang around them.

It is like ten mountains, surrounded by layers.

Chen Yang was in it, and he felt that there was no way to heaven and no way to enter the earth.

But he was not eager to make a move, but waited for the changes.

The magnificent profundity, as well as the vast power surge.

Chen Yang could feel the terrifying power inside the ten dragons.

The ten dragons suddenly revolved quickly, and the blood scales on their bodies suddenly burst into flames.

It's just strange that the burning flame has no heat, but a kind of existence with extremely strong penetrating power and corrosive power.

This is a very strange flame.

Chen Yang has never seen it.

The flame suddenly became fierce, and instantly turned into a huge fire, as if it could burn the sky of the universe.

Chen Yang was in the center of the stove and did not feel the heat.

But I feel that mana is being burned, body and power are being burned and corroded.

But there is still no burning feeling.


In the flames, countless tongues of fire sprang up.

Chen Yang began to feel uncomfortable.

"What is this?" Chen Yang wondered.

He was exposed to this strange power for the first time.

Black Suzhen said in a deep voice, "This kind of thing is like my nemesis, and it's very uncomfortable. If it is killed by lightning, it can be safe and sound. But it has contaminated my body, and it has a kind of strength. Tarsus maggots can penetrate into the bone marrow and burn me to ashes. Of course, this is just a feeling of mine. Really, this kind of thing does not have this ability. But if it really reaches the level of a saint Using this power can hurt me badly."

Chen Yang said: "It seems we have to study this thing thoroughly. I can't let your nemesis exist."

Black Suzhen said: "Everything grows and suppresses each other, and your Profound Yellow Divine Valley Seed will meet Nemesis one day."

The two are not in a panic right now.

It seems that the situation is not good, but in fact it is still under control.

When those flames really attacked and killed, the sea of ​​blood, blood fire, and blood scales turned into a frenzy, like thousands of fire souls strangling.

All over the sky, terrifying!

Majestic momentum, unparalleled in the world!

Chen Yang snorted coldly, running mana. The yin and yang mana formed a kind of protective shield, allowing it to attack in any way, but staying still.

Following that, Chen Yang restored the Qingfeng Sword to its green silk state.

The body of Qingsi is a hair.

The hair was wrapped around Chen Yang's thumb, and he ran the majestic and profound meaning and holy power of the blue silk, and then punched out.

The fist front contained his terrifying mana, as well as the mana of Yin and Yang, and the divine power of thunder and lightning.

Many forces are hidden in it.

Killed in the blood with one punch.

There were originally countless particles strangling in that sea of ​​blood, and there was the spiritual meaning, laws, and rules of the Gorefiend.

Only at this time, Quan Feng's supernatural power broke away all falsehoods, rules!

I can see that the distorted space, time, and rules are crushed one by one by the fist.

Originally, once the power of a general master came over, he would be lost in the blood, and even shredded.

But the power of Chen Yang's punch directly reached the other shore in a sea of ​​blood.

When the Gorefiend was alive, that wouldn't necessarily be able to play and knead Chen Yang easily.

Now he wants to do nothing about Chen Yang only based on the spiritual principles and laws. This is nothing more than a idiot.

Chen Yang blasted into the sea of ​​blood with three consecutive punches, and each punch felt like a punch to the flesh.

The ten dragons began to collapse, and their speed of rotation also slowed down.

Chen Yang then killed with three punches.

After the three punches, the ten dragons were all shattered by Chen Yang, and many blood sea particles returned to the blood house.

The blood emperor was still standing in front of the blood moon, but at this time, his face was not very good.

There was a look of surprise and fear in his eyes.

He never expected that the strength of the young man in front of him was so powerful.

Just now, he put all his life skills and wisdom into the blood moon.

However, the opponent's fist was so arrogant.

No matter what rules and profound meaning he uses to stop him, everything will not help.

That kind of feeling is like a general trend, in which an individual is in it, no matter what he does, he cannot change this trend.

Chen Yang looked at the blood emperor, and then, without saying anything, he shot out with another punch.

The blood emperor was taken aback and condensed the blood sea again in a hurry, but soon, the blood sea broke open...


The blood emperor flew out, directly into the depths of the blood sea.

With this punch, Chen Yang did not keep his hand.

However, the blood emperor did not hurt the bones, because the blood moon helped the blood emperor bear most of the damage.

Chen Yang's figure flashed, and finally formally entered the blood moon.

Then, he came to the front of the blood emperor and grabbed the blood emperor with a big hand.

Chen Yang was not polite, his magic power invaded the blood emperor's body.

The blood emperor's body, internal organs, odd meridians, eight channels and mana are all connected with the blood moon silk thread. Chen Yang's mana squeezed the blood emperor, just like squeezing the entire blood moon.

Chen Yang sneered at the blood emperor, but the power in his hand was not reduced by half.

The blood emperor was horrified to discover that the opponent's mana was really like a sea of ​​stars, boundless.

In the stormy waves, the opponent's mana was surging and majestic, and it suppressed the entire Blood Moon.

The blood emperor felt as if the limbs were squeezed crazily by the Hercules, the bones and muscles were deformed, the muscles twisted...

Pain, suffering, uncomfortable!

The blood emperor felt the oppression of death. Although they were undead, they were not really dead.

The undead race is to repair the dark power, the undead power.

Their tribe is another way of inheritance.

For example, the inheritance of ordinary people is through childbirth. New humans have no memory, and everything starts from a new beginning.

The undead race is passed on through the corpses of the dead.

The corpse is a carrier, and the undead masters implant their own blood, essence and blood, and nourish it day and night.

To some extent, it is a bit like a human being pregnant in October.

The newly born undead do not possess wisdom at first.

In the process of nourishing slowly, gradually gain wisdom and start practicing.

But this newborn soul has nothing to do with the predecessor.

In essence, they are also different people.

This undead is very different from the undead under Lan Ziyi. The undead there, without wisdom, walking dead, can be said to be a virus.

However, the undead here all seek the corpses of Taoist masters to cultivate.

The undead who have cultivated to be higher than that are no different from human beings.

Therefore, although the blood emperor is an undead clan, he will die, and he is also afraid of death. If he dies, no undead in this world can cultivate his body. Because he is too strong.

Panic flashed in the blood emperor's eyes, and suddenly said: "Let's have something to say."

Chen Yang smiled slightly and said, "I always wanted to tell you a good deal, but you didn't want to."

The blood emperor said: "What do you want me to do, I can cooperate with you as much as possible."

Chen Yang knew in his heart that if he wanted to pretend to be the blood emperor, he must have the cooperation of the blood emperor.

Therefore, he did not intend to really kill the blood emperor.

"Give you something, something very wonderful." Chen Yang suddenly condensed a green pill.

This is the meteoric poison in his body!

"Open your mouth!" Chen Yang said.

The blood emperor turned blue and said, "What?"

Chen Yang said: "Poison, a kind of strange poison. And even I don't have an antidote. The saint's holy power can't suppress this poison. You swallow him, and I sealed the pill with the Great Seal technique. As long as you don’t get it, the seal will not disperse. I have merged with the poison, so the poison does not reject my mana. If you want to detoxify, you are looking for death."

The blood emperor looked bitter and said, "I am here, and I have nothing to do with the world. I have already promised you and are willing to cooperate. Why are you so aggressive?"

Chen Yang said: "It's not aggressive, but what I'm conspiring to do, which is extremely dangerous. You just have to cooperate obediently. When I get done, I will take away this poisonous pill. You can still restore your peaceful years."

The blood emperor gritted his teeth and said, "Okay!"

Afterwards, he swallowed the pill in one bite.

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