My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 3242: Kaizo, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Then what if Chen Feixuan directly cut off Chen Yang's last path?"

Suzhen in black could not help but be stunned.

In fact, no matter what you do, there are risks.

Seeing that Suzhen in black did not speak, Xuan Zhenghao said: "Let Chen Feixuan go in, but it increases the risk. She and Yuan Shenzhu are integrated, we can refine her soul, but we may not be able to refine her consciousness. If Chen Yang is in his heyday, he will naturally not be afraid. But now Chen Yang is in this ghost state, you also know."

Suzhen in black can only give up.

Chen Feixuan breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that Suzhen's murderous intent had faded.

She knew that she was finally born under the knife.

Chen Feixuan glanced at Suzhen in black, then at Xuan Zhenghao, and then said, "I want to leave here."

Xuan Zhenghao said indifferently: "If you go out now, you will die. At least I will not take the initiative to swallow you. After going out, no one will take you well."

"But is there a difference?" Chen Feixuan said: "When the critical time comes, you will still sacrifice me without hesitation."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Of course there is a difference! Ordinary people are born, old, sick, and die, knowing that they will eventually die, but they still have to live wonderfully. You are with me, you may die, but at least not now. You cherish life so much, of course you should You understand that it is better to die than to live, right?"

He paused and said, "In fact, you should ask God to worship the Buddha and hope that Chen Yang will survive. Only if he is alive can no one dare to move you."

Of course, Feixuan Chen understood this at the moment!

Chen Yang is alive, she has confidence.

Chen Yang is no longer here, she is a child without a mother in this place, as long as they are willing, they can come and squeeze her life.

Chen Feixuan was eventually released by Xuan Zhenghao.

After Chen Feixuan left, Xuan Zhenghao said to Suzhen in black, "Miss Bai, I have something to discuss with you solemnly right now."

Suzhen in black sat cross-legged across from Xuan Zhenghao, and said, "Go ahead!"

Xuan Zhenghao said, "No one understands Chen Yang's current situation. But I still hold hope...He is motionless here. But I can't stay still...I don't know if you still want to run for the earth? "

Suzhen in black fell silent.

She did not answer Xuan Zhenghao immediately.

After a long time, she said: "If there is anything I need to do, please tell me."

She was thinking in her heart that Chen Yang would definitely wake up.

He cares about this earth.

How should I guard him for him?

As soon as she thought of this, she agreed.

Xuan Zhenghao finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Suzhen's statement of permission.

After that, he said: "The spirits were seriously injured. They want to recover, and it will take at least five to ten years. If they want to recover quickly, then they need a mysterious thing on earth, the Heaven Soul. Hanlu. Now I need you to get back those Celestial Soul Hanlu that can take back, and destroy those that can't be taken."

Black Suzhen nodded and said, "Okay, where is it?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "The location is in the zang world, and the zang world is full of the sea, boundless. The space changes inside are hard to feel in it. The zang world is very mysterious, and It's hidden very deeply. I was recently injured because of those spirits, and then I was also helping them to find a way to solve the problem and noticed the sea hidden world."

Suzhen in black said: "The space changes drastically, then how do I look for the so-called Heavenly Soul Cold Dew in it?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Vaguely in the southeast, Po Hanlu was a great thing that day. I'm afraid there are some experts around you who are guarding it. If you can subdue it in the past, you will bring the guardian back together. We are just Need help."

Hei Suzhen said, "Will the Heavenly Soul Cold Dew help Chen Yang?"

Xuan Zhenghao said, "I'm afraid not."

Suzhen Black was not disappointed, this was expected. She went on to say, "Well, the last question, what are the characteristics of Tianpo Hanlu?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "It's extremely cold, crystal clear, and contains huge amounts of pure nutrition and energy."

Black Suzhen said, "Okay!"

After that, Suzhen Hei set off directly.

Right now Xuan Zhenghao did not dare to send someone out at will.

Only Chen Ling, the immortal sect master, Suzhen in black, and those lucky destiny can assign.

As for Zhang Daoling, the two masters of Tianfei wanted to guard the house.

Moreover, Xuan Zhenghao continued to place the Phantom beside the Ksitigarbha King.

He must always pay attention to the situation on the side of the Ksitigarbha.

Right now, if the other party kills the Ksitigarbha King on a large scale, this is also something Xuan Zhenghao is relatively unsolvable.

He hoped that the Ksitigarbha King would come, but Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva was afraid of damage to the demons of hell.

Too much shortage and shortage of manpower, this is Xuan Zhenghao's current problem.

In the chalk world, Tian Qingge is still recovering from his injuries. But according to the normal process, this injury cannot be recovered in a short time.

Tianqingge is receiving various materials.

He is emphatically studying the three thousand worlds, and he allows his masters to explore all the worlds.

In that attic, Long Qianjue and Elder Bai Xian accompanied Tian Qingge.

"At the moment, if we send more masters to kill the Ksitigarbha King, we are pretty sure." Elder Bai Xian said first.

