My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 3219: Siege, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Afterwards, Luo Feng and others met the newly-accepted disciples of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva to overcome difficulties.

At that time, it was all red hair, and sharp nails appeared among his claws. He is one foot tall, with green eyes and a big head.

It is somewhat similar to the spirit statue, but more ugly than the spirit statue.

This difficulty, at first glance, is a terrible monster. But at this time, there was a sense of tranquility and peace in him.

In the other stone room, he was sitting cross-legged. But after seeing the Ksitigarbha King bringing Luo Feng and others in, he got up, folded his hands together, and shouted, "Master!"

Ksitigarbha King nodded slightly, and said, "These are friends who are teachers, Luo Feng, Ya Zhenyuan, Wang Zhan!"

Du Nan met Luo Feng and others one by one.

Luo Feng and others also responded, and at the same time, Luo Feng said it was difficult to measure. He did not shy away from it and said to the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva: "No matter what, Bodhisattva, the younger generation in this time of difficulty will be brought back to heaven. If he is placed here, many things will happen, and it may also affect you."

Du Nan looked at Luo Feng with a slight astonishment, and said, "Why does the donor say this?"

Luo Feng said: "Because there is a powerful force looking for the demon seeds, once you fall into their hands, they will force you to become a demon **** and do things for them." He paused and said to the king of Ksitigarbha: "Bodhisattva , Please trust the junior. Even when we enter Tianzhou, we will also protect against difficulties and will not harm him."

Ksitigarbha King is not a pedantic person. He nodded and said, "If it is difficult, you can go with Luo Feng donor."

Reluctantly, Dunan said, "The disciple still wants to continue following you, Master."

The Ksitigarbha King smiled slightly and said: "As long as you have compassion in your heart, no matter how far away the master is from you, your heart will be within easy reach."

Luo Feng said: "Bodhisattva, when the earth is in danger, won't you go with the younger generation?"

The Ksitigarbha King said: "Poor monks should not stand by and watch the survival of the earth. There are hundreds of millions of monsters here, and they need to chant the scriptures daily to bring them peace. I want to use the skills of poor monks, I can't help you too much. And here, the poor monk is even more needed, and the little benefactor is also asked to express the poor monk's apologies to Xuanhuang."

Luo Feng respected the Ksitigarbha King very much in his heart, and he immediately said, "The younger generation understands that Bodhisattva, just stay here, the younger generation will explain to Emperor Xuan."

The Ksitigarbha King said: "Amitabha!"

Luo Feng then clasped his fists and said, "The younger generation expects that Lingzun and his party will come after him at any time, so I don't want to bother any more, so I just leave!"

Upon seeing this, Ya Zhenyuan and Wang Zhan clasped their fists together.

The Ksitigarbha King did not try to stay, but said: "The poor monk will pray for the earth here." After he said that, he said to Du Nan: "You go here and keep your heart."

With tears in his eyes, Du Nan bowed deeply to the Ksitigarbha King, and then said: "The disciple, remember the master's teaching!"

This is difficult. He has mana, but his level is not too high. It's just around the virtual fairyland...

Obviously, he hadn't swallowed enough demons, so he couldn't count as a threat at all.

Luo Feng let Du Nan also enter his ring Sumi.

After doing this, Luo Feng and the three left Donglai Mountain, and they were going to find the third demon seed.

As soon as they flew away from Donglai Mountain, Luo Feng noticed something was wrong over the dense fog.

Then, a sense of crisis came in an instant, fierce to the extreme.

Both Na Ya Zhenyuan and Wang Zhan were taken aback.

In the next second, a substantive law descended from the sky, like a thunder rolling, instantly covering the entire radius.

Luo Feng's face became gloomy.

Ya Zhenyuan and Wang Zhan were shocked.

They knew in their hearts that it was Elder Baixian and other Ling Zun who came, but they didn't expect that they came so fast.

The laws and realms around that were shrouded in the law of infinite chaos.

Luo Feng's cultivation base only created the seventh layer, and he understood the power of Nirvana, but for a while, he couldn't break through the realm of Baixian.

The moment Luo Feng descended in that realm, he said to Ya Zhenyuan and Wang Zhan: "Come in to my ring Sumiri!"

He took it with his hands and captured Ya Zhenyuan and Wang Zhan.

Ya Zhenyuan originally wanted to fight side by side with Luo Feng, but he didn't expect Luo Feng to give her a chance at all.

Yazhenyuan's cultivation base is the fourth level of the creation realm, but she has not made any announcements, so in Yuqingmen, many people think that she is only the third level.

"Luo Feng, I can help you!" Ya Zhenyuan said to Luo Feng in Jie Xumi.

Luo Feng said in a deep voice, "No, once this domain splits, you will fall into other dimensions. You will be caught by Bai Xian only in a moment. My third brother asked me to take care of you, and I will never let you Something."

Ya Zhenyuan said, "But, how can you resist it?"

Luo Feng sneered and said, "He wants to kill me, it's not that easy."

While speaking, the surrounding situation changed, and the law domain that was originally rich as colorful light suddenly became clear.

A door appeared in the middle, and Elder Bai Xian walked out first.

Following along were City Lord Fufeng, Ethan, Andri, and the four demon kings!

Except for Andri, and Dom Demon King, all the others are masters of creation.

Bai Xian, the nine peaks of the creation realm!

Fufeng, Five Layers of Creation Realm!

Among the four great demon emperors, the mixed world demon emperor has the double creation realm.

The Green Wood Demon Emperor, the evil Demon Emperor has the first level of creation!

Andri and the Demon King of Dom are in heaven.

Luo Feng looked at Baixian and his group, his eyes cold.

When Bai came first, he stared at Luo Feng.

After a long while, Elder Bai Xian laughed and said: "It is worthy of being a man of destiny, and his courage is really not comparable to those of Yuqingmen. Under such a desperate situation, the old man did not see the slightest in your eyes. Fear and withdrawal."

Luo Feng smiled coldly and said, "If you can kill me, I will thank you very much."

His words came from the heart and soul.

He is hard to die, the eternal body is in the body, and it is hard to die if he wants to.

Moreover, he will not deliberately ask for death, it is the act of a coward.

Elder Bai Xian said: "You are a character. If you are willing to serve our empire, the old man can guarantee that you will have an extraordinary position in the empire."

Luo Feng said: "Excess nonsense, needless to say, the two demon seeds are already in my hands. Now it seems that you have also taken two demon seeds. If you want the rest, then take it by your ability! "

"It's so arrogant!" The City Lord Fufeng was furious, and said: "Let me learn your skills!"

Fufeng is about to do it, but Elder Bai Xian blocked Fufeng and said: "You people, none of them are his opponents. Let me come!"

After he finished speaking, he made a bold move.

Elder Bai Xian raised his hand, and a terrifying mixed hole appeared directly in his hand, but the mixed hole was like tiny human eyeballs, all condensed into one point.

Then, Elder Bai Xian patted Luo Feng's eyebrows.

Seems ordinary, but fast as thunder.

Luo Feng immediately sacrificed the magic weapon, his newly acquired Heavenly Demon Sword!

His Absolute Immortal Sword had previously fought against Ming Jiaolong, and Ming Jiaolong turned into a beast and swallowed it.

Later, Luo Feng traveled in the universe and got this Heavenly Demon Sword by chance.

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