My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 3248: Bronze ring, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Chen Ling pointed out the fire and thunder!

The fire instantly turned into a sky fire, and the fire spread in the air like a flash flood! The frozen clouds in the sky were directly melted, and the rain poured down!

Under Chen Ling's fire, the entire sky turned red.

The fire cloud rolled in the air!

The torrential rain was all incinerated into water vapor before it could fall.

At the same time, Lei kind spread to the entire Guiyuan world.

The sky was covered by fire clouds. From the ground up, all of them are burning with flames, as if they are about to burn a hole in the sky.

In the fire cloud, purple thunder appeared!

Infinite lightning strikes down!

In the world of Guiyuan, both mountains and icy seas were killed by lightning!

Suddenly, the sky thunder rolled, and the fire burned even clouds!

In the world of Guiyuan, a scene of doomsday.

During the previous search, Chen Ling had discovered that there were no living people or creatures in this Guiyuan world. In addition to the existence of some microorganisms in the ice sea.

So at this moment, he doesn't have much scruples.

The ice sea and mountains were smashed by lightning, and the mountains were razed to the ground in an instant.

A huge wave splashed in the ice sea!

The fluctuations in the Guiyuan world are extremely large.

This is just a little trick by Chen Ling.

After a while, Chen Ling stopped continuing to attack. He inhaled the fire and thunder seeds into his body.

That kind of fire can incinerate the sea in an instant, and he shouldn't attack it anymore.

At this time, the iceberg has melted.

The ice on the sea of ​​ice also melted away.

The flash flood really broke out...

The ground of Guiyuan World was quickly covered by ice water...

Only some particularly high mountains can escape this flood...

Seeing the flood rushing down there, Chen Ling stood in the void, and he secretly said: "If there is a master, it should be awakened now."

"Brother Ling, let's go down and continue searching!" An Ruosu said.

Chen Ling nodded.

The two swiftly dived into the flood below, and despite the flood, they were not close to Chen Ling's body.

Chen Ling’s spirit burst, he flashed quickly in the flood, from east to west, from south to north!

Under Chen Ling's unremitting efforts, things finally made progress.

On a snowy mountain to the east, all the snow and ice on the snowy mountain melted.

The avalanche and the flood formed one body and rushed downward.

In that flood, abnormal movements appeared.

During Chen Ling's divine consciousness shooting, he found that there was an energy body in the flood that ignored the washing of the flood.

"Sure enough!" Chen Ling was overjoyed at the moment, but he didn't care too much. He flashed directly and flew towards the energy body.

In the blink of an eye, Chen Ling came to the energy body.

That is a bronze ring!

The bronze ring stood still in the flood.

It is this copper ring that releases energy.

The copper ring is about the same size as a normal ring, but wider. There are quite a few strange runes on the ring.

Chen Ling is going to grab this bronze ring. At the moment when the bronze ring was about to be caught, suddenly, the bronze ring disappeared...

A violent energy appeared instead!

Then, a door of the void appeared in the flood, and a fist mark appeared in the door of the void!

The fist mark was golden, and a fist struck out with lightning and thunder, as if holding a star, then blasted towards Chen Ling's face.

The golden fist mark contained the power of mixing holes, and the sun and the moon revolved in it at that instant.

The majesty of the vast world, the majestic and violent air all rushed out!

"A master above the eighth layer of the creation realm!" Chen Ling felt the power of this punch, and not only was not afraid, but was extremely happy.

He just took a step back, then slashed it with a backhand.

In his palm, the fire and the mixing hole merged to form a flame mixing hole.

With a small palm, the inside seems to be a mixed hole of flames, and the universe is infinite!

The fist stamp blasted in, and immediately burst out countless mixed hole particles, strangling frantically...

Every particle exploded with the explosive power of killing the heavens and the earth, and all the explosive powers exploded together to extinguish the flame-mixed cave universe.

Chen Ling didn't dare to underestimate, he was lucky.

In the flame mixing cave, the original fire and his unstarted mixing cave merged and culled all the way.

Just like a powerful meat grinder, directly incinerating all the explosive particles into ashes.

Just like this, Chen Ling broke the opponent's powerful punch.

Following that, Chen Ling quickly withdrew, holding a fist at the door of the void and said: "Chen Ling, there is no malice in coming here, please come to see you seniors!"

A figure soon appeared in the void gate.

Then, the Void Gate dissipated.

The surrounding flood was blocked by Chen Ling and the figure's mana, and all detoured.

Chen Ling also saw the figure clearly.

That was a teenager!

The young man wore a silver armor, majestic and majestic.

This boy looks only seventeen or eighteen years old.

He looks a lot like humans, but when you look closely, he is different from humans.

The teenager did not wear shoes, but barefoot. He has eight toes on both feet.

The same goes for his hands, with eight fingers on each palm.

His toes and fingers are about twice as long as humans.

At the same time, there are two horns on his head, not long, about one foot.

He has fine golden scales on both cheeks, and his eyes are pure gold.

