My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 3233: strong force, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Although Chen Yang and Lingzun both performed some tricks to make each other sick. However, there was no problem with the exchange in general.

Ya Zhenyuan also returned smoothly.

Tianfei inspected Ya Zhenyuan personally, but she was also afraid of something wrong with her body.

Everything is in place.

After this battle, Tianzhou's strength has also greatly increased.

Those enslaved human beings, sacred beasts, beasts, etc., after this experience, they hated that spirit. All unconditionally joined the resistance team.

On Xuan Zhenghao's side, Chen Ling expressed a warm welcome.

Xuan Zhenghao was hiding in the dark, never revealing his true face.

This is also because Xuan Zhenghao's blood has not recovered right now, and he is afraid that these people who have been rescued will hide the spirits undercover, thus exposing some things that should not be exposed.

After Ya Zhenyuan came back, they got together with Ya Luo.

When Chen Yang saw the mother and daughter together and wept with joy, he felt that everything was worth it.

Chen Yang has more things to do here, and they have to count the manpower.

All the masters in Yuqingmen returned to their positions.

Qiankun, Duo Lai, Ouyang Passionate, Elder Wuyun, Elder Damo and Daxiang Elder, Long Zun, Zhaoling Elder.

Among them, Qian Kun, Duo Lai, Ouyang Passionate, Elder Wuyun, and Elder Damo have not yet reached the creation realm.

The old man of Daxiang, the old man of Zhaoling, and the old man of Long Zun have to enter the one-yuan rebirth formation.

On the Western King Realm side, Hades, the Hades, has left the chalk world early, so he has not returned. After that, Hades will return to the chalk world.

Hades also brought a number of men.

But whether it was Xuan Zhenghao or the chalk world, he didn't care too much about Hades.

The goddess of wisdom, Athena, Neptune, Vulcan, and so on, also all returned.

Although these people are good at cultivation, Athena has also reached the first level of creation.

Fortunately, those gods and some of their subordinates have returned, and there is no small advantage in such a formation.

Both Xuan Zhenghao and Chen Yang are good at deploying formations.

On the death world, there is a triple master of creation, called Chong Jiu Ming!

Chong Jiu Ming is the spirit king of the death world, and now he has returned with all 10,000 monks in the death world.

There is no shortage of celestial masters among his subordinates.

As for the Doomsday Cemetery, the cultivation base of the Vermillion Bird Beast Li Wuji also reached the Second Layer of Creation Realm.

His masters, there are many monsters, and all the beasts have returned.

It's just that these masters are all poor now, and all the resources have been plundered by the spirits.

Chen Yang didn't think about this problem, but they also knew that it would be unrealistic to go to Lingzun to get those resources and medicine back. Fortunately, on Chen Yang's side, there is no shortage of pills.

Many humans came back with empty hands.

Xuan Zhenghao has a wealth of treasures here, and there are a lot of medicines, and soon he will release medicines and magical instruments, making everyone desperate.

In addition, Xuan Zhenghao didn't care about his injuries, so he set up a formation with Chen Yang, Chen Ling, Zhang Daoling, and Tianfei.

The formation is very simple, everything is still in cooperation with the One Yuan Zhou and Tongtian Qiankun.

The endless array will become even more powerful.

Xuan Zhenghao briefly mentioned the expansion of the endless array, and Chen Yang understood the main points.

Later, Zhang Daoling also reminded: "With the endless array and the many masters, the safety factor of the whole Tianzhou is even higher. But a bigger problem still exists, that is, it is estimated that these masters have the undercover of the spirits. , Then there will be some chaos."

Chen Yang said: "We will take precautions against this. At that time, we still have to deploy some trusted masters in the formation. Moreover, in the formation, we will also make partitions and place trustworthy people on an important level. If something goes wrong, solve it immediately."

Zhang Daoling smiled slightly and said, "It seems that I am too worried, and everyone has considered it very well."

The big formation took three days and it was almost perfect.

The gods returned in time.

Tongtianqiankun once again became indestructible.

The safety of Tianzhou is completely guaranteed.

From the previous fluke mentality, I was always worried about the Ling Zun coming to commit the crime, and now, I can almost be sure that the Ling Zun dare not come to attack Tianzhou.

This process is completed in the spring breeze and drizzle, moistening things silently.

In this regard, Xuan Zhenghao is not too optimistic.

He had a high-level meeting.

This high-level meeting was limited to Chen Yang, Suzhen in black, and Zhang Daoling, Tianfei, Chen Ling, and Dixuan.

Xuan Zhenghao told Chen Yang that he couldn't trust Ya Zhenyuan 100% now. It wasn't that she didn't trust her, but she was afraid that Lingzun had any tricks left on her without her own knowledge.

In that crystal wall room, Xuan Zhenghao's complexion had improved a lot.

Chen Yang first expressed another concern: "My eldest brother Luo Feng has not yet returned. I don't know what he has done?"

Xuan Zhenghao said, "I don't worry about this. He didn't come back. For us, it may be a good thing."

