My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 3263: Willing to pluck, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Chen Yang was standing outside Dongtianfudi. At this moment, his whole body was full of power, thunder and lightning surged, as if there were endless violent powers.

Getting out of this cave is nothing else, nor is it an escape, just to let the Yulantai know that you can't trap me.

This is the condition of negotiation!

Chen Yang flashed afterwards, but then entered the cave world.

Yulantai and the old mother of Shenshan quickly chased them.

But at this time their faces are not very good.

Chen Yang clasped his fists and said, "I have no intention of being an enemy of the two here. If I really want to be an enemy, I won't come in. After you get out of this cave, you will all be helpless. I want to destroy this Lantai Holy Land can be said to be easy. And you..."

He pointed to the old mother of Shenshan and said: "I know you are not from Lantai Holy Land. I can go to your lair. Your two boys are still outside. If you catch them, you are helpless. I am willing today. Be patient and say this, because we are all earthlings and we have a common enemy."

Yulantai and the old mother of Shenshan felt uncomfortable in their hearts, but they also had to admit that the destruction plan mentioned by Chen Yang made them frightened.

In this way, Chen Yang really has the capital to negotiate.

Yulantai said: "Do you just want Heavenly Soul Cold Dew?"

Chen Yang said: "It's not just for Tianpu Hanlu, I also hope you can go to Tianzhou to help. Now that the enemy is powerful, it is difficult for us to support it."

Yulantai said, "Tianpo Hanlu can give you some. This is our biggest concession!"

The old mother Shenshan also said coldly: "Yes." She paused and continued: "Young man, don't be too arrogant. The big deal, you will die!"

When Chen Yang heard the words, he was immediately annoyed and said, "It's not impossible if you want to die and break the net. But it shouldn't be with me, the spirits are not here, not against me. It's against the entire earth."

"Also, the Spirit Venerable is to extract the energy protons from the earth. Once the energy protons are taken away, the whole earth will be exhausted. It is impossible for you to take care of yourself here! If you want to be good at yourself, can I not do it? I have to go, spirit Zun may not be able to stop me. However, the earth is our home. Since we have the Dao and have great abilities, we should bear this responsibility. If we are not to carry it, can we expect ordinary humans to carry it? "

The old mother Shenshan said: "Everyone has their own choices and the right to choose. It is impossible for us to change our minds because of you in a few words. You are willing to sacrifice and give, that is your choice. But we are not willing, this is also the case. Our choice. In the many battles that year, there were also demon-casters rushing in front. But there were also wise men hiding behind... The process of history has its natural laws. If it is really going to be destroyed, it is also the result of fate. If fate should not be extinct, we If you don’t participate, it won’t have much impact."

She is the supreme powerhouse of the Ninth Layer of Creation, how firm is the Dao Heart.

It is absolutely impossible for Chen Yang to change his mind because of a few words.

Chen Yang was also quite helpless.

Hei Suzhen communicated with Chen Yang and said, "Why don't you talk nonsense, catch the two boys first. Then destroy the Lantai Holy Land, and then destroy the woman's nest. As long as she is led out, she will not let us. Knead it! After she is resolved, come and get Tianpu Hanlu, it will be twice the result with half the effort!"

Chen Yang said to Suzhen in black sternly: "If this is the case, there will be no difference between us and Lingzun."

Black Suzhen said: "But if the Lingzun comes, the methods of the Lingzun can make them succumb. After they succumb to the Lingzun, they will come to deal with us. We don't care about these processes now, care about the results! "

Chen Yang shook his head and said, "You can't do this."

He has his own bottom line in life.

Black Suzhen also knew Chen Yang, and she knew at this time that Chen Yang could not listen to her advice.

After Chen Yang took a deep breath, he said to the Shenshan mother: "Okay, everyone has aspirations. Since you are not willing, I really can't force it."

He looked at Yulantai and said, "I want to take away all the Heavenly Soul Cold Dew, but I can promise you. We will try our best not to use this Heavenly Soul Cold Dew, and wait for this matter... If I can finally defeat the Lingzun, I will definitely Tianpo Hanlu will be returned. As today, Po Hanlu is related to several opponents' masters. Once they obtain Tianpo Hanlu, their strength will continue to increase greatly."

Having said this, Chen Yang sighed and said: "I also have my own bottom line. I don't want to rip my face with you, or go to an endless state of death. I hope you can achieve it!"

Yulantai glanced at the old mother of Shenshan.

After a while, Yulantai said: "I need to think about it."

Chen Yang said: "Five minutes! Sorry, I still have many important things to do, so I can only give five minutes."

Yulantai nodded.

Chen Yang went out of the cave first and waited outside.

Hei Suzhen said to Chen Yang: "In my opinion, she is now forced to give you the Celestial Soul Cold Dew. Moreover, the Celestial Soul Cold Dew must be produced by something that must destroy the source. And, you She can’t keep some quietly. If we really keep some, no matter how much we do, it won’t help."

