My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 3245: A drop of water, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Yulantai is very old and gray-haired.

Her eyes are like magic eyes!

Yulantai's silver hair was all erected suddenly, like thousands of silver swords!

The silver hair suddenly separated, and Yulantai's head became bald.

Those silver hairs suddenly soared in the air, like ten thousand silver ferocious dragons.

Each dragon is ten feet thick and a thousand feet long.

These silver dragons surrounded Suzhen in black up and down, and then spewed frost into each other's mouths!

Among the silver dragons, the head of the dragon seemed to have accepted all the frost and cold power, the giant appeared, and then spewed a majestic and terrifying sword of frost and cold toward Suzhen in black!

Strong sword power, like a flash flood!

Wherever he goes, all laws, time, and space are all shattered.

Suzhen in black is a well-informed person, and immediately felt that Yulantai's hair was extremely difficult.

Each strand of hair is an incredible magic weapon, absorbing the cold essence of this sea hidden world!

Now, ten thousand strands of hair have been absorbed by Yulantai with great power!

All the laws of time and space are crushed into smashes when they are displayed.

This made Suzhen Black want to run the mana in the space, and the power is also impossible.

In other words, at this moment, Suzhen Black can only use the mana she has stored.

When the cold ice sword power came with the force of thunderbolt, Suzhen Black quickly broke away from the flesh, letting the flesh hide in the deepest thoughts.

Afterwards, Suzhen in black took the photo with heart, not evasive!


Suzhen in black was hit by the ice sword.

But at this moment, Suzhen in black turned into thunder.

That cold ice sword force intends to pass through the black-clothed Suzhen's thunder water body, and then tore the black-clothed Suzhen's body apart, leaving it torn apart!

But at this moment, Suzhen in black screamed, boom!

That thunder water turned into a terrifying and majestic thunder, with the center as the dot, burst out the power of the stars and thunder!

Thunder and lightning instantly rushed like ten thousand rivers, directly infiltrating the depths of the ice.


After that, all the ice burst and turned into countless pieces of ice.

Black Suzhen's eyes froze, and she returned to her original shape. With a flick of her sleeve, all the ice fragments immediately wrapped in purple thunder.

Afterwards, the ice fragments shot towards Yulantai like a violent sky.

Yulantai stood still, but did not blink or dodge.

It's just that when the thunder and smashed ice shot in front of her, her figure began to be ethereal, like a moon in the water, like a flower in a mirror. All the Thunder shot out!

After that, Yulantai's figure returned to normal, and she couldn't help but glance at Hei Suzhen, and said: "You are really extraordinary, but in this place, you can't beat the deity."

Suzhen in black hummed coldly and said, "Really?"

Suddenly she displayed the Nine Dragons Agarwood.

In the Nine Dragons Aloes, there is the power of the sage of Yuanshi Tianzun. The nine dragons came alive in an instant under the perfusion of thunder, and the dragons soared and became extremely strong.

They penetrated the darkness, penetrated the space, and quickly surrounded the Yulantai all the way up and down!

"You also taste the power of my thunder!" Black Suzhen shouted.

Nine dragons, each with supernatural power and ability.

But Suzhen in black poured the power of thunder into the thunder pond in the agarwood.

The nine dragons themselves are infinitely powerful, with profound mana, and with the mana blessing of Suzhen in black, they are even more fierce!

At the same time, they spit out all kinds of thunder power towards the Yulantai.

"Great Chaos Thunder!"

"Spherical Thunder!"

"Infinite lightning!"

"Heaven and Thunder are one!"

There are countless kinds of thunder and lightning, such as strength and wear strength, drilling strength, pushing strength and so on!

In the thunder and lightning, the Great Chaos Thunder is a great thunder force formed by infinite chaos, which can cut through the world and split the chaos!

The spherical thunder can be shot in the air. For example, if two people stand back and forth, the spherical thunder in the front will be unscathed, and the one behind will become coke!

Sky Thunder is the Thunder of Heaven!

Hei Suzhen gathered the nine most powerful thunders and sent them together.

She couldn't do this if she didn't use magical weapons!


Nine kinds of thunder, like the return of thousands of rivers, all blasted to Yulantai.

Yulantai didn't dodge, but was bombarded and smashed.

Hei Yi Suzhen saw this, but she didn't feel happy at all, but felt a bad feeling.

Sure enough, after the thunderbolt, Yulantai appeared on the spot.

Yulantai said indifferently: "The deity has merged with this sacred land of Lantai, and the sea of ​​the sea outside is also the deity's horse-riding field. All your attacks can be resolved by the deity into the sea.

She paused and said, "So, no one can come to **** the Heavenly Soul Hanlu. No one can come to deal with Lantai Holy Land!"

Suzhen in black felt the trouble, she glanced around and said, "You do have some abilities, but you are just a frog at the bottom of the well. I can't deal with you, it doesn't mean that those spirits can't deal with you either!"

Yulantai smiled and said, "Why, now admit that you can't do it?"

Black Suzhen said: "I admit, I can't kill you today. Humph, but you can't help me."

