My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 3209: Difficult, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

"At least not now, not here," Ya Zhenyuan said. She said again: "You should understand that your family is here, how will she feel when she knows the truth? Does she think she is an illegitimate daughter? What will your family think of her? How will outsiders think of her?"

Chen Yang knew this was the problem, and he said, "I..."

"Do you want Ming Media to marry me?" Ya Zhenyuan suddenly sneered.

Chen Yang said: "I should give you this status, for Xiao Luo!"

Ya Zhenyuan said, "You have a dream. In short, I will tell Xiao Luo if I have a chance in the future. But now, I ask you to say nothing. There is no possibility between me and you. It was an accident. ..."

Chen Yang's thinking is still biased towards tradition. He doesn't like Ya Zhenyuan, he just thinks that she has given birth to a child. No matter how to take this responsibility.

Ya Zhenyuan then said: "This is my last bottom line, I can't say it now."

Chen Yang smiled bitterly and said, "I respect your opinion, but in this world, no one knows that day, we will be gone. If it is true, we will not be able to recognize each other when we die. Luo, it's all too cruel." He sighed after he said, "I will contact Xiao Luo as an ordinary person. It's always possible, right?"

Ya Zhenyuan couldn't refuse Chen Yang, and she was afraid that Chen Yang would do something excessive, so she finally nodded.

Chen Yang then left.

Then, Chen Yang left the One Yuan Zhou and returned to the Hou Mansion.

In the bedroom, Chen Yang told Shen Mo Nong about Yaluo.

After hearing this, Shen Mo Nong was very surprised.

But it soon calmed down, and she didn't have much anger. She also knew what happened back then, but now that it has become like this, she can only accept it.

After all, it is not an ordinary family.

Husband has a daughter outside, how furious.

Shen Mo Nong has long been used to it, and she is also ready to welcome Ling'er's child, Qiao Ning's child. Now there is only one more child, and she can certainly accept it.

At this age, Shen Mo Nong was no longer just talking about love.

She asked Chen Yang: "What are you going to do? What do you want me to do?"

Chen Yang said, "I didn't want you to do anything, I just wanted to tell you. Because you should also have the right to know, Nianci and I have already said this. Ya Zhenyuan doesn't want me to disturb their peace."

Shen Mo Nong said: "But as Yaluo, she should know who her father is. Ya Zhenyuan can't make the decision either."

Chen Yang said: "The timing is really not right now. There are a lot of clues. This matter, let's put it aside. I have to talk to Mo Yu. Mo Yu is also our family. If you all know it, just hide it. With her alone, she doesn't feel very well in her heart."

Shen Mo Nong nodded, and said: "That's right!" She then said: "I have heard about the battle, it seems that we are not very optimistic."

Chen Yang also sighed and said, "Yeah, now it's the moment of life and death. Our chances of winning are very small. Next, the Spirit Venerable must attack other worlds. When his strength is assembled, we can't handle it. Up."

Shen Monong smiled and said: "Don't be too pessimistic. The group of people used to be unwilling to help. Now they are forced by the spirits to unite."

Chen Yang said: "This is true!"

He paused, then gently hugged Shen Mo Nong's waist, kissed her lips, and said, "Thank you for tolerating a lot of my absurdity. I hope that even if we have been married for decades, the child will be older . But we stay together because of love. I don’t know if these two words will appear ironic when I say them."

Shen Mo Nong also kissed Chen Yang back, then smiled, and said, "Don't be too sentimental. From the first day I decide to be with you, I know what route I chose."

Chen Yang's gratitude was suddenly overwhelming, and he carried Shen Mo Nong to the bed immediately.

Although time is urgent, sometimes this is also a kind of fun between husband and wife.

After a quick fight, they are satisfied with each other.

Chen Yang returned to the One Yuan Zhou once again.

He had a separate conversation with Mo Yu again this time.

It was also on that mountain, and talking to Mo Yu didn't have much scruples and trouble.

Chen Yang just told Mo Yu that Yaluo was his daughter. He also just learned...

Mo Yu wouldn't ask about the past, but she was really happy and said, "Goddaddy, you are now full of children."

Chen Yang smiled and said, "What is now? God is not happy to say that. You are also my daughter."

Mo Yu said, "Well, godfather, I know you care about my feelings. If I was a kid, I would still be left out in the cold. Not now!"

Chen Yang said: "Actually I am in the parallel world and I have a daughter. Unfortunately, the parallel world is so special that I can't even go to it."

Mo Yu comforted Chen Yang and said, "I must have a chance to go in the future."

Chen Yang said, "Hope!" He paused, and said, "For this matter, I only talk to you and Nianci, and Yaluo doesn't know. So, keep it secret first. But you are the most capable. Yes, so you know what I mean?"

Mo Yu nodded and said, "Don't worry."

Chen Yang smiled.

Next, Chen Yang wanted to get along with Yaluo.

However, Xuan Zhenghao couldn't wait any longer.

Xuan Zhenghao held another high-level meeting.

All masters above the creation realm must participate.

Moreover, it is in the One Yuan Rebirth Array.

When Chen Yang entered the battlefield, Suzhen in black had already arrived.

He glanced at Ya Zhenyuan in the distance, but in the end he sat cross-legged beside Suzhen in black.

Ya Zhenyuan also saw Chen Yang come in, but she quickly retracted her gaze, and then she didn't see anything.

Chen Yang wondered, how should he tell Black Clothes Suzhen about this matter?

Not to mention, can you just keep it secret?

And there is Linger.

These are all things that make him a headache.

He has always stood upright and has a clear conscience. But when facing her own women, she was always a little...well, unable to straighten her waist.

Black Suzhen did not say much to Chen Yang.

The two have always been in a good way of getting along, and there is no need to deliberately say anything, they are very close.

Na Xuan Zhenghao was in the center of the formation. He first said: "Everyone, what is going on right now, everyone should be very clear. Now, we are both prosperous and all damaged. Once the world is broken, you may still have a way to survive, but presumably I Xuan Zhenghao, it is difficult to survive."

"Emperor Xuan, why bother to say this now." Yuhuamen's five-level creation master, Xiao Ling's apprentice Xiao Fan, said, "We people, of course, have our own plans in our hearts. But if the earth falls, We won’t be willing to be the running dogs of the Spirit Venerable. What's the point of living so protractedly. Just say, what should we do next."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Okay, happy!"

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