It seems that humans are not like humans, dragons are not like dragons, and they are not human snakes!

Chen Ling looked at the boy carefully, and found that the boy's finger was already wearing the previous bronze ring.

"Who?" the boy finally said.

He analyzed some information based on Chen Ling's language, and thus also spoke the Chinese language.

Masters of the creation realm can learn all the languages ​​of the universe by listening to them, and can understand the historical information in them.

Because the languages ​​of the world are all self-contained, and they describe various information and history.

As for those that are not recorded, there is no way to verify.

Chen Ling is completely unclear about the origin of the boy in front of him. Although the other party looks younger, his actual age is definitely older than himself.

His cultivation is not below this young man, so he doesn't need to call him senior.

But right now, Chen Ling hopes to win over this master, so naturally he has to lower his posture.

At the moment, Chen Ling clasped his fists again and said: "Under Chen Ling, I have seen seniors!"

When Chen Ling was looking at the boy, the boy was actually looking at Chen Ling.

The young man's brows were slightly furrowed, his spirit was scanning the surroundings, and then he said to Chen Ling: "It's you who disturbed all the climate here?"

Chen Ling nodded and said, "That's right!"

A ray of cold light flashed in the boy's eyes, and he said, "What do you want to do?"

Chen Ling said: "It's a long story, I wonder if Seniors are willing to change the place to talk in detail?"

The young man was silent for a moment, then nodded.

The two soon came to a high mountain.

This is a surviving mountain.

Chen Ling first said: "I believe seniors already know some of the earth."

The boy said: "Yes!"

Chen Ling said: "The earth is our common home, and the earth will be in catastrophe right now. I came here to find a master like the predecessors to fight against foreign thieves."

The boy said: "So you destroy the climate here in order to wake me up?"

Chen Ling said: "Yes!"

The boy said: "How do you know that there is me in this world?"

Chen Ling said: "I don't know what I know, I just found out some clues, so I came to try my luck."

The boy immediately said very vigilantly: "Cue? Where did you give you the cue?"

Chen Ling said: "We have a magic weapon, the magic power can query the earth and the universe."

The young man suddenly realized that, he then said: "You just said the foreign thief, the earth is alive or dead? What foreign thief?"

Chen Ling said: "There is a family of Lingzun..."

He quickly talked about some history on the earth, the imperial celestial ark, and the current desire to extract energy protons from the spirits.

"It's them again!" After the young man heard about Lingzun, a strong hate flashed in his eyes suddenly.

When Chen Ling observed his words and looks, he knew that this young man had been in contact with Lingzun very early, and he also had hatred. He couldn't help being overjoyed, this is definitely a blessing for the earth and mankind!

Chen Ling said: "Senior, I just caused too much noise here. Maybe Lingzun will be killed soon. Can you go with you to the Heaven Continent among the three thousand worlds?"

The young man glanced at Chen Ling coldly and said, "Your words may not be credible. I am leaving now, but I am definitely not going to some heaven with you. Do you want to stop it?"

Chen Ling was disappointed.

Of course, he also understands that it is understandable for the other party not to follow him.

After all, I just met and there is no basis for trust.

But how could Chen Ling let the other party leave like this?

"It seems that the seniors and the Lingzun family seem to have grievances?" Chen Ling said, "Could it be that seniors came from 60 million years ago?"

The teenager obviously knows the current situation of the earth and also knows a lot of history. He glanced at Chen Ling and said, "You don't have to waste your time, I won't tell you anything."

Chen Ling said: "Since there is hatred with Lingzun, Seniors have only one way to cooperate with us."

"Are you threatening me?" The boy's eyes were full of coldness.

Chen Ling was neither overbearing nor overbearing, and said: "It is not a threat, but a statement of facts. The strength of the Spirit Venerable is not trivial. If we had no alternative, we would not look for rescuers everywhere like this. The strength of the older generation alone is definitely not the opponent of the Spirit Venerable. I am. I just don’t want us and seniors to be irretrievable!"

The young man snorted coldly and said, "My business, don't bother you."

After he finished speaking, he wanted to leave.

Chen Ling suddenly felt a headache, and finally found such a master, yet so unwilling to cooperate.

Do you want to let the other party slip under your eyelids?

"Hold on!" Chen Ling shouted in an emergency.

The young man became angry, and his eyes flashed killing intent, and said: "You really have no good intentions, I want to go, can you stop it?"

After he said that his figure flashed, he wanted to cut through the void and leave directly.

Seeing that he had reached this point, Chen Ling decided to take the opponent first.

As for the rest of the matter, let's talk about it when we bring it back to Tianzhou.

When the opponent was about to open the door of the void, Chen Ling displayed the big handprint of the sky demon from behind.

The palm of his hand was shot out, and a handprint like a celestial demon claws was immediately caught in the void, and he took it towards the young man's back.

The young man snorted again and patted it with a palm of his backhand.


The big handprint of the sky demon was directly crushed by the opponent's tyrannical force...

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