Tian Qingge said: "This matter is not in a hurry. At the moment, his subordinates need to find the Heaven Soul Hanlu as soon as possible. If you rush to find the Ksitigarbha, I'm afraid it will cause Xuan Zhenghao to send a large number of masters. Plus the Ksitigarbha's beliefs. With the strength, we will be more difficult to fight. Once we have all found the Heavenly Soul Hanlu, it will be easy to fight the Ksitigarbha."

Long Qianjue said: "Shoot the Ksitigarbha King first, and grab the Ksitigarbha King. You can also force the whereabouts of the Heaven Soul Hanlu.

Tian Qingge said: "Your Majesty, your subordinates have explained before that grasping the Tibetan King will trigger a large-scale war. But for now, it is best for us to restore our strength first!"

Long Qianjue smiled and said, "Okay, it's up to you!"

When they discuss things, they speak freely.

Tian Qingge then said: "According to some clues, there are strong people in the Guiyuan world who have broken in, and have not yet come out. Subordinates speculate that Xuan Zhenghao sent people in the past. Now, we are sending people to go back. The meta world inquires the truth. Once it is found out, immediately make a plan to kill! In addition, there are some clues in this world without me, the borderline world, and the unexplored world. All of them first send small troops to investigate and find out. After that, immediately arrange the hunting action."

Long Qianjue and Elder Baixian naturally had no objection to Tian Qingge's arrangement, and they immediately agreed, saying: "Okay, all masters, you will dispatch them!"

Black Suzhen quickly entered the blue ocean of magnetism.

Some simple worlds can directly open the door of the void.

Some need to find the portal.

For example, when Tianzhou and Daqian World were not completely closed before, they had to rely on teleportation gates.

Tianzhou and Haizang World are very far together, and there is no teleportation gate between the two, so Suzhen in black has to go to the blue ocean of magnetism to find Haizang World.

In that blue ocean of magnetism, three thousand worlds are like three thousand crystal **** floating in the ocean.

Blue Yuanmagnet connects three thousand worlds!

If someone wants to destroy the world in it from the blue ocean of magnetism, then they will face backlash from three thousand worlds!

The Blue Magneto Ocean is integrated with the Three Thousand Worlds, connecting these worlds to flesh and blood!

Even the saints did not dare to do such a rebellious thing.

There are only two ways to destroy the three thousand worlds!

One is to destroy the Great Thousand World from the outside, and the Great Thousand World is damaged together with the three thousand worlds.

The second is to let the poison of Hell Hydra destroy the blue ocean of magnetism.

The idle poison of the Hell Hydra can't do it on its own. It still needs extremely difficult tempering and enough poison.

Hei Suzhen is speeding up her search in the blue ocean of magnetism, and she cannot stay here for long.

The rules are suppressing her!

The blue magneto ocean always rolls like a sea wave, and the rolling force is released by the three thousand worlds.

Juli is always crushing over!

Hei Suzhen moved her body quickly, she searched for a long time, and finally found the legendary sea hidden world in the dazzling array of crystal balls.

The sea hidden world appeared in front of her, and she didn't think too much, and immediately rushed into it.

There are no barriers and barriers in the sea-zang world, even so, it is not easy to enter.

Because the ocean is filled with mist and the power of space is unpredictable, after entering, you will lose yourself in the space if you are not careful.

A master who is not in the creation realm, must not enter this sea hidden world!

No matter what, Suzhen in black has easily entered the oceanic world.

There was just a flash in front of him, and then he penetrated a door.

After entering the door, Suzhen in black could see that the surrounding area was filled with mist.

It was like a sky shrouded in dense fog, which made people breathless.

Such a world is simply desperate.

Suzhen Black felt it was difficult to breathe all around.

Here, there is no sunlight, no light, darkness and dense fog coexist.

"The **** world, what is the purpose of existence?" Hei Suzhen didn't bother to pay attention to the mess, she walked in the air, and her spiritual thoughts quickly shot in all directions.

In the blink of an eye, lightning flashed.

Sky, underground, all shuttle!

After half an hour, Suzhen Hei had a preliminary understanding of the world.

The mist merged with the clouds, and the sun could not illuminate this place.

Below, there is not a trace of land, all is the vast ocean.

In the sea, there are a lot of marine life.

Moreover, there are many huge marine creatures.

In other worlds, they are just small carps, but here, they all seem to have mutated into large monsters.

Hei Yi Suzhen also felt the barrier change in the depths of the sea, showing that there is a sect of cultivation in this underwater world.

It's just that it is extremely hidden!

Hei Suzhen's cultivation level can only be swept away.

If it were replaced by Chen Yang, it would be difficult to detect.

Black-clothed Suzhen's goal is Heavenly Soul Hanlu, so she didn't care about anything else, but flew directly into the sea.

At this moment, she was dressed in tight black clothes, her figure was exquisite and graceful, and her heroic spirit was hidden in her coldness.

The beautiful face seemed to contain frost!

She quickly entered the deep sea 10,000 meters, and was heading southeast!

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