"Oh?" Chen Yang was puzzled, and asked: "Why do you see it?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Luo Feng has the blood of the first god. This blood is very wonderful. He can completely possess a spirit, and then occupy its body, mutate, and finally he will become that spirit, almost exactly the same. It's hard to tell. If Luo Feng hasn't come back yet, I guess he has already arrived at the Lingzun's side and has successfully sneaked in. Otherwise, he should have come back."

Chen Yang knew the eldest brother's ability, so he felt relieved after hearing this.

Xuan Zhenghao continued to speak, and said, "Get back to the subject, the safety of Tianzhou is not a big problem now. In addition, we have enough pills and can afford it. But is our purpose to protect Tianzhou? Obviously not! After the energy protons are taken away, what can we do? When the Spirit Venerable is ready to attack the barriers of the great world, what can we do? This formation is strong to defend and attack? I think it is still not good. "

There is no doubt that Xuanhuang's words hit the nail on the head.

Xuan Zhenghao continued: "So next, we have two things to do. The first thing is my business. I want to continue to condense the formation, let the power of Tianzhou merge with the formation, and make these cultivation bases low. After fusion of the formations, the masters can also go to attack the enemy. This is what I must do. In addition, I also need magical weapons. Powerful magical weapons, such as the Wanli Qiankun Kettle, can defeat all the masters. All of them are carried. Before, Tongtianqiankun was able to play against Wanliqiankun. The principle should be clear to everyone! Therefore, Tongtianqiankun could not meet this condition."

The Tiankun Net was originally covered on the earth, and then it has been under attack.

Naturally, the combination of Tiankun Qiankun and the One Yuanzhizhou formation can also counter the opponent.

But right now, the Tiankun net is covering the sky above the continent.

In other words, is still within the scope of Tianzhou.

One yuan boat and Tianzhou are inseparable.

Therefore, it is impossible for the energies of Tongtian Qiankun Net and the One Yuan Zhou to attack the Lingzun.

Even if this energy can penetrate the worlds, it will bring disasters to the worlds and destroy the integrity of the three thousand worlds. needs to cover it first, and then establish contact after covering one thing.

If Lingzun runs outside the earth, the Tiankun net can directly cover the earth.

But right now, the spirit deity is still inside the earth.

Cover the Tianzhou, and then establish a passage between the Tongtian Qiankun Net and the One Yuan Zhou to fight the Lingzun.

Whether Lingzun is in chalk or attacking the barriers of the great world...

At this time, energy has to travel through the worlds, the barriers of the worlds are unbearable, and major problems may also occur.

The spirits can actually enter the blue magnetic ocean and see the three thousand worlds.

They did not dare to destroy the three thousand worlds in the blue magnetic ocean, because the energy in the blue magnetic ocean and the energy of the three thousand worlds combined together would destroy the world. If they ruined it rudely, I'm afraid they and the whole soul will die without a place to bury them.

No one dared to try this brutal method.

The spirits only want to break the rules of the Great Thousand Worlds, and let the three thousand worlds collapse from the outside to the inside, and there will be chaos, so they can take advantage of it!

Black Suzhen still didn't care about Chen Yang, but she had been very few words, so everyone did not notice the difference between her and Chen Yang.

At this time, Suzhen Hei gave a suggestion, saying: "Can you uproot the entire Dakang imperial city and cover it with a net of heaven and earth. In this way, you can make a super magic weapon and go to attack the enemy?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Miss Bai, your suggestion is very imaginative. In fact, I have thought about it the same way. But doing so, there is a problem!"

"What's the problem?" Hei Suzhen asked back.

Chen Yang said in place of Xuan Zhenghao: "The energy is too large, and the Universe Universe Network cannot shrink the One Yuan Zhou and Dakang Imperial City. If it can't shrink, it cannot penetrate the barrier of Tianzhou."

Zhang Daoling said, "What about the claws of the first dragon, the poor way?"

He contributed his own magic weapon.

Tianfei also contributed a Hunyuan mirror.

Chen Yang sacrificed Qingsi.

Seeing this, Suzhen in black also took out the City of Thunder and the Nine Dragon Agarwood.

Chen Ling didn't have any magic weapon, so he couldn't produce anything.

Emperor Xuan is the compass of death, but it has already been dedicated.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Okay, I will study your magical tools one by one, including the jade that Chen Yang and Miss Bai brought back from Guixu, which are also very useful. The biggest problem at the moment is that it is difficult to carry out the Dakang Imperial City and the One Yuan Zhou. Space is shrinking, so it is difficult to travel through the barriers of the world!"

"I'm afraid that even if you find a magical tool like the Wanli Qiankun Pot, you will not be able to perform this level of miniaturization." Chen Ling said.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "The Wanli Qiankun Pot can be done, and it can also be done with the pictures of the mountains and rivers. It is a pity that the pictures of the mountains and rivers have been destroyed."

Chen Yang said: "I believe Lingzun also wants to find magical instruments such as Wanli Qiankun Pot, because they also need to bring all the spiritual people."

Chen Ling groaned: "But they are much simpler, because they don't need to shrink the entire imperial city and the huge magical instruments like the One Yuan Zhou."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Everything, everything is up to you!"

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