The smile on Yulantai's face disappeared, and a sharp color flashed in his eyes, and said: "Young man, the frog at the bottom of the well is not the deity, but you. You haven't seen the deity's power yet. Now, let you taste the water of the four seas. Suppression!"

After she finished speaking, her soul disappeared.

Hei Yi Suzhen was also quite annoyed, originally taking the Heaven Soul Cold Dew was a must, and thought it was easy. They knew that they met such an old monster here!

This earth is just like this, when you are really doing things, you can hardly find any masters who suddenly appeared.

But when one's own people started to do things, the masters of the earth who obstructed them were endless.

So capable, when Lingzun came to fight the earth, you did it!

Hei Yi Suzhen knew in her heart that the cultivation of Yulantai was extremely high, and it had been integrated with the Holy Land of Lantai. It is almost impossible to defeat or kill it.

Judging from the fact that she drew Jiulong Chen Xiangnian to attack and kill with all his strength, she knew that Yulantai could use the power of the four seas to divert all her attacks away.

It won't work if you continue to fight like this!

Hei Suzhen gave birth to a word of retreat in her heart.

She wanted to leave, her figure flickered, and the laws of space around her quickly surged wildly, suppressing her.

Hei Suzhen stepped out a few steps, and the law of space was broken.

But at this moment, in the void, a drop of crystal water suddenly fell.

That drop of crystal water is very strange.

It does not drop fast, but Suzhen Black's figure is as fast as lightning, and even light can't catch Suzhen Black.

But when it was dripping slowly, no matter how Suzhen Black moved, the drop of water was on top of her head and was dripping over.

Suzhen in black was taken aback, her eyes flashed with cold light again, and then a large Chaos Thunder Sword was cut out!

The Nine Dragons Aloes has been put away by her.

The nine dragons have also returned!

The Great Chaos Thunder Sword slashed out, and saw a flash of cold light, and the sky was filled with darkness by bright light for a moment, and then returned to absolute darkness again!

The drop of water was struck by the thunder sword, but it was not damaged at all and continued to drip!

Hei Yi Suzhen already knew that it was not good, so she sacrificed another magic weapon, the City of Heavenly Thunder. She urged the city of heavenly thunder, and in the city of thunder that day, thunder cannons appeared, emitting infinite thunder light, and finally beheaded away!


The drop of water passed through the fierce and majestic thunder, and dripped onto the city of Thunder.

Immediately, Suzhen in black felt her figure sinking, and a force of extinction was overwhelming. It's like the weight of countless planets is condensed together.

That day Thunder City simply couldn't bear such a weight...

That drop of water pierced the City of Thunder!

The internal structure of the city of Thunder was completely destroyed in an instant, and the thunder power and space power in it were all messed up and frantically.

Even Suzhen in black can't suppress it.

The City of Sky Thunder shattered directly and burst open.

The spirit screamed in pain, but Suzhen Black was also unable to save her.

Na Qi Ling and Hei Suzhen also had feelings, and Hei Suzhen couldn't help being furious.

"Yulantai, you are looking for death!" Hei Yi Suzhen shouted angrily.

"You are the one looking for death!" Yulantai's old and indifferent voice came from above, like a god.

The drop of water dripped towards the top of Suzhen in black.

Suzhen in black had already regretted using the City of Thunder, and now she knew that even the Nine Dragons Aloes could not stop this drop of water.

Then, Suzhen Black urged the dark spar, mobilizing the surging power of darkness to drown the water droplets!

But the water drop was unobstructed and passed through the darkness again.

Suzhen in black took the dark spar, she reached out her palm and caught the drop of water!

The moment he caught it, Suzhen in black condensed all the power of the nine layers of thunder in his palm.

The stars rotate and everything roars!

The drop of water is like tens of thousands of planets condensed at one point, but when Suzhen Black's thunder is blasted away with unpredictable power, the drop of water is like thousands of planets all turned into sea water!

Soak up the thunder with sea water!

It is the nemesis of Suzhen in black. At the same time, Suzhen Black couldn't bear the weight of the drop, and she couldn't even bounce it away.

She wanted to cut off her arm, but when she thought about it, she couldn't.

Because even if the arm is cut off, the drop of water still exists.

Then, this drop of water will attack again.

This drop of water will gradually decompose all of his body.

At that time, there is a dead end!

Hei Yi Suzhen's thoughts turn, although her personality is impulsive and willful, she is definitely not stupid. Abandoning his arm now, there is no way to leave this cave.

So, never break your arms to survive!

Suzhen in black held the drop of water, and the drop of water forced her body.

Suzhen in black fell down, and she simply let her fall to see where she would fall.

At the same time, Black Suzhen dissolves the power of space.

She broke through all the vain spaces.

"Huh, do you want to find the real cave with the help of the deity's water drops, and then leave here?" That Yulantai could not help admiring Suzhen's cleverness.

She saw Suzhen's intentions. "Let you come, you can't go!" Yulantai's primordial spirit suddenly appeared below Suzhen in black.

Afterwards, Yulantai made another move...

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