My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 3252: Cold Fire, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Xuan Zhenghao felt painful. He said, "I have known the master for many years. We used to fight side by side. He is my best friend. When I established the Dakang Dynasty, I also wanted to help him cope with the future calamities. But now, He is behind bars, but I can't do anything."

The Ksitigarbha king said: "The emperor, are you sure that Mr. Chen Ling has an accident?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Originally, it was just a suspicion, but after you were brought back by us, Bodhisattva. The Phantom has passed the news. Just as you walked away, the masters such as Long Qianjue left behind. So now, I can be 100% sure. Something happened to the sect master. Moreover, what's more terrible is that Tian Qingge is not dead."

"Tianqingge?" Tianfei and Zhang Daoling were shocked when they heard this. The two of them knew Tian Qingge's ability.

"Why are you sure?" Zhang Daoling said.

Xuan Zhenghao said in a deep voice, "The style of this series of events is the style of Tianqingge. Outsiders can never imitate it."

The Ksitigarbha King said: "We have to save Mr. Chen Ling."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "If Chen Yang is still alive, I still have a way to think of. Right now, it's too difficult!"

The Ksitigarbha King couldn't help but be surprised, and said: "What happened to Chen Yang's little donor?"

Xuan Zhenghao hid Chen Yang when everyone came in.

The Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva still did not know that Chen Yang had an accident.

Originally, Xuan Zhenghao kept the matter of Chen Yang's accident highly confidential.

At this time, seeing the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva asked, Xuan Zhenghao briefly talked about Chen Yang.

After the Ksitigarbha king heard this, he couldn't help but awe, and at the same time chanted Amitabha. After that, he just said: "Chen Yang's little donor is kind-hearted, and the poor monk admires it. When he and the female donor were related, the poor monk knew about it. Unexpectedly, it will evolve to this point today."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Now Chen Yang's situation is very complicated, and I am helpless."

The Ksitigarbha king said: "Can you give a look to the poor monk?"

Xuan Zhenghao's eyes suddenly lit up and he said, "Of course." He paused, and suddenly said a little excitedly: "I forgot you. This is really a great sin. I have been thinking about passing magic power, holy power. Come to the rescue, but forget that you have the power of compassion."

He immediately moved Chen Yang out.

Just pointed it out, and the space immediately overlapped and spread out.

So Chen Yang appeared in front of everyone, just lying on the bed.

Chen Yang's body, to be precise, cannot be called a corpse.

Xuan Zhenghao later told Chen Yang's relatives about this. Let them keep it secret, and at the same time have hope, because Chen Yang is likely to come alive, and will greatly increase his cultivation.

Zhang Daoling, Tianfei knew about Chen Yang's condition.

Right now, they also put the light of hope on the Ksitigarbha king.

Chen Yang's body was blue.

He has no heartbeat, no signs of being alive. All the functions of the body have ceased!

However, a very critical issue is Xuan Zhenghao's indicator that Chen Yang might survive...

That was the fusion of the Xuanhuang Divine Valley seeds in Chen Yang's body, and the Xuanhuang Divine Valley seeds were still alive.

It stands to reason, if it is really a flesh and blood.

When Chen Yang fell, the seeds of the Xuanhuang Divine Valley also fell.

But it didn't.

At the same time, Chen Yang's brain was full of blue energy, and it did not dissipate.

This made Xuan Zhenghao unable to find out what was going on in Chen Yang's mind.

Ksitigarbha put a finger on Chen Yang's forehead, then closed his eyes and concentrated.

Everyone dared not disturb the Ksitigarbha.

After a long while, the Ksitigarbha king just stopped.

Everyone looked forward to it.

The Ksitigarbha king glanced at the people, and then said: "Amitabha, the poor monk still needs to think about it. For a while, there is no way."

Everyone was disappointed.

At the same time, it was expected.

Right now, Xuan Zhenghao hid Chen Yang again.

One finger points out, the space is folded.

Chen Yang disappeared out of thin air.

In the face of today's current situation, everyone has already felt bad.

Fortunately, Zhang Daoling and others felt that Xuan Zhenghao could rely on.

Zhang Daoling said: "Now, what is the emperor's plan to do? Mr. Chen Ling is immortal. The enemy wants to kill him, I'm afraid it's not that simple."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "If I guessed correctly, they would use the sect master to exchange the Heavenly Soul Hanlu. The Long Wei Gong, the robes, and Chu Shan were all seriously injured. Only Tianpu Hanlu can quickly help them recover... "

"Tianpo Hanlu?" Tianfei asked: "What is this?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "A very magical energy body, which can not only heal injuries, but also enhance skill."

Zhang Daoling said: "Does the emperor have such a thing?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "I don't have it. I just learned about it recently. So I sent the white girl to the sea in the sea to get it. It's just that right now, there is no news from the white girl, overnight, as if everything has become to us. It's getting worse."

Zhang Daoling faded and said, "Is there something wrong with the white girl?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "It's not that there is no such possibility. It's just that our whereabouts have been monitored by the other party at all times, and I don't dare to send you to rescue them."

"But, I can't help but save!" Tianfei said.

Xuan Zhenghao pondered.