Chen Yang suddenly felt a headache and said, "What should I do?"

Black Suzhen said: "You are so smart, you should be able to see through their tricks."

Chen Yang suddenly smiled bitterly.

Only then did the two have time to talk.

Chen Yang was resurrected this time and was filled with emotion. He suddenly said softly: "I'm sorry, Susu!"

Black Suzhen's emotions were immediately pulled into this tenderness by Chen Yang, she was slightly startled, and then she was a little uncomfortable, saying, "Why do you have to say sorry again."

After a moment of silence, Chen Yang said, "I almost left you behind."

With just this soft sentence, Suzhen's tears almost fell.

She is really not a weak person.

However, she understands Chen Yang's affection.

"Don't talk about it." Suzhen Hei said: "Tell me, how did you survive? What happened?"

Chen Yang talked about the recent events, as well as the aspirations of the Ksitigarbha, his own understanding of Nirvana and so on.

"Actually, in the final analysis, it was my Xuanhuang Divine Valley seeds that helped me. When I got the Xuanhuang Divine Valley seeds, I heard people say that this is the number one treasure in the world. I have always disapproved of it, and thought it seemed useless. Now I really understand that the magic of this thing is unimaginable. Moreover, I haven't really exerted its full effect until now!"

Hei Suzhen said: "The Yuan Sage relied on this thing to stir up the whole fairy world. Of course, his ability is immeasurable. Moreover, this thing has been evolved once again."

Chen Yang said: "This is probably the greatest luck the Universe Great has given me."

Hei Suzhen agreed.

She then smiled and said: "I almost killed your little elf Chen Feixuan, thinking about saving you. But later, Xuan Zhenghao stopped me."

Chen Yang's face turned green when he heard the words. He trembled slightly and said, "Susu, this is no joke."

Black Suzhen said: "Of course I know, but if you are dead, I still care about that much?"

Chen Yang said: "So I beg you, even if I'm gone, you have to help me protect Chen Feixuan. You don't know that her sister Chen Feirong sacrificed to save me. Now Chen Fei Xuan is the only one she stayed in the world. I have to protect her!"

Black Suzhen said: "Alright, alright, now that you are all right, I have no time to trouble her. But Nizi is not quite the same as your Chen Feirong."

Chen Yang smiled upon hearing the words and said, "I know, but it is also human nature."

Suzhen Black looked a little disdainful, but she didn't bother to mention it.

After all, she was happy in her heart.

As long as Chen Yang is innocent, she will be happy.

Five minutes passed quickly between the two talking.

At this time, a thought came from the Yulantai, calling Chen Yang to enter.

Chen Yang went directly into the heaven and blessed earth, into the dark space of the sky.

Yulantai and the old mother Shenshan appeared in front of him.

Yulantai said: "We have discussed it, and Tianpu Hanlu will be given to you."

Chen Yang couldn't help being overjoyed.

Yulantai said: "This is a jade bottle." She took out a small crystal white bottle and handed it to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang took it, and then inspected it with spiritual thoughts, and found that there was about half a catty of transparent liquid inside.

Divine Mind visited in the liquid and quickly discerned the material situation in it.

The liquid is extremely rich in nutrients. It seems to contain the minerals of a world and so on.

This is something Chen Yang has never seen before.

It is also incomparable to any pill.

The liquid ice crystals are translucent, and as long as they smell it, they have supreme effects.

If you take a little, the benefits will be even harder to imagine.

Yulantai said in a deep voice: "We practice normally, but we take out a drop of cold dew and drip it into pure spring water. A drop of cold dew can refine hundreds of billions of cold dew pills."

Chen Yang sternly said, "It's really a good thing, but how did this cold dew come about?"

Yulantai's face changed suddenly and said, "This is the secret of our Lantai Holy Land, Hanlu has given you all. You should also leave..."

Chen Yang said: "I'm sorry, I have to investigate this matter."

Yulantai and the old mother of Shenshan suddenly became angry.

The old mother Shenshan said: "Young man, don't deceive people too much. We have made many concessions to you! The place where Po Hanlu was born that day is a great secret, even the old man doesn’t know it. You want it. What to do? Do you want to ruin it?"

Chen Yang said: "Susu and I came here not to get the Celestial Soul Cold Dew, but to cut off the source of the Spirit Venerable. If we only get the Cold Dew, it will continue to have its roots. Then everything we do It's meaningless."

Yulantai said angrily: "The secret of the holy land has been passed down for thousands of years. Now I have repeatedly tolerated it, just want to calm things down. If you still want to be aggressive, you can't say it, today, our oceanic world will die with you!"

The old mother Shenshan also said angrily: "The old sister Yu is the best friend of the old man, and the old man doesn't want to be nosy. But if you repeatedly persecute and say nothing, the old man will be willing to slap him today."

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