After a while, he said: "Everyone, I still need to think about the latest things. It's not that I don't want to save the sect master and support the white girl. It's that once Tian Qingge comes alive, the power of the world may not be able to conceal the fraud. Live. If something happens to you, Tianzhou will not attack itself. I am alone and cannot maintain the balance of the One Yuan Rebirth Array. If there is a problem with the One Yuan Rebirth Array, there will also be major problems with the Rebirth Array. ."

Everyone also understood Xuan Zhenghao's current embarrassment.

After everyone left, Xuan Zhenghao sat cross-legged in the crystal wall room.

His brows frowned, and finally he sighed.

After so long, a sense of fatigue developed in his heart.

The huge earth and the huge rivers and lakes, but no one can solve the distress in his heart.

Such a great task now seems to fall on him alone.

"Even though there are thousands of wise tricks, it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice!"

Xuan Zhenghao murmured: "Next, Tian Qingge, you should come here in exchange for the whereabouts of the Heaven Soul Han Dew."

"Heavenly Dao, Chen Yang, Luo Feng..." Xuan Zhenghao continued to read: "Your role should be revealed? Luo Feng, it seems that the life and death of the master will eventually fall on you."

In the chalk world, Fang Xieyang is in the palace away from Beijing.

He studied the thunder particles in part of Chen Ling's body for several days.

The final conclusion is that Thunder Seed and Fire Seed cannot be separated at all.

And the mysterious little dragon mosquito is also missing.

Fang Xieyang began to think that the little dragon mosquito was also a part of Chen Ling's body just like the thunder species. So he gave up.

At the same time, Fang Xianyang found a way to temper these thunder particles.

Fang Xieyang immediately summoned Long Qianjue, Tian Qingge, and Elder Bai Xian came to the palace.

"Because of the existence of thunder and fire seeds in these thunder particles, tempering becomes extremely difficult. Our tempering is usually thunder and fire. But thunder and fire temper him, and it will only make him stronger. Therefore, we must temper him with the strange cold fire."

"The fire of cold underworld?" Tian Qingge was puzzled first, and said, "What kind of fire is this?"

Fang Xieyang said: "This fire is not exactly fire. It is cold in nature, but it is born in the form of fire. But it has the same effect as fire. This kind of fire has no fire attributes, so even Chen Ling, Can’t absorb either."

"But do we have this kind of fire?" Long Qianjue asked.

Fang Xieyang said: "In the Doomsday Cemetery, there is this kind of fire. But you need to look for it carefully! I don't know the exact location. I plan to go there myself!"

Tian Qingge said immediately: "No!"

Fang Xieyang was slightly startled.

Tian Qingge said: "The earth has not been broken in a day, Mr. Fang, your majesty, and the first elders must move forward together as long as they leave the chalk world. Only in this way can they be invincible."

Fang Xieyang said, "Are you still afraid that Xuan Zhenghao will be overcast for me? No one on earth has this ability yet."

Tian Qingge said: "Xuan Zhenghao has infinite possibilities. What's more, there are Chen Yang and Bai Suzhen. Everything is possible, and we have now controlled the good situation. The unnecessary risk is completely unnecessary. "

Fang Xieyang was silent for a while, and then agreed with Tian Qingge's statement.

Long Qianjue said: "Since this is the case, then we will accompany Mr. Fang to the Doomsday Cemetery."

Fang Xieyang said, "I'm afraid it won't be found in a short time."

Tian Qingge said: "Send other people. There is no need to send big people to this kind of thing. Sending small people over will not attract attention."

Long Qianjue's eyes lit up and said, "It makes sense!"

Among the three thousand worlds, Tianzhou!

Envoys from the chalk world entered Tianzhou.

This makes the ministers low and weak, they are ordinary spirits.

This deity is called Hubal.

Huber asked to see Emperor Xuan.

But Xuanhuang avoided seeing him.

As a result, he was received by Prince Xuan Zhiyu on the One Yuan Bridge.

Hubbar presented a gift.

He said: "This gift must be given by Emperor Xuan, if Emperor Xuan is interested, he will send someone to the chalk world to discuss it in detail!"

After speaking, Hubal left.

Xuan Zhiyu did not stop him and let Huber go.

After Huber left, on the Yiyuan Bridge, Xuan Zhiyu stared at the brocade box in his hand.

He was considering whether to open it and take a look, but he was afraid of any conspiracy inside.

At this time, Xuan Zhenghao's voice came and said, "Come here!"

Xuan Zhiyu took his orders and soon came to the crystal wall room.

Xuan Zhiyu did not submit the brocade box, but said: "Father, I am afraid that there is fraud in this brocade box. You can't open it personally. You should find another person to open it, and then open it after making sure that there is no problem."

Xuan Zhenghao laughed and said, "Stupid boy, in this yuan boat, no one can count your father and me. Take it!"

Obviously Xuan Zhenghao still has this confidence.

He grabbed it with one hand, and then grabbed the brocade box in his hand.

Xuan Zhiyu looked at Xuan Zhenghao.

Xuan Zhenghao's expression was complicated, he did not open the brocade box immediately.

Xuan Zhiyu suddenly saw that his father's eyes were red.

"Father, what's the matter with you?" Xuan Zhiyu was shocked.

He has never seen his father so sad!

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